997 resultados para Rastreamento das mamas


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The immunohistochemistry regarding the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) for the woman’s breast cancer became a routine application due to the biological relevance. It is possible that COX-2 is closely related to tumor angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis mechanism, adhesion and metastasis. Herewith the COX-2 expression contributes to verify the malignant potential of the breast cancer. However it is slightly used in female dog’s spontaneous breast carcinomas. Keeping this in mind, the \cox-2 inhibitions appear as a promising perspective for the prevention and treatment of some sorts of cancer. The present dissertation had as main purpose to show the occurrence of the COX-2 expression in some of the female dog’s spontaneous breast carcinomas


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The Doppler ultrasound allows the assessment of blood flow and the differentiate vessels according to each spectral pattern, location and organ that irrigate, helping the examinations and disease diagnosis. The main methods used are Pulsed Doppler, Color Doppler and Power Doppler. In Brazil veterinary medicine, it shows progress since 1990, but its use is limited by the equipment high cost, the need for operator experience and patient cooperation. There are studies in obstetrics and reproduction of dogs and cats, such as evaluation of the testicular vasculature, including the use of contrast material, and attempts to evaluate prostate in healthy dogs or pathological conditions (cancer and testicular torsion , orchitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia; estrous cycle monitoring, evaluation of irrigation in follicles and corpus luteum, uterus and breasts (mammary tumors) in bitches; monitoring pregnancy from the assessment of maternal, fetal and placental hemodynamics, both in dogs as in cats, and aspirations for early detection of pregnancy in dogs. However, new studies are still required, given the lack of these species, especially cats


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Automatic video surveillance system has been a frequent topic of research due to the large number of promising applications. In this research, we developed a tracking and counting people system, as well as suspicious activities detector. The model tracks individual objects as they pass through the field of vision of the camera using vision algorithms to classify the activities of each person, and according to this features, detect dangerous situations. This dissertation includes a review of several techniques trying to develop a robust and low computacional costs system to be used in glass door barrier turnstiles avoiding fraud


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Oncology is presenting an important role in clinical practice as a speciality in recent years in Veterinary Medicine. Mammary gland tumors are detected mainly in old and middleaged bitches that are sexually intact or spayed and the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands are the most affected and they present a percentage up to 75% of malignancy. The majority of dogs with mammary neoplasms are clinically healthy at the time of diagnosis and the tumors can be identified by the owner or a professional during a routine physical examination. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirates can be performed. This procedure is easy and low cost and some criteria that may indicate malignancy are evaluated, however to obtain a definitive diagnosis is performed histopathology of the excised tissue or from biopsy. Regional lymph nodes are the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the neoplasm. They are at the highest risk of regional metastasis, while the lung is the most common site for distant metastasis. Determining the clinical stage enables the definition of the extension of the tumor. As a consequence, this allows a prognosis to be established and treatment to be planned. The type of therapy to be chosen incites controversy since there are numerous treatment options described, but the surgery is the chosen treatment. However, surgery is not always effective for malignant tumors, and recurrences may occur and in these cases, auxiliary chemotherapy treatments are used. The prognosis for animals that have mammary tumors depends on several factors, such as: size, stage, type of tumor cells and clinical behavior of the tumor, age and medical condition of the animal, and presence of metastasis. Because of this, more detailed studies are needed based on epidemiological surveys in order to provide more informations about risk factors, prevalence and follow-up after treatment of mammary... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A metilação de ilhas CpG em regiões regulatórias de vários genes tem sido descrita como um processo importante no silenciamento de genes supressores de tumor e diretamente envolvida no processo de carcinogênese de uma série de tumores. O estudo desses genes afetados pela metilação em tumores visa à procura de marcadores moleculares para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento de tumores, e também a caracterização do seu papel no processo biológico do câncer. O nosso grupo de pesquisa participou de um Projeto Temático que visa a identificação de genes metilados em tumores de cabeça e pescoço (processo 03/09497-3) e foi então proposta a utilização do sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura como ferramenta no início da análise funcional destes genes. Dessa maneira, utilizando como isca o gene CRABP2 identificado como diferencialmente metilado em câncer de cabeça e pescoço, foi realizado o rastreamento de duplo-híbrido para a identificação de interações físicas proteína-proteína. Foram rastreados aproximadamente 2,1x105 transformantes neste sistema, dos quais 550 foram inicialmente positivos para His+. Desses, 182 transformantes confirmaram a marca His+ e foram testados para -galactosidase. Em seguida, 19 foram selecionados para passar pela etapa do “plasmid linkage”. Após esse teste, 9 clones confirmaram a ligação dos marcadores His+ e β-gal+ com a presença do plasmídeo LEU2 . Assim, após o sequenciamento dos insertos contidos nos clones identificados, ciclina D3 (CCND3), alfa-macroglobulina 2 (A2M) (2 clones), canal aniônico dependente de voltagem 2 (VDAC2), tubulina alfa 1 (TUBA1), tubulina alfa 2 (TUBA2), tubulina beta (TUBB), fator de ligação ao “enhancer” do gene interleucina 2 (ILF2) e desoxi-hipusina sintase (DHPS) emergiram como ligantes de CRABP2


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The huge demand for procedures involving ionizing radiation promotes the need for safe methods of experimentation considering the danger of their biological e ects with consequent risk to humans. Brazilian's legislation prohibits experiments involving this type of radiation in humans through Decree 453 of Ministry of Health with determines that such procedures comply with the principles of justi cation, optimization and dose limitation. In this line, concurrently with the advancement of available computer processing power, computing simulations have become relevant in those situations where experimental procedures are too cost or impractical. The Monte Carlo method, created along the Manhattan Project duringWorldWar II, is a powerful strategy to simulations in computational physics. In medical physics, this technique has been extensively used with applications in diagnostics and cancer treatment. The objective of this work is to simulate the production and detection of X-rays for the energy range of diagnostic radiology, for molybdenum target, using the Geant4 toolkit. X-ray tubes with this kind of target material are used in diagnostic radiology, speci cally in mammography, one of the most used techniques for screening of breast cancer in women. During the simulations, we used di erent models for bremsstrahlung available in physical models for low energy, in situations already covered by the literature in earlier versions of Geant4. Our results show that although the physical situations seems qualitatively adequate, quantitative comparisons to available analytical data shows aws in the code of Geant4 Low Energy source


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Neste estudo desenvolvemos uma análise das relações entre a ideologia e as políticas de subjetivação na sociedade moderna através do rastreamento de marcas discursivas em peças publicitárias próprias das práticas de governo vinculadas ao autoritarismo. O corpus da pesquisa se delimita no diálogo com os registros que chegaram até nós por meio dos esforços de Victor Klempere, em seu livro “A linguagem do terceiro Reich”. Este autor nos coloca em contato com propagandas utilizadas na imprensa escrita e falada. Por meio da Análise do Discurso discutimos o sentido de “convencer”, enquanto recurso de argumentação e cartografamos os recursos simbólicos utilizados nas estratégias de “vencer” sobre o público alvo das propagandas políticas. Queremos observar as marcas dos processos de subjetivação que acompanham os deslizamentos das práticas políticas de convencimento para o exercício da violência concentrada nos termos daquilo que se expressou como um ato de “vencer” pela força física. Que processos de subjetivação se consolidam sob o jugo da força colocada em exercício por formas autoritárias de governos sobre os cidadãos? Como estas marcas reverberam em nossos corpos e limitam as possibilidades de expressão da vida? Estas são as nossas perguntas que nos acompanharam nas leituras, no trabalho do pensamento e da escrita.


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos as relações entre ecologia e sociedade a partir da experiência realizada pela Organização Social Civil de Interesse Público – Nazaré UNILUZ, sediada em Nazaré Paulista, no Estado de São Paulo. Esta organização social implementa diversos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável e tem como eixo central a relação do sujeito com a natureza. Todos os projetos executados nesta instituição afirmam o compromisso com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Com o uso da metodologia da “cartografia” apresentamos as paisagens emergentes no trânsito por um território de fronteira constituído nas relações entre ecologia e sociedade. Assumimos como hipótese de investigação que os modos como os indivíduos se implicam em seus percursos pela natureza determinam a dinâmica dos vínculos com ela estabelecidos. Devido a esta hipótese faremos um rigoroso rastreamento das marcas das sensações e as possíveis vinculações com o movimento de re-significação dos modos do sujeito estar na vida. Portanto, a dimensão epistemológica será, em todo o estudo, considerada em suas articulações com a dimensão ontológica. Neste mapeamento de marcas e sentidos acrescentaremos uma atenção especial para com o papel da memória, seja no recurso de aproximação das marcas constitutivas no corpo dos sujeitos, seja na condição material de adentrar na linguagem e elaborar sentidos. Nosso estudo pretende, por meio da cartografia, avaliar os limites e as possibilidades dos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável, quando tais programas incluem os modos de implicação dos corpos na mudança de atitudes do sujeito em suas relações com o ambiente. As relações entre sociedade e ecologia são estudadas na análise dos programas de desenvolvimento sustentável em execução no âmbito da UNILUZ, em diálogo com as formulações teóricas advindas da chamada “ecologia profunda”


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The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections


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A company must have full knowledge and control of its operations so as to meet the market requirements and meet their production goals. Thus this paper uses the Taguchi method to extend the operational control of a cutting process by fusion of a synthetic fabric in the longitudinal direction. For process analysis and tracking of possible causes of the problem techniques of Production Engineering as the cause and effect diagram, also known as Ishikawa diagram, and design of experiments were used, the last one was applied to the design techniques of Taguchi. Finally the preparation method of understanding and design of experiment was due to the use of the software MINITAB v15 ®, which showed that the speed of rolling the fabric after cutting is crucial for controlling the entire operation


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O provável fator de início de tradução 5A (eIF5A) é altamente conservado de arqueas a mamíferos e sofre uma modificação pós-traducional única e essencial chamada hipusinação. Este fator já foi relacionado ao transporte nucleocitoplasmático, à degradação de mRNA e à proliferação celular. Dados recentes restabelecem uma função para eIF5A na tradução e sugerem a sua atuação na etapa de elongação ao invés de início, como originalmente proposto. Uma vez que o envolvimento de eIF5A com a degradação de mRNA ainda não foi elucidado, tornou-se interessante estudar qual a natureza desta relação. O metabolismo de mRNA é um processo complexo que envolve as etapas da tradução, repressão da tradução e degradação de mRNA. Na primeira parte deste trabalho, foi avaliada a existência de interação genética sintética entre os mutantes tif51A-1 e tif51A-3 e mutantes de fatores envolvidos com a repressão da tradução e/ou degradação de mRNA. Foi revelada uma supressão parcial do fenótipo de termossensibilidade com nocautes dos genes SBP1, DHH1 e PAT1, que codificam fatores ativadores da remoção do capacete de metilguanosina e repressores da tradução. Por outro lado, uma interação sintético doente (“synthetic sick”) entre os mutantes tif51A-1 e xrn1Δ foi observada.Os dados obtidos reforçam o envolvimento de eIF5A com a elongação da tradução, mostram que o efeito de eIF5A na degradação de mRNA é secundário e sugerem uma função para eIF5A como ativador da tradução. Na segunda etapa são apresentados os resultados do rastreamento de supressores extragênicos do mutante tif51A-1 através de deleções genômicas induzidas por transposon. Foram rastreados aproximadamente 2,2x105 transformantes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The study analyzed contours of the thoracic region of patients undergoing radiotherapy of breast tumors in Hospital Manuel de Abreu of Bauru (institution 1) and the Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina of Botucatu (Institution 2). Were prepared isodose curves corresponding to the contours of the patient, which were presented for radiotherapists doctors both hospital services that enabled the choice of the curve isodose that provides the best distribution of radiation dose in the irradiated volume. Some boundaries were digitized in one institution and sent for preparation of isodose lines in the institution 2, both curves plotted in each of the institutions and for the same contour, were compared, showing that the methodology of Curves of distance is feasible and reliable, while optimizing the routine procedures regarding the handling of isodose plans provided by different radiation equipment. It compares the calculation of the exposure time determined using the isodose curve selected by calculating the value obtained considering the PDP at the point of the middle line of separation between the internal and external fields, the difference between the two methods for determining exposure time was around 2.4%. A study on the angle of the radiation beam at the input field (region breast-air) was conducted showing that, once known a tangent angle of the input beam, one can estimate the angle of the wedge filter used in some procedures for uniformity of dose within the irradiated volume compensation and the lack of tissue in the treatment volume. A comparative study between the isodose curves produced manually with the curves obtained in a two-dimensional computer system, the computer system showed that provides further information regarding the dose gradient within the irradiated volume, in addition to reducing the time spent in preparing the curves isodose


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In this work was developed a program capable of performing automatic counting of vehicles on roads. The problem of counting vehicles is using expensive techniques for its realization, techniques which often involve manual counting or degradation of the pavement. The main motivation for this work was the importance that the vehicle counting represents to the Traffic Engineer, being essential to analyze the performance of the roads, allowing to measure the need for installation of traffic lights, roundabouts, access ways, among other means capable of ensuring a continuous flow and safe for vehicles. The main objective of this work was to apply a statistical segmentation technique recently developed, based on a nonparametric linear regression model, to solve the segmentation problem of the program counter. The development program was based on the creation of three major modules, one for the segmentation, another for the tracking and another for the recognition. For the development of the segmentation module, it was applied a statistical technique combined with the segmentation by background difference, in order to optimize the process. The tracking module was developed based on the use of Kalman filters and application of simple concepts of analytical geometry. To develop the recognition module, it was used Fourier descriptors and a neural network multilayer perceptron, trained by backpropagation. Besides the development of the modules, it was also developed a control logic capable of performing the interconnection among the modules, mainly based on a data structure called state. The analysis of the results was applied to the program counter and its component modules, and the individual analysis served as a means to establish the par ameter values of techniques used. The find result was positive, since the statistical segmentation technique proved to be very useful and the developed program was able to count the vehicles belonging to the three goal..


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The nursing consult (a job exclusive to a nurse), is a great instrument to gynecology, seeing as nurses are of fundamental importance in the prevention of uterine cancer, mostly by the use of the Papanicolau test, the most efficient method in the early detection and prevention of this kind of cancer. In addition to that, this consult includes a breast exam and possibly a vulvovaginitis exam, so that necessary forwardings and exam applications can be done. That being said, the work, in a qualitative analysis has been done in the “Healthcare center and school” in the city of Botucatu – SP, intending to measure the perception of the women in the population, of the Papanicoulau Test, the nursing consults, and their knowledge about vulvovaginitis. Twenty women were interviewed (using semi-structured interviews), and given forms after the nursing consult. The interviews were analysed using Bardin’s content analysis technique. The results show that the women’ reactions to the procedures were positive. Even Though there’s a culture of submission to medicine, and the Papanicolau test is seen by them as a necessary and important (even if unconfortable) procedure in the early prevention and detection of uterine cancer and other diseases, there was little to no knowledge about the signs, symptoms, and transmission methods for those different diseases. It is up to the nurse to facilitate these women’ access to that information, regarding not only the prevention of diseases, but also, and especially, the nursing consult’s relevance on theuterine cancer prevention program


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The paper presents the radiometric parameters determined by the medical physicist during routine radiotherapy planning service in cases of breast cancer . The contours of the breast volume in patients undergoing radiation breast tumors at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine , UNESP, Botucatu ( HCFMB ) during the year 2012 were analyzed . In order to analyze the influence of physical and radiometric parameters for the determination of the dose distribution of irradiated breast volume , four measurements of isodose curves were prepared in four different heights breast , and compared with the isodose curves plotted computationally . In the routine of planning , the medical physicist must determine the isodose curve that gives the best dose distribution homogeneity in the irradiated volume . The choice of the treatment plan can be done by dedicated computer systems , which require significantly costly investments available services having better financial support . In the Service of Medical Physics , Department of Radiotherapy , HC FMB , we use a two-dimensional software for determination of isodose curves , however , this software is out of date and frequently becomes inoperable due to the lack of maintenance and it is a closed system without feasibility of interference from computer professionals . This fact requires manual preparation of isodose curves , which are subject to uncertainties due to the subjectivity in the clinical interpretation of medical radiation oncologist and medical physicist responsible for planning , plus dispendiar significant calculation time . The choice of the optimal isodose curve depends on the energy of the radiation beam , the geometry and dimensions of the irradiated area . The contours of the breast studied in this work evaluations showed that , for a given energy input , such as the energy of 1.25 MeV of gamma radiation Unit Telecobaltoterapia , the determination of the percentage depth dose ( PDP ) ...