1000 resultados para Quantum algorithm
The infinitesimal differential quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) technique is used to estimate electrostatic polarizabilities of the H and He atoms up to the sixth order in the electric field perturbation. All 542 different QMC estimators of the nonzero atomic polarizabilities are derived and used in order to decrease the statistical error and to obtain the maximum efficiency of the simulations. We are confident that the estimates are "exact" (free of systematic error): the two atoms are nodeless systems, hence no fixed-node error is introduced. Furthermore, we develope and use techniques which eliminate systematic error inherent when extrapolating our results to zero time-step and large stack-size. The QMC results are consistent with published accurate values obtained using perturbation methods. The precision is found to be related to the number of perturbations, varying from 2 to 4 significant digits.
This thesis introduces the Salmon Algorithm, a search meta-heuristic which can be used for a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. This algorithm is loosely based on the path finding behaviour of salmon swimming upstream to spawn. There are a number of tunable parameters in the algorithm, so experiments were conducted to find the optimum parameter settings for different search spaces. The algorithm was tested on one instance of the Traveling Salesman Problem and found to have superior performance to an Ant Colony Algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm. It was then tested on three coding theory problems - optimal edit codes, optimal Hamming distance codes, and optimal covering codes. The algorithm produced improvements on the best known values for five of six of the test cases using edit codes. It matched the best known results on four out of seven of the Hamming codes as well as three out of three of the covering codes. The results suggest the Salmon Algorithm is competitive with established guided random search techniques, and may be superior in some search spaces.
Photosynthesis in general is a key biological process on Earth and Photo system II (PSII) is an important component of this process. PSII is the only enzyme capable of oxidizing water and is largely responsible for the primordial build-up and present maintenance of the oxygen in the atmosphere. This thesis endeavoured to understand the link between structure and function in PSII with special focus on primary photochemistry, repair/photodamage and spectral characteristics. The deletion of the PsbU subunit ofPSII in cyanobacteria caused a decoupling of the Phycobilisomes (PBS) from PSII, likely as a result of increased rates of PSII photodamage with the PBS decoupling acting as a measure to protect PSII from further damage. Isolated fractions of spinach thylakoid membranes were utilized to characterize the heterogeneity present in the various compartments of the thylakoid membrane. It was found that the pooled PSIILHCII pigment populations were connected in the grana stack and there was also a progressive decrease in the reaction rates of primary photochemistry and antennae size of PSII as the sample origin moved from grana to stroma. The results were consistent with PSII complexes becoming damaged in the grana and being sent to the stroma for repair. The dramatic quenching of variable fluorescence and overall fluorescent yield of PSII in desiccated lichens was also studied in order to investigate the mechanism by which the quenching operated. It was determined that the source of the quenching was a novel long wavelength emitting external quencher. Point mutations to amino acids acting as ligands to chromophores of interest in PSII were utilized in cyanobacteria to determine the role of specific chromophores in energy transfer and primary photochemistry. These results indicated that the Hl14 ligated chlorophyll acts as the 'trap' chlorophyll in CP47 at low temperature and that the Q130E mutation imparts considerable changes to PSII electron transfer kinetics, essentially protecting the complex via increased non-radiative charge Photosynthesis in general is a key biological process on Earth and Photo system II (PSII) is an important component of this process. PSII is the only enzyme capable of oxidizing water and is largely responsible for the primordial build-up and present maintenance of the oxygen in the atmosphere. This thesis endeavoured to understand the link between structure and function in PSII with special focus on primary photochemistry, repair/photodamage and spectral characteristics. The deletion of the PsbU subunit ofPSII in cyanobacteria caused a decoupling of the Phycobilisomes (PBS) from PSII, likely as a result of increased rates of PSII photodamage with the PBS decoupling acting as a measure to protect PSII from further damage. Isolated fractions of spinach thylakoid membranes were utilized to characterize the heterogeneity present in the various compartments of the thylakoid membrane. It was found that the pooled PSIILHCII pigment populations were connected in the grana stack and there was also a progressive decrease in the reaction rates of primary photochemistry and antennae size of PSII as the sample origin moved from grana to stroma. The results were consistent with PSII complexes becoming damaged in the grana and being sent to the stroma for repair. The dramatic quenching of variable fluorescence and overall fluorescent yield of PSII in desiccated lichens was also studied in order to investigate the mechanism by which the quenching operated. It was determined that the source of the quenching was a novel long wavelength emitting external quencher. Point mutations to amino acids acting as ligands to chromophores of interest in PSII were utilized in cyanobacteria to determine the role of specific chromophores in energy transfer and primary photochemistry. These results indicated that the Hl14 ligated chlorophyll acts as the 'trap' chlorophyll in CP47 at low temperature and that the Q130E mutation imparts considerable changes to PSII electron transfer kinetics, essentially protecting the complex via increased non-radiative charge.
Understanding the machinery of gene regulation to control gene expression has been one of the main focuses of bioinformaticians for years. We use a multi-objective genetic algorithm to evolve a specialized version of side effect machines for degenerate motif discovery. We compare some suggested objectives for the motifs they find, test different multi-objective scoring schemes and probabilistic models for the background sequence models and report our results on a synthetic dataset and some biological benchmarking suites. We conclude with a comparison of our algorithm with some widely used motif discovery algorithms in the literature and suggest future directions for research in this area.
This work investigates mathematical details and computational aspects of Metropolis-Hastings reptation quantum Monte Carlo and its variants, in addition to the Bounce method and its variants. The issues that concern us include the sensitivity of these algorithms' target densities to the position of the trial electron density along the reptile, time-reversal symmetry of the propagators, and the length of the reptile. We calculate the ground-state energy and one-electron properties of LiH at its equilibrium geometry for all these algorithms. The importance sampling is performed with a single-determinant large Slater-type orbitals (STO) basis set. The computer codes were written to exploit the efficiencies engineered into modern, high-performance computing software. Using the Bounce method in the calculation of non-energy-related properties, those represented by operators that do not commute with the Hamiltonian, is a novel work. We found that the unmodified Bounce gives good ground state energy and very good one-electron properties. We attribute this to its favourable time-reversal symmetry in its target density's Green's functions. Breaking this symmetry gives poorer results. Use of a short reptile in the Bounce method does not alter the quality of the results. This suggests that in future applications one can use a shorter reptile to cut down the computational time dramatically.
DNA assembly is among the most fundamental and difficult problems in bioinformatics. Near optimal assembly solutions are available for bacterial and small genomes, however assembling large and complex genomes especially the human genome using Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) technologies is shown to be very difficult because of the highly repetitive and complex nature of the human genome, short read lengths, uneven data coverage and tools that are not specifically built for human genomes. Moreover, many algorithms are not even scalable to human genome datasets containing hundreds of millions of short reads. The DNA assembly problem is usually divided into several subproblems including DNA data error detection and correction, contig creation, scaffolding and contigs orientation; each can be seen as a distinct research area. This thesis specifically focuses on creating contigs from the short reads and combining them with outputs from other tools in order to obtain better results. Three different assemblers including SOAPdenovo [Li09], Velvet [ZB08] and Meraculous [CHS+11] are selected for comparative purposes in this thesis. Obtained results show that this thesis’ work produces comparable results to other assemblers and combining our contigs to outputs from other tools, produces the best results outperforming all other investigated assemblers.
Ordered gene problems are a very common classification of optimization problems. Because of their popularity countless algorithms have been developed in an attempt to find high quality solutions to the problems. It is also common to see many different types of problems reduced to ordered gene style problems as there are many popular heuristics and metaheuristics for them due to their popularity. Multiple ordered gene problems are studied, namely, the travelling salesman problem, bin packing problem, and graph colouring problem. In addition, two bioinformatics problems not traditionally seen as ordered gene problems are studied: DNA error correction and DNA fragment assembly. These problems are studied with multiple variations and combinations of heuristics and metaheuristics with two distinct types or representations. The majority of the algorithms are built around the Recentering- Restarting Genetic Algorithm. The algorithm variations were successful on all problems studied, and particularly for the two bioinformatics problems. For DNA Error Correction multiple cases were found with 100% of the codes being corrected. The algorithm variations were also able to beat all other state-of-the-art DNA Fragment Assemblers on 13 out of 16 benchmark problem instances.
Understanding the relationship between genetic diseases and the genes associated with them is an important problem regarding human health. The vast amount of data created from a large number of high-throughput experiments performed in the last few years has resulted in an unprecedented growth in computational methods to tackle the disease gene association problem. Nowadays, it is clear that a genetic disease is not a consequence of a defect in a single gene. Instead, the disease phenotype is a reflection of various genetic components interacting in a complex network. In fact, genetic diseases, like any other phenotype, occur as a result of various genes working in sync with each other in a single or several biological module(s). Using a genetic algorithm, our method tries to evolve communities containing the set of potential disease genes likely to be involved in a given genetic disease. Having a set of known disease genes, we first obtain a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network containing all the known disease genes. All the other genes inside the procured PPI network are then considered as candidate disease genes as they lie in the vicinity of the known disease genes in the network. Our method attempts to find communities of potential disease genes strongly working with one another and with the set of known disease genes. As a proof of concept, we tested our approach on 16 breast cancer genes and 15 Parkinson's Disease genes. We obtained comparable or better results than CIPHER, ENDEAVOUR and GPEC, three of the most reliable and frequently used disease-gene ranking frameworks.
In this thesis we are going to analyze the dictionary graphs and some other kinds of graphs using the PagerRank algorithm. We calculated the correlation between the degree and PageRank of all nodes for a graph obtained from Merriam-Webster dictionary, a French dictionary and WordNet hypernym and synonym dictionaries. Our conclusion was that PageRank can be a good tool to compare the quality of dictionaries. We studied some artificial social and random graphs. We found that when we omitted some random nodes from each of the graphs, we have not noticed any significant changes in the ranking of the nodes according to their PageRank. We also discovered that some social graphs selected for our study were less resistant to the changes of PageRank.
Copper arsenite CuAs2O4 and Copper antimonite CuSb2O4 are S=1/2 (Cu2+ 3d9 electronic configuration) quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin-chain compounds. Both compounds crystallize with tetragonal structures containing edge sharing CuO6 octahedra chains which experience Jahn-Teller distortions. The basal planes of the octahedra link together to form CuO2 ribbon-chains which harbor Cu2+ spin-chains. These compounds are magnetically frustrated with competing nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. Despite the similarities between CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4, they exhibit very different magnetic properties. In this thesis work, the physical properties of CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4 are investigated using a variety of experimental techniques which include x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements, heat capacity measurements, Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, neutron diffraction, and dielectric capacitance measurements. CuAs2O4 exhibits dominant ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and weaker antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions amounts to Jnn/Jnnn = -4.1. CuAs2O4 was found to order with a ferromagnetic groundstate below TC = 7.4 K. An extensive physical characterization of the magnetic and structural properties of CuAs2O4 was carried out. Under the effect of hydrostatic pressure, CuAs2O4 was found to undergo a structural phase transition at 9 GPa to a new spin-chain structure. The structural phase transition is accompanied by a severe alteration of the magnetic properties. The high-pressure phase exhibits dominant ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions and weaker ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions in the high-pressure phase was found to be Jnn/Jnnn = 0.3. Structural and magnetic characterizations under hydrostatic pressure are reported and a relationship between the structural and magnetic properties was established. CuSb2O4 orders antiferromagnetically below TN = 1.8 K with an incommensurate helicoidal magnetic structure. CuSb2O4 is characterized by ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions with Jnn/Jnnn = -1.8. A (H, T) magnetic phase diagram was constructed using low-temperature magnetization and heat capacity measurements. The resulting phase diagram contains multiple phases as a consequence of the strong intrachain magnetic frustration. Indications of ferroelectricity were observed in the incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase.
Tesis (PH. D. in Industrial Physics Engineering) UANL, 2014.
La théorie de l'information quantique étudie les limites fondamentales qu'imposent les lois de la physique sur les tâches de traitement de données comme la compression et la transmission de données sur un canal bruité. Cette thèse présente des techniques générales permettant de résoudre plusieurs problèmes fondamentaux de la théorie de l'information quantique dans un seul et même cadre. Le théorème central de cette thèse énonce l'existence d'un protocole permettant de transmettre des données quantiques que le receveur connaît déjà partiellement à l'aide d'une seule utilisation d'un canal quantique bruité. Ce théorème a de plus comme corollaires immédiats plusieurs théorèmes centraux de la théorie de l'information quantique. Les chapitres suivants utilisent ce théorème pour prouver l'existence de nouveaux protocoles pour deux autres types de canaux quantiques, soit les canaux de diffusion quantiques et les canaux quantiques avec information supplémentaire fournie au transmetteur. Ces protocoles traitent aussi de la transmission de données quantiques partiellement connues du receveur à l'aide d'une seule utilisation du canal, et ont comme corollaires des versions asymptotiques avec et sans intrication auxiliaire. Les versions asymptotiques avec intrication auxiliaire peuvent, dans les deux cas, être considérées comme des versions quantiques des meilleurs théorèmes de codage connus pour les versions classiques de ces problèmes. Le dernier chapitre traite d'un phénomène purement quantique appelé verrouillage: il est possible d'encoder un message classique dans un état quantique de sorte qu'en lui enlevant un sous-système de taille logarithmique par rapport à sa taille totale, on puisse s'assurer qu'aucune mesure ne puisse avoir de corrélation significative avec le message. Le message se trouve donc «verrouillé» par une clé de taille logarithmique. Cette thèse présente le premier protocole de verrouillage dont le critère de succès est que la distance trace entre la distribution jointe du message et du résultat de la mesure et le produit de leur marginales soit suffisamment petite.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal