858 resultados para VENTAJA COMPARATIVA
With an increasing number of mature fields, heavy oil recovery has performed one of the great challenges of the oil industry. The Brazilian Northeast, for example, has numerous heavy oil reservoirs are explored with the use of thermal methods. Among the types of methods used for heavy oil, there is the method of in-situ combustion, a technique in which heat is produced within the container, unlike the injection of heated fluid when the heat is generated at the surface and transported to the reservoir. In this type of process, it is common to use vertical wells as injectors and producers. However, methods which use horizontal wells like oil producers are increasingly studied because of greater contact area between the formation and combustion front. Thus, the main objective of this work was to study the different configurations of wells (CIS THAITM and CAGD) in the process of in-situ combustion in oil recovery using a semi-synthetic tank with Brazilian Northeast features. The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells such as oil producers, keeping vertical injection wells for injecting air. The oil drain process by differential gravitational assisted with combustion (CAGD) is an integrated, in this configuration the horizontal injector well is drilled at the top formation with a horizontal production well in the lower section. The simulations were performed in a commercial program of thermal processes, called "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), the company CMG (Computer Modelling Group). An analysis of the air flow injection was performed and it was found that each method had a maximum injection to the base model, a show that through this air injection limit was reduced cumulative production of oil. Analyses of operating parameters were used: injection flow, configuration and completion of wells. In the sensitivity analysis we found that the air injection flow showed greater influence on THAI method, since the CIS method the completion of the wells was the most influential parameter and CAGD configuration wells showed the greatest influence in the recovered fraction. The economic results have shown that the best case obtained in CAGD method because, despite having higher initial cost showed the best financial return compared to the best cases the CIS and THAI.
In a highly connected society, avid for information and technological innovations, constantly changing the consumption patterns, the brand management strategy occupies a growing place. Allied with the increased competition among companies, the brand that can differentiate in consumers’ minds becomes strong. This aspect is even more important in the service industry, where the consumer experience, the definition and support of the brand’s values are vital to the continued strength of both your identity and image. These aspects are seen as a process of communication in which the way the image is developed in the minds of consumers comes from how identity is constructed and transmitted to them (DE CHERNATONY; DRURY; SEGAL-HORN, 2004). Considering the dynamic and complex scenario, this study aims to identify and analyze the possible convergences or divergences between the identity built by the organization and the brand image perceived by consumers of a telecommunications services company. To achieve this objective, the model proposed by De Chernatony, Drury and Segal-Horn (2004) was used as a theoretical basis, which addresses the transformation of identity in brand image, specifically under the perspective of Pontes (2009). For him, customers are more motivated to buy and consume products that they believe that take a complementary image that they have of themselves, and proposes the existence of multiple selves: the perceived, which refers to the employees and the organization’s management opinions on the brand; the ideal, which deals with effective brand identity thought by its leaders, the vision of what it should be; social, which shows how managers think that consumers see it; the apparent, formed by the image of the brand by customers; and finally the real self, that would be an integrated composite of all of these visions. In this regard, a case study was made in a telecommunications company with regional actions, from a qualitative and quantitative approach. It was identified the company’s vision through semi-structured interviews with marketing managers and analysis of documents related to the brand strategy. The point of view of consumers was addressed for text mining techniques applied to internal unstructured data coming from the collection of posts made on Facebook and Twitter, related to the brand, and customer interaction with the company through these social networks. The results showed the importance of the concepts of identity and brand image, and how they are interrelated. Moreover, the qualitative analysis it was shown that the vision of marketing executives is quite close and in line with the Brand Book, showing that there is a cohesive and well disseminated speech internally in the organization. On the other hand, when evaluating the customer's point of view there was no specific comments on the brand, and it was not possible to identify the evaluation of Algar Telecom image by consumers. Nevertheless, other relevant aspects could be identified for the consolidation of the brand identity, as the occurrence of a number of complaints, especially regarding the internet as well as the concern of customers for the quality of the provision of services.
Background: Several theories, such as the biological width formation, the inflammatory reactions due to the implant-abutment microgap contamination, and the periimplant stress/strain concentration causing bone microdamage accumulation, have been suggested to explain early periimplant bone loss. However, it is yet not well understood to which extent the implant-abutment connection type may influence the remodeling process around dental implants. Aim: to evaluate clinical, bacteriological, and biomechanical parameters related to periimplant bone loss at the crestal region, comparing external hexagon (EH) and Morse-taper (MT) connections. Materials and methods: Twelve patients with totally edentulous mandibles received four custom made Ø 3.8 x 13 mm implants in the interforaminal region of the mandible, with the same design, but different prosthetic connections (two of them EH or MT, randomly placed based on a split-mouth design), and a immediate implant- supported prosthesis. Clinical parameters (periimplant probing pocket depth, modified gingival index and mucosal thickness) were evaluated at 6 sites around the implants, at a 12 month follow-up. The distance from the top of the implant to the first bone-to-implant contact – IT-FBIC was evaluated on standardized digital peri-apical radiographs acquired at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up. Samples of the subgingival microbiota were collected 1, 3 and 6 months after implant loading. DNA were extracted and used for the quantification of Tanerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggragatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Comparison among multiple periods of observation were performed using repeated-measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by a Tukey post-hoc test, while two-period based comparisons were made using paired t- test. Further, 36 computer-tomographic based finite element (FE) models were accomplished, simulating each patient in 3 loading conditions. The results for the peak EQV strain in periimplant bone were interpreted by means of a general linear model (ANOVA). Results: The variation in periimplant bone loss assessed by means of radiographs was significantly different between the connection types (P<0.001). Mean IT-FBIC was 1.17±0.44 mm for EH, and 0.17±0.54 mm for MT, considering all evaluated time periods. All clinical parameters presented not significant differences. No significant microbiological differences could be observed between both connection types. Most of the collected samples had very few pathogens, meaning that these regions were healthy from a microbiological point of view. In FE analysis, a significantly higher peak of EQV strain (P=0.005) was found for EH (mean 3438.65 µ∑) compared to MT (mean 840.98 µ∑) connection. Conclusions: Varying implant-abutment connection type will result in diverse periimplant bone remodeling, regardless of clinical and microbiological conditions. This fact is more likely attributed to the singular loading transmission through different implant-abutment connections to the periimplant bone. The present findings suggest that Morse-taper connection is more efficient to prevent periimplant bone loss, compared to an external hexagon connection.
Relaciones interétnicas en el Fuerte San José (Patagonia, siglo XVIII). Una aproximación comparativa
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar la primera aproximación a las relaciones interétnicas en el escenario del Fuerte San José y el Puesto de la Fuente, desde una perspectiva histórica y arqueológica. En particular, presentaremos los primeros resultados de las investigaciones históricas respecto de la problemática mencionada, sobre la base de información inédita analizada hasta el momento. Para ello nos centraremos en los primeros diez años de vida en el Fuerte (1779-1789) y estableceremos una comparación con los otros dos asentamientos que formaron parte del plan de poblamiento español de las costa patagónica (siglo XVIII): el Fuerte Nuestra Señora del Carmen y la Nueva Colonia de Floridablanca, a los efectos de destacar la particularidad del Fuerte San José en el marco de la variabilidad de la estructuración de las relaciones interétnicas en las colonias patagónicas.
As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras têm passado por grandes desafios devido ao aumento da concorrência. Paralelamente, no campo da Administração, um tema que tem sido estudado de forma recorrente são os modelos de avaliação organizacional. Nesse contexto, foi realizada uma pesquisa com o objetivo de identificar e comparar os principais métodos e indicadores de avaliação de desempenho organizacional desenvolvidos na literatura e sua forma de utilização nas IES da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo – RMSP. Com base em análise sistematizada da bibliografia consultada foram identificados 19 modelos de avaliação de desempenho, resumindo-se suas principais características, pontos fortes e fracos. Realizou-se, adicionalmente, uma análise comparativa destes modelos com base na consideração de 18 aspectos classificados em 5 grupos: clientes e mercado; econômico-financeiros; gestão e organização; recursos humanos; e sociedade em geral. Por meio de «survey» junto aos gestores de 14 significativas IES foram identificados seus formatos e indicadores de avaliação de desempenho organizacional constatando-se que a maioria realiza avaliação de desempenho por meio de modelos, sendo o «The Balanced Scorecard» o mais utilizado. Entre os 19 indicadores de desempenho pesquisados, os quatro utilizados com mais frequência e também considerados de maior importância pelas IES são os relacionados: à demanda por ensino; aos clientes, ou alunos; à qualidade e eficiência dos processos; e a aspectos econômico-financeiros. É possível levantar a hipótese de que a importância dos dois primeiros deve-se ao fato de serem relevantes direcionadores de receita, a do terceiro, ser direcionador de custo, e a do quarto, ser a síntese dos resultados.
Nas últimas décadas vêm-se ocorrendo de forma repetida altos índices de abstenção eleitoral, na democracia Cabo-Verdiana. Esta descida dos níveis de participação demonstra um crescente desinteresse dos cidadãos pelo sistema político, que não só coloca em causa a legitimidade das instituições políticas saídas dos processos eleitorais, como também ameaça tanto o partido no poder, assim como, os partidos da oposição, pois, reflete uma negação não só a um partido, como também ao próprio sistema político. Este trabalho analisa comparativamente os motivos da abstenção nos círculos eleitorais, nas ilhas de Santo Antão e São Vicente. Ao longo do trabalho podemos constatar que apesar dos eleitores se interessarem pouco pelos assuntos ligados a política, não implica que deixam de exercem o seu direito do voto. Ainda podemos perceber que o fator socio-demográfico é considerado como um dos motivos da abstenção eleitoral, nomeadamente na ilha de Santo Antão tendo em conta o meio geográfico.
ALVES, Janaína da Silva. Análise comparativa e teste empírico da validade dos modelos CAPM tradicional e condicional: o caso das ações da Petrobrás. Revista Ciências Administrativas, Fotaleza, v. 13, n. 1, p.147-157, ago. 2007.
Durante l’esecuzione di prove al banco su motori a combustione interna vengono acquisiti dati contenenti le caratteristiche del motore testato al regime di funzionamento scelto, sotto l’azione di alcuni o numerosi parametri variabili in base ai risultati che si vogliono ottenere dalla prova stessa ed in determinate condizioni ambientali. Per questo motivo è di fondamentale importanza disporre di uno strumento che consenta una rapida, ma allo stesso tempo precisa e quanto più possibile completa visualizzazione ed elaborazione di tali dati. A tale scopo con questo elaborato si vogliono valutare diverse soluzioni, in termini di software, per l’analisi di dati sperimentali, con particolare attenzione rivolta agli ambienti NI LabVIEW, The MathWorks MATLAB e NI DIAdem, e ad alcuni strumenti attualmente in uso, cercando sempre il giusto compromesso tra necessità riscontrate in ambito visualizzazione ed analisi dati ed il contenimento dei costi. Vengono, in seguito, esposte le motivazioni che hanno portato alla scelta di DIAdem per implementare le procedure di post-elaborazione dei dati.
L'elaborato descrive le capacità di vari software di aerofotogrammetria testati con relativa comparazione dei risultati, descrizione degli errori, caratterizzazione delle ottiche delle camera da presa utilizzate. All'inizio dell'elaborato è fornita un'introduzione teorica degli aspetti fondamentali dell'aerofotogrammetria.
In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati affrontati argomenti relativi ai due principali sistemi di allevamento avicolo nel territorio nazionale; l’allevamento effettuato con sistema intensivo e quello attuato con sistema alternativo. Questi due tipi di sistemi sono stati messi a confronto. Inizialmente sono state riportate informazioni sulle attuali normative comunitarie che regolano il commercio e la produzione della carne avicola; di seguito sono stati riportati dati statistici riguardanti la produzione e la commercializzazione di questo prodotto sia a livello nazionale, che a livello globale. Per ognuno dei due tipi di allevamento sono stati approfonditi aspetti riguardanti le caratteristiche qualitative della carne avicola, in particolare riferimenti sulla composizione chimica, sul valore nutritivo e sugli indici di qualità. Sono state prese in esame anche le caratteristiche proprie di ogni tipo di allevamento, come la tecnica e la gestione d’allevamento, e per ognuno di essi sono state riportate le principali differenze che caratterizzano questi due diversi sistemi di allevamento. Successivamente per ognuno dei due sistemi, sono state riportate le principali problematiche igienico-sanitarie, fra cui diverse patologie, tecnopatie, e parassitosi riscontrate sia in fase di allevamento, che in fase di macellazione e commercializzazione. Infine è stata fatta un’analisi comparativa nella quale sono stati messi a confronto i due sistemi di allevamento e nella quale sono stati riportati i metodi e i suggerimenti di riduzione del rischio microbiologico e sanitario in fase di allevamento e di macellazione.
En este artículo se presenta la importancia de la estrategia, de la estructura y de las formas de asociación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas colombianas (Pymes) como fuentes de ventajas competitivas en el entorno internacional. El artículo finaliza con unas conclusiones y recomednaciones sobre ventajas competitivas para que las Pymes colombianas puedan multiplicar de manera significativa las exportaciones no tradicionales en los próximos años.