874 resultados para Sight disablement.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la reacción de las distintas teorías democráticas frente a las teorías de la élite y la forma en que, a partir de una mutua penetración, incorporaron algunos de sus principios dando lugar a lo que se ha denominado como "elitismo democrático". Se trata de recuperar para la democracia la máxima expresión posible de aquellos valores atribuidos por el modelo clásico. Y el énfasis está puesto en el término "posible", pues lo que se intenta es pensar empíricamente la democracia, pero sin perder de vista su dimensión normativa. Entonces, ¿qué es lo que hace preferible al sistema democrático (y es esto a lo que debe responder la filosofía política)?, ¿qué es lo que hace deseable a la democracia?, ¿es el hecho de que sea la mayoría la que gobierne, (hecho que no ocurre empíricamente hablando)?, ¿es la posibilidad de dar un lugar a cualquier grupo que desee hacer tanto una demanda como una oferta política?, ¿es la libre competencia por el poder?
En el presente artículo, se analiza la novela La lluvia amarilla, de Julio Llamazares, enfatizando la representación de la memoria y el olvido (o la represión de la memoria, en su caso). Se muestra que la escritura sobre la memoria no es unidimensional y que Llamazares no solamente la representa, sino que refleja el propio proceso de memoria y olvido y su complejidad. Lo que a primera vista se puede percibir como una novela fatalista y neorromántica, es en realidad una reflexión sobre la memoria oral desde la perspectiva de los hombres y las regiones marginados del campo tanto en la época franquista como durante la transición modernizadora
La re-construcción del sujeto. Procesos de agencia y subjetivación en las prácticas de corporización
Preguntarse en la actualidad sobre el tipo de corporeidad que se construye en la escuela primaria, problematiza una serie de nociones como ser subjetividad, sujeto, identidad, corporeidad etc. entre otros. Los cuales abordados desde enfoques pos estructuralistas y por feministas revierten ciertas categorías fijas y estables en función de la construcción de una corporeidad acorde a las necesidades de los sujetos posibles. Tal vez la antigua idea de la construcción del sujeto desde el "cuidado de si" atendiendo al cuidado del cuerpo desde la dietética (relación entre el cuidado y el régimen general de la existencia del cuerpo y del alma); la economía (relación entre el cuidado de uno mismo y la actividad social) y la erótica (relación entre el cuidado de uno mismo y la relación amorosa) merezca una reconsideración más acorde a los momentos actuales sin olvidar la esencia primaria, que es la construcción de sujetos libres. Sobre algunas de estas cuestiones se abre el debate en este artículo invitando a los lectores a reconsiderar la autorización y agencia de los sujetos corpóreos más allá de la pesada carga limitante de las estructuras sociales.
El trabajo toma como objeto el semanario argentino La Nota para leer, entre 1915 y 1917, a la luz del Gran Guerra, algunas emergencias de la reconfiguración de determinados tópicos de los debates intelectuales y literarios dominantes en los años inmediatamente previos y aún vigentes, como lo fue la problemática de lo nacional y asociado a ella, el lugar asignado a las relaciones culturales entre España y Argentina en ese terreno. De tal modo, a través de intervenciones de autores diversos en torno del conflicto bélico, la revista a la vez que muestra cómo se piensan la función de la cultura -y por tanto de los intelectuales- ofrece, según los casos, una visión más o menos crítica de aquellas relaciones. Así, por ejemplo, sucede con 'El centenario de Cervantes' (Rodó) o las 'Meditaciones sobre el nacionalismo' (Rojas), 'América y España' (Blanco Fombona), 'El manifiesto germanista de los intelectuales españoles' (Unamuno), o 'El cuento de la raza' (Del Campo)
El trabajo se detiene en el pasaje del Poema de Mio Cid en el cual se hace referencia a Longinos (vv. 351-357), centurión que habría custodiado a Cristo durante la crucifixión y quien milagrosamente habría recobrado la vista a raíz de que sus ojos ciegos fueran alcanzados por la sangre de Su costado. El análisis se centra en el procedimiento a través del cual este personaje es insertado para relacionarlo con el Cid y sus hombres, estableciéndose una cadena de significaciones cuya finalidad ideológica es la de enmarcar la gesta del Cid dentro de un juego de identidades con la gran historia del pueblo de Dios.
Pollen and macrofossil analysis of lake sediments revealed the complete development of vegetation from Riss late-glacial to early Würm glacial times at Samerberg (12°12' E, 47°45' N, 600 m a.s.l) on the northern border of the Alps. The pollen bearing sediments overlie three stratigraphic units, at the base a ground-moraine, then a 13 m thick layer of pollen free silt and clay, and then a younger moraine; all the sediments including the pollen bearing sediments, lie below the Würm moraine. The lake, which had developed in an older glacial basin, became extinct, when the ice of the river Inn glacier filled its basin during Würm full-glacial time at the latest. One interglacial, three interstadials, and the interdigitating treeless periods were identified at Samerberg. Whereas the cold periods cannot be distinguished from one another pollenanalytically, the interglacial and the two older interstadials have distinctive characteristics. A shrub phase with Juniperus initiated reforestation and was followed by a pine phase during the interglacial and each of the three interstadials. The further development of the interglacial vegetation proceeded with a phase when deciduous trees (mainly Quercus, oak) and hazel (Corylus) dominated, though spruce (Picea) was present at the same time in the area. A phase with abundant yew (Taxus) led to an apparently long lasting period with dominant spruce and fir (Abies) accompanied by some hornbeam (Carpinus). The vegetational development shows the main characteristics of the Riss/Würm interglacial, though certain differences in the vegetational development in the northern alpine foreland are obvious. These differences may result from the existence of an altitudinal zonation of the vegetation in the vicinity of the site and are the expression of its position at the border of the Alps. A greater age (e.g. the Holsteinian) can be excluded by reason of the vegetational development, and is also not indicated at first sight from the geological and stratigraphical data of the site. Characteristic of the Riss/Würm vegetational development in southern Germany - at least in the region between Lake Starnberg/Samerberg/Salzach - is the conspicuous yew phase. According to absolute pollen counts, yew not only displaced the deciduous species, but also displaced spruce preferentially, thus indicating climatic conditions less favourable for spruce, caused by mild winters (Ilex spreading!) and by short-term low precipitation, indicated by the reduced sedimentation rate. The oldest interstadials is bipartite, as due to the climatic deterioration the early vegetational development, culminating in a spruce phase, had been interrupted by another expansion of pine. A younger spruce-dominated period with fir and perhaps also with hornbeam and beech (Fagus) followed. An identical climatic development has been reported from other European sites with long pollen sequences (see chapter 6.7). However, different tree species are found in the same time intervals in Middle Europe during Early Würm times. Sediments of the last interglacial (Eem or Riss/Würm) have been found in all cases below the sediments of the bipartite interstadial, and in addition one more interstadial occurs in the overlying sediments. This proves that Eem and Riss/Würm of the north-european plain resp. of the alpine foreland are contemporaneous interglacials although this has been questioned by some authors. The climax vegetation of the second interstadial was a spruce forest without fir and without more demanding deciduous tree species. The vegetational development of the third interstadial is recorded fragmentary only. But it has been established that a spruce forest was present. The oldest interstadial must correspond to the danish Brørup interstadial as it is expressed in northern Germany, the second one to the Odderade interstadial. A third Early Würm interstadial, preserved fragmentarily at Samerberg, is known from other sites. The dutch Amersfoort interstadial most likely is the equivalent to the older part of the bipartite danish Brørup interstadial.
1. With the global increase in CO2 emissions, there is a pressing need for studies aimed at understanding the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems. Several studies have reported that exposure to CO2 impairs chemosensory responses of juvenile coral reef fishes to predators. Moreover, one recent study pointed to impaired responses of reef fish to auditory cues that indicate risky locations. These studies suggest that altered behaviour following exposure to elevated CO2 is caused by a systemic effect at the neural level. 2. The goal of our experiment was to test whether juvenile damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis exposed to different levels of CO2 would respond differently to a potential threat, the sight of a large novel coral reef fish, a spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyancanthus, placed in a watertight bag. 3. Juvenile damselfish exposed to 440 (current day control), 550 or 700 µatm CO2 did not differ in their response to the chromis. However, fish exposed to 850 µatm showed reduced antipredator responses; they failed to show the same reduction in foraging, activity and area use in response to the chromis. Moreover, they moved closer to the chromis and lacked any bobbing behaviour typically displayed by juvenile damselfishes in threatening situations. 4. Our results are the first to suggest that response to visual cues of risk may be impaired by CO2 and provide strong evidence that the multi-sensory effects of CO2 may stem from systematic effects at the neural level.
The knowledge about processes concerning perception and understanding is of paramount importance for designing means of communication like maps and charts. This is especially the case, if one does not want to lose sight of the map-user and if map-design is to be orientated along the map-users needs and preferences in order to improve the cartographic product's usability. A scientific approach to visualization can help to achieve useable results. The insights achieved by such an approach can lead to modes of visualization that are superior to those, which have seemingly proved their value in praxis - so-called "bestpractices" -, concerning their utility and efficiency. This thesis shows this by using the example of visualizing the limits of bodies of waters in the Southern Ocean. After making some introductorily remarks on the chosen mode of problem-solution in chapter one, which simultaneously illustrate the flow of work while working on the problem, in chapter two the relevant information concerning the drawing of limits in the Southern Ocean is outlined. Chapter 3 builds the theoretical framework, which is a multidisciplinary approach to representation. This theoretical framework is based on "How Maps Work" by the American Cartographer MacEachren (1995/2004). His "scientific approach to visualization" is amended and adjusted by the knowledge gained from recent findings of the social sciences where necessary. So, the approach suggested in this thesis represents a synergy of psychology, sociology, semiotics, linguistics, communication theory and cartography. It follows the tradition of interdisciplinary research getting over the boundaries of a single scientific subject. The achieved holistic approach can help to improve the usability of cartographic products. It illustrates on the one hand those processes taking place while perceiving and recognizing cartographic information - so-called bottom-up-processes. On the other hand it illuminates the processes which happen during understanding this information in so-called top-down-processes. Bottom-up- and top-down-processes are interdependent and inseparably interrelated and therefore cannot be understood without each other. Regarding aspects of usability the approach suggested in this thesis strongly focuses on the map-user. This is the reason why the phenomenon of communication gains more weight than in MacEachren's map-centered approach. Because of this, in chapter 4 a holistic approach to communication is developed. This approach makes clear that only the map-user can evaluate the usability of a cartographic product. Only if he can extract the information relevant for him from the cartographical product, it is really useable. The concept of communication is well suited to conceive that. In case of the visualization of limits of bodies of water in the Southern Ocean, which is not complex enough to illustrate all results of the theoretical considerations, it is suggested to visualize the limits with red lines. This suggestion deviates from the commonly used mode of visualization. So, this thesis shows how theory is able to ameliorate praxis. Chapter 5 leads back to the task of fixing limits of the bodies of water in the area of concern. A convention by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) states that those limits should be drawn by using meridians, parallels, rhumb lines and bathymetric data. Based on the available bathymetric data both a representation and a process model are calculated, which should support the drawing of the limits. The quality of both models, which depends on the quality of the bathymetric data at hand, leads to the decision that the representation model is better suited to support the drawing of limits.
Environmental cues can affect food decisions. There is growing evidence that environmental cues influence how much one consumes. This article demonstrates that environmental cues can similarly impact the healthiness of consumers’ food choices. Two field studies examined this effect with consumers of vending machine foods who were exposed to different posters. In field study 1, consumers with a health-evoking nature poster compared to a pleasure-evoking fun fair poster or no poster in their visual sight were more likely to opt for healthy snacks. Consumers were also more likely to buy healthy snacks when primed by an activity poster than when exposed to the fun fair poster. In field study 2, this consumer pattern recurred with a poster of skinny Giacometti sculptures. Overall, the results extend the mainly laboratory-based evidence by demonstrating the health-relevant impact of environmental cues on food decisions in the field. Results are discussed in light of priming literature emphasizing the relevance of preexisting associations, mental concepts and goals.
En los últimos tiempos, el estudio japonés SANAA ha realizado una serie de obras que le han puesto en el punto de mira de la arquitectura internacional, y que se ha visto reflejado en la concesión en el año 2010 del premio Pritzker a Kazuyo Sejima y Ryue Nishizawa por toda una carrera de trabajo ininterrumpido. SANAA ha construido una serie de edificios que han supuesto una gran influencia en el contexto de la arquitectura mundial y que está contribuyendo al trabajo de muchísimos arquitectos jóvenes, tanto en Japón como fuera de él, y su trabajo se estudia y analiza en las escuelas de arquitectura de medio mundo. La tesis doctoral, estudia el parque de SANAA desde las diversas formas en las que éste se presenta, parques por continuidad, o parques por acumulación, como una excusa para el estudio de los diferentes mecanismos arquitectónicos en los que se basa su modo de proyectar. Dichos mecanismos forman parte ya de una forma de proyectar contemporánea y su estudio permite la comprensión de algunos de los fenómenos arquitectónicos más interesantes que se están produciendo en la arquitectura de nuestro tiempo. La revelación de estos mecanismos supone el sacar a la luz gran parte de los procesos y desarrollos de proyecto, que por la lacónica manera de dibujar de SANAA, quedan ocultos la mayoría de las veces y, tan solo es percibido en una visita lenta y pausada por el edificio. El documento aquí presentado se convierte entonces, en una investigación, en la que el doctorando, como un detective, rastrea los proyectos de SANAA buscando aquellos mecanismos que permiten discernir el verdadero significado de conceptos como laberinto, jerarquía, orden, atmósfera o experiencia a lo largo de los principales proyectos de espacio horizontal de Sejima y Nishizawa. La tesis intenta por tanto dar forma a las principales referencias que constituyen el universo imaginario del estudio japonés y que, ya son parte de la cultura arquitectónica contemporánea. ABSTRACT In recent times, the Japanese Studio SANAA has produced a number of works that have taken it to the front sight of international architecture. This has led Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa to receiving the 2010 Pritzer award for an uninterrupted career. SANAA has built a series of buildings that have greatly influenced global architecture. Moreover, it is contributing to the work of many young architects, both in Japan and outside Japan. Its work is studied and assessed by architecture schools all over the world. This Doctoral thesis analyses the SANAA Park from all the perspectives it shows, parks by continuity or parks by accumulation, as an excuse to study different architectural mechanisms in which its way of projecting is based. Such mechanisms already are part of a contemporaneous way of projecting. In addition, its analysis allows for the further understanding of some of the most interesting architectural phenomena that are being produced nowadays. The release of these mechanisms entails shedding a light to most of the proceedings and courses of the project that, because of the SANAA’s laconic way of designing, remain hidden most of the times and are often noticed through a slow and thorough look at the building. This document becomes then a work of research, where the Doctorate, as a detective, tracks SANAA’s projects, searching for those mechanisms that allow for truly defining the meaning of concepts such as maze, hierarchy, order, atmosphere and experience throughout Sejima’s and Nishizawa’s main horizontal space projects. Therefore, this thesis aims at shaping key references that constitute the imaginary universe of the Japanese study and that already are part of the contemporaneous architectural culture.
This work is focused on building and configuring a measurement test bench for non linear High Power Amplifiers, more precisely those ones based on the Envelope Elimination and Restoration. At first sight the test bench is composed of several arbitrary waveform generators, an oscilloscope, a vector signal generator and a spectrum analyzer all of them controlled remotely. The test bench works automatically, that is why several software control programs have been developed in order to control all this equipment. The control programs have been developed in Matlab/Octave Scripting language and at last chance in a more low level language as C. The signal processing algorithms, taking into account that the time alignment one is the most important, have been developed in Matlab/Octave Scripting too. An improvement of 10dB in the ACPR(Adjacent Channel Power Ratio) has been obtained just by applying the time alignment algorithm developed in this work
The delay caused by the reflected ray in broadband communication has a great influence on the communications in subway tunnel. This paper presents measurements taken in subway tunnels at 2.4 GHz, with 5 MHz bandwidth. According to propagation characteristics of tunnel, the measurements were carried out with a frequency domain channel sounding technique, in three typical scenarios: line of sight (LOS), Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and far line of sight (FLOS), which lead to different delay distributions. Firstly IFFT was chosen to get channel impulse response (CIR) h(t) from measured three-dimensional transfer functions. Power delay profile (PDP) was investigated to give an overview of broadband channel model. Thereafter, a long delay caused by the obturation of tunnel is observed and investigated in all the scenarios. The measurements show that the reflection can be greatly remained by the tunnel, which leads to long delay cluster where the reflection, but direct ray, makes the main contribution for radio wave propagation. Four important parameters: distribution of whole PDP power, first peak arriving time, reflection cluster duration and PDP power distribution of reflection cluster were studied to give a detailed description of long delay characteristic in tunnel. This can be used to ensure high capacity communication in tunnels
The main purpose of a gene interaction network is to map the relationships of the genes that are out of sight when a genomic study is tackled. DNA microarrays allow the measure of gene expression of thousands of genes at the same time. These data constitute the numeric seed for the induction of the gene networks. In this paper, we propose a new approach to build gene networks by means of Bayesian classifiers, variable selection and bootstrap resampling. The interactions induced by the Bayesian classifiers are based both on the expression levels and on the phenotype information of the supervised variable. Feature selection and bootstrap resampling add reliability and robustness to the overall process removing the false positive findings. The consensus among all the induced models produces a hierarchy of dependences and, thus, of variables. Biologists can define the depth level of the model hierarchy so the set of interactions and genes involved can vary from a sparse to a dense set. Experimental results show how these networks perform well on classification tasks. The biological validation matches previous biological findings and opens new hypothesis for future studies
World Health Organization actively stresses the importance of health, nutrition and well-being of the mother to foster children development. This issue is critical in the rural areas of developing countries where monitoring of health status of children is hardly performed since population suffers from a lack of access to health care. The aim of this research is to design, implement and deploy an e-health information and communication system to support health care in 26 rural communities of Cusmapa, Nicaragua. The final solution consists of an hybrid WiMAX/WiFi architecture that provides good quality communications through VoIP taking advantage of low cost WiFi mobile devices. Thus, a WiMAX base station was installed in the health center to provide a radio link with the rural health post "El Carrizo" sited 7,4 km. in line of sight. This service makes possible personal broadband voice and data communication facilities with the health center based on WiFi enabled devices such as laptops and cellular phones without communications cost. A free software PBX was installed at "San José de Cusmapa" health care site to enable communications for physicians, nurses and a technician through mobile telephones with IEEE 802.11 b/g protocol and SIP provided by the project. Additionally, the rural health post staff (midwives, brigade) received two mobile phones with these same features. In a complementary way, the deployed health information system is ready to analyze the distribution of maternal-child population at risk and the distribution of diseases on a geographical baseline. The system works with four information layers: fertile women, children, people with disabilities and diseases. Thus, authorized staff can obtain reports about prenatal monitoring tasks, status of the communities, malnutrition, and immunization control. Data need to be updated by health care staff in order to timely detect the source of problem to implement measures addressed to alleviate and improve health status population permanently. Ongoing research is focused on a mobile platform that collects and automatically updates in the information system, the height and weight of the children locally gathered in the remote communities. This research is being granted by the program Millennium Rural Communities of the Technical University of Madrid.
In recent years, spacial agencies have shown a growing interest in optical wireless as an alternative to wired and radio-frequency communications. The use of these techniques for intra-spacecraft communications reduces the effect of take-off acceleration and vibrations on the systems by avoiding the need for rugged connectors and provides a significant mass reduction. Diffuse transmission also eases the design process as terminals can be placed almost anywhere without a tight planification to ensure the proper system behaviour. Previous studies have compared the performance of radio-frequency and infrared optical communications. In an intra-satellite environment optical techniques help reduce EMI related problems, and their main disadvantages - multipath dispersion and the need for line-of-sight - can be neglected due to the reduced cavity size. Channel studies demonstrate that the effect of the channel can be neglected in small environments if data bandwidth is lower than some hundreds of MHz.