973 resultados para Psicanálise. Castração. Desejo. Ideal. Inconsciente
This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles.
El lamentable estado del templo hizo que Luis de Villanueva y Susana Mora redactaran un Proyecto de Restauración, cuya primera fase era la Restauración de cubiertas. Éstas se desmontaron cuidadosamente, apareciendo en la nave sur una viga cambiada de posición de labra supuestamente mudéjar, lo que hizo exagerar las precauciones. Pudimos así observar otra ménsula de madera labrada que servía de apoyo a elementos pétreos de la cabecera. En la nave lateral norte se encontraron durmientes, varios tirantes, y rebajes equidistantes, que podrían corresponder a estribos. En la nave central, formando parte de las quijeras, estaban integrados elementos con sencillas decoraciones azuladas, que podrían corresponder a restos de los citados estribos de la nave lateral. Las hipótesis se comprobaron, y con el apoyo de textos especializados, se formuló una propuesta de techumbre que podría acercarnos a las construcciones de esta zona del Señorío de Mendoza entre los siglos XV y XVI.
We present a technique to estimate accurate speedups for parallel logic programs with relative independence from characteristics of a given implementation or underlying parallel hardware. The proposed technique is based on gathering accurate data describing one execution at run-time, which is fed to a simulator. Alternative schedulings are then simulated and estimates computed for the corresponding speedups. A tool implementing the aforementioned techniques is presented, and its predictions are compared to the performance of real systems, showing good correlation.
Performance studies of actual parallel systems usually tend to concéntrate on the effectiveness of a given implementation. This is often done in the absolute, without quantitave reference to the potential parallelism contained in the programs from the point of view of the execution paradigm. We feel that studying the parallelism inherent to the programs is interesting, as it gives information about the best possible behavior of any implementation and thus allows contrasting the results obtained. We propose a method for obtaining ideal speedups for programs through a combination of sequential or parallel execution and simulation, and the algorithms that allow implementing the method. Our approach is novel and, we argüe, more accurate than previously proposed methods, in that a crucial part of the data - the execution times of tasks - is obtained from actual executions, while speedup is computed by simulation. This allows obtaining speedup (and other) data under controlled and ideal assumptions regarding issues such as number of processor, scheduling algorithm and overheads, etc. The results obtained can be used for example to evalúate the ideal parallelism that a program contains for a given model of execution and to compare such "perfect" parallelism to that obtained by a given implementation of that model. We also present a tool, IDRA, which implements the proposed method, and results obtained with IDRA for benchmark programs, which are then compared with those obtained in actual executions on real parallel systems.
The theoretical contributions of John Ruskin, the analysis and proposals in Camillo Sitte?s City Planning According to Artistic Principles or the urban environment defense by Gustavo Giovannoni involved important restrictions on the destruction of this heritage and on the progressive Haussmanization of many European cities. But this interest on the endangered traditional city also caused the birth of a wide range of urban proposals which aimed at recreating or reproducing an ideal model of it. Erected under different circumstances and with multiple purposes, they did not only define new urban developments, but also succeeded in the context of the mentioned international fairs and exhibitions, appearing a whole family of them in diverse countries.
Análisis arquitectónico de una ciudad pequeña en el norte de Portugal, a través del estudio de cuatro espacios delimitados. Se parte de una visión general y actual de la sociedad y cultura portuguesas, en aspectos tales como el envejecimiento de la población, el uso extendido del coche, u otros, así como de las particularidades del medio físico de la ciudad ? la presencia de zonas verdes sostenibles y no aprovechadas, la herencia agrícola local ? para, enseguida, contemplar las soluciones existentes para esos mismos problemas. Tras este análisis general, y teniendo presente las necesidades actuales de carácter sostenible, se llega a una síntesis de propuestas arquitectónicas especificas para los cuatro espacios urbanos elegidos.
Esta tesis, Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de Paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas se realiza con el objetivo de estudiar los vínculos entre la idea de Edén, o Paraíso y la arquitectura. Siempre trabajando desde los tres niveles de representación, relato, imagen y proyecto. En la aproximación al objeto de estudio, se procede a estudiar el relato en sí, y se hallan, en la forma misma del relato, unas implicaciones relacionadas con el mundo mitológico y arquetípico. Estos resultados iniciales son la detección de que cada una de las partes que forman el conjunto edénico, han sido previamente objetos de culto en religiones corte pagano o chamánico, desde la prehistoria. El agua, los árboles, los animales, la tierra y los surcos del huerto, todos ellos han sido objetos de veneración desde tiempos inmemoriales. Trazando la genealogía de estos objetos de culto se acude al análisis arquetípico, que relaciona estos objetos venerados con el inconsciente y con la manifestación espontanea de los mismos en la realidad. Estos estudios arrojan resultados con implicaciones espaciales, arquitectónicas y se concluye que más que un ideal o un lugar en concreto, en el mito o en la realidad, lo que definitivamente parece (y demuestra) ser, es una tipología arquitectónica relacionada en su estructura formal y teórica con la del jardín cerrado. La manifestación en imagen de estos resultados y la investigación misma, llevan a acudir a unas de las imágenes más primitivas del Jardín del Edén, y que de hecho son previas a la “invención” del Hortus Conclusus como tal. Estas son las representaciones mozárabes del Paraíso Terrenal como lugar cierto en la tierra, que aparecen en los mappaemundi incluidos en los Códices de los Beatos. En el estudio de los mismos se comprende la estructura formal y teórica de lo que son las arquitecturas paradisíacas. Su calado en la cultura occidental hace que estos documentos sirvan como exoesqueletos del proyecto paradisíaco. Además, por su variedad arrojan gran número de resultados de índole espacial. Los resultados arrojados por el estudio de las representaciones edénicas de los Beatos llevan la investigación a otro momento e imágenes de la historia de la arquitectura donde, por su radicalidad de planteamientos y tabula rasa con las arquitecturas previas son necesarios nuevos lenguajes de aproximación al tema proyectual por el deseo globalizador que implican estas arquitecturas, esto es en el periodo de la arquitectura moderna. Se utiliza como elemento calibrador El poema del ángulo recto de Le Corbusier. Este documento gráfico no sólo nos da la clave que bullía en este periodo con respecto a una nueva aproximación a la superficie terrestre y al medio. Este instrumento también sirve de catalizador entre lo real y lo ideal y es una síntesis de operaciones arquitectónicas, que mediante la comparación y/o oposición con los resultados previos del estudio arquetípico y de los Beatos, genera grandes grupos de características que se hallan entrelazadas en los proyectos paradisíacos. Gracias a estos documentos se puede concluir con una síntesis de características que comparten los proyectos paradisiacos, que en todo caso son esto, proyectos en plural. No existe la unicidad, ya que se infiere de este estudio que son, en conjunto, una forma de hacer ciertas arquitecturas. Tienen características medibles y reproducibles y unas condiciones tipológicas y de generación de campos que permiten producir muchos tipos de proyectos, todos ellos de tipología paradisíaca. ABSTRACT This thesis, Eden: Tale, Image and Project. The Concept of Terrestrial Paradise as a Generator of Architectures, is carried out with the objective of studying the relations between the idea of Eden or Paradise and architecture. In every case working from the three levels of representation, tale, image and project. On the approximation to the object of study, the investigation is centered on the tale itself, and in the same core of it, are found some implications that relate it with the world of mythology and archetype. These initial results consist of detecting that each one of the parts that form the edenic set; have previously been objects of cult in religions of a pagan or shamanic nature, since pre-historic times. Water, animals, earth and the grooves of the orchard, have all been objects of reverence since the dawn of time. Tracing the genealogy of these objects an archetypal type of analysis is taken on, which relates the revered objects with the subconscious and with the spontaneous manifestation of these in reality. These studies also provide results with spatial and architectonic implications, and it is concluded that more than an ideal or a concrete place, in myth or reality, what it definitely seems (and shows to be) is an architectonic typology, related in its formal and theoretical structure with that of the enclosed garden. The manifestation in image of these results, and the investigation itself, lead to reach for one of the most primitive set of images of the Garden of Eden, and that are in fact previous to the “invention” of the Hortus Conclusus as such. A collection of mozárabe representations of the Terrestrial Paradise as a concrete place on Earth. These are the mappaemundi included in the Codexes of the Beatos. By their study, the formal and theoretical structure of paradisal architectures is understood. Their importance in occidental culture makes these documents bring out their side as exoskeletons of the paradisal Project. Also, for their variety, they cast a great number of results of a spatial nature. The results released by the study of the edenic representations of the Beatos take the investigation to another moment and set of images within the history of architecture, where the radicality of the approaches to architecture, and the tabula rasa in relation to previous architectures make it necessary to invent new languages of approximation to the subject of project. This happens because of the globalizing tones that imply these architectures. The lapse of time referred to would be during the general practice of modern architecture. The object of calibration would be The Poem of the Right Angle, by Le Corbusier. The graphic document not only gives us the key of what flowed during that time when a new approximation to the surface of earth and to the environment was retrieved. This instrument also serves as a catalyst between real and ideal, and it is a synthesis of architectural operations that by comparison and/or opposition with the previous results of the archetypal study, and of the Beatos, generates large groups of characteristics that are intertwined in the paradisal project. Due to these documents we can conclude the investigation with a series of characteristics that share the paradisal projects, which in any case are this, projects, in plural. There is no uniqueness. From these findings, it can be inferred that a Paradisal Project is a way to undertake a project, and certain kinds of architecture. They are measurable and are underlaid by a consistent pattern, they also have typological conditions and of field generation, that make it possible to produce many kinds of projects, all of a paradisal typology.
O tema desta tese é a concepção de Deus e de religião no pensamento de Jacques Lacan. Partindo de um estudo dos principais conceitos da psicanálise lacaniana, articulados em torno dos registros do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, a tese aborda as diferentes expressões da dimensão da falta que caracteriza a condição do ser humano e as articula com sua incidência sobre o desenvolvimento das concepções de Deus e de religião em Lacan. Constata que Lacan trabalha com duas concepções distintas de Deus: Uma relacionada com os registros do imaginário e do simbólico, onde Deus se caracteriza como aquele que se constitui pelo sacrifício do desejo do sujeito oferecido a ele como forma de negar a falta é o Deus que goza do sujeito. A outra está relacionada ao registro do real. É o Deus que se manifesta no sintoma, que porta um enigma e uma falta, suscitando o desejo no sujeito. Lacan o identifica como o Deus de Moisés. Essas diferentes concepções de Deus permitem uma crítica à concepção lacaniana de religião, bem como, a identificação de pontos de proximidade entre esta e a psicanálise.