854 resultados para Redes de saúde mental
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e a qualidade da eficácia adaptativa em estudantes universitários. O estudo foi realizado com 330 participantes e o delineamento transversal. A amostra foi composta por estudantes das 03 áreas: ciências biológicas, exatas e humanas e sociais do centro universitário de Itajubá-MG. os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionários de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e da Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) e a entrevista que foi avaliada através da Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO), elaborada por Simon (1989;1998). Os resultados foram obtidos por meio de análise estatística descritiva. A análise dos dados obtidos da amostra total (n=330), quanto aos domínios e a qualidade de vida global QVG, mostraram que a qualidade de visa geral - QVG (16,37) e o domínio das relações sociais (15,73) apresentaram as médias mais altas. Enquanto a menor média (12,95) foi a do domínio físico. Analisando os resultados representados pelas médias de cada área, nota-se que a QVG tem valores mais altos da Ciências Biológicas (16,72), da Ciências Exatas (16,27) e, da Ciências Humanas e Sociais (15,91). Quanto aos domínios da qualidade de vida, considerando a média de cada área, observou-se que os valores mais altos são do domínio das relações sociais distribuídos da seguinte forma: Exatas (15,86), Biológicas (15,84) Humanas e Sociais (15,29). E os menores valores considerando os domínios da qualidade de vida por área foi o do domínio físico: Humanas e sociais (12,68), Exatas (12,91) e Biológicas (13,14) verificou a relação entre o questionário EPM e os domínios e a QVG e observou-se que há uma associação com os domínios (p=<0,0001), sendo a maior correlação (r=-0,51) no domínio psicológico. Para análise das respostas do questionário de triagem EPM, foi utilizado o critério P (10) e P(50) (percentil) considerando o total de resposta SIM possíveis das 76 que compõem o questionário. Sendo P(50) a soma de SIM igual ou maior do que esse valor (38) e P(10) e igual ou menor que o valor 07. De acordo com os resultados dos 330 estudantes que tendo tendência de serem classificados pela EDAo, como estando com adaptação ineficaz ou em crise, foram 12. Quanto aos falsos negativos o total foi de 73, isto é aqueles que obtiveram a soma de sim igual ou menor que 07. E 245 estão fora do percentil de corte, tendo a possibilidade de eles serem classificados, com estando com adaptação eficaz. Para a avaliação da eficácia adaptativa realizou-se 01 entrevista clínica preventiva em cada estudante sendo 03 dos estudantes que obtiveram P(50) e 03 P(10). os resultados mostraram que um (01) obteve o diagnóstico de adaptação ineficaz leve (Grupo 2), dois foram diagnosticados Adaptação ineficaz moderada (Grupo 3), e os três com diagnóstico de adaptação ineficaz severa. Concluímos que o conhecimento sobre a qualidade de vida e a eficácia adaptativa em estudantes universitários possibilita a sistematização de programas direcionados à saúde mental no campo acadêmico.
Para atingir os objetivos propostos, ou seja, levantar e descrever indicadores socioculturais de uma amostra de adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa, e descrever características psicológicas e de personalidade dos adolescentes infratores, num estudo que pesquisou adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. O trabalho foi realizado em duas as etapas: na primeira, os 47 adolescentes participaram de uma entrevista semidirigida; na segunda, dez desses adolescentes foram selecionados e submetidos a um instrumento projetivo para investigação de aspectos da personalidade: o “desenho da Figura Humana” de Machower, adaptado por Van Kolck (1956; 1984). A discussão teórica dos resultados baseou-se numa abordagem psicanalítica pós-freudiana para a compreensão da adolescência tanto como fase do desenvolvimento humano como dos comportamentos antissociais. Os resultados do estudo corroboraram a teoria advinda da literatura psicológica que aborda padrões comuns no período da adolescência, fase em que ocorre um complexo de fatores individuais da maturidade biológica associados ao meio social/cultural e que, por sua vez, estabelecem relações com as instâncias psicológicas ou psíquicas do sujeito junto com as características específicas de cada indivíduo. Na busca da compreensão desses padrões comuns da amostra dos adolescentes infratores utilizados no presente estudo, foram levantados dados do perfil psicossocial, cultural e demográfico; dos aspectos psicossociais e aspectos psicodinâmicos e de características de personalidade. A título de conclusão, o estudo destacou a problemática do adolescente em conflito com a lei, associada às questões sociais, de saúde mental, além do desenvolvimento psíquico, sinalizando a necessidade de ações psicoprofiláticas voltadas para população infantil, jovem, agrupamentos familiares e para a comunidade que representa seu entorno.
Este estudo teve por objetivos: - descrever as dificuldades nas relações entre as filhas-cuidadoras e suas mães idosas dependentes de cuidados, a partir de relatos das filhas; - investigar, a partir dos relatos da história familiar dessas filhas, a existência de conflitos prévios a necessidade de cuidar, relacionados à construção dos vínculos; identificar os principais desafios associados assistência ao cuidador familiar de idosos no que tange a resolução de conflitos com o idoso dependente. Método – tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo em que foram apresentados três casos clínicos de cuidadoras que haviam sido encaminhados para atendimento psicológico pela equipe multiprofissional de um Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia, unidade de atenção secundária da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de S.P. Os resultados indicaram dificuldades relacionais entre ambas: cuidadoras filhas e mães idosas. As cuidadoras revelaram sobrecarga física e emocional e grande sofrimento. Todavia, a existência desses conflitos remontava às relações anteriores à atual situação de dependência; ficando bastante evidenciado, tanto pelas histórias de vida das cuidadoras, quanto pelo conteúdo trazido durante o processo terapêutico, a repetição das relações primeiras estabelecidas entre mãe-filha. O processo psicoterapêutico pôde permitir a essas cuidadoras a compreensão da necessidade em ter suas falhas ambientais supridas, na medida em que foi propiciado um ambiente favorável ao relacionamento humano. Assim, ao observarmos que ao longo do processo as pacientes apresentavam mudanças significativas, entendemos que a psicoterapia pode figurar como meio preventivo e preservação de equilíbrio psíquico.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
O envelhecimento é um processo multifatorial, influenciado por mudanças biológicas, sociais e psicológicas que pode estar associado ao desenvolvimento de estresse e ao comprometimento da qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre o estresse percebido e a qualidade de vida em idosos no município de Campina Grande, PB. O estudo teve um delineamento transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, amostragem do tipo snowboll e não probabilística, com amostra composta por 326 idosos, considerando as perdas, totalizaram 253 idosas para a análise dos dados. Foram realizados análises descritivas e testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos entre as características da amostra, adotando um nível de significância de 5%. Utilizou-se como instrumentos um questionário sócio-demográfico e epidemiológico, o Índice de Barthel, a Escala de Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton e Brody, as Escalas de Estresse Percebido, PSS14 e PSS10 e o SF-36, para avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. As idosas participantes apresentaram o seguinte perfil sócio-demográfico e epidemiológico: idade média de 71,3 anos; 80,2% casadas ou viúvas; 55,3% praticam alguma atividade física; aproximadamente 50% tinham menos de 8 anos de estudo; 76,7% recebiam até dois salários mínimos por mês; a maioria, 82,2%, vivia com a família; e 87,4% apresentava alguma doença crônica. Com relação ao estresse percebido, foi possível identificar que as pontuações da P SS-14 e PSS-10 variaram entre, 2-53 e 4-39, respectivamente, sendo que a quantidade de participantes com valores PSS-14 28 e PSS-10 21 foram de 15.8% (n = 40) e 20.6% (n= 52), respectivamente. Na avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, os escores do SF-36 foram menores nas dimensões de dor (62,7) e aspectos físicos (63,6), e maiores nas dimensões aspectos sociais (84,4) e saúde mental (75,6). Observou-se uma correlação negativa e estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de estresse percebido e os domínios do SF-36 (p <0,001). O estresse percebido relacionou-se tanto com os aspectos físicos e funcionais como com a saúde mental das idosas, apresentando uma associação com a qualidade de vida de forma global, sendo um ótimo indicador da qualidade de vida das idosas.
This work aims to analyze the distribution of anxiolytics and their frequency of consumption in the period of 2010 to 2012, on the Federal District and at other Brazilian cities, as well as evaluating the correlation between such consumption and its demographic, epidemiological, economic and social characteristics for each region of this study. Into the analysis, it was observed that social, economic and cultural factors seem to influence the over-consumption of these drugs in many countries. Based on this, the benzodiazepines (BDZs) have achieved great popularity among members of the medical community and among the general population, mainly because of its safety and effectiveness in controlling symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and convulsions. Concerning the methodology of this work, an ecological study was performed having as sampling Brazilian capitals and as data source the 2010 Population Census, as well as information from IBGE, DATASUS and ANVISA. Still in the case of the methodological procedure, a multiple linear regression was used. Through descriptive analysis, it was demonstrated that the Northern region has the lowest average on consumption of these drugs (being 0.24 DHD in Manaus); meanwhile in the capitals of the Southeast, higher means were identified (reaching 7.29 DHD in Belo Horizonte), with a national average of 3.04 DHD. Among the drugs analyzed, it was found that Alprazolam is the most dispensed by pharmacies and private drugstores, averaging 2.00 DHD for Brazilian capitals. A análise de regressão linear múltipla mostrou que 76% da variação no consumo foi explicada pela variação da densidade populacional (β = 0,310 p = 0,045) e pela percentagem de médicos (β = 0,507 p = 0,016). Therefore, it was concluded that the consumption of anxiolytics of short half-life has been increasing over the years, mainly in the cities of greater population density and with the highest concentration of doctors
Spinal cord injury causes permanent disabling manifestations, affecting the anatomic integrity, bodily changes and functional limitations related to the disability state. It was aimed to analyze the social representation, stress level and experiences of fishermen victims of spinal cord injury caused by diving accident in the Northern beaches of Brazil. It is a descriptive - exploratory study with quantitative, qualitative and representational data developed i n fishermen’s villages in nine beaches of Northern shore/RN, between October 2013 to August 2014, after the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, under the number 431.891/2013, CAAE 20818913.0.0000 .5537. The sample was composed by 44 fishermen with spinal cord injury, defined from inclusion and exclusion criteria of the participants. It was used as instrument to collect the data a semi structured interview. Quantitative data was analyzed by descrip tive statistics, showing the data through table, boxes and graphics by Microsoft Excel. Data from interviews were submitted to the software called Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’un Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) using the analysis of the Social R epresentation Theory and Center Core Theory. It is shown the outcomes of the research through four articles, following the normative recommendations of the journals. Participants of the study were all male, age mean 49,6 years, elementary school (68,2%), m arried (77,3%); paraplegia sequel (50,0%). Most of them showed stress (75,0%), almost in the exhaustion stage (33,3%), prevalent insomnia symptoms (95,5%) in the last hours; hypertension (97,7%) in the last week and sexual troubles (95,5%) in the last mont h). Decompressive illness caused spinal cord injury (57,1%), occurred prevalently in low summer (75,0%), northern shore (96,4%), having as main consequences the paresthesia and pain in the upper and lower limbs (67,9%), followed by death (25,0%). Interview analysis under the understanding of Social Representation of spinal cord injury allowed the appearance of seven categories: Treatment: limitation and expectative; Spinal Cord injury: before and after; Retirement: reality yet to come; Disability: dependenc y, incapacity, vulnerability; Overcoming and autonomy; Self feelings: physics losses and new start; Life and labor: impediments, plans and changes. The center core of the representation is found in the first category by the expectative and limitation on th e treatment, meanwhile the outskirt elements are in seventh and third categories. Physics limitation for fishing activities and retirement expectative is the most outstanding of the structure. Social representation concerning spinal cord injury is found in a transaction moment between before and after with the prevented fishing activity, coping of the situation with the potential remaining. The anchoring is established in the desire for changes related to the improvements of life and health conditions exper ienced day by day through faith. This study finishes pointing out the range of the objectives, which topic is relevant for public health of fishermen. It is suggested prevention measures, promotion and health recovery of fishermen, besides safe, healthy an d worthy conditions as a compromise of social and health politics.
Objective: Evaluate the work structure and process in Psychos ocial Care Centers (CAPS) and the professionals profile, the satisfaction, conditions and work overload. Methods: Cross - sectional study conducted in five CAPS in Campina Grande city. The study sample consisted of five coordinators, 42 graduate professional s, 26 mid - level (technical and auxiliary nurses, and caregivers), and the medical records pertaining to 413 users followed up. Data were collected using validated questionnaires (CAPSUL - rating CAPS in southern Brazil) and adapted to the study, between July and October 2014. The questionnaires were double entered and submitted to validation in the sub - program “Validate Epi Info 3.5.4” , used along with the “SPSS 17.0” for processing the statistical analyzes. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were ap plied to the descriptive analyzes; “Fisher's” exact test to check the CAPS impact on hospital admissions and the “Bonferroni” adjusted to verify the diagnoses according to sex. 5% significance level was adopted. The study was approved by the Ethics Committ ee of the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (UFRN), protocol 719.435, of 05.30.2014. Results: From the structure analysis were identified contextual factors that influenced the work process of CAPS professionals, such as: deficiencies with regard to h uman resources; forms of health professionals employment and qualifications; temporary contract existence. As to process dimension, it was found that the home visits performance by health professionals shows to be ineffective, given its insufficiency and i rregularity, which can be explained by the high demand, reduced staff and transportation lack. It was low coverage of items inherent to Therapeutic Individual Project, as the income generation program, insertion at work and home visit. The reference and co unter reference flow are still not satisfactorily organized. There was statistically significant difference for the diagnosis, with a predominance of mood disorders related to stress among women and those related to alcohol and other drugs among men (p <0. 05). There was an association between the degree of health professionals satisfaction and working conditions, overload and factors related to the content and working conditions, the security measures, comfort and CAPS appearance, contact between the teams and users, families treatment by the teams, temporary employment relationship. Conclusion: The data collected indicate the need for the CAPS organization through increased investments in the sector in order to enhance the infrastructure as potentiating el ement of practices with a view to changing the care model for mental health proposed by the Psychiatric Reform. It is hoped therefore that this research will contribute to better planning in CAPS unit management, with another tool to improve the dimensions involving the structure and the professional work process and improve this mental health care model.
This study aimed to evaluate the work of professionals to care for families in Psychosocial Care Centers ( C APS) of Rio Grande do Norte ( RN), from the roles and functions performed by these professional services. For this, it was pointed out the following objectives: To describe the profile and the activities conducted by mental health teams in the RN CAPS ; Know the opinion of professionals in the mental health teams of the poli ti c , practices and training in mental health; Check the suitability of the roles and functions of professionals working in the RN CAPS in relation to care for families . This is an analytic al cross - sectional study of quantitative and qualitative approach . Data were c ollected through a questionnaire in 33 CAPS RN, between March and October 2014 , after being approved by the Research Ethics Committee / UFRN , opinion nº217.808 , CAAE : 10650612.8. 1001.5537 , on March 1 2013. T he sample was adopted , defined by inclusion and exclusion criteria , and is composed of 183 professionals. The database preparation followed two steps: 1. Preparation and processing of data of closed questions of the questionnai re concerning the characterization and practices in mental health research subjects through informational resource Statistical Package for Social Scienses (SPSS) Statistics version 20.0 ; 2. To check the significance level was chosen by applying the chi - squ are test. Preparation and treatment of the corpus formed by the answers to open questions relating to the policies, practices and training in psychiatry through Analyse lexicale pair Contexte software d' un Ensemble of Segments of Texte ( ALCESTE) together a nd categorized by content analysis technique , Bardin (2004) . The data analysis is supported in the literature . It m ade explicit the results through three articles waxing the following results. In the first, participants profile was characterized by a predo minance of females (76.5 %), aged 40 - 58 years ( 61.7 %). They work between 30 and 40 hours per week (63.5 %), working in mental health for over 10 years ( 98.4%). The sample directs the care of family groups ( 65.7%), predominantly the care team of social worke rs, nurses, psychologists and occupational therapists . The doctor performs emergency care without interaction with the staff (48.6%) . On the difficulties encountered in services are ranked in : materials and supplies ( 75.1%), financial ( 78.5%) and structura l ( 66.9%). The second article contains qualitative data organized into five categories : Promoting the rehabilitation of users of CAPS ; Needs training ; Conflicts and satisfactions of teamwork ; Practices developed in CAPS ; Effective difficulties of Mental He alth Policy . The third article highlights the inadequacy of care for families ( 93.4%) and comparing the care families and groups in CAPS both types show to be inadequate : family ( 92.63%), groups ( 92, 60%). The main data obtained reveal the urgent need for transformation in psychosocial care . It shows also the importance of investments in inputs, physical structure and training of human resources for the CAPS.
The reformist movements in the field of mental health have pointed battle flags, among which the prioritization of production of mental health care out of the asylum environment should be highlighted, aiming the reduction of psychiatric beds, greater control over the hospitalization, family co-participation and the rescue of the citizenship of the social players involved. With the progressive reduction of asylum beds, associated with a lot of structural problems in the health services, the occurrence of crises outside the hospital environment has been increasingly frequent, thus giving the family an important therapeutic role. In face of this scenario, there is an urgent need to understand the social construction of the care for psychiatric emergencies, identifying the meanings assigned by family members to their constituent aspects. This study seeks to answer the following research question: what are the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a mixed approach, making use of multimethods: for collection, the semi-structured interview and the Technique of Free Association of Words; for data analysis, the Thematic Analysis of Bardin and its steps was used, with the informational support of the softwares ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte) and Iramuteq (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires); and the theoretical support of social representations. The study participants totaled 72, and they were selected from the following criteria: older than18 years, with degree of kinship with users suffering from some mental and behavioral disorder, and who have already witnessed a situation of crisis, rescued by the SAMU or other means and taken to the psychiatric hospital or general emergency room. Preliminary results point out: 1.Previous note of the research project with the aim to disseminate it in the scientific community and ensure the intellectual property of the work; 2.The contextual analysis of the care for emergencies in the study place. Reflection about the phenomenon provide a name to the care for the psychiatric emergencies, which is called immediate context; the technical and operational aspects that influence the care, as a specific/ general context; and mental health policies in Brazil are identified as metacontext; 3. The systematic review from randomized clinical trials in the databases PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, SciELO and SCIRUS, with the use of the descriptors: ‘Physical restraint’, ‘Psychiatric emergency services’, ‘Restraint’, ‘Physical and Emergency Services’, ‘Psychiatric’. Only one work met the search protocol criteria: a short-term essay that records limited results about the proportion of people who are in restraint and seclusion. It does not show statistically significant results in relation to indications, contraindications and risks of the use of physical restraint; 4. The social representations of the care for psychiatric emergencies. The study results point to the presence of five thematic categories: 1. feeling in the face of the crisis/care; 2. thoughts and perspectives about the crisis/care; 3. centrality of care in the medical- medication-hospitalization triad; 4. the thinking/acting in the face of the use of physical restraint and police force; 5. periodicity of crises. The central core of the representation is in the first category, whilst the peripheral elements are in the third and fifth categories. The contrast zone is in the second and fourth categories. The sadness is the most prominent element of the structure. The social representations about the care for psychiatric crises are at a time of transition between the hegemonic and reformist models, with the traditional aspects being predominant, but already showing peripheral and contrast elements that point to a possible change in the representational field.
The National Policy on Mental Health is characterized as a territorial - political community , and it has the Psychoso cial Care Strategy (Eaps) as guideline for the proposal and the development of their actions. In its design, CAPS is idealized to be a strategic equipment within the Psychoso cial Care Network/RAPS. Matricial support and at tention to the crisis constitute strategic areas of action of CAPS in its replacement mission , and as it is g uided by the scope of deinstitutionalization, those are essential to the success of these services. We argue that sustain crises in existential territories of life is a condition for the effectiveness of psychosocial care and, ultimately, to the sustainability of its Reform. In this direction, the matricial support tool reveals a territorial supporter, intercessory and powerful in building a psychosocial care to the crisis. Recognized as one of the major challenges by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, forward these fronts materializes for workers in their mi cropolitical crafts. Our research arises as an investment toward empower them , and aimed to understand the operationalization of attention to the crisis and matricial support in a CAPS II, in the view of its workers . Besides, it aims to examine such practi ces forward the principles and purposes of Psychosocial Care Strategy. Inspired by the research - intervention and by the political and social ideas of Institutiona l Analysis, we offer a space for reflection and exchange, by implicational interviews , enablin g workers to launch them in analysis of practices in the EAPs view. We have done a documentary consulting CAPS Technical Project, and a return stage to the institution, by organizing workshop and conversation groups with CAPS workers. The results have show n that there are institutional logics in competition on that service. When operating the logic risk, some difficulties in sustaining most intense crisis situations were identified, the psychiatric hospital internment is used as a facility, particularly in view of some cases, in which the aggressiveness of the person in crises becomes aggressive, and when the brackets SAMU, the CAPS III and Comprehensive Care Beds do not respond satisfactorily to their users requests. Order weaknesses were indicated in this thesis as macropolitical and micropolitical interfering in network support. The matricial actions were identified as a powerful intercessor resource in crisis care appeared weakened, and indicates little porosity in the relationship between the Service and the territory where it takes place. Noticed by the logic of home care, without operate primarily as a knowledge exchange device, we saw capture points in the logic of assistance with ambulatoriza tion production of CAPS, welfare practices and "ext empore " . T he E APs , although it emerge s as a guiding, it is not seen to workers as effective practice. On the one hand, the results signaled that the attention to the crisis and the matricial actions are developed without tenacious connection with the purposes of EA Ps, on the other hand, successful cases were indicated with the main leads to conducting wire of intersectoral actions to the powerful bonds and to the participation of user in their care process es , indicating insurgent forces tha t intend by traditional lo gic .
The study aims to analyze the effects of topiramato on the craving of crack users. It is an open crossover clinical trial involving users from the Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad) in city of Parnamirim, RN, approved by the CEP CAAE: 38710614.1.0000.5537, respecting the norms of the resolution n. 466/2012/CNS. The study produced preliminary two scientific papers: a theoretical essay and an integrative review, as a way of seeking the state of art. The first paper was based in the theoretical framework of Hinds, Chaves and Cypress, which focuses different contexts, from the issues of individual use to the coping policies in Brazil, highlighting that the situation and the complexity of the phenome requires coping strategies for the full attention to the user, family and society. As a result of the integrative review, among the 902 retrieved records, eight of them presented therapeutic schemes with positive effects for the craving of cocaine. They used nine different drugs. It is important to spot out that there was no result for the craving of crack. The data collection was conducted from December 2014 to July 2015 and has as sample predominantly single males. The sample was composed of 30 subjects who met the inclusion criteria: adults, age from 18 years, diagnosis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) for cocaine/crack; cognitive capacity preserved; attendance to the service, participated at least three visits in the 12 months prior to data collection; and accepted to be monitored in the proposed treatment. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics from the Statistical Package of Support for Social Sciences (SPSS) on the instruments: 1) Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), pointing out, among other results, that only 14% used crack/cocaine weekly during treatment, while 83% used daily or weekly after the washout period; 2) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, with an average of 80.23 and 77.47 with and without drug treatment, respectively. An analysis from the Student t test show no significant differences in impulsivity with or without the drug; and 3) Cocaine-Craving Questionnaire-Brief (CCK-B), indicating that the number of users with craving intensity level is significantly higher without drug treatment (86%) than with treatment (33%). The analysis between craving and level of impulsivity showed that there is a low correlation (Pearson) between these two variables during treatment and after the washout, demonstrating that impulsivity has low influence on the outcome of drug therapy. As conclusion, it was noted that the topiramate produces positive effect on reducing the craving for crack users and their use is a relevant strategy for efficacy in the treatment of crack users.
The study aims to analyze the effects of topiramato on the craving of crack users. It is an open crossover clinical trial involving users from the Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad) in city of Parnamirim, RN, approved by the CEP CAAE: 38710614.1.0000.5537, respecting the norms of the resolution n. 466/2012/CNS. The study produced preliminary two scientific papers: a theoretical essay and an integrative review, as a way of seeking the state of art. The first paper was based in the theoretical framework of Hinds, Chaves and Cypress, which focuses different contexts, from the issues of individual use to the coping policies in Brazil, highlighting that the situation and the complexity of the phenome requires coping strategies for the full attention to the user, family and society. As a result of the integrative review, among the 902 retrieved records, eight of them presented therapeutic schemes with positive effects for the craving of cocaine. They used nine different drugs. It is important to spot out that there was no result for the craving of crack. The data collection was conducted from December 2014 to July 2015 and has as sample predominantly single males. The sample was composed of 30 subjects who met the inclusion criteria: adults, age from 18 years, diagnosis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) for cocaine/crack; cognitive capacity preserved; attendance to the service, participated at least three visits in the 12 months prior to data collection; and accepted to be monitored in the proposed treatment. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics from the Statistical Package of Support for Social Sciences (SPSS) on the instruments: 1) Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), pointing out, among other results, that only 14% used crack/cocaine weekly during treatment, while 83% used daily or weekly after the washout period; 2) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, with an average of 80.23 and 77.47 with and without drug treatment, respectively. An analysis from the Student t test show no significant differences in impulsivity with or without the drug; and 3) Cocaine-Craving Questionnaire-Brief (CCK-B), indicating that the number of users with craving intensity level is significantly higher without drug treatment (86%) than with treatment (33%). The analysis between craving and level of impulsivity showed that there is a low correlation (Pearson) between these two variables during treatment and after the washout, demonstrating that impulsivity has low influence on the outcome of drug therapy. As conclusion, it was noted that the topiramate produces positive effect on reducing the craving for crack users and their use is a relevant strategy for efficacy in the treatment of crack users.
This study emerged and founded itself with the aim to analyze the position taken by the family – and the implications in this subjective area – in attending children and adolescents in a Childhood Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSi). A secondary goal has come up as the comprehension surrounding the institutional representation made about the family and the service offered to children, adolescents and relatives. For such, the historical perspective on the relation between the State (laws and institutions) and the family was resumed, and the understanding of how it was reconciled by the medical knowledge and attended the ideological and political means. The social and ideological transformations of the 20th century culminated in the need of change required by the Psychiatric Reform and the achievement of patients on the right to return home and to their families. This new situation, permeated by the attempt of building an assistance model in Mental Health, presented a peculiarity–the close relationship between family and Mental Health services. The observations and conversations at CAPSi that were the investigation objects in this research, intended to learn on the quotidian of families and the possible treatment alternatives that would take into account the family circumstances. Conceiving the status of the families in Mental Health services is a germinal matter yet to be adjusted among the active knowledge in the post-Reform devices. The discussion about the family bonds, anchored in the theoretical perspective of Binding Psychoanalysis brought up elementary concepts such as psychic heritage, denial pact, unconscious alliances, the familiar psychic set, among other. The concept of family organizer helped to think of the family trajectories and stablishes a sort of identity for the family, as well as interferes in the establishment of its boundaries. The family path within the institution, as well as the status they establish facing the institutional approach, reflect the ghosts and the organizers shared by the group-family. It follows that the family is an important protagonist to be considered in the current therapeutic and political processes and, thus, is key to welcome the family bonds for the alliances act over the affective destinations, as well as try to remain sealed from the proposed changes.
The use and abuse of Psychoactive Substances (PAS) in contemporaneity corresponds to a social issue and a public health issue. Few social phenomena entail more costs with justice and health, family difficulties, and appearances in the media than the PAS abuse comsumption. The government power has been facing this situation allocating investments and developing public policies. Despite the current Mental Health Policy, based on the principles of Psychiatric Reform that prioritizes outpatient services, the number of investments from various government spheres and families requests for admissions continue increasing. This study aimed to understand the pathos experienced by an individual toward the involuntary internment of a family member who is an abusive user of PAS. The research also aimed to investigate what led that individual to choose this type of treatment. The Psychoanalysis was the theoretical basis of this work, and the exercise of the psychoanalytic method, from the collection of bibliographic references up to the interpretation of the semi-structured interview, conducted in depth, was intended. The findings of this research gave us the oportunity of thinking about how the social callings to the family were made, especially in regard of atention and care with their family members who are user of PAS and how it affects this family individual. It also allowed to discuss how the public policies that preconize involuntary internment, affectivity, prohibitionist and mono-disciplinarity – that cross the State in the attention given to this issue – are formulated and implemented. The interview analysis showed us how happen the agencying of pathos, the libidinal aspects of joy and guilt, the desire to punish and atonement, working in family relations and in caring relations, especially in the decision for involuntary internment. The survey also made possible to understand how a mother, facing the chaotic scene of public health, helpless, finds in the involuntary internment a way to reverberate her affections.