791 resultados para Sibling bullying
The purpose of the present study was to describe patterns in the dynamics of families of talented athletes throughout their development in sport. Four families, including three families of elite rowers and one family of an elite tennis player were examined. The framework provided by Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch- Römer (1993) to explain expert performance served as the theoretical basis for the study. Ericsson et al. suggested that the acquisition of expert performance involves operating within three types of constraints: motivational, effort, and resource. In-depth interviews were conducted with each athlete, parent, and sibling to explore how they have dealt with these three constraints. A total of 15 individual interviews were conducted. Results permitted the identification of three phases of participation from early childhood to late adolescence: the sampling years, the specializing years, and the investment years. The dynamics of the family in each of these phases of development is discussed
The upcoming 21-22 May Eastern Partnership (EaP) Riga Summit will take place against the backdrop of the new geopolitical reality in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood, in the aftermath of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. Given the extremely complex geopolitical context, the importance of the Summit and the message it delivers to the partner countries – particularly to Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, which have made European integration their foreign policy goal – cannot be underestimated. The Summit needs to send a strong, unambiguous signal reconfirming the EU’s commitment to the EaP, and offer a clear roadmap for the future. If the Summit turns out to be a non-event, with an empty declaration, it risks being perceived as rewarding the bullying policies of Russia.
Introdução: As pressões constantes do mundo laboral e, a especificidade do seu trabalho expõe os enfermeiros a actos de violência como o mobbing ou assédio moral. Este é um fenómeno dissimulado e psicossocial que afecta o indivíduo, o grupo de trabalho e a organização e, que importa aprender a combater. Objectivos: Determinar a prevalência de mobbing nos enfermeiros; caracterizar o mobbing; relacionar a influência das características sociodemográficas e profissionais na percepção de mobbing dos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, de carácter descritivo-correlacional, transversal. A amostra não probabilística por conveniência foi constituída por 143 enfermeiros do Hospital Sousa Martins, Guarda. Maioritariamente são mulheres (71,3%) e, com média de idades de 37 anos. Possuem formação base 71,3%, 69,9% pratica horário rotativo, 69,2% tem vínculo estável e, tempo médio de exercício profissional de 14 anos. Os dados foram colhidos através de questionário que integrou a escala LIPT-60. Resultados: Os enfermeiros em estudo experienciaram baixos níveis de mobbing no seu contexto laboral. Em média, referem sentir oito condutas de assédio moral com efeito (0,20) e intensidade reduzida (1,37). As condutas mais experimentadas visam o bloqueio à comunicação e a difamação. Cerca de 42,0% dos enfermeiros admitem já ter sido vítima de mobbing e 24,1% referem que aconteceu por um período de seis meses. Os principais agressores identificados foram os médicos (40,0%) e os superiores hierárquicos (37,1%). Contudo, a percepção de mobbing é maior à medida que se progride na carreira, bem como nos enfermeiros que praticam regime de horário fixo e, que trabalham no mesmo serviço há 5 – 10 anos. Conclusões: Apesar dos baixos índices de percepção de mobbing, este está presente no contexto laboral dos enfermeiros tornando-os vulneráveis e afectando a prestação de cuidados. Os ataques sentidos acontecem sobretudo, de forma dissimulada fazendo denotar a gravidade deste fenómeno, sobre o qual impera prevenir e intervir. Palavras-Chave: Mobbing; Assédio moral; Abuso psicológico; Violência psicológica; Agressão psicológica no trabalho.
As praxes académicas ocorrem anualmente no ensino superior português e pretendem, nas palavras dos seus principais promotores e atores, contribuir para a integração dos novos estudantes nas instituições de ensino superior. Contudo nos últimos anos a denúncia de praxes violentas e humilhantes e a revelação de acidentes graves, alegadamente decorrentes de atividades desenvolvidas no quadro das praxes, tem alertado a sociedade para a necessidade de compreender se de facto estas atividades contribuem para a integração e socialização dos estudantes ou se se limitam apenas a humilhações e abusos de natureza física e psicológica, aproximado-se mais de condutas de bullying do que de condutas de integração e convivência social. Esta investigação pretende identificar o grau de envolvimento nas praxes dos estudantes dos 3 primeiros anos dos cursos de enfermagem do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre e da Universidade dos Açores; conhecer o modo como os estudantes caraterizam as praxes, de modo a clarificar se são de tonalidade predominantemente positiva, negativa ou ambivalente; e pretende ainda comparar o envolvimento nas praxes dos estudantes de Portalegre com os dos Açores, bem como o modo como as caraterizam.
O atual estudo visa compreender o modo como os estudantes de duas instituições de ensino superior português percecionam a sua relação com a praxe académica. Participaram no estudo 456 estudantes do 1.º Ciclo de Estudos da Universidade dos Açores e do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre. Os dados foram recolhidos através da escala de "Avaliação das Situações de Bullying nas Praxes do Ensino Superior". No seu conjunto, os resultados permitem presumir que os estudantes do Instituto Politécnico relatam ter melhor relação com a praxe académica do que os da Universidade dos Açores.
As praxes no ensino superior são uma constante que se repete anualmente e pretendem, nas palavras dos seus principais promotores e atores, contribuir para a integração dos novos estudantes nas instituições de ensino superior e para a promoção da convivência e do divertimento entre estudantes. Contudo nos últimos anos a denúncia de praxes violentas e humilhantes e a revelação de acidentes graves, alegadamente decorrentes de atividades desenvolvidas no quadro das praxes, tem alertado a sociedade para a necessidade de compreender se de facto estas atividades contribuem para a integração e socialização dos estudantes ou se se limitam apenas a humilhações e abusos de natureza física e psicológica, aproximado-se mais de condutas de bullying do que de condutas de integração e convivência social. Esta investigação tem um caráter exploratório e pretende identificar o grau de envolvimento nas praxes dos estudantes que frequentam os vários cursos de licenciatura na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, bem como conhecer as suas representações e opiniões sobre as praxes, de modo a clarificar se são de tonalidade predominantemente positiva, negativa, neutra ou ambivalente, por a forma a contribuir para melhor se compreender este fenómeno e a prevenir a violência física e psicológica entre pares no ensino superior.
As praxes no ensino superior são uma constante que se repete anualmente e pretendem, nas palavras dos seus principais promotores e atores, contribuir para a integração dos novos estudantes nas instituições de ensino superior e para a promoção da convivência e do divertimento entre estudantes. Contudo nos últimos anos a denúncia de praxes violentas e humilhantes e a revelação de acidentes graves, alegadamente decorrentes de atividades desenvolvidas no quadro das praxes, tem alertado a sociedade para a necessidade de compreender se de facto estas atividades contribuem para a integração e socialização dos estudantes ou se se limitam apenas a humilhações e abusos de natureza física e psicológica, aproximado-se mais de condutas de bullying do que de condutas de integração e convivência social. Esta investigação tem um caráter exploratório e pretende identificar o grau de envolvimento nas praxes dos estudantes que frequentam os vários cursos de licenciatura na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, bem como conhecer as suas representações e opiniões sobre as praxes, de modo a clarificar se são de tonalidade predominantemente positiva, negativa, neutra ou ambivalente, por a forma a contribuir para melhor se compreender este fenómeno e a prevenir a violência física e psicológica entre pares no ensino superior.
BACKGROUND Stiff skin syndrome and systemic or localized scleroderma are cutaneous disorders characterized by dermal fibrosis and present clinically with induration of the skin, with or without joint, internal organ or vascular involvement. OBJECTIVES To provide clinical, histological and preliminary genetic analysis of two West Highland white terrier siblings presenting with indurated skin resembling stiff skin syndrome in humans. ANIMALS Two client owned full sibling West Highland white terriers from two different litters. METHODS Clinical examination, histopathological examination and whole genome sequencing analysis of affected and unaffected West Highland white terriers. RESULTS Affected dogs exhibited markedly indurated skin that was attached firmly to the underlying tissue and incomplete closure of the mouth and eyes. No abnormalities were found by neurological or orthopaedic examination, radiographs of the head or whole body computed tomography. Histologically, the dermis and pannicular septa were thickened by a marked increase in coarse collagen fibres and a mild to moderate increase in collagen fibre diameter. The syndrome most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The sequence analysis did not reveal any obvious causative variant in the investigated candidate genes ADAMTSL2 and FBN1. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE The clinical phenotype and histopathological features of two West Highland white terrier siblings resembled stiff skin syndrome in humans. Unlike in humans, or previously described beagles with stiff skin, there was no restriction of joint mobility. Genetic analysis did not detect a candidate causative variant and warrants further research.
Nongenetic inheritance mechanisms such as transgenerational plasticity (TGP) can buffer populations against rapid environmental change such as ocean warming. Yet, little is known about how long these effects persist and whether they are cumulative over generations. Here, we tested for adaptive TGP in response to simulated ocean warming across parental and grandparental generations of marine sticklebacks. Grandparents were acclimated for two months during reproductive conditioning, whereas parents experienced developmental acclimation, allowing us to compare the fitness consequences of short-term vs. prolonged exposure to elevated temperature across multiple generations. We found that reproductive output of F1 adults was primarily determined by maternal developmental temperature, but carry-over effects from grandparental acclimation environments resulted in cumulative negative effects of elevated temperature on hatching success. In very early stages of growth, F2 offspring reached larger sizes in their respective paternal and grandparental environment down the paternal line, suggesting that other factors than just the paternal genome may be transferred between generations. In later growth stages, maternal and maternal granddam environments strongly influenced offspring body size, but in opposing directions, indicating that the mechanism(s) underlying the transfer of environmental information may have differed between acute and developmental acclimation experienced by the two generations. Taken together, our results suggest that the fitness consequences of parental and grandparental TGP are highly context dependent, but will play an important role in mediating some of the impacts of rapid climate change in this system.
1) Our study addresses the role of non-genetic and genetic inheritance in shaping the adaptive potential of populations under a warming ocean scenario. We used a combined experimental approach (transgenerational plasticity and quantitative genetics) to partition the relative contribution of maternal vs. paternal (additive genetic) effects to offspring body size (a key component of fitness), and investigated a potential physiological mechanism (mitochondrial respiration capacities) underlying whole organism growth/size responses. 2) In very early stages of growth (up to 30 days), offspring body size of marine sticklebacks benefited from maternal transgenerational plasticity (TGP): offspring of mothers acclimated to17°C were larger when reared at 17°C, and offspring of mothers acclimated to 21°C were larger when reared at 21°C. The benefits of maternal TGP on body size were stronger and persisted longer (up to 60 days) for offspring reared in the warmer (21°C) environment, suggesting that maternal effects will be highly relevant for climate change scenarios in this system. 3) Mitochondrial respiration capacities measured on mature offspring (F1 adults) matched the pattern of TGP for juvenile body size, providing an intuitive mechanistic basis for the maternal acclimation persisting into adulthood. Size differences between temperatures seen at early growth stages remained in the F1 adults, linking offspring body size to maternal inheritance of mitochondria. 4) Lower maternal variance components in the warmer environment were mostly driven by mothers acclimated to ambient (colder) conditions, further supporting our tenet that maternal effects were stronger at elevated temperature. Importantly, all parent-offspring temperature combination groups showed genotype x environment (GxE) interactions, suggesting that reaction norms have the potential to evolve. 5) To summarise, transgenerational plasticity and genotype x environment interactions work in concert to mediate impacts of ocean warming on metabolic capacity and early growth of marine sticklebacks. TGP can buffer short-term detrimental effects of climate warming and may buy time for genetic adaptation to catch up, therefore markedly contributing to the evolutionary potential and persistence of populations under climate change.
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Schizophrenia is a common disorder with high heritability and a 10-fold increase in risk to siblings of probands. Replication has been inconsistent for reports of significant genetic linkage. To assess evidence for linkage across studies, rank-based genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA) was applied to data from 20 schizophrenia genome scans. Each marker for each scan was assigned to 1 of 120 30-cM bins, with the bins ranked by linkage scores (1 = most significant) and the ranks averaged across studies (R-avg) and then weighted for sample size (rootN[affected cases]). A permutation test was used to compute the probability of observing, by chance, each bin's average rank (P-AvgRnk) or of observing it for a bin with the same place (first, second, etc.) in the order of average ranks in each permutation (P-ord). The GSMA produced significant genomewide evidence for linkage on chromosome 2q (P-AvgRnk
Criminal offending and poor mental health are both recognised as important social problems warranting prevention and intervention efforts. Although there is some evidence for comorbidity between these problems, little research has examined the causal relationship between offending and mental health, particularly for young people. The present investigation addresses these issues by using data from the Sibling Study, a longitudinal investigation of delinquency as self-reported by 731 adolescents and young adults in south-east Queensland, Australia. The results suggest that for young women, but not men, offending behaviours (including the use of illicit drugs) lead to increases in self-harm and depression. Conversely, poor mental health, as indicated by having low self-esteem, a poor future outlook, and a belief that life is very confusing, does not influence subsequent levels of offending for either sex. The implications for prevention and intervention are discussed, with emphasis on the need for the criminal justice system to provide mental health services to young female offenders.
A description of Anopheles (Cellia) irenicus Schmidt, sp.n. (formerly A. farauti No. 7) is provided. This species is one of six recorded from the Solomon Islands within the A. punctulatus group, which contains the major vectors of the causative agents of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in the southwest Pacific. Morphological markers are described for adult females, fourth-instar larvae and pupae that identify most specimens of A. irenicus. Keys are presented to distinguish members of the A. punctulatus group in the Solomon Islands.
Competition over access to food has led to the evolution of a variety of exaggerated visual and vocal displays in altricial nestling birds. Precocial chicks that are fed by their parents also vary widely in appearance ranging from those with inconspicuous coloration to those with brightly colored bills, fleshy parts, and plumes. These ornaments are lost by the end of the period of parental dependence, suggesting they function in competition over parental care. We use a comparative approach to evaluate which ecological or life-history variables may have favored the evolution of conspicuous ornamentation in precocial chicks. We compiled data on chick morphology, ecology, and social organization of species in the Family Rallidae, a group with highly variable downy chicks. Chick ornamentation in the form of brightly colored bills, fleshy patches, or plumes is observed in 36 of 97 species for which downy chicks are described. Phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that nonornamentation is the ancestral state. Chick ornamentation has evolved multiple times within the Rallidae and is significantly associated with large clutch sizes and polygamous mating systems. Chick ornamentation was also weakly associated with adult ornamentation and adult dimorphism. We argue that these results support the hypothesis that lineages with higher levels of sibling competition are more likely to evolve ornamented chicks.