1000 resultados para Radiografia Panorâmica. Insuficiência renal crônica. Paratohormônio. Diálise
: La elección del tratamiento adecuado para la estenosis aterosclerótica de arterias renales es controvertida. Los ensayos clínicos recientes demuestran que los resultados de la revascularización y el tratamiento farmacológico no son superiores a los del tratamiento con fármacos únicamente por lo que al final de un seguimiento promedio de 4 años, en 49 pacientes en el Servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Valle de Hebrón se consigue una estabilización de la función renal. A pesar de esta buena evolución la mortalidad global y las complicaciones CV siguen siendo muy elevadas.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to determine whether the consumption of low protein dietetic foods improved the quality of life and nutritional status for vitamins B and homocysteine in patients with chronic renal failure. METHODOLOGY This nutritional-intervention involved 28 men and 21 women, divided into two groups. The control-group consumed a low-protein diet prescribed, and the experimental-group consumed a diet in which some commonly used foods were replaced by low-protein dietetic foods. The study lasted 6 months. Food consumption was assessed by 24-h recall. Vitamin B6 as alphaEAST was measured in blood. Creatinine, urea, vitamin B12, folate and homocysteine were measured in plasma. The impact on the patients' quality of life from consuming the dietetic foods was assessed via the SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS After 6 months, the protein intake among the experimental-group had decreased by 40%, and the urea/creatinine ratio and alphaEAST activity were also lower. The results of the SF-36 questionnaire show that the patients in the experimental-group obtained higher scores in the categories of general health and physical status. CONCLUSIONS The dietetic foods were very well accepted by all patients and their use allowed a better control of the protein intake, improved B6 status and a better quality of life.
En las últimas décadas, el Trasplante Renal demuestra ser el mejor tratamiento sustitutivo de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica, siendo el Trasplante Renal de donante vivo la mejor elección en cuanto calidad de vida, supervivencia del injerto, menores complicaciones y menor coste-beneficio para el trasplantado. En la Fundación Puigvert de Barcelona, la pareja, donante-receptor, de trasplante renal de donación de vivo permanecen juntos durante el procedimiento, mientras que en otros Centros Hospitalarios Nacionales la estancia es separada durante todo el procedimiento o en el post-operatorio. El presente trabajo es un ensayo clínico cuyo objetivo es comprobar si la pareja donante receptor de trasplante renal vivo que comparte estancia hospitalaria en el proceso de la donación modifica su estado afectivo, el físico y la estancia hospitalaria frente aquellos que no la comparten. La población diana son parejas de donante-receptor de nuestro Centro dónde se lleva a cabo el proceso del trasplante renal. La estimación de la muestra necesaria es de 18 parejas en cada grupo, se fija un nivel de significación del 5% y el nivel de pérdidas. El Análisis estadístico se realizará mediante el test 2 de Pearson para las variables independientes cualitativas y el test t-student o Test Shapiro-Wilk. Procedimiento: Grupo A, pareja que ingresa en la misma habitación y Grupo B, pareja que ingresa en habitaciones diferentes. En primer lugar, mediante un estudio exploratorio se conoce la sintomatología de ansiedad-depresión que presenta la pareja donante-receptor previo al ingreso hospitalario y en la segunda parte, se establece un grupo control (estancia junta del donante y receptor) y un grupo experimental (estancia separada del donante y receptor). Se analizan tres momentos diferentes: el antes del ingreso hospitalario, el previo a la intervención quirúrgica y el día del alta hospitalaria.
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests a mechanistic link between the glycemic environment and renal and cardiovascular events, even below the threshold for diabetes. We aimed to assess the association between HbA1c and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving a random representative sample of 2270 adults from southern Spain (Malaga) was undertaken. We measured HbA1c, serum creatinine and albuminuria in fasting blood and urine samples. RESULTS: Individuals without diabetes in the upper HbA1c tertile had an unfavorable cardiovascular and renal profile and shared certain clinical characteristics with the patients with diabetes. Overall, a higher HbA1c concentration was strongly associated with CKD or CVD after adjustment for traditional risk factors. The patients with known diabetes had a 2-fold higher odds of CKD or CVD. However, when both parameters were introduced in the same model, the HbA1c concentration was only significantly associated with clinical endpoints (OR: 1.4, 95% CI, 1.1-1.6, P = 0.002). An increase in HbA1c of one percentage point was associated with a 30% to 40% increase in the rate of CKD or CVD. This relationship was apparent in persons with and without known diabetes. ROC curves illustrated that a HbA1c of 37 mmol/mol (5.5%) was the optimal value in terms of sensitivity and specificity for predicting endpoints in this population. CONCLUSION: HbA1c levels were associated with a higher prevalence of CKD and CVD cross-sectionally, regardless of diabetes status. These data support the value of HbA1c as a marker of cardiovascular and renal disease in the general population.
La estenosis de l'artèria renal és una causa freqüent d'hipertensió arterial secundària i insuficiència renal. Els estudis disponibles no han demostrat superioritat de la revascularització sobre el tractament mèdic, generant controvèrsia quant a l'elecció del tractament. En el servei de nefrología de l'Hospital Vall d´Hebron es va realitzar un estudi observacional en 47 pacients amb estenosis d'artèria renal sotmesos a revascularització. Al final del seguiment es va obtenir una estabilització de la funció renal amb millorança significativa de la pressió arterial, sense aconseguir disminuir el número de fàrmacs. El 12,7% dels pacients van presentar complicacions importants relacionades amb el procediment.
El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el remodelado estructural y funcional de las arterias pulmonares asociado a insuficiencia respiratoria crónica severa, mediante ecografía intravascular (IVUS). Se incluyeron 80 pacientes en estudio pretrasplante pulmonar a los que se les realizó cateterismo cardiaco derecho e IVUS de una arteria pulmonar de mediano calibre. A través del IVUS se determinó el módulo elástico, pulsatilidad y porcentaje de fibrosis arterial. La insuficiencia respiratoria crónica se asoció a una vasculopatía arterial pulmonar severa, independientemente de la presencia de hipertensión pulmonar. Los pacientes con EPOC (enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica) presentaban un mayor grado de fibrosis arterial, mientras que los pacientes con EPID (enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa) presentaban mayor rigidez arterial.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
La hiperoxaliuria primaria tipo I es una enfermedad genética autosómica recesiva, cuyo defecto primario es el déficit, parcial o completo, de la enzima glioxilato aminotransferasa en el hígado que produce la formación de oxalato. El depósito progresivo de oxalato en el riñón es el causante, primero de urolitiasis y nefrocalcinosis, y después de un daño renal progresivo, que lleva a una insuficiencia renal crónica y posteriormente al acúmulo sistémico de oxalato en el sistema músculo-esquelético, en las arterias y en el sistema nervioso. La existencia de oxalosis sistémica es el principal factor de morbi-mortalidad antes y después del trasplante, dada su asociación a malnutrición y daño óseo. En estos casos el trasplante hepatorenal es la mejor opción para resolver el defecto metabólico. La realización de este trasplante es técnicamente más fácil al no existir hipertensión portal y en general la hemodiálisis se mantiene durante el postrasplante para facilitar la eliminación de la sobrecarga de oxalato existente mientras la función renal no se normaliza completamente. A continuación presentamos un caso en el que se expone la evolución clínica de un paciente afecto de esta patología y que se sometió a un trasplante hepatorenal.
La prevalencia de desnutrición y caquexia en pacientes ambulatorios con Insuficiencia Cardíaca Crónica es muy variable dependiendo del método utilizado para el diagnóstico. Este estudio observacional transversal pretende identificar cual de los diversos métodos de cribaje nutricional es el más sensible y específico para su detección, respecto a la Valoración Global Subjetiva. Se analizaron 48 pacientes dónde la prevalencia de desnutrición fue del 18,8%, y la de caquexia varió según el método (7,3-9,8%). La sensibilidad y especificidad del Mini Nutritional Assessment fueron elevadas en comparación con los otros métodos. Por lo tanto, puede ser el método más recomendado para el cribado nutricional.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
Background: Drug dosing errors are common in renal-impaired patients. Appropriate dosing adjustment and drug selection is important to ensure patients" safety and to avoid adverse drug effects and poor outcomes. There are few studies on this issue in community pharmacies. The aims of this study were, firstly, to determine the prevalence of dosing inadequacy as a consequence of renal impairment in patients over 65 taking 3 or more drug products who were being attended in community pharmacies and, secondly, to evaluate the effectiveness of the community pharmacist"s intervention in improving dosing inadequacy in these patients when compared with usual care. Methods: The study was carried out in 40 Spanish community pharmacies. The study had two phases: the first, with an observational, multicentre, cross sectional design, served to determine the dosing inadequacy, the drug-related problems per patient and to obtain the control group. The second phase, with a controlled study with historical control group, was the intervention phase. When dosing adjustments were needed, the pharmacists made recommendations to the physicians. A comparison was made between the control and the intervention group regarding the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy and the mean number of drug-related problems per patient. Results: The mean of the prevalence of drug dosing inadequacy was 17.5% [95% CI 14.6-21.5] in phase 1 and 15.5% [95% CI 14.5-16.6] in phase 2. The mean number of drug-related problems per patient was 0.7 [95% CI 0.5-0.8] in phase 1 and 0.50 [95% CI 0.4-0.6] in phase 2. The difference in the prevalence of dosing inadequacy between the control and intervention group before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.73% [95% CI (−6.0) - 7.5] and after the pharmacists" intervention it was 13.5% [95% CI 8.0 - 19.5] (p < 0.001) while the difference in the mean of drug-related problems per patient before the pharmacists" intervention was 0.05 [95% CI( -0.2) - 0.3] and following the intervention it was 0.5 [95% CI 0.3 - 0.7] (p < 0.001). Conclusion: A drug dosing adjustment service for elderly patients with renal impairment in community pharmacies can increase the proportion of adequate drug dosing, and improve the drug-related problems per patient. Collaborative practice with physicians can improve these results.
Forty-three patients with cirrhosis and ascites, 21 with normal renal function, 10 with a progressive functional renal failure (FRF), and 12 with a steady FRF, were investigated for the presence of endotoxaemia by the Limulus lysate test. Endotoxaemia was found in nine patients with FRF and in none of the 21 with normal renal function (P less than 0-01). A positive Limulus test was almost exclusively associated with a progressive FRF (eight of 10 patients) and all but one of them died. Renal function improved as endotoxaemia disappeared in the survivor. Endotoxaemia was also associated with haemorrhage due to acute erosions of the gastric mucosa, being present in six of the seven patients who had this complication. Intravascular coagulation was not found in any patient. The Limulus test was positive in the ascitic fluid in 18 of 21 patients tested, although only two of them had peritonitis. These results suggest that endotoxaemia may play a critical role in the development of progressive renal failure and haemorrhagic gastritis in cirrhosis, and emphasise the potential risk of procedures involving reinfusion of ascitic fluid.
La insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) o fracaso renal agudo es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por un deterioro brusco, frecuentemente reversible, de la función renal que provoca fallo de la homeostasia y se acompaña de retención de productos terminales del metabolismo nitrogenado, como la urea y la creatinina, junto con alteraciones del equilibrio hidroelectrolítico y ácidobase. Suele observarse oliguria (diuresis inferior a 400 ml/24 h), aunque algunas formas clínicas...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. Insuficiéncia renal aguda. SOSPECHA Ausencia de diuresis espontánea en las prirneras 36 h. de vida. Existencia de factores de riesgo por la anamnesis (hipoxia, hemorragia, sepsis, etc.)...
El trasplante renal es la modalidad de tratamiento sustitutivo que mejores resultados proporciona a niños afectos de insuficiencia renal crónica terminal, aunque no está exenta de una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Se describen el protocolo para el postoperatorio adoptado en nuestro centro: monitorazación y soporte, variantes inmunopresoras, exploraciones complementarias, y las diversas complicaciones que pueden aparecer después del trasplante.