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35MeV/u Ar离子在室温下辐照了多层堆叠的半晶质聚酯膜,采用傅立叶转换的红外光吸收技术分析和研究了由辐照引起的化学键断裂及其对离子剂量、离子在样品中的平均电子能量损失和吸收剂量的依赖性.结果表明,辐照导致聚酯膜中发生了明显的化学键断裂,断键过程主要发生在反式构型的乙二醇残留物和苯环的对位上,苯环的基本结构在辐照中变化较小.断键不仅强烈地依赖于离子的照射剂量,而且还跟样品中电子能量沉积密切相关,明显的断键发生在4.0MGy以上的吸收剂量.
利用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型,研究了~(112)Sn+~(112)Sn和~(124)Sn+ ~(124)Sn两个反应系统在入射能量 E=40MeV/u时的多重碎裂。计算结果能与 实验值定性符合。观察到两个反应系统中,中等质量碎片多重性、中子多重性、 荷电粒子多重性与轻荷电粒子多重性之间的关联存在着明显的差别。另外,通 过与膨胀蒸发源模型及同位旋相关的渗透模型分析结果的比较,发现这种差别 主要是由同位旋相关的反应动力学所造成的。
报道了 30MeV/ u(40)Ar+(nat)Ag反应中中等质量碎片(IMF)发射时间(τ)随发射源空间大小的演化规律,并对类弹碎片的发射时空进行了讨论.结果表明,IMF的发射时标与中等质量碎片关联函数以及发射源的核物质密度(ρ)有关,而与发射源的质量数的关系不大.对于能量较高的类弹碎片来说,在较小的核物质密度下提取的发射时间也较小,因此,在正常核物质密度参数下提取出的发射时间值可作为碎片实际发射时间的上限值.中速碎片的发射时间随密度大小的变化非常缓慢,提取出的发射时间值即可作为实际的发射时间。
测量了 25MeV/u40 Ar+115 In,58 Ni,27 A1反应前中角区出射碎片的角分布和 元素 Z分布.用改进的量子分子动力学(MQMD)模型研究了碎片的角分布和 Z 分布.理论计算值和实验值整体上符合得很好,但在前角区,MQMD模型低估 了碎片的产额,在中角区对于Z接近弹核的碎片,理论计算值比实验值偏高.碎 片产物的角分布和Z分布还与统计蒸发模型GEMINI进行了比较,结果表明,在 前角区平衡蒸发成份所占的比例很小,中角区所占的比例有所增加,但仍然是较 小的比例.同时发现平衡蒸发成份随着出射碎片核电荷数Z的减小而逐渐减 少.
Within the framework of the dinuclear system (DNS) model, production cross sections of new superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=108-114 are analyzed systematically. Possible combinations based on the actinide nuclides U-238, Pu-244, and Cm-248,Cm-250 with the optimal excitation energies and evaporation channels are pointed out to synthesize new isotopes that lie between the nuclides produced in the cold fusion reactions and the Ca-48-induced fusion reactions experimentally, which are feasible to be constructed experimentally. It is found that the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei decrease drastically with the charged numbers of compound nuclei. Larger mass asymmetries of the entrance channels enhance the cross sections in 2n-5n channels.
We investigate the decomposition of noncommutative gauge potential (A) over cap (i), and find that it has inner structure, namely, (A) over cap (i) can he decomposed in two parts, (b) over cap (i) and (a) over cap (i), where (b) over cap (i) satisfies gauge transformations while (a) over cap (i) satisfies adjoint transformations, so close the Seiberg-Witten mapping of noncommutative, U(1) gauge potential. By, means of Seiberg-Witten mapping, we construct a mapping of unit vector field between noncommutative space and ordinary space, and find the noncommutative U(1) gauge potential and its gauge field tensor can be expressed in terms of the unit vector field. When the unit vector field has no singularity point, noncommutative gauge potential and gauge field tensor will equal ordinary gauge potential and gauge field tensor
In this paper, the relationship between radiosensitivity, cell cycle alteration and the change of apoptosis in different human hepatoma cell lines irradiated by heavy ions were studied with the aim of building up the base data for clinical therapy. Exponentially growing hepatoma cell lines were irradiated by 80.55 MeV/u(12)C(6+) ions at a dose of 0 Gy, 0.5 Gy, 1 Gy, 2 Gy, 4 Gy and 8 Gy. The radiosensitivity was assessed by means of the colony-forming assay. The DNA content, the percentage of each cell-cycle phase and the apoptosis rate were obtained with flow cytometry methods. After the irradiation, the SF2 (survival fraction at 2 gray) of SMMC-7721 cells were evidently lower than that of HepG2 cells. The S phase arrest, G2/M phase arrest delay and the apoptosis in the two hepatoma cell lines varied with the increase of the dose and repair time. The heavy ions could obviously kill the human hepatoma cell lines. Compared to HepG2 cells, SMMC-7721 cells were more radiosensitive to C-12(6+) ions.
A thick natural uranium target was bombarded with a 60 MeV/u O-18 beam. The neutron-rich isotope Ra-230 as the target residue was produced through the multinucleon transfer reaction (U-238-4p-4n). The barium and radium fraction as BaCl2 precipitate were radiochemically separated first from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. Then, the radium fraction was separated from BaCl2 precipitate by using cation exchange technique. The gamma-ray spectra of the Ra fraction were measured using an HPGe detector. The production cross sections of Ra-230 were obtained by a combination of the radiochemical separation technique and off-line gamma-ray spectroscopy. The cross section of Ra-230 has been determined to be 66 +/- 20 mu b.
The relative partial cross sections for C-13(6+)-Ar collisions at 4.15-11.08 keV/u incident energy are measured. The cross-section ratios sigma(2E)/sigma(SC), sigma(3E)/sigma(SC), sigma(4E)/sigma(SC) and sigma(5E)/sigma(SC) are approximately the constants of 0.51 +/- 0.05, 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.06 +/- 0.03 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 in this region. The significance of the multi-electron process in highly charged ions (HCIs) with argon collisions is demonstrated (sigma(ME)/sigma(SC) as high as 0.79 +/- 0.06). In multi-electron processes, it is shown that transfer ionization is dominant while pure electron capture is weak and negligible. For all reaction channels, the cross-sections are independent of the incident energy in the present energy region, which is in agreement with the static characteristic of classic models, i.e. the molecular Coulomb over-the-barrier model (MCBM), the extended classical over-the-barrier (ECBM) and the semiempirical scaling laws (SL). The result is compared with these classical models and with our previous work of C-13(6+)-Ne collisions
The neutron-rich target-like isotope Th-236 has been produced in the U-238-2p multinucleon transfer reaction between a 60 MeV/u O-18 beam and natural U-238 targets. The activities of thorium were determined after radiochemical separation of Th from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. The Th-236 isotope was identified by the characteristic gamma-rays of 642.2, 687.6 and 229.6 keV. The production cross section of Th-236 was determined to be 250 +/- 50 mu b.
The reduced velocity correlation functions of the Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMFs) were measured in the reactions of Ar-36+ Sn-112,Sn-124 at 35MeV/u. The anti-correlation at small reduced velocities is more pronounced in Ar-36+ Sn-124 system than that in Ar-36+ Sn-112 system. The difference of the correlation functions between the two reactions is mainly contributed by the particle pairs with high momenta. A three-body Coulomb repulsive trajectory code (MENEKA) is employed to calculate the emission time scale of IMFs for-the both systems. The time scale is 150fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-112 system and 120fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-124 system, respectively. A calculation based on an Isospin dependence Quantum Molecular Dynamics code (IQMD) reveals that the emission time spectrum of IMFs is shifted slightly leftwards in Ar-36+ Sn-124 compared with that in the Ar-16+ Sn-112 system, indicating a shorter emission time scale. Correspondingly, the central density of the hot nuclei decreases faster in Ar-36+ Sn-124 than in Ar-36+ Sn-112
We give a general SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x U(1)(EM) sigma model with external sources, dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, and present the general formulation of the model. It is found that sigma and pi(0) without electric charges have electromagnetic interaction effects coming front the internal structures. A general Lorentz transformation relative to external sources J(gauge) - (J(A mu) J(A mu)(kappa)) derived, using the general Lorentz transformation and the four-dimensional current of nuclear matter of the ground si ate with J(gauge) = 0, we give the four-dimensional general relations between the different currents of nuclear matter systems with J(gauge) not equal 0 and those with J(gauge) = 0. The relation of the density's coupling with external magnetic field is derived, which conforms well to dense nuclear matter in a strong magnetic field. We show different condensed effects in strong interaction about fermions and antifermions, and give the concrete scalar and pseudoscalar condensed expressions of sigma(0) and pi(0) bosons. About different dynamical breaking and spontaneous vacuum symmetry breaking, the concrete expressions of different mass spectra are obtained in field theory. This paper acquires the running spontaneous vacuum breaking value sigma'(0), and obtains the spontaneous vacuum breaking in tenus of the running sigma'(0), which make nucleon, sigma, and pi particles gain effective masses. We achieve both the effect of external sources and nonvanishing value of the condensed scalar and pseudoscalar paticles. It is deduced that the masses of nucleons, sigma and pi generally depend on different external sources.
The neutron-rich target-like isotope Th-236 was produced in U-238-2p multinucleon transfer reaction between a 60MeV/u O-18 beam and nature U-238 targets. The thorium activities were radiochemically separated from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. The isotope Th-236 was identified by 642.2keV, 687.6keV and 229.6keV characteristic gamma-rays. The production cross section of Th-236 has been determined to be 250 +/- 50 mu b.
The cross-section ratios of double-, triple-, quadruple-, and the total multi-electron processes to the single electron capture process sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC)) as well as the relative ratios among reaction channels in double-electron active, triple-electron active and quadruple- electron active are measured in C-13(6+) -Ne collision in the energy region of 4.15-11.08 keV/u by employing position-sensitive and time-of-flight coincident techniques. It is determined that the cross-section ratios sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC) are approximately the constants of 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.16 +/- 0.04, 0.06 +/- 0.02 and 0.42 +/- 0.05. These values are obviously smaller than the predictions of the molecular Coulomb over-the-barrier model (MCBM) [J. Phys. B 23 (1990) 4293], the extended classical over-the-barrier model (ECBM) [J. Phys. B 19 (1986) 2925] and the semiempirical scaling laws (SL) [Phys. Rev. A 54 (1996) 4127]. However, the relative ratios among partial processes of DE, TE and QE are found to depend on collision energy, which suggests that the collision dynamics depends on the collision velocity. The limitation of velocity-independent character of ECBM, MCBM and SL is undoubtedly shown.