709 resultados para Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Psychological aspects
INTRODUCTION Even though arthroplasty of the ankle joint is considered to be an established procedure, only about 1,300 endoprostheses are implanted in Germany annually. Arthrodeses of the ankle joint are performed almost three times more often. This may be due to the availability of the procedure - more than twice as many providers perform arthrodesis - as well as the postulated high frequency of revision procedures of arthroplasties in the literature. In those publications, however, there is often no clear differentiation between revision surgery with exchange of components, subsequent interventions due to complications and subsequent surgery not associated with complications. The German Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Association's (D. A. F.) registry for total ankle replacement collects data pertaining to perioperative complications as well as cause, nature and extent of the subsequent interventions, and postoperative patient satisfaction. MATERIAL AND METHODS The D. A. F.'s total ankle replacement register is a nation-wide, voluntary registry. After giving written informed consent, the patients can be added to the database by participating providers. Data are collected during hospital stay for surgical treatment, during routine follow-up inspections and in the context of revision surgery. The information can be submitted in paper-based or online formats. The survey instruments are available as minimum data sets or scientific questionnaires which include patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). The pseudonymous clinical data are collected and evaluated at the Institute for Evaluative Research in Medicine, University of Bern/Switzerland (IEFM). The patient-related data remain on the register's module server in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The registry's methodology as well as the results of the revisions and patient satisfaction for 115 patients with a two year follow-up period are presented. Statistical analyses are performed with SAS™ (Version 9.4, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA). RESULTS About 2½ years after the register was launched there are 621 datasets on primary implantations, 1,427 on follow-ups and 121 records on re-operation available. 49 % of the patients received their implants due to post-traumatic osteoarthritis, 27 % because of a primary osteoarthritis and 15 % of patients suffered from a rheumatic disease. More than 90 % of the primary interventions proceeded without complications. Subsequent interventions were recorded for 84 patients, which corresponds to a rate of 13.5 % with respect to the primary implantations. It should be noted that these secondary procedures also include two-stage procedures not due to a complication. "True revisions" are interventions with exchange of components due to mechanical complications and/or infection and were present in 7.6 % of patients. 415 of the patients commented on their satisfaction with the operative result during the last follow-up: 89.9 % of patients evaluate their outcome as excellent or good, 9.4 % as moderate and only 0.7 % (3 patients) as poor. In these three cases a component loosening or symptomatic USG osteoarthritis was present. Two-year follow-up data using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle and Hindfoot Scale (AOFAS-AHS) are already available for 115 patients. The median AOFAS-AHS score increased from 33 points preoperatively to more than 80 points three to six months postoperatively. This increase remained nearly constant over the entire two-year follow-up period. CONCLUSION Covering less than 10 % of the approximately 240 providers in Germany and approximately 12 % of the annually implanted total ankle-replacements, the D. A. F.-register is still far from being seen as a national registry. Nevertheless, geographical coverage and inclusion of "high-" (more than 100 total ankle replacements a year) and "low-volume surgeons" (less than 5 total ankle replacements a year) make the register representative for Germany. The registry data show that the number of subsequent interventions and in particular the "true revision" procedures are markedly lower than the 20 % often postulated in the literature. In addition, a high level of patient satisfaction over the short and medium term is recorded. From the perspective of the authors, these results indicate that total ankle arthroplasty - given a correct indication and appropriate selection of patients - is not inferior to an ankle arthrodesis concerning patients' satisfaction and function. First valid survival rates can be expected about 10 years after the register's start.
Attendance at trials of perpetrators could be retraumatizing for crime victims suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. To investigate this hypothesis, two studies were conducted in which retraumatization was defined as a significant increase in posttraumatic stress reactions. A cross-sectional study of 137 victims of rape and nonsexual assault revealed that trial variables do virtually not predict posttraumatic stress reactions at a time several years after trial.Alongitudinal study of 31 victims of rape and nonsexual assault revealed intraindividual stability of posttraumatic stress reactions for the time interval from a few weeks before the trial to a few weeks after the trial; in addition, interindividual stability was high. The results of both studies do not support the retraumatization hypothesis, which should therefore be used with caution.
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Beschreibungen der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTB) besagen, dass Personen mit PTB häufig starke Rachegefühle erleben. Es besteht jedoch ein Mangel an bestätigenden empirischen Untersuchungen. Fragestellung: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Rachegefühlen und posttraumatischen Belastungsreaktionen wird untersucht. Methode: Die Daten wurden mittels Selbstbeurteilung bei 174 Opfern von Gewalttaten erfasst. Zur Messung der Belastungsreaktionen wurde die Impact of Event-Skala – revidierte Version (IES-R) eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Rachegefühle korrelieren bedeutsam mit posttraumatischer Intrusion und Übererregung, jedoch nicht mit Vermeidung. Rachegefühle leisten einen Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung, der über den Vorhersagebeitrag viktimologischer Standardvariablen hinausgeht. Der Zusammenhang wird jedoch erst mit wachsendem zeitlichen Abstand vom Ereignis enger. Schlussfolgerungen: Rachegefühle sind vermutlich als dysfunktionale Bewältigungsreaktion auf erlittene Ungerechtigkeit zu bewerten, jedoch nicht in der ersten Zeit nach einer kriminellen Viktimisierung.
El MC en baloncesto es aquel fenómeno relacionado con el juego que presenta unas características particulares determinadas por la idiosincrasia de un equipo y puede afectar a los protagonistas y por ende al devenir del juego. En la presente Tesis se ha estudiado la incidencia del MC en Liga A.C.B. de baloncesto y para su desarrollo en profundidad se ha planteado dos investigaciones una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa cuya metodología se detalla a continuación: La investigación cuantitativa se ha basado en la técnica de estudio del “Performance analysis”, para ello se han estudiado cuatro temporadas de la Liga A.C.B. (del 2007/08 al 2010/11), tal y como refleja en la bibliografía consultada se han tomado como momentos críticos del juego a los últimos cinco minutos de partidos donde la diferencia de puntos fue de seis puntos y todos los Tiempos Extras disputados, de tal manera que se han estudiado 197 momentos críticos. La contextualización del estudio se ha hecho en función de la variables situacionales “game location” (local o visitante), “team quality” (mejores o peores clasificados) y “competition” (fases de LR y Playoff). Para la interpretación de los resultados se han realizado los siguientes análisis descriptivos: 1) Análisis Discriminante, 2) Regresión Lineal Múltiple; y 3) Análisis del Modelo Lineal General Multivariante. La investigación cualitativa se ha basado en la técnica de investigación de la entrevista semiestructurada. Se entrevistaron a 12 entrenadores que militaban en la Liga A.C.B. durante la temporada 2011/12, cuyo objetivo ha sido conocer el punto de vista que tiene el entrenador sobre el concepto del MC y que de esta forma pudiera dar un enfoque más práctico basado en su conocimiento y experiencia acerca de cómo actuar ante el MC en el baloncesto. Los resultados de ambas investigaciones coinciden en señalar la importancia del MC sobre el resultado final del juego. De igual forma, el concepto en sí entraña una gran complejidad por lo que se considera fundamental la visión científica de la observación del juego y la percepción subjetiva que presenta el entrenador ante el fenómeno, para la cual los aspectos psicológicos de sus protagonistas (jugadores y entrenadores) son determinantes. ABSTRACT The Critical Moment (CM) in basketball is a related phenomenon with the game that has particular features determined by the idiosyncrasies of a team and can affect the players and therefore the future of the game. In this Thesis we have studied the impact of CM in the A.C.B. League and from a profound development two investigations have been raised, quantitative and qualitative whose methodology is as follows: The quantitative research is based on the technique of study "Performance analysis", for this we have studied four seasons in the A.C.B. League (2007/08 to 2010/11), and as reflected in the literature the Critical Moments of the games were taken from the last five minutes of games where the point spread was six points and all overtimes disputed, such that 197 critical moments have been studied. The contextualization of the study has been based on the situational variables "game location" (home or away), "team quality" (better or lower classified) and "competition" (LR and Playoff phases). For the interpretation of the results the following descriptive analyzes were performed: 1) Discriminant Analysis, 2) Multiple Linear Regression Analysis; and 3) Analysis of Multivariate General Linear Model. Qualitative research is based on the technique of investigation of a semi-structured interview. 12 coaches who belonged to the A.C.B. League were interviewed in seasons 2011/12, which aimed to determine the point of view that the coach has on the CM concept and thus could give a more practical approach based on their knowledge and experience about how to deal with the CM in basketball. The results of both studies agree on the importance of the CM on the final outcome of the game. Similarly, the concept itself is highly complex so the scientific view of the observation of the game is considered essential as well as the subjective perception the coach presents before the phenomenon, for which the psychological aspects of their characters (players and coaches) are crucial.
O presente trabalho tem como tema central a opinião do surdo universitário sobre sua auto- estima e qualidade vida. Os objetivos foram conhecer o joven-adulto surdo universitário, segundo sua opinião, buscando especificamente identificar os fatores que contribuíram para o seu desenvolvimento psicológico e sua auto-estima; e identificar as características da qualidade de vida, considerando os aspectos físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. Participaram desta pesquisa 3 jovens-adultos surdos, universitários. O método utilizado foi o descritivo qualitativo, usando-se como fonte de coleta de dados a entrevista livre e o WHOQOL-bref. O método qualitativo na área da saúde visa investigar o significado que os fenômenos sentimentos, idéias, vivências, manifestações, dentre outros, tem para as pessoas e que dão molde às suas vidas incluindo os cuidados com a saúde. Percebemos que ao atingirem a fase adulta, os sujeitos pesquisados conseguem tomar decisões e escolher seus caminhos com maior liberdade em função das experiências e condições que lhes foram apresentadas. Verificamos que as situações vividas no ambiente escolar e o aprendizado da língua de sinais contribuíram para sua constituição como sujeito não limitado à condição da surdez. Foi possível identificar que possuem expectativas profissionais futuras e expressaram suas dificuldades, desejos, frustrações diante do mercado de trabalho, relações sociais e familiares como qualquer outro individuo, encontrando recursos internos para o enfrentamento das circunstâncias cotidianas. Os resultados da pesquisa também permitiram observar que os surdos reconhecem o grau de satisfação que têm com a vida, seu estado de saúde e cuidados com seu bem-estar físico, psicológico e social. Concluímos que ao recontar sua história de vida os surdos têm a possibilidade de se reconhecer como sujeitos e a oportunidade de dar continuidade às próprias vivências que contribuíram para seu bem-estar
O presente trabalho tem como tema central a opinião do surdo universitário sobre sua auto- estima e qualidade vida. Os objetivos foram conhecer o joven-adulto surdo universitário, segundo sua opinião, buscando especificamente identificar os fatores que contribuíram para o seu desenvolvimento psicológico e sua auto-estima; e identificar as características da qualidade de vida, considerando os aspectos físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. Participaram desta pesquisa 3 jovens-adultos surdos, universitários. O método utilizado foi o descritivo qualitativo, usando-se como fonte de coleta de dados a entrevista livre e o WHOQOL-bref. O método qualitativo na área da saúde visa investigar o significado que os fenômenos sentimentos, idéias, vivências, manifestações, dentre outros, tem para as pessoas e que dão molde às suas vidas incluindo os cuidados com a saúde. Percebemos que ao atingirem a fase adulta, os sujeitos pesquisados conseguem tomar decisões e escolher seus caminhos com maior liberdade em função das experiências e condições que lhes foram apresentadas. Verificamos que as situações vividas no ambiente escolar e o aprendizado da língua de sinais contribuíram para sua constituição como sujeito não limitado à condição da surdez. Foi possível identificar que possuem expectativas profissionais futuras e expressaram suas dificuldades, desejos, frustrações diante do mercado de trabalho, relações sociais e familiares como qualquer outro individuo, encontrando recursos internos para o enfrentamento das circunstâncias cotidianas. Os resultados da pesquisa também permitiram observar que os surdos reconhecem o grau de satisfação que têm com a vida, seu estado de saúde e cuidados com seu bem-estar físico, psicológico e social. Concluímos que ao recontar sua história de vida os surdos têm a possibilidade de se reconhecer como sujeitos e a oportunidade de dar continuidade às próprias vivências que contribuíram para seu bem-estar
A prática musical tem efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento humano, envolvendo aspectos cognitivos, emocionais, motivacionais e sociais, que implicam em alterações no processamento cerebral. O número de Programas de Educação Musical (PEMs) com enfoque em populações jovens em vulnerabilidade social tem crescido no Brasil e no mundo. Dessa maneira, torna-se importante a realização de estudos que verifiquem os efeitos de PEMs no desenvolvimento destas populações. O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar os impactos de uma experiência de um PEM sobre os aspectos psicológicos de seus estudantes, mais especificamente a autoestima, as habilidades sociais e o funcionamento executivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada em um PEM da cidade de Ribeirão Preto SP e em duas escolas regulares de ensino, uma particular e outra da rede pública. Participaram do estudo 69 crianças e adolescentes com idades entre 10 e 17 anos, divididos em três grupos, a saber: Grupo Iniciante (GI), composto por alunos com até 12 meses de matrícula no PEM; Grupo Experiente (GE), composto por alunos com mais de 24 meses de matrícula no PEM; e Grupo Controle (GC), constituído por participantes sem qualquer envolvimento com aprendizado musical. Cada grupo foi composto por 23 estudantes. Os três grupos de participantes responderam aos seguintes testes psicológicos: Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR), Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY) e Teste de Stroop. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com todos os estudantes dos grupos GI e GE, dez estudantes do PEM que não compuseram nenhum grupo por não possuírem o pré-requisito de tempo de matrícula exigido, seis responsáveis legais dos estudantes e doze profissionais do PEM. As entrevistas tiveram a função de fornecerem relatos verbais a respeito dos impactos percebidos nos estudantes pelo envolvimento com o PEM. Os dados dos testes psicológicos foram analisados através dos testes estatísticos ANOVA, Mann-Whitney e t de Student e as entrevistas foram analisadas através da investigação qualitativa em educação. As análises dos testes psicológicos mostraram que os GI e GE não possuem diferenças entre si para nenhuma das variáveis de estudo. O GC apresentou escores inferiores aos GI e GE para a Autoestima e escores superiores para Solidão e Ansiedade Social, indicando que o envolvimento com o PEM pode acarretar em ganhos nessas habilidades. A partir da análise das entrevistas foram construídas três categorias de codificação relacionadas a impactos comportamentais do envolvimento com o PEM, a saber: relacionamento interpessoal, desenvolvimento de habilidades intrapessoais e envolvimento com música e desenvolvimento humano na perspectiva de profissionais e responsáveis legais. A análise das entrevistas indicou que a participação no PEM está relacionada a impactos positivos na autoestima, habilidades sociais e funcionamento executivo dos participantes. Os resultados foram discutidos buscando interrelaciona-los de maneira a integrar os dados colhidos por meio dos testes psicológicos e através das entrevistas. Conclui-se que a participação em PEMs com enfoque no resgate social de populações vulneráveis possui influência no desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes, indicando que o uso da educação musical caracteriza uma importante estratégia de intervenção social.
Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) puts women at risk for severe and chronic physical and mental health consequences, including elevations in IPV-related psychopathology and increased risk for future victimization. Previous research has examined attention as one of the key information processing mechanisms associated with elevated psychopathology and risk for victimization; however, the nature of attentional processing in response to IPV-related information in women exposed to IPV is poorly understood. Therefore, the current study aimed to further understanding of associations between attentional processing, IPV exposure, and related distress using measures of eye movement and subjective interpretations of IPV-related information. A sample of women exposed to IPV (n = 57) viewed sets of negative, positive, and neutral relationship images for 15 s each while having their eye movements monitored and later provided subjective ratings and interpretations of levels of risk and safety in those images. We examined associations of outcome measures with proximal victimization experiences and IPV-related psychopathology (i.e., depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and dissociation). Results indicated a bias to attend to negative relationship images relative to positive and neutral images, though this attention bias fluctuated over time and varied as a function of symptomatology such that depression corresponded with increases in attention to negative images over time and PTSD corresponded with decreases in attention to negative images. The general attention bias for negative images appeared to be explained by rumination on and/or difficulty disengaging from negative images, which was related to general elevations in psychopathology as well as exposure to revictimization by different perpetrators. Subjective interpretations and perception of danger cues were related to victimization history and level and type of IPV-related distress. We replicated these procedures with a sample of undergraduate students without IPV histories or related symptomatology (n = 33) and found that the overall attention bias for negative images was not replicated, despite general similarities in patterns of attention over time. Results therefore indicated associations between attentional processing and IPV exposure and related symptomatology. Implications for models of IPV-related psychopathology and attentional processing as well as directions for future study and interventions are discussed.
The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) was developed in 2011 as analternative to the previous Comprehensive System. The goal was to improve the psychometrics,and particularly the validity, of this assessment method. The norms for children werequestionable in the Comprehensive system (e.g., outdated, low numbers of subjects) and validitystudies for children were sparse. One of the indicators included in the R-PAS system, theaggressive content indicator (AgC), is intended to reflect aggressive behavior, but few studieshave examined the validity of this indicator. This study examined the validity of AgC in asample of 32 children and adolescents receiving services at a residential treatment center.Subjects' AgC scores were analyzed in relation to demographics and diagnosis, as well as ratingsof aggression and conduct problems from the Behavioral Assessment System for Children-2(BASC-2) Parent and Teacher Reports. Correlations between the AgC score and BASC-2aggression and conduct problems scores were not statistically significant. None of thecorrelations between AgC score and a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder, Oppositional DefiantDisorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or Mood Disorders were significant either. Given thesmall sample size, null results may be a result of power concerns. The lack of significantcorrelations may however, indicate that operational definitions of aggression used in variousforms of measurement reflect different constructs.
Boundaries between students and teachers were once clearly defined. Students only interacted with their teachers at school. Currently, however, boundaries are becoming increasingly unclear. As technology advances, students have more venues to interact with their teachers. In addition, teachers are asked to take on more roles in their students' lives. A significant number of teachers and students engage in inappropriate relationships and the possible damage to students is high. Unfortunately, current training programs do not adequately address how teachers can maintain appropriate boundaries with their charges. This paper outlines a proposal for a new training program to fill this gap. This program utilizes training techniques that have been shown to be useful for adult learners as it helps teachers establish and maintain boundaries as well as incorporating elements of effective prevention programs.
Homophobia continues to exist in society. Homonegative attitudes are often implicit and can be acquired without direct training, which makes them particularly resistant to change. Relational Frame Theory (RFT) is a behavior analytic account of learning processes and can explain these processes of indirect learning. RFT also suggests therapeutic processes for dismantling stigma using a therapy model named Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This paper reviews previous research on traditional multicultural training, and addresses its shortcomings. Specifically, this paper makes the argument that traditional models encourage experiential avoidance and thus further perpetuate the processes that maintain stigma. While a handful of studies have examined stigma interventions using ACT, no ACT studies have been completed specifically on the stigma towards gay and lesbian individuals. This paper concludes with a research proposal for such a study.
For many women, if not all, breasts are an important component of bodyself-image; a woman may love them or dislike them, but she is rarely neutral" (Young, 2003, p.152). Breast cancer may be one of the oldest forms of cancer known to humans (American Cancer Society, 2010), and in 2008 in the United States over 182,000 women and almost 2,000 men were diagnosed with some form of breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2008). In that same year 40,480 women and 450 men died from the disease. While any type of cancer diagnosis can instill a fear of mortality and incapacitation in the recipient, breast cancer holds a special meaning for women because of the significance placed on the breast both personally and societally. Removal of the breast tissue and muscle, or mastectomy, remains one of the primary forms of treatment for this disease. The breast plays an important role in a woman's identity, and the loss of one or both breasts due to breast cancer can have a monumental impact on her sense of self. A mastectomy affectsnot only a woman's relationship with herself, but with her family, friends, and society. It changes her outlook on life, her perception of her roles in the world, and her interest in interacting with others. Exploring these issues is important to understanding how doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, family members and support networks can best assist patients in coping with their illness. This paper attempts to understand the psychological issues and injuriesassociated with mastectomy through the lens of Self Psychology. It postulates that the breast itself is a selfobject for most women, and that its loss results in the fragmentation of the self. I will focus particularly on women between the ages of 25 and 40 years of age, in the marital and parental phases of developmental (Wolf, 1988), as the effect of a mastectomy on body image, sexuality, and genderbased roles such as motherhood has been shown to differ according to the age of the patient, with younger patients experiencing more distress (Ashing-Giwa et al, 2004).
This study explores the relationship between conformity to traditional feminine gender norms and meaning and purpose in life among female college students. Based on previous research findings that show a negative correlation between specific traditional feminine gender norm conformity factors and psychological well-being, we posited that participants with higher levels of traditional gender norm conformity will experience a lower sense of meaning and purpose in life. Self-report data was obtained from 338 female undergraduate college students using the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI) and the Purpose in Life Test (PIL). A standard multiple regression assessed the accuracy of eight feminine norms in predicting purpose and meaning in life. Results partially supported the hypothesis, with Modesty as the most significant contributor to meaning and purpose. Inconsistent with our hypothesis, participants who endorsed high scores on Nice in Relationships, Involvement with Children, Sexual Fidelity, and Domestic, scored higher on the PIL.
Women and Performance in Corporate America The glass ceiling has been shattered. Women like Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo.; Angela Braly, the CEO of Wellpoint; and Patricia Woertz, the CEO of Archer Daniels Midland, are proof that women can achieve top leadership positions in corporate America. However, the scarcity of female leaders occupying the top ranks of corporate America, and the significant wage gap between men and women, suggest that there are significant complications along the path toward success for women in the corporate world.The data show that a disproportionately small number of women are making it to top leadership positions in corporate America. According to the US Department of Labor, in 2007 women accounted for 46% of the total work force, and 51 % of all workers in management, professional, and related occupations. Women outnumbered men in occupations including financial managers, human resource managers, education administrators, medical and health service managers, accountants and auditors, budget analysts, and property, real estate, and social and community association managers (US Department of Labor, 2007). However, women hold only 15.2% of board director positions, 15.7% of corporate officer positions, and 6.2% of top earner positions (Catalyst, 2009b). Additionally, according to a 2008 Corporate Library survey, only 2.6% of Fortune 500 companies currently have female CEOs (as cited in Jones, 2009).The data also show that women earn less than men in the work force. The US Department of Labor found that women working full time in 2007 made only 80% of the salaries of men (US Department of Labor, 2008). Studies designed to control for factors other than gender have not been able to account for the wage gap between men and women (Eagly & Carli, 2007, US Government Accountability Office, 2003). Even among CEO's of fortune 500 companies, female CEO's make only 85% of the salaries of male CEO's (Jones, 2009).
This paper will explore how white privilege has been intertwined with the women's liberation movement in the United States. Feminism and its goals are described briefly and linked to an evaluation of white privilege within the movement. The feminist movement is explored throughout its three waves, including a class and race analysis of each separate period. In addition, this analysis focuses on how Black and Chicana women have been excluded from the mainstream, White, middle-class movement. Through the use of Social Dominance Theory (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999), the prevalence and impact of oppression and hierarchy are explored. The implications of oppression and exclusion in the current political climate are followed by suggestions for aligning the goals and direction of feminism with social justice.