990 resultados para Short Fiber
The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of the long juvenile period trait in natural variants of the Doko, BR 9 (Savana), Davis, Embrapa 1 (IAS 5RC), and BR 16 soybean cultivars. Complete diallel crosses were made between the Doko and BR 16 cultivars and their variants. A 3:1 segregation ratio was observed in the F2 populations of the 'Doko' x Doko-18T, 'Doko' x Doko-Milionária, 'Davis' x São Carlos, and 'BR 9 (Savana)' x MABR92-836 (Savanão) crosses, indicating that the long juvenile period trait is controlled by a pair of recessive genes. The difference in late flowering between the Doko cultivar and both of its variants was caused by a recessive spontaneous mutation at the same genetic locus. However, the variants Doko-18T and Doko-Milionária are identical mutants that share a pair of genes that control the long juvenile period under short-day conditions. These mutants can be used in breeding programs to develop cultivars adapted to low-latitude tropical regions.
Sellun kuivatuksesta ei löydy paljoa tutkimustietoa. Työn tarkoituksena on antaa lyhyt teoriakuvaus sellun kuivatuksesta, kuivatukseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä jasellun kuivatuksen vaikutuksesta sellun laatuun. Käytännön osassa tutkittiin kuivauskoneen poikkiradan hienoainepitoisuuden ja vetolujuussuhteiden vaihtelua, suihkusuhteiden, kenkäpuristimen viivakuorman sekä paalipuristimen puristusvoimanvaikutusta sellun paperiteknisiin ominaisuuksiin. Sellun kuivauskone koostuu perälaatikosta, viiraosasta, puristinosasta sekä kuivausosasta.Perälaatikon tehtävä on syöttää massa tasaisesti viiraosalle. Viiraosalla poistuu suurin osa vedestä (noin 94 %) ja viiraosalla tapahtuu pohjan muodostus. Tässä työssä tutkittu suihkusuhde on yksi rainan muodostukseen vaikuttava tekijä. Puristinosalla voidaan sellun ominaisuuksiin vaikuttaa puristuksen voimalla ja kestolla ja tätä työssä tutkittiin kenkäpuristimen viivakuormaa muuttamalla. Varsinainen kuivatus voi tapahtua joko kuumia sylinteripintoja tai ilmaa hyödyntäen. Kuivauskoneen jälkeen on leikkuri, paalauspöytä ja paalipuristin. Paalipuristuksen vaikutusta sellun ominaisuuksiin tutkittiin keventämällä paalipuristusta nykyisestä.
The Thesis gives a decision support framework that has significant impact on the economic performance and viability of a hydropower company. The studyaddresses the short-term hydropower planning problem in the Nordic deregulated electricity market. The basics of the Nordic electricity market, trading mechanisms, hydropower system characteristics and production planning are presented in the Thesis. The related modelling theory and optimization methods are covered aswell. The Thesis provides a mixed integer linear programming model applied in asuccessive linearization method for optimal bidding and scheduling decisions inthe hydropower system operation within short-term horizon. A scenario based deterministic approach is exploited for modelling uncertainty in market price and inflow. The Thesis proposes a calibration framework to examine the physical accuracy and economic optimality of the decisions suggested by the model. A calibration example is provided with data from a real hydropower system using a commercial modelling application with the mixed integer linear programming solver CPLEX.
Short-term exposure to ambient particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm were found to be positively associated with blood pressure. Yet, little information exists regarding the association between particles and circadian rhythm of blood pressure. Hence, we analyzed the association of exposure to particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm on the day of examination and ≤7 days before with ambulatory blood pressure and with sodium excretion in 359 adults from the general population using multiple linear regression. After controlling for potential confounders, a 10-µg/m3 increase in particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm levels was associated with nighttime systolic blood pressure (β=1.32 mm Hg 95% CI, 0.06-2.58 mm Hg at lag 0; P=0.04), nighttime diastolic blood pressure (0.72 mm Hg 95% CI, 0.03-1.42 mm Hg at lag 2; P=0.04), nocturnal systolic blood pressure dipping (-0.96 mm Hg 95% CI, -1.89 to -0.03 mm Hg at lag 0; P=0.044), and daytime urinary sodium excretion (-0.05 log-mmol/min 95% CI, -0.10 to -0.01 log-mmol/min at lag 0; P=0.027) but not with nighttime sodium excretion. The associations with blood pressure rapidly diminished with increasing lag days, and the associations with daytime sodium excretion were maximal with particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm in exposures 2 to 5 days before. The associations of short-term increases in particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters<10 µm with higher nighttime blood pressure and blunted systolic blood pressure dipping were preceded by associations with reduced ability of the kidney to excrete sodium during daytime. The underlying mechanism linking air pollution to increased cardiovascular risk may include disturbed circadian rhythms of renal sodium handling and blood pressure.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin ja vertailtiin eukalyptuksen, akaasian ja koivun kemimekaanista kuiduttamista ja valkaisua. Yleensä näitä puulajeja käytetään sellun keittoon. Puulajit eroavat toisistaan kasvupaikan ja kuiturakenteen osalta. Eukalyptus ja akaasia ovat niin sanottuja trooppisia lehtipuita, kun taas koivu kasvaa pohjoisilla vyöhykkeillä. Koivulla on kookkaimmat kuidut ja akaasialla pienimmät kuidut. Myös näiden lajien putkilot eroavat toisistaan. Koivun putkilot ovat pitkiä ja kapeita, kun taas eukalyptuksen ja akaasian putkilot ovat lyhyitä ja leveitä. Prosessiksi valittiin kaksivaiheinen APMP-prosessi. Koeajot tehtiinKeskuslaboratorio Oy:ssä. Massoille asetettiin seuraavat tavoitteet: freeness 150-200 ml ja vaaleus 80 %ISO. Eukalyptukselle ja koivulle tehtiin kaksi erilaista impregnointisarjaa, mutta akaasialle vain yksi. Jauhatuksen viimeisessä vaiheessa kokeiltiin myös jauhinvalkaisua. Jauhatuksen energiankulutus oli korkea varsinkin eukalyptuksella ja akaasialla. Jotta energiankulutus saataisiin pienemmäksi, tulisi käyttää enemmän lipeää, mutta se johtaa alkalitummumiseen. Lopuksi massat valkaistiin laboratoriossa. Eukalyptus ja koivu pystyttiin valkaisemaan vaaleuteen 80 %ISO, mutta eukalyptuksen valkaisu vaati enemmän peroksidia kuin koivun valkaisu. Akaasian lähtövaaleus oli niin alhainen, ettei siinä päästy tavoitevaaleuteen. Eukalyptuksella on parempi valonsironta ja paremmat lujuusominaisuudet kuin koivulla. Kemimekaanista massaa voidaan käyttää hienopaperissa parantamassa jäykkyyttä, bulkkia ja valonsirontaa, mutta usein ongelmana on alhainen vaaleus ja huono vaaleuden pysyvyys. Kemimekaanista massaa voidaankäyttää missä tahansa mekaanisissa painopapereissa. Mekaanisissa painopapereissa kemimekaanisella lehtipuumassalla voidaan korvata mekaanista havupuumassaa. Akaasia on niin tummaa, ettei sitä voida käyttää korkeavaaleuksisiin papereihin. Eukalyptus ja koivu ovat vaaleampia ja helpompia valkaista kuin akaasia, mutta myös niillä on niin huono vaaleudenpysyvyys että käyttö hienopapereissa on rajoittunutta. Mekaanisille eukalyptus ja koivumassoille hienopaperia parempi käyttökohde on mekaaniset painopaperit, kuten MWC-paperi.
Fiber laser for materials processing have undergone a rapid development in the pastseveral years. As fiber laser provides a combination of high beam quality and awavelength that is easily absorbed by metal surfaces, the named future laser isexpected to challenge the CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers in the area of metal cutting. This thesis studied the performance of fiber laser cutting mild steel. In the literature review part, it introduced the laser cutting principle and the principle of fiber laser including the newest development of fiber laser cuttingtechnology. Because the fiber laser cutting mild steel is a very young technology, a preliminary test was made in order to investigate effect of the cutting parameters on cut quality. Then the formal fiber laser cutting experiment was madeby using 3 mm thickness S355 steel with oxygen as assistant gas. The experimentwas focused on the cut quality with maximum cutting speed and minimum oxygen gas pressure. And the cut quality is mainly decided by the kerf width, perpendicularity tolerance, surface roughness and striation patterns. After analysis the cutting result, several conclusions were made. Although the best result got in the experiment is not perfect as predicted, the whole result of the test can be accepted. Compared with CO2 laser, a higher cutting speed was achieved by fiber laser with very low oxygen gas pressure. A further improvement about the cutting quality might be possible by proper selection of process parameters. And in order to investigate the cutting performance more clearly, a future study about cutting different thickness mild steel and different shape was recommended.
Tämä diplomityö tarkastelee TETRA-verkon soveltuvuutta turvallisuusviranomaisille tarkoitettuun telemetriasovellukseen, jossa erilaiset mittausdatat ja hälytystiedot kulkevat verkon yli SDS-viestiliikenteenä. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on tehdä kaksi sulautettua ohjelmistoa sekä yksi PCohjelmisto, joita käytetään rakennettavassa demolaitteistossa. Lisäksi selvitetään TETRA-verkon toimivuus ja rajoitukset sovelluksessa eri olosuhteissa ja eri kuormitustilanteissa. Diplomityön teoriaosassa käydään läpi työn määrittely ja ohjelmistonkehitysprosessin läpivienti eri osa-alueilla. Loppuosassa kuvataan tehdyt ohjelmistot erikseen ja yhdessä suunnittelusta toteutukseen, sekä lopullisen järjestelmän testaus.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia tekijöitä jotkavaikuttavat lyhyellä ja pitkällä aikavälillä kullan hintaan. Toiseksi tutkielmassa selvitetään mitä eri sijoitusmahdollisuuksia löytyy kultaan sijoitettaessa. Aineistona käytetään kuukausitasoista dataa Yhdysvaltain ja maailman hintaindekseistä, Yhdysvaltain ja maailman inflaatiosta ja inflaation volatiliteetista, kullan beetasta, kullan lainahinnasta, luottoriskistä ja Yhdysvaltojen ja maailman valuuttakurssi indeksistä joulukuulta 1972 elokuulle 2006. Yhteisintegraatio regressiotekniikoita käytettiin muodostamaan malli jonka avullatutkittiin päätekijöitä jotka vaikuttavat kullan hintaan. Kirjallisuutta tutkimalla selvitettiin miten kultaan voidaan sijoittaa. Empiirisettulokset ovat yhteneväisiä edellisten tutkimusten kanssa. Tukea löytyi sille, että kulta on pitkän ajan suoja inflaatiota vastaan ja kulta ja Yhdysvaltojen inflaatio liikkuvat pitkällä aikavälillä yhdessä. Kullan hintaan vaikuttavat kuitenkin lyhyen ajan tekijät pitkän ajan tekijöitä enemmän. Kulta on myös sijoittajalle helppo sijoituskohde, koska se on hyvin saatavilla markkinoilla ja eri instrumentteja on lukuisia.
Thanks to the continuous progress made in recent years, medical imaging has become an important tool in the diagnosis of various pathologies. In particular, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) permits to obtain images with a remarkably high resolution without the use of ionizing radiation and is consequently widely applied for a broad range of conditions in all parts of the body. Contrast agents are used in MRI to improve tissue discrimination. Different categories of contrast agents are clinically available, the most widely used being gadolinium chelates. One can distinguish between extracellular gadolinium chelates such as Gd-DTPA, and hepatobiliary gadolinium chelates such as Gd-BOPTA. The latter are able to enter hepatocytes from where they are partially excreted into the bile to an extent dependent on the contrast agent and animal species. Due to this property, hepatobiliary contrast agents are particularly interesting for the MRI of the liver. Actually, a change in signal intensity can result from a change in transport functions signaling the presence of impaired hepatocytes, e.g. in the case of focal (like cancer) or diffuse (like cirrhosis) liver diseases. Although the excretion mechanism into the bile is well known, the uptake mechanisms of hepatobiliary contrast agents into hepatocytes are still not completely understood and several hypotheses have been proposed. As a good knowledge of these transport mechanisms is required to allow an efficient diagnosis by MRI of the functional state of the liver, more fundamental research is needed and an efficient MRI compatible in vitro model would be an asset. So far, most data concerning these transport mechanisms have been obtained by MRI with in vivo models or by a method of detection other than MRI with cellular or sub-cellular models. Actually, no in vitro model is currently available for the study and quantification of contrast agents by MRI notably because high cellular densities are needed to allow detection, and no metallic devices can be used inside the magnet room, which is incompatible with most tissue or cell cultures that require controlled temperature and oxygenation. The aim of this thesis is thus to develop an MRI compatible in vitro cellular model to study the transport of hepatobiliary contrast agents, in particular Gd-BOPTA, into hepatocytes directly by MRI. A better understanding of this transport and especially of its modification in case of hepatic disorder could permit in a second step to extrapolate this knowledge to humans and to use the kinetics of hepatobiliary contrast agents as a tool for the diagnosis of hepatic diseases.
Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.
Résumé: At least since the Great Depression, explaining why there are business fluctuations has been one of the biggest challenges that the science of economics has had to face. The hope is that if we could better understand recessions, then we could also be more successful in overcoming them. This dissertation consists of three papers that are part of the general endeavor of economists to understand these fluctuations. The first paper discusses, for a particular model, whether a result related to fluctuations would still hold if time were modeled as continuous rather than discrete. The two other papers focus on price stickiness. The second paper discusses why, after a large devaluation, prices of non-tradables may change by only a small amount in comparison to the magnitude of the devaluation. The third paper examines price adjustment in a model in which information is imperfect and it is costly to change prices.
In the electrical industry the 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields are often higher than in the average working environment. The electric and magnetic fields can be studied by measuring or by calculatingthe fields in the environment. For example, the electric field under a 400 kV power line is 1 to 10 kV/m, and the magnetic flux density is 1 to 15 µT. Electricand magnetic fields of a power line induce a weak electric field and electric currents in the exposed body. The average current density in a human being standing under a 400 kV line is 1 to 2 mA/m2. The aim of this study is to find out thepossible effects of short term exposure to electric and magnetic fields of electricity power transmission on workers' health, in particular the cardiovascular effects. The study consists of two parts; Experiment I: influence on extrasystoles, and Experiment II: influence on heart rate. In Experiment I two groups, 26 voluntary men (Group 1) and 27 transmission-line workers (Group 2), were measured. Their electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded with an ambulatory recorder both in and outside the field. In Group 1 the fields were 1.7 to 4.9 kV/m and 1.1 to 7.1 pT; in Group 2 they were 0.1 to 10.2 kV/m and 1.0 to 15.4 pT. In the ECG analysis the only significant observation was a decrease in the heart rate after field exposure (Group 1). The drop cannot be explained with the first measuring method. Therefore Experiment II was carried out. In Experiment II two groups were used; Group 1 (26 male volunteers) were measured in real field exposure, Group 2 (15 male volunteers) in "sham" fields. The subjects of Group 1 spent 1 h outside the field, then 1 h in the field under a 400 kV transmission line, and then again 1 h outside the field. Under the 400 kV linethe field strength varied from 3.5 to 4.3 kV/m, and from 1.4 to 6.6 pT. Group 2spent the entire test period (3 h) in a 33 kV outdoor testing station in a "sham" field. ECG, blood pressure, and electroencephalogram (EEG) were measured by ambulatory methods. Before and after the field exposure, the subjects performed some cardiovascular autonomic function tests. The analysis of the results (Experiments I and II) showed that extrasystoles or arrythmias were as frequent in the field (below 4 kV/m and 4 pT) as outside it. In Experiment II there was no decrease detected in the heart rate, and the systolic and diastolic blood pressure stayed nearly the same. No health effects were found in this study.