859 resultados para SNA research design
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a possible interaction between dietary fat and physical inactivity on whole-body insulin sensitivity and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eight healthy male volunteers were studied on two occasions. After 2 days of an equilibrated diet and moderate physical activity, participants remained inactive (bed rest) for 60 h and consumed either a high-saturated fat (45% fat, of which approximately 60% was saturated fat [BR-HF]) or a high-carbohydrate (70% carbohydrate [BR-HCHO]) diet. To evaluate the effect of a high-fat diet alone, six of the eight volunteers were restudied after a 2-day equilibrated diet followed by 60 h on a high-saturated fat diet and controlled physical activity (PA-HF). Insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and IMCL concentrations by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Insulin-mediated glucose disposal was decreased by BR-HF condition (-24 +/- 6%, P < 0.05) but did not change with BR-HCHO (+19 +/- 10%, NS). BR-HF and BR-HCHO increased IMCL levels (+32 +/- 7%, P < 0.05 and +17 +/- 8%, P < 0.0011, respectively). Although the increase in IMCL levels with PA-HF (+31 +/- 19%, P = 0.12) was similar to that during BR-HF, insulin-mediated glucose disposal (-7 +/- 9%, NS) was not decreased. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that physical inactivity and a high-saturated fat diet may interact to reduce whole-body insulin sensitivity. IMCL content was influenced by dietary lipid and physical inactivity but was not directly associated with insulin resistance.
OBJECTIVE: Apoptosis of pancreatic beta-cells is critical in both diabetes development and failure of islet transplantation. The role in these processes of pro- and antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, which regulate apoptosis by controlling mitochondrial integrity, remains poorly understood. We investigated the role of the BH3-only protein Bid and the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax and Bak, as well as prosurvival Bcl-2, in beta-cell apoptosis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We isolated islets from mice lacking Bid, Bax, or Bak and those overexpressing Bcl-2 and exposed them to Fas ligand, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and proinflammatory cytokines or cytotoxic stimuli that activate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway (staurosporine, etoposide, gamma-radiation, tunicamycin, and thapsigargin). Nuclear fragmentation was measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Development and function of islets were not affected by loss of Bid, and Bid-deficient islets were as susceptible as wild-type islets to cytotoxic stimuli that cause apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. In contrast, Bid-deficient islets and those overexpressing antiapoptotic Bcl-2 were protected from Fas ligand-induced apoptosis. Bid-deficient islets were also resistant to apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha plus cycloheximide and were partially resistant to proinflammatory cytokine-induced death. Loss of the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax or Bak protected islets partially from death receptor-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that Bid is essential for death receptor-induced apoptosis of islets, similar to its demonstrated role in hepatocytes. This indicates that blocking Bid activity may be useful for protection of islets from immune-mediated attack and possibly also in other pathological states in which beta-cells are destroyed.
OBJECTIVE: The mechanism underlying pericyte loss during incipient diabetic retinopathy remains controversial. Hyperglycemia induces angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) transcription, which modulates capillary pericyte coverage. In this study, we assessed loss of pericyte subgroups and the contribution of Ang-2 to pericyte migration. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Numbers of total pericytes and their subgroups were quantified in retinal digest preparations of spontaneous diabetic XLacZ mice. Pericytes were divided into subgroups according to their localization, their position relative to adjacent endothelial cells, and the expression of LacZ. The contribution of Ang-2 to pericyte migration was assessed in Ang-2 overexpressing (mOpsinhAng2) and deficient (Ang2LacZ) mice. RESULTS: Pericyte numbers were reduced by 16% (P < 0.01) in XLacZ mice after 6 months of diabetes. Reduction of pericytes was restricted to pericytes on straight capillaries (relative reduction 27%, P < 0.05) and was predominantly observed in LacZ-positive pericytes (-20%, P < 0.01). Hyperglycemia increased the numbers of migrating pericytes (69%; P < 0.05), of which the relative increase due to diabetes was exclusively in LacZ-negative pericytes, indicating reduced adherence to the capillaries (176%; P < 0.01). Overexpression of Ang-2 in nondiabetic retinas mimicked diabetic pericyte migration of wild-type animals (78%; P < 0.01). Ang-2 deficient mice completely lacked hyperglycemia-induced increase in pericyte migration compared with wild-type littermates. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetic pericyte loss is the result of pericyte migration, and this process is modulated by the Ang-Tie system.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the characteristics of asthma (A) and allergic rhinitis (AR) among asthma patients in primary care practice. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Primary care physicians, pulmonologists, and allergologists were asked to recruit consecutive asthma patients with or without allergic rhinitis from their daily practice. Cross-sectional data on symptoms, severity, treatment and impact on quality of life of A and AR were recorded and examined using descriptive statistics. Patients with and without AR were then compared. RESULTS: 1244 asthma patients were included by 211 physicians. Asthma was controlled in 19%, partially controlled in 27% and not controlled in 54%. Asthma treatment was generally based on inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) with or without long acting beta 2 agonists (78%). A leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) was used by 46% of the patients. Overall, 950 (76%) asthma patients had AR (A + AR) and 294 (24%) did not (A - AR). Compared to patients with A - AR, A + AR patients were generally younger (mean age +/- standard deviation: 42 +/- 16 vs. 50 +/- 19 years, p < 0.001) and fewer used ICS (75% vs. 88%, p < 0.001). LTRA usage was similar in both groups (46% vs. 48%). Asthma was uncontrolled in 53% of A + AR and 57% of A - AR patients. Allergic rhinitis was treated with a mean of 1.9 specific AR medications: antihistamines (77%), nasal steroids (66%) and/or vasoconstrictors (38%), and/or LTRA (42%). Rhinorrhoea, nasal obstruction, or nasal itching were the most frequently reported AR symptoms and the greatest reported degree of impairment was in daily activities/sports (55%). CONCLUSIONS: Allergic rhinitis was more common among younger asthma patients, increased the burden of symptoms and the need for additional medication but was associated with improved asthma control. However, most asthma patients remained suboptimally controlled regardl-ess of concomitant AR.
PURPOSE: This retrospective study reports the clinical outcome following placement of extraoral implants in severely resorbed posterior ridges to support distal-extension removable dentures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Consecutively treated patients with partially or completely edentulous ridges, with available bone height in the posterior region of 6 mm or less, were included in the study. Implants originally intended for extraoral use (Straumann) were placed in second molar regions and allowed to heal for 4 to 6 months before abutment connection. At recall appointments, the peri-implant hard and soft tissues were evaluated. Complications with implant components, as well as mechanical and structural failures of the prostheses, were recorded. Two-year survival rates were calculated and life table analyses undertaken. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients (19 women and 10 men; average age 61.2 years, range, 44 to 75 years) were included in the study. Forty-seven extraoral implants in 26 patients were placed in the second molar site of the mandible. Two extraoral implants in 2 patients failed during the osseointegration phase, yielding an 8-year cumulative success rate of 91.8%. The mean distance from the extraoral implants to the most distal tooth/implant was 28.1 mm (range, 16.7 to 39.2 mm). Twenty-three extraoral implants were restored with magnets, 18 with ball anchors, and 4 with conical cylinders. Replacement of abutments and retention elements was necessary in 2 patients. Four abutments in 2 patients were disconnected from the restorations. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the employed research design, extraoral implants may be used successfully to provide support for distal-extension removable dentures in severely resorbed posterior alveolar ridges.
Recent brain imaging work has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms of perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions in human subjects, but research into the cerebral control of emotional and motivational function is at a much earlier stage. Important concepts and theories of emotion are briefly introduced, as are research designs and multimodal approaches to answering the central questions in the field. We provide a detailed inspection of the methodological and technical challenges in assessing the cerebral correlates of emotional activation, perception, learning, memory, and emotional regulation behavior in healthy humans. fMRI is particularly challenging in structures such as the amygdala as it is affected by susceptibility-related signal loss, image distortion, physiological and motion artifacts and colocalized Resting State Networks (RSNs). We review how these problems can be mitigated by using optimized echo-planar imaging (EPI) parameters, alternative MR sequences, and correction schemes. High-quality data can be acquired rapidly in these problematic regions with gradient compensated multiecho EPI or high resolution EPI with parallel imaging and optimum gradient directions, combined with distortion correction. Although neuroimaging studies of emotion encounter many difficulties regarding the limitations of measurement precision, research design, and strategies of validating neuropsychological emotion constructs, considerable improvement in data quality and sensitivity to subtle effects can be achieved. The methods outlined offer the prospect for fMRI studies of emotion to provide more sensitive, reliable, and representative models of measurement that systematically relate the dynamics of emotional regulation behavior with topographically distinct patterns of activity in the brain. This will provide additional information as an aid to assessment, categorization, and treatment of patients with emotional and personality disorders.
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the long-term development of labial gingival recessions during orthodontic treatment and retention phase. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this retrospective case-control study, the presence of gingival recession was scored (Yes or No) on plaster models of 100 orthodontic patients (cases) and 120 controls at the age of 12 (T12 ), 15 (T15 ), 18 (T18 ), and 21 (T21 ) years. In the treated group, T12 reflected the start of orthodontic treatment and T15 - the end of active treatment and the start of retention phase with bonded retainers. Independent t-tests, Fisher's exact tests and a fitted two-part "hurdle" model were used to identify the effect of orthodontic treatment/retention on recessions. RESULTS The proportion of subjects with recessions was consistently higher in cases than controls. Overall, the odds ratio for orthodontic patients as compared with controls to have recessions is 4.48 (p < 0.001; 95% CI: 2.61-7.70). CONCLUSIONS Within the limits of the present research design, orthodontic treatment and/or the retention phase may be risk factors for the development of labial gingival recessions. In orthodontically treated subjects, mandibular incisors seem to be the most vulnerable to the development of gingival recessions.
SUMMARY Split-mouth designs first appeared in dental clinical trials in the late sixties. The main advantage of this study design is its efficiency in terms of sample size as the patients act as their own controls. Cited disadvantages relate to carry-across effects, contamination or spilling of the effects of one intervention to another, period effects if the interventions are delivered at different time periods, difficulty in finding similar comparison sites within patients and the requirement for more complex data analysis. Although some additional thought is required when utilizing a split-mouth design, the efficiency of this design is attractive, particularly in orthodontic clinical studies where carry-across, period effects and dissimilarity between intervention sites does not pose a problem. Selection of the appropriate research design, intervention protocol and statistical method accounting for both the reduced variability and potential clustering effects within patients should be considered for the trial results to be valid.
OBJECTIVE Little information is available on the early course of hypertension in type 1 diabetes. The aim of our study, therefore, was to document circadian blood pressure profiles in patients with a diabetes duration of up to 20 years and relate daytime and nighttime blood pressure to duration of diabetes, BMI, insulin therapy, and HbA1c. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Ambulatory profiles of 24-h blood pressure were recorded in 354 pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes (age 14.6 +/- 4.2 years, duration of diabetes 5.6 +/- 5.0 years, follow-up for up to 9 years). A total of 1,011 profiles were available for analysis from patients not receiving antihypertensive medication. RESULTS Although daytime mean systolic pressure was significantly elevated in diabetic subjects (+3.1 mmHg; P < 0.0001), daytime diastolic pressure was not different from from the height- and sex-adjusted normal range (+0.1 mmHg, NS). In contrast, both systolic and diastolic nighttime values were clearly elevated (+7.2 and +4.2 mmHg; P < 0.0001), and nocturnal dipping was reduced (P < 0.0001). Systolic blood pressure was related to overweight in all patients, while diastolic blood pressure was related to metabolic control in young adults. Blood pressure variability was significantly lower in girls compared with boys (P < 0.01). During follow-up, no increase of blood pressure was noted; however, diastolic nocturnal dipping decreased significantly (P < 0.03). Mean daytime blood pressure was significantly related to office blood pressure (r = +0.54 for systolic and r = +0.40 for diastolic pressure); however, hypertension was confirmed by ambulatory blood pressure measurement in only 32% of patients with elevated office blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS During the early course of type 1 diabetes, daytime blood pressure is higher compared with that of healthy control subjects. The elevation of nocturnal values is even more pronounced and nocturnal dipping is reduced. The frequency of white-coat hypertension is high among adolescents with diabetes, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring avoids unnecessary antihypertensive treatment.
Previous research suggests that the personality of a relationship partner predicts not only the individual’s own satisfaction with the relationship but also the partner’s satisfaction. Based on the actor–partner interdependence model, the present research tested whether actor and partner effects of personality are biased when the same method (e.g., self-report) is used for the assessment of personality and relationship satisfaction and, consequently, shared method variance is not controlled for. Data came from 186 couples, of whom both partners provided self- and partner reports on the Big Five personality traits. Depending on the research design, actor effects were larger than partner effects (when using only self-reports), smaller than partner effects (when using only partner reports), or of about the same size as partner effects (when using self- and partner reports). The findings attest to the importance of controlling for shared method variance in dyadic data analysis.
Introduction: Concerns about the quality of physician education have changed current medical education practices. Learners must demonstrate competency in core areas, rather than solely participating in educational activities. Academic medical institutions are challenged with identifying leaders to direct curricular and evaluation reforms. An innovative partnership between the University of Houston College of Education and Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, and the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston offers a Masters of Education in Teaching degree with an emphasis in Health Sciences. Courses encompass fundamental areas including curriculum, instruction, technology, measurement, research design and statistics. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Hypertutorials optimize five features - presentation, learner control, practice, feedback, and elaborative learning resources. Previous research showed graduate students significantly and overwhelmingly preferred Web-based hypertutorials to conventional "Book-on-the-Web" statistics or research design lessons. The current report shows that the source of hypertutorials' superiority in student evaluations of instruction lies in their hypertutorial features. Randomized comparisons between the two methodologies were conducted in two successive iterations of a graduate level health informatics research design and evaluation course. The two versions contained the same text and graphics, but differed in the presence or absence of hypertutorial features: Elaborative learning resources, practice, feedback, and amount of learner control. Students gave high evaluations to both Web-based methodologies, but consistently rated the hypertutorial lessons as superior. Significant differences localized in the hypertutorial subscale that measured student responses to hypertutorial features.
The place-specific activity of hippocampal cells provides downstream structures with information regarding an animal's position within an environment and, perhaps, the location of goals within that environment. In rodents, recent research has suggested that distal cues primarily set the orientation of the spatial representation, whereas the boundaries of the behavioral apparatus determine the locations of place activity. The current study was designed to address possible biases in some previous research that may have minimized the likelihood of observing place activity bound to distal cues. Hippocampal single-unit activity was recorded from six freely moving rats as they were trained to perform a tone-initiated place-preference task on an open-field platform. To investigate whether place activity was bound to the room- or platform-based coordinate frame (or both), the platform was translated within the room at an "early" and at a "late" phase of task acquisition (Shift 1 and Shift 2). At both time points, CA1 and CA3 place cells demonstrated room-associated and/or platform-associated activity, or remapped in response to the platform shift. Shift 1 revealed place activity that reflected an interaction between a dominant platform-based (proximal) coordinate frame and a weaker room-based (distal) frame because many CA1 and CA3 place fields shifted to a location intermediate to the two reference frames. Shift 2 resulted in place activity that became more strongly bound to either the platform- or room-based coordinate frame, suggesting the emergence of two independent spatial frames of reference (with many more cells participating in platform-based than in room-based representations).
Intensive Family Preservation Services seek to reflect the values of focusing on client strengths and viewing clients as colleagues. To promote those values, Intensive Family Preservation Programs should include a systematic form of client self monitoring in their packages of outcome measures. This paper presents a model of idiographic self-monitoring used in time series, single system research design developed for Family Partners, a family preservation program of the School for Contemporary Education in Annandale, Virginia. The evaluation model provides a means of empowering client families to utilize their strengths and promote their status as colleague in determining their own goals, participating in the change process, and measuring their own progress.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), due to 21-Hydroxylase deficiency, has an estimated incidence of 1:15,000 births and can result in death, salt-wasting crisis or impaired growth. It has been proposed that early diagnosis and treatment of infants detected from newborn screening for CAH will decrease the incidence of mortality and morbidity in the affected population. The Texas Department of Health (TDH) began mandatory screening for CAH in June, 1989 and Texas is one of fourteen states to provide neonatal screening for the disorder.^ The purpose of this study was to describe the cost and effect of screening for CAH in Texas during 1994 and to compare cases first detected by screen and first detected clinically between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1994. This study used a longitudinal descriptive research design. The data was secondary and previously collected by the Texas Department of Health. Along with the descriptive study, an economic analysis was done. The cost of the program was defined, measured and valued for four phases of screening: specimen collection, specimen testing, follow-up and diagnostic evaluation.^ There were 103 infants with Classical CAH diagnosed during the study and 71 of the cases had the more serious Salt-Wasting form of the disease. Of the infants diagnosed with Classical CAH, 60% of the cases were first detected by screen and 40% were first detected because of clinical findings before the screening results were returned. The base case cost of adding newborn screening to an existing program (excluding the cost of specimen collection) was $357,989 for 100,000 infants. The cost per case of Classical CAH diagnosed, based on the number of infants first detected by screen in 1994, was \$126,892. There were 42 infants diagnosed with the more benign Nonclassical form of the disease. When these cases were included in the total, the cost per infant to diagnose Congenital Adrenal/Hyperplasia was $87,848. ^