993 resultados para Sediments lacustres
This work was based on a study of the upper layer of recent carbonate bottom sediments of the Atlantic Ocean. Biogenic carbonate of recent sediments is represented by metastable and stable minerals. In the ocean metastable phases can exist indefinitely long, but the structure of polymorphism determines inevitability of transformation of metastable phases into stable ones. This transformation occurs in the solid phase. In the absence of a critical point between the two phases of the transition process is not available for study by microscopic methods. It is estimated indirectly by studying the nature and extent of changes in mineral and chemical compositions. With aging of sediments their mineral composition alters in direction of increasing contents of resistant minerals. Fine grained sediments and fractions are subject to more intensive effects of early diagenesis processes, rather than coarse ones; this is reflected in their mineral composition. Regularities of distribution of carbonate minerals in size fractions consistent with the direction of polymorphic transformations in calcium carbonate. Such transformations can occur in a particular dimension of grains. Concrete grain size depends on environmental conditions. This situation explains presence of metastable biogenic carbonates at different depths of the ocean and suggests presence of diagenetic calcite in sediments occurring below expected for each case depth of the transition.
Lipid contents both in particulate matter and bottom sediments decreases with passage from the shelf toward the open ocean. Lipid concentration in particulate matter collected by a separator (Ls) decreases by a factor of 7 (from 7.05 to 0.95 % of dry matter), while in particulate matter collected on filters (Lf) it decreases by a factor of 13 (from 78 to 6 µg/l) in the vicinity of the Limpopo River and by a factor of 6 (from 74 to 13 µg/l) in the vicinity of the Zambezi River. Concentration of Lf also decreased with depth. In the upper sediment layers lipid concentration was 0.0028-0.039% of dry matter; all mud samples were richer in lipids, than sand samples. During sedimentogenesis there is an increase in proportion of lipids relative to other classes of organic matter, proportion of low-polarity compounds increases among the lipids, and proportion of hydrocarbons rises among these compounds. Sediments inherit composition of particulate matter to the greatest degree in the vicinity of river mouths.
Intensification of North Pacific Intermediate Water during the Younger Dryas and stadials of the last glacial episode has been advocated by Kennett and his colleagues based on studies of ventilation history in Santa Barbara Basin. Because Santa Barbara Basin is a semi-isolated marginal basin, this hypothesis requires testing in sequences on the upper continental margin facing the open-ocean of the Pacific. Ocean Drilling Program Site 1017 is located on the upper slope of southern California off Point Conception close to the entrance of Santa Barbara Basin, an ideal location to test the hypothesis of late Quaternary switching in intermediate waters. We examined chemical and mineral composition, sedimentary structures, and grain size of hemipelagic sediments representing the last 80 k.y. at this site to detect changes in behavior of intermediate waters. We describe distinct compositional and textual variations that appear to reflect changes in grain size in response to flow velocity fluctuations of bottom waters. Qualitative estimates of changes in degree of pyritization indicate better ventilation of bottom water during intervals of stronger bottom-water flow. Comparison between variations in the sediment parameters and the planktonic d18O record indicates intensified bottom-current activity during the Younger Dryas and stadials of marine isotope Stage 3. This result strongly supports the hypothesis of Kennett and his colleagues. Our investigation also suggests strong grain-size control on organic carbon content (and to less extent carbonate carbon content). This, in turn, suggests the possibility that organic carbon content of sediments, which is commonly used as an indicator of surface productivity, can be influenced by bottom currents.
In this preliminary biometric study of the calcareous nannofossil species Chiasmolithus expansus, Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, and Chiasmolithus altus from the upper middle Eocene to lower Oligocene of Sites 647 and 748, we document a complete gradation of forms among all three species. Chiasmolithus oamaruensis has significantly higher morphologic variance than the other species. The Chiasmolithus population at each site changes from C. expansus to C. oamaruensis and then to C. altus. This may not reflect a true evolutionary sequence because a major reversal in shape change of the central cross-bar structure accompanies this sequence, and because C. altus is morphologically closer to C. expansus than it is to C. oamaruensis. The change in the width of the cross-bar structure is primarily a result of changes in the alignment of the central connecting bar, rather than of changes in the cross-bar angle. At Site 748, two fluctuations in morphology produce sample populations intermediate between all three species. In addition, reported stratigraphic and paleogeographic occurrences of C. oamaruensis and C. altus show different latitudinal distributions. These morphological and distributional patterns may be explained by a continuous morphologic gradient between C. oamaruensis and C. altus, with C. oamaruensis occurring more commonly in cool-water paleoenvironments, and C. altus occurring more commonly in cold-water paleoenvironments. Thus, paleoenvironmental fluctuations at Site 748 may be the cause of the morphologic fluctuations in Chiasmolithus. This hypothesis can be tested against previously proposed evolutionary models by more detailed sampling of sections along a latitudinal transect.
Bulk mineralogy, Sm, Nd and Pb elemental and isotopic compositions of the clay-size fraction of Holocene sediments were analyzed in three deep North Atlantic cores to trace the particle provenance. The aims of the present paper are to identify the origin of the particles driven by deep currents and to reconstruct deep circulation changes over the Holocene in the North Atlantic. The three cores are retrieved in fracture zones; two of them are located in the Island Basin along the gyre of North Atlantic Deep Water, and the third core is located off the present deep circulation gyre in the Labrador Sea. Whereas sedimentary supplies in the Labrador Sea were constantly derived from proximal sources, the geochemical mixing trends in the Iceland Basin samples indicate pronounced changes in the relative contribution of continental margin inputs over the past 6 kyr. Supplies from western European margin that sharply increased at 6 kyr were progressively diluted by a larger contribution of Scandinavian margins over the last 3 kyr. Changes in composition of the particles imply significant reorganization of paleocirculation of the deep North Atlantic components in the eastern basins: mainly reorganizations for both Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water and Norwegian Sea Overflow Water. Moreover the unusual Pb isotopic composition of the oldest sediments from the southern Iceland Basin indicates that distal supplies from Greenland margin were driven into the Iceland Basin, supporting a deep connection between Labrador Sea and Iceland Basin through the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone prior the Holocene Transition period.
Historically, the Holocene has been considered an interval of relatively stable climate. However, recent studies from the northern Arabian Sea (Netherlands Indian Ocean Program 905) suggested high-amplitude climate shifts in the early and middle Holocene based on faunal and benthic isotopic proxy records. We examined benthic foraminiferal faunal and stable isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 and total organic carbon data from ODP Site 724, Oman Margin (808 and 593 m water depths, respectively). At Site 723 the mid-Holocene shift in d18O values of infaunal benthic species Uvigerina peregrina (1.4 per mil) is 3 times larger than that of epifaunal benthic species Cibicides kullenbergi recorded at Site NIOP 905 off Somalia. However, none of the five other benthic species we measured at Hole 723A exhibits such a shift in d18O. We speculate that the late Holocene d18O decrease in U. peregrina represents species-specific changes in ecological habitat or food preference in response to changes in surface and deep ocean circulation. While the stable isotopic data do not appear to indicate a middle Holocene climatic shift, our total organic carbon and benthic faunal assemblage data do indicate that the early Holocene deep Arabian Sea was influenced by increased ventilation perhaps by North Atlantic Deep Water and/or Circumpolar Deep Water incursions into the Indian Ocean, leading to remineralization of organic matter and a relatively weak early Holocene oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea in spite of strong summer monsoon circulation.
A geochemical investigation has been conducted of a suite of four sediment cores collected from directly beneath the hydrothermal plume at distances of 2 to 25 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal field. As well as a large biogenic component (>80% CaCO3) these sediments record clear enrichments of the elements Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P, and As from hydrothermal plume fallout but only minor detrital background material. Systematic variations in the abundances of "hydrothermal" elements are observed at increasing distance from the vent site, consistent with chemical evolution of the dispersing plume. Further, pronounced Ni and Cr enrichments at specific levels within each of the two cores collected from closest to the vent site are indicative of discrete episodes of additional input of ultrabasic material at these two near-field locations. Radiocarbon dating reveals mean Holocene accumulation rates for all four cores of 2.7 to 3.7 cm.kyr?1, with surface mixed layers 7 to 10+ cm thick, from which a history of deposition from the Rainbow hydrothermal plume can be deduced. Deposition from the plume supplies elements to the underlying sediments that are either directly hydrothermally sourced (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu) or scavenged from seawater via the hydrothermal plume (e.g., V, P, As). Holocene fluxes into to the cores' surface mixed layers are presented which, typically, are an order of magnitude greater than "background" authigenic fluxes from the open North Atlantic. One core, collected closest to the vent site, indicates that both the concentration and flux of hydrothermally derived material increased significantly at some point between 8 and 12 14C kyr ago; the preferred explanation is that this variation reflects the initiation/intensification of hydrothermal venting at the Rainbow hydrothermal field at this time - perhaps linked to some specific tectonic event in this fault-controlled hydrothermal setting.
The geotechnical characteristics of 22 sediment samples from Leg 84 sites were studied in an effort to associate these with processes active along the Middle America slope and with sedimentation mechanisms. Geotechnical properties measured include water content, porosity, bulk density, Atterberg limits, consolidation characteristics, permeability, and vane shear strength. A majority of samples obtained from Sites 565, 568, and 570 show significant disturbance resulting from degassing. This disturbance apparently results in underconsolidation, although other mechanisms such as excess pore pressures generated from the subduction process can also contribute to this state. Overconsolidated sediments were found at Sites 565, 566, and 569. The overconsolidated sediments at Sites 565 and 569 may result from downslope transport mechanisms rearranging and stressing the sediment mass under consideration. The sediment condition at Site 566 is probably a result of eroded overburden: an estimated 87 m of overlying sediments may have been removed. Geotechnical and permeability relationships with depth are consistent with those found for other hemipelagic sediments of silty clay to clayey silt textures.
Planktonic foraminifers recovered from five sites drilled off western Portugal during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173 are documented. Hole 1065A yielded planktonic foraminifers from Miocene sediments in Sections 173-1065A-1R-1 through 6R-2. Hole 1067A penetrated middle Eocene sediments containing planktonic foraminifers in Section 173-1067A-1R-1 through Lower Eocene planktonic foraminiferal horizons to Section 12R-CC. Hole 1068A yielded planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from middle Eocene sediments at Section 173-1068A-1R-1 to Maastrichtian sediments at Section 173-1068A-15R-3, whereas Hole 1069A contained middle Eocene taxa in Section 173-1069A-1R-1 through Campanian/Maastrichtian forms in Section 173-1069A-15R-2. All of the planktonic foraminifers recovered from these sites are of poor to moderately good preservation and are variable in abundance. Hole 1070A yielded only six planktonic foraminifers, with the assemblages being dominated by benthic foraminifers and fish teeth. The co-occurrence of other microfossil groups, including benthic foraminifers, are only briefly discussed here. The lower Miocene biosiliceous facies recorded in Hole 1065A is considered to be coeval with a similar facies found in onshore sections farther to the east, in southern Spain.
The Southern Marion Plateau (SMP) represents a vertical stacking of Miocene carbonate platform deposits. Two sites (1196 and 1199) were drilled on top of this plateau, penetrating a 663-m carbonate succession of bioclastic and reefal sedimentary bodies. The study focuses on the least dolomitized 410-m-thick upper part of the succession, which is middle to late Miocene in age. Sedimentological and paleontological studies were conducted at both sites in order to propose a paleoenvironmental model and its evolution through the Miocene age. Six main microfacies of possible environmental significance were defined using statistical multivariate analyses, based on the recognition and point counting of 24 biogenic components. Depositional environment reconstructions are proposed as well as the biosedimentary and the environmental evolution regarding seismic architectures, stratigraphy, biosedimentology, and microfacies analysis. The SMP platform mainly results from a vertical stacking of lens-shaped bodies in homoclinal to distally steepened ramp settings.