927 resultados para Revelation 22:3-4
Purpose: To study the structure-activity relationships of synthetic multifunctional sulfides through evaluation of lipoxygenase and anti-bacterial activities. Methods: S-substituted derivatives of the parent compound 5-(1-(4-chlorophenylsulfonyl) piperidin-3- yl)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole-2-thiol were synthesized through reaction with different saturated and unsaturated alkyl halides in DMF medium, with NaH catalyst. Spectral characterization of each derivative was carried out with respect to IR, 1H - NMR, 13C - NMR and EI - MS. The lipoxygenase inhibitory and antibacterial activities of the derivatives were determined using standard procedures. Results: Compound 5e exhibited higher lipoxygenase inhibitory potential than the standard (Baicalein®), with % inhibition of 94.71 ± 0.45 and IC50 of 20.72 ± 0.34 μmoles/L. Compound 5b showed significant antibacterial potential against all the bacterial strains with % inhibition ranging from 62.04 ± 2.78, 69.49 ± 0.41, 63.38 ± 1.97 and 59.70 ± 3.70 to 78.32 ± 0.41, while MIC ranged from 8.18 ± 2.00, 10.60 ± 1.83, 10.84 ± 3.00, 9.81 ± 1.86 and 11.73 ± 5.00 μmoles/L for S. typhi, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis and S. aureus, respectively. Compounds 5d, 5e and 5g showed good antibacterial activity against S. typhi and B. subtilis bacterial strains. Conclusion: The results suggest that compound 5e bearing n-pentyl group is a potent lipoxygenase inhibitor, while compound 5b with n-propyl substitution is a strong antibacterial agent. In addition, compounds 5d, 5e and 5g bearing n-butyl, n-pentyl and n-octyl groups, respectively, are good antibacterial agents against S. typhi and B. subtilis.
Purpose: To synthesize and characterize S-alkylated/aralkylated 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4- oxadiazole-5-thiol derivatives. Methods: 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid (1) was reacted with absolute ethanol and catalytic amount of sulfuric acid to form ethyl 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)acetate (2) which was transformed to 2-(1H-indol-3- yl)acetohydrazide (3) by refluxing with hydrazine hydrate in methanol. Ring closure reaction of 3 with carbon disulfide and ethanolic potassium hydroxide yielded 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5- thiol (4) which was finally treated with alkyl/aralkyl halides (5a-u) in DMF and NaH to yield Salkylated/ aralkylated 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiols (6a-u). Structural elucidation was done by IR, 1H-NMR and EI-MS techniques Results: 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiol (4) was synthesized as the parent molecule and was characterized by IR and the spectrum showed peaks resonating at (cm-1) 2925 (Ar-H), 2250 (S-H ), 1593 (C=N ) and 1527 (Ar C=C ); 1H-NMR spectrum showed signals at δ 11.00 (s, 1H, NH-1ʹ), 7.49 ( br.d, J = 7.6 Hz, 1H, H-4\'), 7.37 (br.d, J = 8.0 Hz, 1H, H-7\'), 7.34 (br.s, 1H, H-2\'), 7.09 (t, J = 7.6 Hz, 1H, H-5\'), 7.00 (t, J = 7.6 Hz, 1H, H-6\') and 4.20 (s, 2H, CH2-10ʹ). EI-MS presented different fragments peaks at m/z 233 (C11H9N3OS)˙+ [M+2]+, 231 (C11H9N3OS)˙+ [M]+, 158 (C10H8NO)+, 156 (C10H8N2)˙+, 130 (C9H8N)+. The derivatives (6a-6u) were prepared and characterized accordingly. Conclusion: S-alkylated/aralkylated 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiols (6a-u) were successfully synthesized.
Purpose: To evaluate the antibacterial, enzyme-inhibitory and hemolytic activities of Salkylated/ aralkylated 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiol derivatives. Methods: Antibacterial activities of the compounds were evaluated using broth dilution method in 96 well plates. Enzyme inhibitory activities assays were investigated against α-glucosidase, butyrylcholinesterase (BchE) and lipoxygenase (LOX) using acarbose, eserine and baicalien as reference standards, respectively. A mixture of enzyme, test compound and the substrate was incubated and variation in absorbance noted before and after incubation. In tests for hemolytic activities, the compounds were incubated with red blood cells and variations in absorbance were used as indices their hemolytic activities. Results: The compounds were potent antibacterial agents. Five of them exhibited very good antibacterial potential similar to ciprofloxacin, and had minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of at least 9.00 ± 4.12 μM against S. aureus, E.coli, and B. subtilis. One of the compounds had strong enzyme inhibitory potential against α-glucosidase, with IC50 of 17.11 ± 0.02 μg/mL which was better than that of standard acarbose (IC50 38.25 ± 0.12 μg/mL). Another compound had 1.5 % hemolytic activity. Conclusion: S-Alkylated/aralkylated 2-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-thiol deviratives with valuable antibacterial, anti-enzymatic and hemolytic activities have been successfully synthesized. These compounds may be useful in the development of pharmaceutical products.
The mixed convection flow due to a line thermal source embedded at the leading edge of an adiabatic vertical plane surface immersed in a saturated porous medium has been studied. Both weakly and strongly buoyant plume regimes have been considered. The cases of buoyancy assisting and buoyancy opposing flow conditions have been incorporated in the analysis. The results are presented for the entire range of buoyancy parameter from the pure forced convection (xgr=0) to the pure free convection (xgr rarr infin@#@) regimes. For buoyancy-assisting flow, the wall temperature and the velocity at the wall increase as the plume strength increases. However, they all decrease as the free-stream velocity increases. For buoyancyopposing flow, the temperature at the wall increases as the strength of the plume increases but velocity at the wall decreases.
Die deutsche Fischerei auf Kabeljau und Schellfisch im Nordost-Atlantik und ihre jüngste Entwicklung
Internationale Heringsbestandsaufnahme vor der nordamerikanischen Ostküste mit Beteiligung des FFS "Walther Herwig"
180. (62.) Reise des FFS "Anton Dohrn" (ICES-Jungfischreise)
本文通过在林周唐古地区的定位性调查和历史资料的分析,对红景天植物的资源生态学特性进行了如下几个方面的探讨和研究。 1、分析了调查区的自然概况,探讨了调查区红景天的地理分布规律及特点。 2、对调查区的植被进行分析,划分了22个群落种组,八个群落类型。并对群落种组,群落学特征进行了分析。同时,还探讨了群落的分布规律以及生态系统与环境因子的关系。 3、分析了红景天种子的生物学特性、种子的撒播、萌发和幼苗建成过程以及自然条件下的无性繁殖方式。并进一步的也进行了人工繁殖实验。 4、通过物种间关系的研究,对三种红景天的指示植物种进行了初步确定,其结果在种的排序图上得到了进一步的分析和解释。 5、对红景天不同部位化学成分的测定结果表明:不同部位化学成分的分布量不同。建议开发利用过程中,应根据利用目的针对性开发。 6、对不同海拔带的红景天生物量进行了测定分析,并对其生长过程进行了生物量的动态研究和生长分析。 7、就红景天植物资源的利用历史、利用现状和开发利用过程中存在的问题做了概括性论述。并对今后合理利用和保护等问题提出了一些建议。
碳、氮不仅是生物体必需的营养元素,也是重要的生态元素。大气中温室气体C02、N2O等浓度的增加使得碳、氮的生物地球化学循环及其温室气体的减缓排放措施研究成为全球变化研究中的热点问题。 土壤是陆地生态系统的核心,是连接大气圈、水圈、生物圈、岩石圈的纽带;它是陆生生物赖以生存的物质基础,是陆地生态系统中物质与能量交换的重要场所,其在全球碳、氮循环中起着十分重要的作用。一方面,土壤有机碳和氮的含量与分布直接关系到生态系统的生产力和生态系统的规模,同时土壤有机碳和氮的转化与迁移又直接影响到温室气体的组成与含量。而土壤本身又是生态系统中生物与环境相互作用的产物。因此,研究土壤有机碳和氮的分布、转化及其对全球变化的响应对于正确理解碳、氮的生物地球化学循环及其对全球变化的响应制定应对策略具有重要意义。 全球变化的陆地样带是从机理上理解陆地生态系统对全球变化的响应,预测全球变化对陆地生态系统的可能影响,实现预警、调节和减少全球变化不良影响,科学地规划和管理陆地生态系统的有效平台。目前,国际地圈一生物圈计划(IGBP)基于不同地区全球变化驱动因素的不同以及全球变化的潜在反馈作用强度的不同,在全球4个关键地区共启动了15条IG8P陆地样带。以水分为主要驱动力的中国东北样带(NECT:Northeast China Transect)即为IGBP的陆地样带之一。 本文以中国东北样带为平台,基于2001年对中国东北样带科学考察所采土壤样品的实测结果和气候资料分析了土壤有机碳和氮的梯度分布及其与土壤、气候等因子之间的关系;借助C02浓度升高和不同土壤湿度的模拟试验探讨了土壤有机碳和氮对气候变化的响应;根据作物残体还田的长期定位试验和盆栽试验研究了作物残体还田对土壤有机碳和氮转化的影响,讨论了农田生态系统通过作物残体还田对减缓温室气体排放的效应。主要结果和结论如下: (1).样带表层土壤有机碳平均为22.3土4.93 g.kg-1,下层土壤有机碳平均为8.9±1.20 g.kg-1。样带表层土壤活性有机碳平均为3.52±0.881 g.kg-1,占表层土壤有机碳的13.1±0.78%;下层土壤活性有机碳平均为1.14±0.250g.kg-l,占下层土壤有机碳的10.9±0.79%。样带土壤活性有机碳与土壤有机碳之间呈极显著正相关关系(相关系数r=0.993,P<0.001)。 (2).不同生态类型土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量不同。中国东北样带东部(经度126°~131°)为温带针阔混交林山地,植被种类极其丰富,地带性土壤为暗棕壤,并且多为自然土壤,土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量较高。但由于采样区局部地理环境、植被结构及人类干扰程度的不同,土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量变异较大,平均为61.9±13.84 g.kg-1和10. 88±2.236g. kg-1。样带中部(经度119°~126°)为松辽平原栎林草原、农田区和大兴安岭山地草甸草原区,属半湿润向半干旱过渡的气候。该区域主要土壤类型为黑土、黑钙土、盐化或碱化草甸土及风沙土,土壤沙化、碱化严重,土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量明显降低,平均为10.5±1.97 g.kg-l和1. 35±0.327 g.kg-1。样带中西部(经度113°~119°)为内蒙古高原草甸草原和典型草原区域,具有典型的半干旱气候特征。该区地带性土壤为栗钙土,局部丘陵区分布黑钙土,土壤有机碳和活性有机碳含量为14.6±1.65 g.kg-1和2.07±0.342g.kg-1。样带西部(经度111°~113°)为内蒙古高原荒漠草原区域,地带性土壤为棕钙土,土壤较为贫瘠,其有机碳和活性有机碳含量最低,平均为7.99±1.51 g.kg-1和0.51±0.216 g.kg-1。从总的趋势看,样带表层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳的梯度分布趋势一致,都呈现出随经度降低而下降的趋势,局部因土壤退化而出现波动。 (3).样带土壤有机碳和活性有机碳与土壤全量氮、磷、硫、锌及有效氮、磷、钾、锰、锌等均呈显著或极显著相关关系,与土壤PH、容重、持水量及孔隙度也呈显著或极显著相关关系。土壤表层有机碳和活性有机碳与降水量之间具有正的相关关系,其相关系数为r=0.677(P<0.001)和r=0.712(P<0.001)。但下层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳与降水量之间没有显著的相关关系。 (4).样带下层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳与经度之间仍具有显著的相关关系(r=0.454,P=0.026; r=0.473,P=0.020)。样带下层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳的变异小于表层。不同的生态系统,下层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳与表层土壤有机碳和活性有机碳的比率不同。总的来看,土壤活性有机碳含量随深度的增加而下降的幅度大于土壤有机碳。 (5).短期培养条件下,CO2浓度升高及干旱胁迫下,土壤有机碳的变化不大,其变异系数为1.28%;相比较之下,土壤活性有机碳对气候变化比较敏感,其变异系数为29.67%。不同土壤湿度,土壤活性有机碳含量发生变异的幅度因CO2浓度升高而降低。 (6).样带土壤全氮和有效氮与经度呈极显著正相关,其相关系数分别是r=0.695 (P<0.001)和0.636(P<0.001)。土壤表层全氮和有效氮的梯度分布与土壤有机碳的分布基本一致:沿经度呈现东高西低的趋势,局部由于土壤退化而出现低谷。样带除东部山区外,其它各部分土壤有效氮都很低,成为其植被生长的限制因子之一。样带下层土壤全氮和有效氮的含量低于表层,但样带不同部位下层土壤全氮和有效氮下降的幅度不同。总的来看,土壤全氮的剖面分布和土壤有机碳相似,而土壤有效氮则有所不同。 (7).土壤全氮和有效氮是土壤生化环境中两个重要的因子。样带土壤全氮和有效氮和土壤有机碳、全磷、全硫、全锌、土壤活性碳、有效磷、有效钾、有效锰、有效锌、土壤容重、田间持水量土壤总孔度等因子均呈显著或极显著的相关关系。 (8).样带表层土壤全氮和有效氮与降雨量之间呈极显著的正相关关系,相关系数分别是0.682(P<0.001)和0.688(P<0.001)。而下层土壤全氮和有效氮与降雨量之间的没有显著的相关关系(r=0.241,P=0.256; r=0.366,P=0.079)。土壤有效氮占全氮的比例与年均温呈显著正相关关系(相关系数r=0.390,p=0.044)。 (9).短期培养试验中,CO2浓度加倍和不同土壤湿度对土壤全氮和有效氮的影响没有达到显著水平。整个试验中土壤全氮和有效氮的变异较小(变异系数分别是5.55%和3.84%),但仍能反映一定的变化趋势。 (10).玉米残体还田能够增加土壤氮素含量,减轻因其作为燃烧材料而造成的氮素损失和对大气的污染;玉米残体施入土壤,增加了土壤微生物氮含量,提高土壤氮活性,有利于土壤氮素养分的协调供应;玉米残体还田能够促进氮素从营养器官向籽粒中转移,提高氮素养分的利用效率。同时,玉米残体还田可以降低土壤NO3--N的累 积,减少肥料氮的损失4.7~5.6%。 (ll).根据国内外文献和我们连续10年作物残体还田的肥料长期定位试验及盆栽试验结果,从减缓CO2排放、增加土壤碳固存、提高土壤生产力入手,分析了农业生态系统作物残体还田的必要性与可行性,讨论了农田作物残体还田,增加土壤碳固存对于减缓CO2排放、提高土壤生产力的作用与意义。提倡作物残体因地制宜地归还土壤,但作物残体还田后土壤固存与减缓温室气体排放的潜力还需要进一步进行研究。
2006年10月~2007年5月,我们采用固定路线调查、瞬时扫描行为取样法对云南纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤的行为时间分配、鹤群结构、栖息地利用等方面作了研究。 黑颈鹤越冬期日间行为主要以觅食和警戒为主,分别为76.81±9.1%和11.84±5.6%,两种行为共占了黑颈鹤日间行为时间分配比例的88.65%;其它几种行为除理羽(5.18±4.2%)、走动(3.37±2.25%)和休息(1.32±1.7%)外,其所占比例均在1%以下,它们分别为:飞行0.59±0.89 %、鸣叫0.41±0.63%、争斗0.22±0.30%和其它0.22±47%。越冬期中黑颈鹤日间行为具有明显节律性,觅食行为呈早晚双峰型节律,且傍晚的觅食高峰较高。黑颈鹤在纳帕海越冬期间从数量变化上可分为4个时期:1 早期的越冬集散期;2 中期的越冬稳定期;3 晚期的迁飞集散期;4 末期的幼鹤滞留期。鹤群结构及行为在不同的时期之间有着显著的变化。在越冬期中期,黑颈鹤特别是带有幼鹤的繁殖家庭更偏向于选择以家庭为单位的活动形式活动。集群鹤和领域鹤间在行为的时间分配上存在显著差异,集群活动有着集体警戒的优势使得集群鹤有了更多的时间用于觅食,但集群中的繁殖家庭并不能有效的利用这种优势,集群密集活动中高的争斗比例给集群中的幼鹤带更多的威胁,增加了繁殖家庭中成鹤的负担。家庭鹤为了维护领域不受侵犯,付出了更高的警戒时间,而减少了觅食的时间分配,但稳定的环境给幼鹤的稳定成长提供了更可靠的保证。鹤群结构组成的研究表明,繁殖家庭倾向于选择在一定的家庭领域中单独活动,非繁殖成鹤则更多的选择活动在集群中。集群中的幼鹤跟家庭中的幼鹤在觅食、警戒、理羽、走动、休息、争斗等主要行为上并无差异,但集群中的幼鹤的躲避攻击的行为要显著高于家庭活动中的幼鹤,说明了家庭活动对幼鹤有着更好的保护作用,集群中的高争斗行为对幼鹤产生了一定的不利影响。幼鹤和成鹤间行为存在明显差异:幼鹤的觅食比例比较高,略高于集群中的成鹤而显著高于家庭中的成鹤,走动和休息两种行为高于成鹤,相反鸣叫、争斗行为低于成鹤。这说明,幼鹤在活动中的警戒作用很少,更多时间是用于觅食和休息中,家庭中的幼鹤也并不更多的承担警戒和维护家庭领域的任务,而同样以觅食和休息为主。 越冬鹤群白天栖息地主要有浅水沼泽、农地、草地、猪拱地和开阔水域5种,其中猪拱地与草甸裸地为浅水沼泽和草地的次生生境。5种栖息地中以浅水沼泽利用比例最大为32.26%,其次是猪拱地(31.49%),然后农地(18.01%)和草地(10.91%);开阔水域最小,只5.55%(图11)。这5种栖息地中,农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例最大分别为:78.85%和76.61%,是黑颈鹤越冬季觅食的重要地点之一。草地中鹤群的觅食行为比例(61.63%)相对其它4种栖息地中的觅食比例中最低,相反,移动和休整行为比例最高,是鹤群休息和转换觅食地的场所。鹤群对浅水沼泽的利用率最大,但浅水沼泽中鹤群的觅食比例并不是最高(71.22%),略低于农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例,这可能是因为沼泽中食物营养比较高,鹤群可以在不高的觅食时间中获取足够的能量造成的。猪拱地和裸泥地的利用率及鹤群在此种栖息地中的觅食比例均较高,仅次于浅水沼泽和农地两种最主要的栖息地类型,说明家畜的影响在一定程度上为越冬鹤群增加了新的觅食地,有利于黑颈鹤的越冬。 纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤春季迁徙时间从3月底开始持续至4月中下旬,2007年春季迁徙共持续时间22天。天气条件和日时间对鹤群的迁徙有着明显的影响,鹤群迁徙主要出现在晴天或多云天气的10:00-12:00段。晴朗的天气有利于形成上升气流,10:00-12:00时间段上升气流最强、最为稳定,能为鹤群迁徙节省最多的能量,有利于鹤群的迁徙。
西南地区在我国的经济发展和生态环境建设中占重要地位,但也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一,生态系统退化,生态功能减弱,严重制约着西南林业的可持续经营与发展。本项目采用DNA 分子标记SSR 研究不同生境条件下粗枝云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示粗枝云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。粗枝云杉适应性强,生长迅速,在植树造林和工业用材方面占有重要地位,研究成果可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. SSR 位点变异丰富,等位基因频率的分布格局多样。7 个SSR 标记全是多态位点,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为13~24,平均为19.9 个。SSR 位点的等位基因片段长度范围变化较大。73.1%的等位基因变异遵循逐步突变模型(SSM)而发生1 个重复基元的变化,22.3%和4.6%的变异分别按两阶段突变模型(TMP)发生1 个重复基元以上的变化和在SSR 位点侧翼区发生1 个碱基变化的插入-删除事件。 2. 粗枝云杉拥有中等偏高水平的遗传多样性和相对大的群体间遗传分化。通过分析代表10 个群体的250 个个体在7 个SSR位点的变化,调查了源自中国西南山区的粗枝云杉的微卫星变异。相当高的遗传多样性和强烈的群体分化发生在粗枝云杉中, 其群体平均Nei's 期望杂合度为0.707 , 群体间遗传距离为0.121~0.224(FST)和0.100~0.537(RST)。然而,群体间遗传距离与地理距离之间无相关性,从而排除了简单的距离分离模式并暗示迁移不是影响粗枝云杉遗传变异格局的主要因素。事实上,使用私有等位基因估算的基因流数量非常低,仅等于0.753。等位基因置换检验(Allele permutation tests)揭示逐步突变及遗传漂变都对群体间分化有贡献。另外,在多数位点检测到显著的群体间遗传差异,这个结果说明自然选择,假设通过环境压力,是引起粗枝云杉微地理分化的主要因素之一。根据SSR基因型,250 个粗枝云杉个体的70%被正确地归类入其各自的来源群体,结果表明微卫星(SSR)对区分来自中国不同生态地理位点的粗枝云杉基因型是有效的。 3. 在SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 位点,显著的群体间遗传结构被发现的,但三种标记间遗传分化程度和群体遗传关系有差异。利用来自10 个群体的247 个个体,我们报告了关于样本粗枝云杉群体间遗传关系的总体看法。根据各自对评价遗传关系的信息能力和适用性,SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记被选用,三种技术非常有效地区别这些基因型。使用的SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记分别估计平均Dice 相似性系数。Mantel 检验产生显著但相对低的共表型适合度(RAPD = 0.63£AFLP = 0.60和SSR = 0.75)。比较三种标记系统,RAPD 和AFLP 共表型指数相对高地相关(r =0.59),而RAPD 和SSR 及SSR 和AFLP 之间的相关系数分别是0.53 和0.35。所有系统树,包括不同标记资料结合获得的系统树,反映了多数群体依据它们的地理条件而成某种特定关系。结果暗示单个或结合标记系统能用来深入洞察粗枝云杉遗传研究,并且不同标记系统合并资料能提供更可靠的信息。 Southwestern region plays an important role in economic developmentand ecological construction in China. Yet, it is also one of the weak regionsof ecological environment in China with degraded ecosystem and imperfectfunction, which restricts the sustaining management and development ofsouthwestern forestry. The genetic variation and spatial distribution patternof P. asperata populations originating from different habitats wereinvestigated using SSR molecular markers in this study. The correlationsbetween genetic variation and ecological and environmental conditionswere detected, and the interaction between P. asperata populations andenvironmental system and the mechanism of ecological adaption -molecular evolution were revealed. Given the significant ecological andeconomic roles of the fast-growing and wide-adaptive species in reforestation and production of pulp wood and timber, the study couldprovide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for thesustaining management of subalpine natural forest, and the afforestationand rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR loci was abundant and the distributionof allelic frequencies was uneven. All seven loci were polymorphic, and thenumber of alleles per locus varied from 13 to 24 with a mean valueequaling 19.9. The allele sizes at SSR loci were found to vary widely.73.1% of allelic variation followed stepwise mutation model (SSM) whichresults increase or decrease by one repeat type, and 22.3% and 4.6% wereresulted from two-phase mutation model (TMP) with allele size varying bymore than one repeat type and from insertion-deletion events in theflanking regions at SSR loci with a single basepair changing, respectively. 2. P. asperata possessed a moderate to high level of genetic diversityand considerable genetic differentiation. Microsatellite variation of P.asperata. originating from the mountains of southwestern China wasinvestigated by analyzing variation at seven SSR loci in 250 individualsrepresenting ten populations. A fair degree of genetic diversity and strongpopulation subdivision occurred with the mean gene diversity (H) of 0.707,and genetic distances among populations varying between 0.121 and 0.224(FST) and between 0.100 and 0.537 (RST). However, inter-populationgenetic distances showed no correlation with geographic distances between the population sites. This ruled out a simple isolation by distance modeland suggested that migration does not have a great impact. In fact, theamount of gene flow, detected using private alleles, was very low, equalingonly 0.753. Allele permutation tests revealed that stepwise-like mutations,coupled with genetic drift, could contribute to population differentiation.Moreover, significant genetic differences between populations weredetected at most loci. The results indicate that natural selection, presumablythrough environmental stress, may be one of the main factors causingmicro-geographical differentiation in the genetic structure of P. asperata.Based on SSR genotypes, 70% of the 250 individuals were correctlyclassified into their sites of origin. This suggests that microsatellites (SSRs) are effective in distinguishing genotypes of P. asperata originating fromdiverse eco-geographical sites in China. 3. Using a set of 247 individuals from ten P. asperata populations wereport an overview on the genetic relationship among the sampled P.asperata populations. RAPD, AFLP and SSR were used in terms of theirinformativeness and applicability for evaluate relationship and all threetechniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively. Mean Dicesimilarities coefficient were estimated using RAPD, AFLP and SSR,respectively. The Mantel test resulted in a significant but relatively low fit(RAPD = 0.63, AFLP = 0.60 and SSR = 0.75) of cophenetic values.Comparing the three marker systems to each other, RAPD and AFLP cophenetic indices were highly correlated (r = 0.59), while correlationcoefficient between RAPD and SSR was r = 0.53 and between SSR andAFLP was r = 0.35. For all markers a relatively high similarity indendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences wereobserved. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combineduse of all the marker data, reflect some relationships for most of thepopulations according to their geographic conditions. The results indicatethat single or combined marker system could be used to insight into geneticstudy in P. asperata and the combined data of different marker systems canprovide more reliable information.
La necesidad de involucrar el concepto de comunidad y sus estrategias con el sector salud, generan el problema de investigación de determinar ¿Cuál es la utilidad de la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud? El sector salud ha apartado las actividades relacionales con sus clientes, el cual es caracterizado por la atracción, desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones con los clientes. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar cuál es la utilidad de la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud y los objetivos específicos son: describir el uso de comunidad e Identificar la utilidad de aplicar las estrategias comunitarias en el sector. La metodología es la investigación y análisis de caso, estudiando una organización relevante dentro del sector salud, anexando fuentes de información secundarias como que aporten a los resultados. El análisis arroja una brecha entre la teoría y la utilización de comunidad, donde la organización la define como sus clientes y empleados. Posteriormente cabe determinar si son aplicadas las estrategias comunitarias por la compañía, donde se encontró que algunas lo son. Al encontrar el uso de estrategias cabe estudiar si generan utilidad a los resultados demostrando que conservar y mejorar relaciones con los clientes es de beneficio para la compañía, sin dejar de atraer nuevos clientes para ampliar las posibilidades de ser una compañía rentable y perdurable. Finalmente se establece un eje estratégico que genere un impacto positivo a la empresa - comunidad para crear relaciones más efectivas y rentables.
Este estudio analiza la existencia de conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en relación de cómo una empresa en el sector de servicios sociales y salud entienden las estrategias de mercadeo y la influencia en el desempeño que pueden tener en su relación con el entorno. Para esto, se utilizo un enfoque de estudio de caso seleccionando un caso representativo con una empresa dentro del sector. Se definieron proposiciones y protocolos. Varias fuentes de evidencia fueron utilizadas como documentos, reportes de desempeño financiero y otra información de diferentes sectores relacionados; los mismos fueron analizados en el marco de la evidencia lógica. Se concluye que la empresa en el sector de servicios sociales y salud no utilizan conceptos ni estrategias comunitarias y que se podrían beneficiar del uso apropiado de estrategias comunitarias en su relación con la comunidad.