1000 resultados para Políticas públicas Amazonas
Ps-graduao em Educao para a Cincia - FC
Dialogues between Government and the Universities are not always narrowed due to the difficulties in the democratization of knowledge about the developed actions. Therefore, this quantitative study aims to manage the information about the actions performed by network CEDES, from Ministry of Sports. Data from documental research and exploratory research were descriptively analyzed by Content Analysis Technique and evidenced that network CEDES represents a potential channel for dialogue between Government and society, having an important role in this critical process.
This article discusses the access to geographic information and its importance for the public policies formulation, reflecting on the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure. The data view and the maps construction are useful for identifying needs and sponsoring public managers in decision making. The public policies implementation stages are optimized when the quantitative and qualitative information are integrated to the spatial phenomena relations. The improvement in the use of geographic information for decision making will be achieved when spatial data are efficiently generated in spatial data infrastructures.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar sumariamente tendncias importantes na literatura acadmica a respeito dos movimentos sociais entre 2008 e 2013 e seu nexo com a formulao de políticas públicas. Ele apresenta os resultados embrionrios e iniciais de uma pesquisa ressaltando o carter dinmico e complexo do tema, apontando a necessidade de uma avaliao atenta s particularidades que uma avaliao sobre tais movimentos polticos demanda, sugerindo uma traduo ou ressignificao enriquecedora da compreenso dos mesmos, em conformidade com a formulao do italiano Antonio Gramsci.
Ps-graduao em Direito - FCHS
Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS
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A ocupao das reas de mananciais - especificamente no extremo da zona sul de So Paulo, desde algum tempo, tem tomado lugar nas pautas de discusses dos programas polticos. Esses programas tm por objetivo, aparentemente, melhorar a relao entre a moradia e a preservao ambiental. Estas regies consideradas estratgicas e de extrema importncia para So Paulo tem preocupado e exigido aes do Estado cada vez mais rpidas. Isso acontece pelo crescente aumento do nmero de habitantes, pelo potencial hdrico e ecolgico que representa aquele espao e a constante presso da populao de baixa renda reivindicando desde sempre seu direito a morar. O Trabalho procurou demonstrar como este problema estrutural est sendo tratado pelo poder pblico dentro da Cidade de So Paulo, enfocando particularmente o Distrito de Parelheiros
Este trabalho analisa aspectos do contexto das políticas públicas culturais contempor-neas relacionadas com as aes de mobilizao que envolvem a sociedade civil. A an-lise engloba conhecimento sobre o papel do profissional de Relaes Públicas na con-tribuio da execuo de políticas culturais que incentivem o protagonismo social atra-vs do Programa Cultura Viva, desenvolvido pelo Ministrio da Cultura, com a imple-mentao de Pontos e Pontes de Cultura, e no mbito de movimentos sociais indepen-dentes. Os resultados apontam a importncia estratgica do Relaes Públicas na expan-so das políticas públicas culturais
This research was mainly focused on public policy analysis of solid waste, and the National Policy and State Solid Waste, as well as determining the performance of the Blue Green Municipality strategic project in relation to the management of municipal solid waste in Regente Feij, So Paulo. The objective of this research was to analysis of the consequences of the deployment project of selective collection and integration of recyclable material collectors in an association of collectors, called the Association of Recyclable Material Collectors Rock, held in the city from the year 2008, with effective implementation in 2010. We analyzed the actions of the municipal government since the implementation of selective collection, to the development of the Association. The methodology used was literature concerning the issue; routine field surveys to monitor the activities in the landfill and association of collectors, collecting data from questionnaires appropriate to the research topic. We sought to examine old and new forms of urban solid waste management, the evolution of the historical process of this issue in the city and its social and environmental impacts, and the collectors the main social actors in this process. The complexity that addresses this issue was dealt with in this dynamic study, analyzing all parts involved
In this work, seek to reflect, primarily, the Brazilian cultural interfaces, starting with a conceptual definition, symbolic and anthropological Culture and Identity. From this, the main strengthen public communication: individuals, groups and societies. Then the reflections address a more communicative context in which PR professionals are emphasized as a major responsible for handling cultural society. In the latter approach, the Cultural Public Policy are reinforced as key tools in creating laws to encourage culture in its intricacies and finally and quickly - but not least, the policy Edicts is reflected as a synthetically the new possibilities of fostering cultural
This project was grounded in public policy for inclusive education in the city of Bauru / Brazil. Its objective was to examine the struture of these public policies aimed at inclusive education, which are in place and their effectiveness from the viewpoint of specialist teachers in municipal schools in Bauru/ Brazil. Subjects were 20 teachers of special education specialists who work with students from kindergarten and elementary school in the city of Bauru. To collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical studies carried out showed that the legislation today was the result of many years of changes in structure and design on the figure of people with disabilities and their integration into society. As a result it was possible to draw a profile of specialist teachers, their training, and that has knowledge about the specific legislation. As the profile of the specialist teacher noticed that they have good training, but this should be a continuous process, during his performance.Public policy for Special Education but there are geared towards a macro-structure, which makes them often decontextualized from everyday classroom, and often not enforced because of lack of policies in other areas of basic needs that are constitutional law as well as education
O Estado do Acre, territrio mais recentemente incorporado ao Brasil, at meados do sculo XIX apresentava em seu territrio apenas povos tribais amerndios, que l habitavam desde milnios. O histrico de povoamento mais recente do estado (a partir da segunda metade do sculo XIX) est atrelado com o mercado internacional da borracha, a regio foi o destino de milhares de pessoas em busca de fazer a vida explorando as seringueiras. A partir de ento uma srie de disputas fundirias ocorreram na regio, o que foi um dos fatores que influenciaram na conformao da sociedade acreana. O movimento ambientalista surgiu no estado como resultado dessas disputas fundirias na segunda metade do sculo XX. No final da dcada 90 o governo estadual, assimilando o discurso ambientalista, assume o governo com a Frente Popular do Acre, composta por uma srie de partidos, com o autodenominado Governo da Floresta e usando o neologismo florestania como smbolo do projeto do governo. Apesar de utilizar amplamente em seu discurso temticas ambientais e dos povos da floresta, acabou ao longo dos anos tendo atitudes com um cunho mais doutrinador do que emancipador. A discrepncia entre a prtica e o discurso do Governo da Floresta ento analisada a partir de conceitos como Ecologia dos Saberes e Biopoder, conceitos que auxiliam na identificao das atitudes de cunho doutrinador postas em prtica pelo governo. Considerando como ecologia dos saberes aquela forma de conhecimento que tem a premissa um reconhecimento da pluralidade de conhecimentos heterogneos que em interaes sustentveis e dinmicas entre eles no comprometem suas autonomias e biopoder como aquela forma de poder que exerce a sua dominao sobre a prpria vida da populao, estabelecendo como que esses devem viver
The present work aims to analyze how the Programa de Desenvolvimento de Rio Claro (PRODERC) as a public policy generating and jobs for industries located in the city, promoting local development, using as selection criterion to expand the number of employees in a period of three years. We are going to analyzed different factors such as increase in the number of workers in the period analyzed, the impact of PRODERC industries and the governments relationship with the industries covered, and the location there of on the territory according to industrial size