951 resultados para StartUp,Entrepreneur,Minor,Design Thinking,PBMC,Agenda 2030,studente,consapevolezza,professione
This study explores a large set of OC and EC measurements in PM(10) and PM(2.5) aerosol samples, undertaken with a long term constant analytical methodology, to evaluate the capability of the OC/EC minimum ratio to represent the ratio between the OC and EC aerosol components resulting from fossil fuel combustion (OC(ff)/EC(ff)). The data set covers a wide geographical area in Europe, but with a particular focus upon Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, and includes a great variety of sites: urban (background, kerbside and tunnel), industrial, rural and remote. The highest minimum ratios were found in samples from remote and rural sites. Urban background sites have shown spatially and temporally consistent minimum ratios, of around 1.0 for PM(10) and 0.7 for PM(2.5).The consistency of results has suggested that the method could be used as a tool to derive the ratio between OC and EC from fossil fuel combustion and consequently to differentiate OC from primary and secondary sources. To explore this capability, OC and EC measurements were performed in a busy roadway tunnel in central Lisbon. The OC/EC ratio, which reflected the composition of vehicle combustion emissions, was in the range of 03-0.4. Ratios of OC/EC in roadside increment air (roadside minus urban background) in Birmingham, UK also lie within the range 03-0.4. Additional measurements were performed under heavy traffic conditions at two double kerbside sites located in the centre of Lisbon and Madrid. The OC/EC minimum ratios observed at both sites were found to be between those of the tunnel and those of urban background air, suggesting that minimum values commonly obtained for this parameter in open urban atmospheres over-predict the direct emissions of OC(ff) from road transport. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are explored. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One of the most difficult problems that face researchers experimenting with complex systems in real world applications is the Facility Layout Design Problem. It relies with the design and location of production lines, machinery and equipment, inventory storage and shipping facilities. In this work it is intended to address this problem through the use of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) technology. The use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) as optimisation technique in CLP environment is also an issue addressed. The approach aims the implementation of genetic algorithm operators following the CLP paradigm.
Designing electric installation projects, demands not only academic knowledge, but also other types of knowledge not easily acquired through traditional instructional methodologies. A lot of additional empirical knowledge is missing and so the academic instruction must be completed with different kinds of knowledge, such as real-life practical examples and simulations. On the other hand, the practical knowledge detained by the most experienced designers is not formalized in such a way that is easily transmitted. In order to overcome these difficulties present in the engineers formation, we are developing an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), for training and support concerning the development of electrical installation projects to be used by electrical engineers, technicians and students.
Urban Computing (UrC) provides users with the situation-proper information by considering context of users, devices, and social and physical environment in urban life. With social network services, UrC makes it possible for people with common interests to organize a virtual-society through exchange of context information among them. In these cases, people and personal devices are vulnerable to fake and misleading context information which is transferred from unauthorized and unauthenticated servers by attackers. So called smart devices which run automatically on some context events are more vulnerable if they are not prepared for attacks. In this paper, we illustrate some UrC service scenarios, and show important context information, possible threats, protection method, and secure context management for people.
Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística - Especialidade Teatro na Educação
OBJECTIVE: To extend an existing computer programme for the evaluation and design of shift schedules (BASS 3) by integrating workload as well as economic aspects. METHODS: The redesigned prototype BASS 4 includes a new module with a suitable and easily applicable screening method (EBA) for the assessment of the intensity of physical, emotional and cognitive workload components and their temporal patterns. Specified criterion functions based on these ratings allow for an adjustment of shift and rest duration according to the intensity of physical and mental workload. Furthermore, with regard to interactive effects both workload and temporal conditions, e.g. time of day, are taken into account. In a second new module, important economic aspects and criteria have been implemented. Different ergonomic solutions for scheduling problems can now also be evaluated with regard to their economic costs. RESULTS: The new version of the computer programme (BASS 4) can now simultaneously take into account numerous ergonomic, legal, agreed and economic criteria for the design and evaluation of working hours. CONCLUSIONS: BASS 4 can now be used as an instrument for the design and the evaluation of working hours with regard to legal, ergonomic and economic aspects at the shop floor as well as in administrative (e.g. health and safety inspection) and research problems.
Sendo os desperdícios “Waste” associados à atividade industrial em Portugal e nos mercados globais e os seus custos inerentes, uma das maiores preocupações a todos os níveis de gestão empresarial, a filosofia “Lean” nasce como ajuda e encaminhamento na solução desta problemática. O conceito “Lean”, no que se refere à indústria, desde sempre e até aos dias de hoje, tem uma enorme ênfase, com a adoção deste conceito.Verificam-se bons resultados ao nível da redução de custos, melhoria da qualidade geral dos artigos produzidos, no controlo da produção em geral e é uma poderosa ferramenta no estreitamento da relação entre os diferentes intervenientes da cadeia de valor de determinado produto, sobretudo com fornecedores e com clientes. Com “Lean Management” e “Glass Wall Management”, em ambientes onde as empresas mais avançadas estão a procurar melhorar a sua competitividade através de uma gestão transparente (“Glass Wall Management”), a partir da qual, “toda informação relevante é compartilhada de maneira a que todos entendam a situação”(Suzaki, K, 1993), ganha cada vez mais importância a existência de uma estrutura organizacional que permita esta transparência e a consequente maturidade das empresas. Neste trabalho foram descritos alguns processos de gestão transparente desenvolvidos nos últimos dois anos numa PME portuguesa, aprofundando o processo de gestão transparente vigente e as ferramentas que ajudam a empresa e que na sua globalidade poderão ser extrapoladas a outras PME Portuguesas de modo que a informação importante e relevante seja partilhada por todos os intervenientes na estrutura empresarial, sendo entendida e desenvolvida por todos através de Edições e Revisões aos documentos mais importantes da empresa. Neste estudo foram contactadas vinte e uma PME’S portuguesas de tipologia de produção MTO (Make to Order) do sector dos estofos/mobiliário, e solicitado o preenchimento de um Questionário, tendo como fim em vista, a verificação do uso desta metodologia “Glass Wall Management” à escala empresarial portuguesa e a interpretação do Conceito Geral “Lean” como filosofia de redução de materiais, tempos e custos.
Amorphous SiC tandem heterostructures are used to filter a specific band, in the visible range. Experimental and simulated results are compared to validate the use of SiC multilayered structures in applications where gain compensation is needed or to attenuate unwanted wavelengths. Spectral response data acquired under different frequencies, optical wavelength control and side irradiations are analyzed. Transfer function characteristics are discussed. Color pulsed communication channels are transmitted together and the output signal analyzed under different background conditions. Results show that under controlled wavelength backgrounds, the device sensitivity is enhanced in a precise wavelength range and quenched in the others, tuning or suppressing a specific band. Depending on the background wavelength and irradiation side, the device acts either as a long-, a short-, or a band-rejection pass filter. An optoelectronic model supports the experimental results and gives insight on the physics of the device.
This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
MultiBand OFDM (MB-OFDM) UWB [1] is a short-range promising wireless technology for high data rate communications up to 480 Mbps. In this paper, we have designed and implemented in an Virtex-6 FPGA an MB-OFDM UWB receiver for the highest data rate of 480 Mbps. To test the system, we have also implemented an MB-OFDM transmitter and an AWGN generator in VHDL and determined the bit error rates at the receiver running in an FPGA.
Mestrado em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré – Escolar e nos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are nowadays one of the hottest topics in coding theory, notably due to their advantages in terms of bit error rate performance and low complexity. In order to exploit the potential of the Wyner-Ziv coding paradigm, practical distributed video coding (DVC) schemes should use powerful error correcting codes with near-capacity performance. In this paper, new ways to design LDPC codes for the DVC paradigm are proposed and studied. The new LDPC solutions rely on merging parity-check nodes, which corresponds to reduce the number of rows in the parity-check matrix. This allows to change gracefully the compression ratio of the source (DCT coefficient bitplane) according to the correlation between the original and the side information. The proposed LDPC codes reach a good performance for a wide range of source correlations and achieve a better RD performance when compared to the popular turbo codes.
A figura do iluminador (lighting designer) surge nesta dissertação como ponto de partida para um esboço de estudo acerca do autor do desenho de luz no espectáculo teatral em Portugal. Baseámo-nos num dos mais conceituados iluminadores (lighting designer) portugueses, Orlando Worm, para pesquisarmos o que o próprio trouxe aos novos designers de luz que continuam a percorrer um longo e, por vezes, solitário caminho nesta arte criativa. Considerámos para tal tecnologias criadas entre as décadas de 30 a 70 por alguns dos maiores nomes ligados à matéria: Stanley McCandless, Frederick Bentham, Richard Pilbrow e Francis Reid. Estes autores servem-nos como ponto de partida para depois indagarmos se a partir da década de 80 se utiliza algum destes métodos. Ao reflectir acerca destas tecnologias e da própria experiência de Orlando Worm, pretende-se concluir que o trabalho de desenho de luz é, de facto, um trabalho criativo e artístico, na medida em que a figura do iluminador (lighting designer) tem, ou deve ter, um contributo activo no processo teatral.
Na qualidade de Diretora Regional das Comunidades, fomos responsável pela redação dos artigos e coordenação da página "Comunidades", integrada no jornal Açoriano Oriental, servindo a mesma para a divulgação das atividades realizadas pela Direção Regional Das Comunidades do Governo dos Açores.
Na qualidade de Diretora Regional das Comunidades, fomos responsável pela redação dos artigos e coordenação da página "Comunidades Açorianas no Mundo", integrada no jornal Mundo Português, servindo a mesma para a divulgação das atividades realizadas pela Direção Regional Das Comunidades do Governo dos Açores.