921 resultados para Processed cheese


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Le fromage Mozzarella entre dans la composition de plusieurs mets populaires d’Amérique du Nord. L’aptitude de ce fromage à être râpé et ses propriétés caractéristiques de cuisson en font un ingrédient idéal. Ces qualités sont attribuées principalement aux propriétés physiques particulières de ce fromage sous certaines conditions de cisaillement et de température. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer l’impact de différentes stratégies couramment mises en oeuvre dans l’industrie fromagère sur la composition, la microstructure et les propriétés physiques du fromage. Diverses stratégies ont été étudiées : les conditions de filage du caillé lors du procédé de « pasta filata », l’addition de protéines sériques dénaturées, le contrôle de la minéralisation et le vieillissement du fromage. Les résultats ont démontré que le contrôle de l’intensité mécanique et thermique fournie lors du filage permettait respectivement de réduire les pertes de solides et d’améliorer la répartition de la phase aqueuse dans la matrice fromagère. L’aptitude au râpage du fromage peut être optimisée en combinant l’utilisation de plusieurs stratégies dont la réduction du calcium colloïdal, un temps de vieillissement adéquat et un râpage à basse température. Par ailleurs, des changements aux facteurs mentionnés précédemment sont apportés lors de l’ajout de protéines sériques dénaturées, ces dernières ayant un impact sur la composition et la structure du fromage. Des modèles prédictifs de l’aptitude au râpage ont été développés en sélectionnant uniquement les descripteurs de composition et de texture pertinents. La perception sensorielle du fromage cuit sur pizza et les propriétés physiques du fromage fondu ont été considérablement influencées par l’évolution physico-chimique du fromage au cours du vieillissement. L’utilisation d’une nouvelle approche pour la caractérisation des propriétés rhéologiques du fromage fondu sous fortes contraintes a permis d’établir de bonnes relations avec les descripteurs sensoriels de texture. Ce travail a permis de valider l’hypothèse que l’utilisation d’une ou plusieurs stratégies simples et accessibles pouvait être mise de l’avant afin d’optimiser les propriétés physiques du fromage Mozzarella. Cela contribue à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs pouvant être contrôlés afin de développer des fromages avec des attributs spécifiques, lorsqu’utilisés comme ingrédient.


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Cheddar cheese was made using control culture (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis), or with control culture plus a galactose-metabolising (Gal+) or galactose-non-metabolising (Gal-) Streptococcus thermophilus adjunct; for each culture type, the pH at whey drainage was either low (pH 6.15) or high (pH 6.45). Sc. thermophilus affected the levels of residual lactose and galactose, and the volatile compound profile and sensory properties of the mature cheese (270 d) to an extent dependent on the drain pH and phenotype (Gal+ or Gal-). For all culture systems, reducing drain pH resulted in lower levels of moisture and lactic acid, a higher concentration of free amino acids, and higher firmness. The results indicate that Sc. thermophilus may be used to diversify the sensory properties of Cheddar cheese, for example from a fruity buttery odour and creamy flavour to a more acid taste, rancid odour, and a sweaty cheese flavour at high drain pH.


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In this research, in situ generated ozone exposure/wash cycles of 1, 3, and 5 min applied to shrimp samples either before (BIS) or during iced storage (DIS) has been used to study the lipid oxidation kinetics using the peroxide values (PV). The induction period (IP) as well as PV at end of the IP (PVIP) have been obtained. The rate constants (k) as well as half-lives (t1/2) of hydroperoxides formation for different oxidation stages were calculated. The results showed that both IP and PVIP were lower with BIS (IP between 4.35±0.09 and 5.08±0.23 days; PVIP between 2.92±0.06 and 3.40±0.18 mEq kg−1) compared with DIS (IP between 5.92±0.12 and 6.14±0.09 days; PVIP between 4.49±0.17 and 4.56±0.10 mEq kg−1). The k value for DIS seemed to be the greater compared to BIS. In addition, whilst decreases and increases in t1/2 were found at propagation, respectively, for BIS and DIS, decreases and increases were only found at the induction of oxidation stage(s) for BIS. Further, the PV of ozone-processed samples would fit first order lipid oxidation kinetics independent of duration of ozone exposures. For the first time, PV measurements and fundamental kinetic principles have been used to describe how increasing ozone exposures positively affects the different oxidation stages responsible for the formation of hydroperoxides in ozone-processed shrimp.


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Groundnut cake (GNC) meal is an important source of dietary protein for domestic animals with a cost advantage over the conventional animal protein sources used in aquaculture feed production. It would be useful to evaluate the effects of GNC processing methods on the density and nutritional values of processed GNC meals. The use of processed GNC meals in the diets of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings was evaluated. Seven iso-proteic and iso-caloric diets were formulated, replacing fish meal with roasted and boiled GNC meals, each at three inclusion levels of 30%, 35%, and 40%. Diet I is 100% fishmeal, Diet II is 30% roasted GNC meal, Diet III is 35% roasted GNC meal, Diet IV is 40% roasted GNC meal, Diet V is 30% boiled GNC meal, Diet VI is 35% boiled GNC meal and Diet VII is 40% boiled GNC meal. Results showed that the crude protein content of GNC meals was 40.5% and 40.8% in boiled and roasted GNC meals respectively; the lower protein content for processed GNC meals might be due to heat denaturation of the seed protein, with boiled GNC meal being more adversely affected. The mean weight gain of fingerlings fed roasted GNC meals ranged between 5.29 – 5.64 while for boiled GNC meals, it was between 4.60 – 5.22. Generally, fish performed better when fed diets containing roasted GNC meals, than boiled GNC meals, and compared favorably with fish fed fish meal based diet. Body mass increase, total feed increase, protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate by C. gariepinus fingerlings in all diets, showed no significant differences, suggesting that processed GNC meals could partially replace diets for C. gariepinus fingerlings without adverse consequences. This study showed that processed GNC meals could partially replace fish meal up to 30% without significantly influencing fingerling growth and health. It is recommended that the use of fish meal as the main basal ingredient for fingerlings could be discontinued, since GNC meal was a cheaper alternative, and could replace fish meal up to 35%, without any significant adverse effects on the fingerling performance. KEYWORDS: Clarias gariepinus, Fingerlings, Groundnut cake meal, Nutrient utilization, Performance.


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Hoje em dia a industria da aquacultura enfrenta novos desafios para manter a sustentabilidade econômica de uma forma responsável para o meio ambiente e consumidores. Um dos maiores desafios que apresenta hoje em dia, é o aumento do preço da farinha e óleo de peixe que são os constituintes maioritários da alimentação para os peixes de aquacultura. As PAP’s e gorduras de animais terrestres parecem ser uma alternativa viável, sustentável e menos problemática do que as farinhas e óleos vegetais para substituir a farinha e óleo de peixe. Por esta razão neste trabalho nos procuramos substituir uma pequena parte da farinha e óleo de peixe por alguns produtos provenientes de animais terrestres. Este estudo foi um teste de crescimento para a truta arco-íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Inicialmente foram formuladas 4 dietas (CTRL, PAP2, PAP3 and PAP4). Exceptuando o dieta controlo (CTRL) que foi uma dieta comercial, os outros alimentos foram desenhados para substituir a farinha de peixe e outras farinhas vegetais por PAP’s (proteína animal processada) como hidrolisado de farinha de penas, farinha de sangue de suíno e gordura animal processadas como a gordura de aves. O teste foi feito ao longo de 112 dias com checkpoints no dia (30, 60 e 112), onde os peixes eram pesados com excepção do dia 112 onde foram também amostrados para composição corporal e índice hepatossomático. O peso inicial médio dos peixes dos grupos foi 219,7g e o peso médio final foi 488,7g. Não existiram alterações comportamentais nem preferência por nenhuma ração testada e não foram verificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P>0,05) no consumo de ração, crescimento e outros parâmetros de crescimento com a exceção da taxa de eficiência proteica. Foram também verificadas diferenças estatísticas significativas para alguns aspectos da composição corporal, ganhos e retenções. Os resultados demonstram que as substituições feitas não tiveram impacto no crescimentos da truta arco íris mas sim na composição corporal. Apesar disso os resultados não sugerem nenhum problema importante relacionado com o uso de PAP’s na formulação de ração para peixes.


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People, animals and the environment can be exposed to multiple chemicals at once from a variety of sources, but current risk assessment is usually carried out based on one chemical substance at a time. In human health risk assessment, ingestion of food is considered a major route of exposure to many contaminants, namely mycotoxins, a wide group of fungal secondary metabolites that are known to potentially cause toxicity and carcinogenic outcomes. Mycotoxins are commonly found in a variety of foods including those intended for consumption by infants and young children and have been found in processed cereal-based foods available in the Portuguese market. The use of mathematical models, including probabilistic approaches using Monte Carlo simulations, constitutes a prominent issue in human health risk assessment in general and in mycotoxins exposure assessment in particular. The present study aims to characterize, for the first time, the risk associated with the exposure of Portuguese children to single and multiple mycotoxins present in processed cereal-based foods (CBF). Portuguese children (0-3 years old) food consumption data (n=103) were collected using a 3 days food diary. Contamination data concerned the quantification of 12 mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins and trichothecenes) were evaluated in 20 CBF samples marketed in 2014 and 2015 in Lisbon; samples were analyzed by HPLC-FLD, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. Daily exposure of children to mycotoxins was performed using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Different strategies were used to treat the left censored data. For aflatoxins, as carcinogenic compounds, the margin of exposure (MoE) was calculated as a ratio of BMDL (benchmark dose lower confidence limit) to the aflatoxin exposure. The magnitude of the MoE gives an indication of the risk level. For the remaining mycotoxins, the output of exposure was compared to the dose reference values (TDI) in order to calculate the hazard quotients (ratio between exposure and a reference dose, HQ). For the cumulative risk assessment of multiple mycotoxins, the concentration addition (CA) concept was used. The combined margin of exposure (MoET) and the hazard index (HI) were calculated for aflatoxins and the remaining mycotoxins, respectively. 71% of CBF analyzed samples were contaminated with mycotoxins (with values below the legal limits) and approximately 56% of the studied children consumed CBF at least once in these 3 days. Preliminary results showed that children exposure to single mycotoxins present in CBF were below the TDI. Aflatoxins MoE and MoET revealed a reduced potential risk by exposure through consumption of CBF (with values around 10000 or more). HQ and HI values for the remaining mycotoxins were below 1. Children are a particularly vulnerable population group to food contaminants and the present results point out an urgent need to establish legal limits and control strategies regarding the presence of multiple mycotoxins in children foods in order to protect their health. The development of packaging materials with antifungal properties is a possible solution to control the growth of moulds and consequently to reduce mycotoxin production, contributing to guarantee the quality and safety of foods intended for children consumption.


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Purpose – Thistle flower( Cynara cardunculus) aqueous extracts, as rich source of milk-clotting peptidases, have been widely used for cheeses marketed under the Registry of the Protected Designation of Origin, as it is the case of Serra da Estrela cheese, manufactured from raw ewes’ milk and without addition of any commercial starter culture. This paper aims at studying the influence of six different ecotypes of thistle flowers in cheese properties during the ripening and of final products. Design/methodology/approach – Cheeses were produced with different thistle flower extracts and then the clotting time, weight and colour of cheeses, as well as texture properties and sensorial characteristics, were evaluated. Findings – The clotting time varied from 47 to 66 min, and the weight loss along ripening varied between 32 and 40 per cent. There was some influence of thistle flower ecotype on the colour during ripening and in the final product. The results of texture analysis revealed significant differences between the thistle ecotypes: crust firmness varying from 2.4 to 5.6 N; inner firmness from 0.82 to 1.82 N; stickiness from 0.5 to 1.60 N; adhesiveness from 3.0 to 11.3 N.s; and Ecotype C was particularly distinguishable. Sensorial evaluation revealed differences among the cheeses, with Ecotype C receiving the highest score for global appreciation. Originality/value – The usage of different extracts of thistle flower to produce Serra da Estrela cheese with different properties is a novelty, and it allows the possibility of manipulating this parameter in the future so as to produce cheeses with specific characteristics, addressed to different consumer targets.


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The biochemistry of cheese ripening involves mechanisms such as glycolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis. Fatty acids are released by the action of lipases from different sources, milk, rennet, bacteria, moulds included as secondary starters, and other exogenous lipases, during lipolysis [1]. The composition of the lipid fraction contributes positively to the flavour of cheese, for being precursors of more complex aroma compounds responsible for the characteristic “goaty flavour” of goat cheeses [2]. Goat milk is recognized by its easier digestibility, alkalinity, buffering capacity and certain therapeutic values in medicine and human nutrition [3]. A high total content of fatty acids is strongly linked to a rancid and tart off flavour in goat milk and may be considered undesirable in most cheese varieties [4]. In this sense, the purpose of the present study was to examine the composition and changes in fatty acids and saponification value of goat cheese during curing period (2, 7 and 12 months). Goat cheese was made in industrial unit of Cachão - Mirandela (Trás-os- Montes) with raw milk Serrana goats’ race, salt and rennet from animal origin. During the first two months, the samples were stored in a ripening chamber (9.5-11 °C and RH 75-85%). From the second month to one year, the samples were stored in a preservation chamber (10.5-12 °C and RH 75-85%). The fatty acids profile of the inner part of the cheese was analyzed by gas-chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The degree of saponification was determined both in the crust and inside the cheese by HCl titration of ethanol KOH solution of the samples. Twenty-six fatty acids (FA) were identified and quantified in the inner part of the cheese (total fat was 45-46 g/100 g during the curing period). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) did not change up to 7 months of curing, increasing only after 12 months, being palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), myristic (C14:0) and capric (C10:0) acids the most abundant FA in this class. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased only after 12 months, and oleic acid (C18:1) was the predominant FA. In polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) class, the most abundant were linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids, and followed the same tendency of MUFA. This is corroborated by an increase in the degree of saponification, either in the crust as in the inner part of the cheese, after 12 months of curing, probably related with the saturation of the fatty acids [3]. Extra-long curing can be done in cheeses produced with goat milk up to seven months of storage without changing the total fat and individual FA content.