Pollen and macroremains from four profiles from site Samerberg 1

Autoria(s): Grüger, Eberhard

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 47.751593 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 12.201299 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 47.751110 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 12.200890 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 47.751731 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 12.201790 * DATE/TIME START: 1970-09-18T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1973-11-24T00:00:00




Pollen and macrofossil analysis of lake sediments revealed the complete development of vegetation from Riss late-glacial to early Würm glacial times at Samerberg (12°12' E, 47°45' N, 600 m a.s.l) on the northern border of the Alps. The pollen bearing sediments overlie three stratigraphic units, at the base a ground-moraine, then a 13 m thick layer of pollen free silt and clay, and then a younger moraine; all the sediments including the pollen bearing sediments, lie below the Würm moraine. The lake, which had developed in an older glacial basin, became extinct, when the ice of the river Inn glacier filled its basin during Würm full-glacial time at the latest. One interglacial, three interstadials, and the interdigitating treeless periods were identified at Samerberg. Whereas the cold periods cannot be distinguished from one another pollenanalytically, the interglacial and the two older interstadials have distinctive characteristics. A shrub phase with Juniperus initiated reforestation and was followed by a pine phase during the interglacial and each of the three interstadials. The further development of the interglacial vegetation proceeded with a phase when deciduous trees (mainly Quercus, oak) and hazel (Corylus) dominated, though spruce (Picea) was present at the same time in the area. A phase with abundant yew (Taxus) led to an apparently long lasting period with dominant spruce and fir (Abies) accompanied by some hornbeam (Carpinus). The vegetational development shows the main characteristics of the Riss/Würm interglacial, though certain differences in the vegetational development in the northern alpine foreland are obvious. These differences may result from the existence of an altitudinal zonation of the vegetation in the vicinity of the site and are the expression of its position at the border of the Alps. A greater age (e.g. the Holsteinian) can be excluded by reason of the vegetational development, and is also not indicated at first sight from the geological and stratigraphical data of the site. Characteristic of the Riss/Würm vegetational development in southern Germany - at least in the region between Lake Starnberg/Samerberg/Salzach - is the conspicuous yew phase. According to absolute pollen counts, yew not only displaced the deciduous species, but also displaced spruce preferentially, thus indicating climatic conditions less favourable for spruce, caused by mild winters (Ilex spreading!) and by short-term low precipitation, indicated by the reduced sedimentation rate. The oldest interstadials is bipartite, as due to the climatic deterioration the early vegetational development, culminating in a spruce phase, had been interrupted by another expansion of pine. A younger spruce-dominated period with fir and perhaps also with hornbeam and beech (Fagus) followed. An identical climatic development has been reported from other European sites with long pollen sequences (see chapter 6.7). However, different tree species are found in the same time intervals in Middle Europe during Early Würm times. Sediments of the last interglacial (Eem or Riss/Würm) have been found in all cases below the sediments of the bipartite interstadial, and in addition one more interstadial occurs in the overlying sediments. This proves that Eem and Riss/Würm of the north-european plain resp. of the alpine foreland are contemporaneous interglacials although this has been questioned by some authors. The climax vegetation of the second interstadial was a spruce forest without fir and without more demanding deciduous tree species. The vegetational development of the third interstadial is recorded fragmentary only. But it has been established that a spruce forest was present. The oldest interstadial must correspond to the danish Brørup interstadial as it is expressed in northern Germany, the second one to the Odderade interstadial. A third Early Würm interstadial, preserved fragmentarily at Samerberg, is known from other sites. The dutch Amersfoort interstadial most likely is the equivalent to the older part of the bipartite danish Brørup interstadial.


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Supplement to: Grüger, Eberhard (1979): Spätriß, Riß/Würm und Frühwürm am Samerberg in Oberbayern - ein vegetationsgeschichtlicher Beitrag zur Gliederung des Jungpleistozäns (Late Riss, Riss/Würm and Early Würm at Samerberg/Upper Bavaria - a pollen analytical contribution to the division of the Upper Pleistocene). Geologica Bavarica, 80, 5-64

Palavras-Chave ##1 = occurs; A. alpina/jacquini; A. calyx; A. cf. ciliata; A. glutinosa/incana-T; A. glutinosa fruit; Abi; Abies; Abies, cone scales; Abies, needles; Abies, seeds; Abies, seed wings; Abies con sca; Abies needle; Abies seed; Abies see win; Ace; Acer; Age, comment; Ajuga; Alc; Alchemilla; Aln; Aln.v; Alnus; Alnus glutinosa, fruits; Alnus glutinosa/A. incana-type; Alnus sp., cones; Alnus sp., fruits; Alnus sp. con; Alnus sp. fruit; Alnus viridis; AP; Apiaceae; Apiaceae indeterminata; Apiae; Apiae.indet; Arabis alpina/jacquini; Arboreal pollen; Arenaria cf. ciliata; Arm; Armeria; Armeria calyx; Art; Artemisia; Astae; Asterac; Asteraceae; B. cf. humilis fruit; B. cf. nana fruit; B. humilis fruit; B. humilis fru sca; B. pubescens fruit; B. pubescens fru sca; Bet; Betula; Betula cf. humilis, fruits; Betula cf. nana, fruits; Betula humilis, fruits; Betula humilis, fruit scales; Betula pubescens, fruits; Betula pubescens, fruit scales; Betula sp., fruits; Betula sp., fruit scales; Betula sp. fruit; Betula sp. fru sca; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; Botryococcus; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bux; Buxus; C. arvense; C. biconvex nuts; C. capsule; C. cf. E. utriculi; C. trigonous nuts; Cal; Calluna; Cam; Campanula; Car; Car.c; Carbon, inorganic, total; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total; Carex cf. elongatum utriculi; Carpinus; Carum carvi; Caryophyllaceae; Caryophyllaceae, seeds; Caryophyllaceae capsule; Caryophyllaceae seed; Cchae; Cen.j-T; Cen.m-T; Centaurea jacea-type; Centaurea montana-type; cf. Heracleum; cf. Impatiens; cf.Pop; cf. Populus; cf.Pot; cf. Potamogeton; cf. Potentilla; Cheae; Chenopod; Chenopodiaceae; Cichoriaceae; Cir.cf.a; Cirsium arvense; Cirsium cf. arvense; Cla; Cladium; Cnv.a-T; Comm; Comment; Comp.indet; COMPCORE; Compositae indeterminata; Composite Core; Coniferae, buds; Coniferae, bud scales; Coniferae, cone scales; Coniferae, seeds; Coniferae, seed wings; Coniferae buds; Coniferae bud sca; Coniferae con sca; Coniferae seed; Coniferae see win; Convolvulus arvensis-type; Cor; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cypae; Cyperac; Cyperaceae; Cyperaceae biconvex, nuts; Cyperaceae trigonous, nuts; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, composite; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth comp; Depth top; Dipae; Dipsacaceae; DRILL; drill = depth in sediment; exposure = section height; Drilling/drill rig; Dry.t; Dryopteris thelypteris; E. cannabinum; EDEA; Edelman auger; Eph.d-T; Eph.f-T; Ephedra distachya-type; Ephedra fragilis-type; Epilobium; Epl; Equ; Equisetum; Eriae; Ericac; Ericaceae; Eupatorium cannabinum; Fag; Fagus; Filipendula; Flp; Fluderbach; Fluderbach_C; Fluderbach_I; Fluderbach_Ia; Fraxinus; Frx; Ger; Geranium; Gyp; Gypsophila; Gypsophila cf. repens; HAND; Hed; Hedera; Hel; Helianthemum; Her; Heracleum; Hipp; Hippophae; Hpp; Hup; Hup.s; Huperzia; Huperzia selago; Ile; Ilex; Indet; Indeterminata; Jun; Juniperus; Juniperus, needles; Juniperus needle; Kna; Knautia; L. alpinum; L. cf. hirsutum/viscosum; Lab; Labiatae; Labiatae indet; Labiatae indeterminata; Lamae; Lamiaceae; Lar; Larix; Larix, needles; Larix needle; Lilae; Liliaceae; Linum alpinum; Linum cf. hirsutum/viscosum; Lon.p; Lonicera periclymenum; Lyc.a; Lyc.a-T; Lyc.c; Lyc.c-T; Lycopodium annotinum; Lycopodium annotinum-type; Lycopodium clavatum; Lycopodium clavatum-type; Men-T; Mentha-type; N. flexilis; Naj.m; Najas flexilis; Najas marina; NAP; Nitrogen, total; Non arboreal pollen; Nym; Nymphaea; Osmu; Osmunda; Oxyria-type; Oxy-T; P. alpinus; P. cf. alpinus; P. cf. hieracioides; P. cf. natans; P. hieracioides; P. omorica needle; p.p.; P. tremula bud sca; Papilionaceae; Par; Parnassia; Pic; Pic.cf.o; Pic.o; Picea; Picea, anthers; Picea, needles; Picea, seed wings; Picea ant; Picea cf. omorika; Picea needle; Picea omorica, needles; Picea omorika; Picea see win; Picris cf. hieracioides; Picris hieracioides; Pilae; Pin; Pin.c; Pinus; Pinus, needles; Pinus, spur shoots; Pinus cembra; Pinus needle; Pinus spur s; Pla.m; Pla.m/m; Pla.m/m-T; Pla.m-T; Pla.mt-T; Pla.sp; Plantago major/media; Plantago major/media-type; Plantago maritima; Plantago maritima-type; Plantago montana-type; Plantago sp.; Poac; Poaceae; Pocae; Pol; Pol.b-T; Pol.p-T; Pol.sp; Pollen indet; Pollen indeterminata; Pollen tot; Pollen total; Pollen zone; Polygonum; Polygonum bistorta-type; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polygonum sp.; Polypo; Polypodiaceae; Polypodium; Populus tremula, bud scales; Potamogeton alpinus; Potamogeton cf. alpinus; Potamogeton cf. natans; Potamogeton sp.; Potentilla; Ppd; P-Q.spm; Pre-Quaternary sporomorphs; Ptd; Pteridium; Pti; Que; Quercus; Quercus, bud scales; Quercus bud sca; R. cf. montanus; R. perianth; Ran; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Ranunculus; Ranunculus cf. montanus; Ranunculus sp.; Rha.f; Rhamnus frangula; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rub; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rubus; Rum; Rumex; Rumex perianth; S. cf. silvatica; S. cucubalus; s.l.; Sal; Salix; Salix, bud scales; Salix bud sca; Sam; Sambucus; Samerberg; Samerberg, Bavaria, Germany; Samerberg1; Samp com; Sample comment; Sampling by hand; San.m; San.o; Sanguisorba minor; Sanguisorba officinalis; Sax.o-T; Saxifraga oppositifolia-type; Sca; Scabiosa; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Section; SECTION, height; Sel.s; Selaginella selaginoides; Silene cucubalus; Sparganium-type; Spa-T; Sph; Sphagnum; Stachys cf. silvatica; Suc; Succisa; Syr; Syringa; Tar; Taraxacum; Tax; Taxus; Taxus, needles; Taxus needle; TC; Tha; Tha.a; Tha.m; Thalictrum; Thalictrum alpinum; Thalictrum minus; TIC; Til; Til.p; Tilia; Tilia platyphyllos; TN; TOC; total; Typ.l-T; Typha latifolia-type; Ulm; Ulmus; Urt; Urtica; Val.o; Val.o-T; Valeriana officinalis; Valeriana officinalis-type; Varia; Vio; Viola; Vis; Viscum; Vitis; Vts; with acute papillae; with blunt papillae; Wood; X = samples used in the given order to draw fig. 2 (macroremains); X = samples used to draw the composite pollen diagram (fig. 1); Zan; Zannichellia
