820 resultados para Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, Appraisal, Environmental Benchmarks, Market Value


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The markets of biomass for energy are developing rapidly and becoming more international. A remarkable increase in the use of biomass for energy needs parallel and positive development in several areas, and there will be plenty of challenges to overcome. The main objective of the study was to clarify the alternative future scenarios for the international biomass market until the year 2020, and based on the scenario process, to identify underlying steps needed towards the vital working and sustainable biomass market for energy purposes. Two scenario processes were conducted for this study. The first was carried out with a group of Finnish experts and thesecond involved an international group. A heuristic, semi-structured approach, including the use of preliminary questionnaires as well as manual and computerised group support systems (GSS), was applied in the scenario processes.The scenario processes reinforced the picture of the future of international biomass and bioenergy markets as a complex and multi-layer subject. The scenarios estimated that the biomass market will develop and grow rapidly as well as diversify in the future. The results of the scenario process also opened up new discussion and provided new information and collective views of experts for the purposes of policy makers. An overall view resulting from this scenario analysis are the enormous opportunities relating to the utilisation of biomass as a resource for global energy use in the coming decades. The scenario analysis shows the key issues in the field: global economic growth including the growing need for energy, environmental forces in the global evolution, possibilities of technological development to solve global problems, capabilities of the international community to find solutions for global issues and the complex interdependencies of all these driving forces. The results of the scenario processes provide a starting point for further research analysing the technological and commercial aspects related the scenarios and foreseeing the scales and directions of biomass streams.


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Suomessa sähkönjakeluverkkoyhtiöt toimivat verkkovastuualueillaan yksinoikeudella. Verkkovastuualuiden ominaispiirteet voivat olla hyvin erilaiset. Energiamarkkinavirasto valvoo sähkömarkkinalainsäädännön noudattamista jakeluverkkotoiminnassa. Jakeluverkonhaltijat on velvoitettu Energiamarkkinaviraston valvontamallin kautta määrittämään tiettyjen rajoitusten mukaisesti verkkokomponenteillensa sopivimmat teknistaloudelliset pitoajat. Nämä pitoajat vaikuttavat varsinkin verkkoyhtiön tuottomahdollisuuksiin ja asiakkaiden siirtohintoihin. Lisäksi huomioon on otettava jaettavan sähkön laatu, verkon käyttövarmuus sekä vaikutukset ympäristöön ja turvallisuuteen. Pitoaikojen matemaattinen mallintaminen on usein monimutkaista. Teknistaloudellinen pitoaika valitaankin monesti kokemuksen ja harkinnan perusteella. Tärkeimmät reunaehdot jakeluverkkokomponenttien teknistaloudellisten pitoaikojen valinnalle muodostavat verkkovastuualueen sähkönkulutuksen kasvun sekä infrastruktuurin muutoksen nopeudet. Hitaan muutoksen alueilla verkkokomponenttien teknistaloudelliset pitoajat lähenevät teknisiä pitoaikoja, joihin vaikuttavat voimakkaasti verkkovastuualueen maantieteelliset ja ilmastolliset ominaispiirteet. Yhtiöittäin vaihtelevat verkon rakennus- ja ylläpitomenetelmät tulee myös huomioida. Tässä diplomityössä keskitytään pääosin sähkönjakeluverkon komponenttien teknistaloudelliseen pitoaikaan verkon ja verkkovastuualueen ominaispiirteiden kautta. Aluksi määritellään jakeluverkon pitoaika usealla eri tavalla, sekä selvitetään pitoajan merkitystä nykytilanteessa. Lisäksi työn alkuosassa esitellään Energiamarkkinaviraston vuoden 2005 alusta käyttöönotettu jakeluverkkotoiminnan hinnoittelun kohtuullisuuden valvontamalli ja käydään läpi teknistaloudellisen pitoajan merkitys siinä. Sen jälkeen tarkastellaan jakeluverkkokomponenttien ja niiden osien tekniseen pitoaikaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Erityisesti puupylväisiin ja niihin liittyviin ajankohtaisiin asioihin kiinnitetään huomiota, koska puupylväät määräävät monesti koko ilmajohtorakenteen uusimisajankohdan. Lisäksi suolakyllästeiselle puupylväälle esitetään yleinen rappeutumismalli ja jakelumuuntajan rappeutumistapahtumaa tutkitaan. Lopuksi tarkastellaan Graninge Kainuu Oy:tä jakeluverkonhaltijana sekä määritetään sen verkkovastuualueelle ominaisia komponenttien teknisiä ja teknistaloudellisia pitoaikoja haastattelujen, tuoreimpien lähteiden, tutkimustulosten, vertailun ja harkinnan avulla.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää erilaisia jatkojalostusmahdollisuuksia, joilla voidaan nostaa suuren mäntysahan tuotteiston arvoa. Lisäksi tuli tarkastella jalostuksen integrointia sahan tuotantoprosessiin. Työn taustalla on toisaalta puutuotemarkkinoiden muuttuminen ja toisaalta raaka-aineen laadullinen huononeminen. Molemmat seikat vaikuttavat negatiivisesti perinteisen mäntysahan kannattavuuteen .Jatkojalostuksen integroinnilla sahatavaraprosessiin saavutetaan säästöjä tuotantokustannuksissa, kun tarkastellaan koko prosessia tukista jatkojalosteeksi. Myös raaka-aineen tuottavuutta voidaan nostaa integraation avulla. Jatkojalostus voidaan integroida sahatavaraprosessiin raaka-aineen valikoinnilla sahatavaraprosessin eri osissa, on-line –jalostuksella sekä taloudellisesti. Sahatavaraprosessissa tapahtuva raaka-aineen valikointi voidaan suorittaa tukeista ja sahatavarasta. Valikointikriteerinä voi olla puun ominaisuudet, sahatavaran mitat ja laatu. Valikointiin voidaan nykyteknologiasta hyödyntää röntgentekniikkaa sekä konenäköä. On-line –jalostus tarkoittaa kiinteästi sahatavaraprosessiin liittyvää jalostusta, jolloin ns. turhia prosessivaiheita jää pois ja syntyy säästöjä. On-line –jalostuksen edellytys on raaka-aineen jonkin asteinen valikointi, esim. pituus. Taloudellisesti integroitu jalostus tarkoittaa, että jalostuslaitoksella pyritään nollatulokseen ja jalostuksen lisäarvo palautetaan sahan toimittamaan raaka-aineen hintaan. Tällainen toiminta yhtiön sisällä poistaa turhaa keskustelua raaka-aineen siirtohinnoista ja siten vapauttaa osaltaan resursseja tuottavampaan toimintaan. Erilaisten jatkojalostusmuotojen ja puun ominaisuuksien hyödyntämisen seulonnan perusteella löytyi yksi jalostusmuoto, jolla voidaan kohottaa mäntysahan tuotteiston arvoa. Työn tuloksena syntyi investointiehdotus aihiotankotuotannosta ikkunateollisuuden tarpeisiin. Raaka-aineen hyödynnettäviä ominaisuuksia ovat männyn sydänpuun luonnollinen kestävyys sekä keskimääräinen oksaväli. Valikointi tehdään välitukeista, joiden sahaamisen kannattavuus on männyn rungon osista heikoin. Aihiotankoprosessissa hyödynnetään konenäköä ja sormijatkostekniikkaa. Jatkojalostuksen integrointi sahatavaraprosessiin toteutetaan rakentamalla on-line –jalostuslaitos sekä soveltamalla röntgentekniikkaa raaka-aineen valinnassa.


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En este trabajo se presenta un análisis descriptivo de la responsabilidad social corporativa, en el área medioambiental. En concreto, se estudia la información medioambiental que detallan las empresas en su Memoria normal de las cuentas anuales en relación con la que regula el PGC07. También analizamos si las empresas que siguen fielmente el PGC07 son las que más certificados medioambientales y Memorias de sostenibilidad presentan. Hemos escogido como muestra un conjunto de empresas de determinados sectores de actividad del mercado continuo español en el ejercicio 2008. Los resultados alcanzados nos permiten concluir que las empresas que tienen alguna certificación medioambiental son las que presentan más información medioambiental en su Memoria contable avalando el cambio que se está produciendo en la cultura empresarial.


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Objective of this work was to clarify the competitive situation of Russian mobile telecommunications market: who are the main players, are there many regional operators, what is the possibility of new entrants and how intensive is the competition. In the beginning the history of Russian mobile telecommunications sector is described. In the next chapter environmental factors of the market are examined with the help of PESTEL analysis. After that, players of the market are introduced to ease the following of next chapters. The main theory for this work was industry analysis of five competitive forces by Michael Porter, which is presented before the theory related industry analysis of Russian mobile telecommunications industry. Research for the industry analysis is mainly based on up-to-date articles describing Russian market. As a result of the industry analysis, competitive situation of Russian mobile telecommunications industry and the future prospects are described with the help of factors coming from the PESTEL-analysis. Finally development and future prospects for Russian 3G are reported. As a result of this work, it can be said that Russian mobile telecommunications market is not likely to maintain the growth of previous years, because the market is near saturation. According to passive SIM-cards it has already received saturated. The saturation will also make the market share game between operators more volatile. The market is dominated by three national operators that covered 88% of the income in the first half of 2007. In addition to these three, there are also several regional operators. Structure of the market is likely to consolidate.


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The research described in this thesis examines the characteristics, the benefits and the challenges associated with the implementation of management accounting systems in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Applied to the CSR context, management accounting relates to the identification, elaboration and communication of information about an organization's interactions with the society and the environment. Based on this information, firms are able to make decisions to achieve social and environmental objectives and provide evidence justifying the benefits and the costs of such actions. The study begins by focusing on green management and exploring the characteristics of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) systems within firms. The first chapter informs the reader about the growing body of EMA research and reveals unexplored relevant aspects that need to be further investigated. The work also emphasizes the importance of developing new theoretical hypotheses and appropriate research designs to empirically tackle new aspects of EMA and gain understanding on the use of these practices. Subsequently, given the acknowledged importance of control systems in influencing the behaviour of individuals within organizations, the remaining two chapters of the dissertation focus on the functioning of CSR-linked incentives assigned to employees in the form of compensation plans. The second chapter examines the determinants influencing corporate provision of incentives for the attainment of environmental targets. Empirical analysis of a sample of international firms reveals that companies are likely to use green incentives as mechanisms to increase the efficacy in contracting with their employees as well as to respond to social influences. Finally, the third chapter investigates the effectiveness of contracting associated with the use of CSR-linked executive compensation. Empirical analysis of a sample of US-based companies shows that corporate choice to tie senior executives' pay to CSR targets promotes the firm's CSR performance. Cette thèse examine les caractéristiques, avantages et défis associés à l'utilisation des systèmes de contrôle de gestion dans le domaine de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE). Dans le contexte de la RSE, les activités du contrôle de gestion impliquent l'identification, l'élaboration et la communication d'informations qui concernent les interactions des organisations avec la société et l'environnement. Avec ces informations les entreprises sont en mesure de prendre des décisions visant à atteindre les objectifs sociaux et environnementaux de l'organisation et de documenter les bénéfices et coûts de ces actions. Dès le début, la thèse se concentre sur les caractéristiques des systèmes de contrôle de gestion environnementale au sein des entreprises. Le premier chapitre passe en revue la littérature existante et révèle des aspects inexplorés. Pour ce faire, le travail suggère le développement de nouvelles théories ainsi que l'utilisation de méthodes appropriées. Ces dernières doivent permettre d'aborder empiriquement de nouveaux aspects des systèmes de contrôle environnemental et faciliter la compréhension sur l'utilisation de ces pratiques. Considérant l'importance des systèmes de contrôle pour influencer le comportement des individus au sein des organisations, la suite du travail se concentre sur le fonctionnement des contrats de rémunération des employées liées aux résultats de la RSE. Plus particulièrement, le deuxième chapitre examine les facteurs qui influencent la décision des entreprises d'assigner des objectifs environnementaux aux employées. L'analyse empirique d'un échantillon d'entreprises internationales montre que les entreprises sont susceptibles d'utiliser des mécanismes incitatifs écologiques pour augmenter l'efficacité des contrats ainsi que pour répondre aux influences sociales. Finalement, le troisième chapitre analyse l'efficacité des contrats de rémunération des dirigeants liés aux résultats de la RSE. L'analyse empirique d'un échantillon de sociétés américaines indique que le choix de l'entreprise de lier la rémunération des dirigeants à des objectifs de la RSE favorise la performance RSE de l'organisation.


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The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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This work describes the formation of transformation products (TPs) by the enzymatic degradation at laboratory scale of two highly consumed antibiotics: tetracycline (Tc) and erythromycin (ERY). The analysis of the samples was carried out by a fast and simple method based on the novel configuration of the on-line turbulent flow system coupled to a hybrid linear ion trap – high resolution mass spectrometer. The method was optimized and validated for the complete analysis of ERY, Tc and their transformation products within 10 min without any other sample manipulation. Furthermore, the applicability of the on-line procedure was evaluated for 25 additional antibiotics, covering a wide range of chemical classes in different environmental waters with satisfactory quality parameters. Degradation rates obtained for Tc by laccase enzyme and ERY by EreB esterase enzyme without the presence of mediators were ∼78% and ∼50%, respectively. Concerning the identification of TPs, three suspected compounds for Tc and five of ERY have been proposed. In the case of Tc, the tentative molecular formulas with errors mass within 2 ppm have been based on the hypothesis of dehydroxylation, (bi)demethylation and oxidation of the rings A and C as major reactions. In contrast, the major TP detected for ERY has been identified as the “dehydration ERY-A”, with the same molecular formula of its parent compound. In addition, the evaluation of the antibiotic activity of the samples along the enzymatic treatments showed a decrease around 100% in both cases


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The government of Catalonia has developed a planning framework that seeks to establish the provision of cultural facilities throughout the country. The Cultural Facilities Plan of Catalonia (PECCAT) is based on an analysis of historical gaps and establishes a minimum spatial scheme. The plan responds to problems associated with the absence of a former similar instrument, which has led to an inconsistent and inappropriate cultural infrastructure that fails to fulfill its fundamental mission of securing the cultural rights of the population. The paper sets forth the aims of this policy and describes the objectives and basic characteristics of the plan and the expected outcomes. With the plan, the government of Catalonia seeks to rebalance the infrastructure within the territory and to ensure universal access to basic cultural services, while avoiding a logic of standardization and taking local communities into account. With the development of local plans in the municipalities, local governments encourage community participation processes to adapt and decide on priorities for action based on needs assessments and cultural opportunities for local sustainable development. The local plans focus on local cultural strengths, take advantage of opportunities, and aim to realize the cultural dynamics of a place through establishing an infrastructure that can best respond to the needs and cultural demands of the local communities, taking into account economic, social, and environmental sustainability.


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The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is the combination of at least three antiretroviral compounds. The combination purpose is to reduce the likelihood of drug resistance. However in the long-term the resistance to the first-line combination occurs and leads to treatment failure. Thus, a second-line and even a third-line regimen are recommended in the long run. [...] [P. 5] The two treatment alternatives under comparison: Tenofovir (300 mg) CO-formulated with Emtricitabine (200 mg) and Efavirenz (600 mg) currently known under the brand name Atripla (R) was introduced in July 2006 in the United States market. The excellent safety profile and ease of use make this combination a perfect first-line regimen in low-income settings. Therefore, this treatment option was recommended in WHO 2006 reviewed guidelines. Unfortunately, Tenofovir and Emtricitabine compounds are still costly and not yet widely available. For a matter of simplification this regimen is referred in this report as "the recent" therapy. Initially, we had in mind to consider the most frequently used first-line regimen in low-income countries (Stavudine / Larnivudme / Nevirapine) as a comparator for this economic evaluation. Unfortunately, according to the literature review results (see Annex 3); there was no data available comparing head to head the effectiveness of this regimen with the recent one. Instead, we selected a less frequently but commonly used first-line regimen in low-income countries as a comparator: Zidovudine, Lamivudine, Efavirenz. This combination has extensive experience in durability, safety and toxicity and seems to be an optimal choice for a first-line regimen according to the clinical trial group 384 team. Furthermore, Zidovudine, one of the compounds of this combination is now recommended as one of the preferred NNRTI [Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors] options to be considered by countries instead of Stavudine (the most used NNRTI in limited-income countries). As this combination has been included in the WHO guidelines as a first-line therapy since 2003 when WHO launched the "3 by 5" scaling-up initiative, this combination of drugs is referred in this report as the "old" therapy. Objectives: The primary objective of this economic evaluation is to compare the two first-line HAARTs introduced above, in a low-income setting context. Both of these combinations are recommended by the 2006 WHO guidelines as potential first-line regimens. The secondary objective is to provide a simplified and comprehensible cost-effectiveness modeling tool in order to help policy makers, in resource-limited settings, make decisions about which first-line HAART to fund using the scarce resources available. [P. 6-7]


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The objective of this study was to examine how the customers of Larox Flowsys value environmental issues and how environmental issues affect their purchasing behaviour. A comparison between Larox peristaltic pumps and competing pump brands and types was also made in order to find out whether LPP pumps possess some more environmentally beneficial features that other pumps do not have. Finally, if the answers to the first two research questions show that a need for a new marketing message does exist, then the final stage is to select the most appropriate environmental arguments for Larox Flowsys. The empirical data in the study was collected from several different sources, but the main sources were the customer interviews and the outsourced market research. The data was analysed mainly by using content analysis, but theme formation and quantification were also utilized. The results showed that the customers do not consider environmental issues as a main purchasing criterion, but they may well be the criterion that differentiates the product from competing ones. The comparison proved that LPP pumps do possess some significant environmental benefits over competing pumps and therefore, the prerequisite for the use of environmental arguments exists. The final stage in the study was to select the proper environmental arguments for Larox Flowsys.


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The goal of the present work was to describe the wood fuel market of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, to estimate wood fuel potential and to research opportunities of wood fuel trading. Nowadays the wood waste, wood residues and by-products are becoming more and more potential raw materials for energy production. Against the background of unstable prices of traditional energy sources and environmental degradation, European States are planning to get 12% of energy from alternative sources already in 2010. Wastes of wood-working and agricultural productions are such sources. At present time the most popular wood biofuels are wood pellets, briquettes, wood chips and logs. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a rather big potential of wood fuel resources. But wood fuels markets of these countries are on the entry level and quite disorganized. There is almost no domestic usage of wood biofuel. All produced pellets, briquettes as well as wood chips and logs go to the export, but the volumes are not high at present time. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a very suitable geographical location. The most promising directions of wood fuel trading are developed wood fuel markets of Northern countries, Austria, Germany as well as actively developing markets of Poland and Hungary. At the long distance truck and sea transportation are the most appropriate. At a short distance cheap transportation by rail is more suitable. Thereby export is a potential opportunity for development of wood fuel production and in the future for usage in the researched countries.