Geochemical composition and granulometry of ODP Hole 167-1017E sediments

Autoria(s): Tada, Ryuji; Sato, Sohei; Irino, Tomohisa; Matsui, Hiroyuki; Kennett, James P

LATITUDE: 34.535000 * LONGITUDE: -121.107000 * DATE/TIME START: 1996-05-28T02:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-05-28T06:30:00




Intensification of North Pacific Intermediate Water during the Younger Dryas and stadials of the last glacial episode has been advocated by Kennett and his colleagues based on studies of ventilation history in Santa Barbara Basin. Because Santa Barbara Basin is a semi-isolated marginal basin, this hypothesis requires testing in sequences on the upper continental margin facing the open-ocean of the Pacific. Ocean Drilling Program Site 1017 is located on the upper slope of southern California off Point Conception close to the entrance of Santa Barbara Basin, an ideal location to test the hypothesis of late Quaternary switching in intermediate waters. We examined chemical and mineral composition, sedimentary structures, and grain size of hemipelagic sediments representing the last 80 k.y. at this site to detect changes in behavior of intermediate waters. We describe distinct compositional and textual variations that appear to reflect changes in grain size in response to flow velocity fluctuations of bottom waters. Qualitative estimates of changes in degree of pyritization indicate better ventilation of bottom water during intervals of stronger bottom-water flow. Comparison between variations in the sediment parameters and the planktonic d18O record indicates intensified bottom-current activity during the Younger Dryas and stadials of marine isotope Stage 3. This result strongly supports the hypothesis of Kennett and his colleagues. Our investigation also suggests strong grain-size control on organic carbon content (and to less extent carbonate carbon content). This, in turn, suggests the possibility that organic carbon content of sediments, which is commonly used as an indicator of surface productivity, can be influenced by bottom currents.


application/zip, 3 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Tada, Ryuji; Sato, Sohei; Irino, Tomohisa; Matsui, Hiroyuki; Kennett, James P (2000): Millennial-scale compositional variations in late Quaternary sediments at Site 1017, Southern California. In: Lyle, M; Koizumi, I; Richter, C; Moore, TC Jr (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 167, 1-20, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #<4 µm; 167-1017E; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; Amorph; amorph. hump (cps); Amorphous phase; C (carb); Cal; Calcite, intensity; Calcium oxide; CaO; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon analyser, LECO; Carbon in carbonate; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Fe2O3; Feldspar, Intensity; Fsp; Grain size, LASER Particle Sizer; Ill; Illite, intensity; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; Joides Resolution; K2O; Kaolinite+Chlorite, Intensity; Kln+Chl; Label; Leg167; LOI; Loss on ignition; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; MgO; MnO; Mode; Mode, grain size; Na2O; No; North Pacific Ocean; Number; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of fine-silt; P2O5; Phosphorus oxide; Potassium oxide; Py; Pyrite, Intensity; Quartz, intensity; Qz; Sample code/label; Silicon dioxide; Silt, very coarse; Silt, very fine; Silt v coarse; Silt v fine; SiO2; Size fraction < 0.004 mm, clay; Sme; Smectite, intensity; Sodium oxide; TiO2; Titanium oxide; TOC; vol%; X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
