924 resultados para Pet-Vet


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A demanda por alimentos minimamente processados deve-se necessidade de economia de tempo e de maior facilidade de preparo dos alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento do repolho roxo 'Red Dynasty', minimamente processado, submetido a quatro tipos de embalagens e a armazenamento refrigerado. Após minimamente processados, 200g de repolho foram acondicionados em quatro tipos de embalagens: tereftalato de polietileno, com tampa; bandejas de poliestireno expandido, revestidas com filme flexível de policloreto de vinila de 12 µm; filme de polietileno de baixa densidade de 70 µm e polipropileno perfurado. A temperatura durante o período de armazenagem em câmara fria foi de 5 ± 2 °C. As avaliações foram feitas a cada quatro dias, totalizando doze dias de armazenamento. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: perda de matéria fresca, teor de sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, vitamina C e antocianina. A embalagem PP não é recomendada por causa da grande perda de matéria fresca do repolho. As embalagens PET e PEBD foram as melhores para o armazenamento de repolho minimamente processado; proporcionaram menor perda de massa por doze dias, porém, aos quatro dias já apresentavam aparência escurecida, por causa da oxidação.


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Porquê imagem PET em pequeno animal? Estudos longitudinais do mesmo animal; ferramenta de valor inestimável em imagem molecular (estudos biológicos, desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, expressão genética, etc.); ligação entre o modelo animal e o Homem. Porquê simulações Monte Carlo? Desenvolvimento e optimização de métodos de reconstrução; validação de metodologias de correcção; desenvolvimento e optimização do design de novos scanners; ferramenta de análise quantitativa.


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Imagem pré-tratamento: TC, RM, PET-TC, imagens processadas (DRR, BEV, reconstrução multiplanar, volumétricas). Imagem tratamento: filme radiográfico, EPI, CBCT, CT-on-Rails, tomotherapy, cyberknife, Novallis, online video setup system.


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The main purpose of the present study is to determine if the circadian rhythms present in the human bone marrow are likely to influence 3’- deoxy- 3’-[18F] Fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) uptake in the same organ. The 18F-FLT is a Thymidine analogous proliferation agent. The relatively high physiological uptake of this tracer in the bone marrow diminishes the Tumor/Background (T/B) ratio, decreasing the detection accuracy of PET/CT and possibly affecting SUV quantifications.


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The formation of amyloid structures is a neuropathological feature that characterizes several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s disease. Up to now, the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can only be accomplished by immunostaining of post mortem brain tissues with dyes such Thioflavin T and congo red. Aiming at early in vivo diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), several amyloid-avid radioprobes have been developed for b-amyloid imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The aim of this paper is to present a perspective of the available amyloid imaging agents, special those that have been selected for clinical trials and are at the different stages of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) approval.


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ABSTRACT - Tinea pedis and onychomycosis are two rather diverse clinical manifestations of superficial fungal infections, and their etiologic agents may be dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte moulds or yeasts. This study was designed to statistically describe the data obtained as results of analysis conducted during a four year period on the frequency of Tinea pedis and onychomycosis and their etiologic agents. A questionnaire was distributed from 2006 to 2010 and answered by 186 patients, who were subjected to skin and/or nail sampling. Frequencies of the isolated fungal species were cross-linked with the data obtained with the questionnaire, seeking associations and predisposing factors. One hundred and sixty three fungal isolates were obtained, 24.2% of which composed by more than one fungal species. Most studies report the two pathologies as caused primarily by dermatophytes, followed by yeasts and lastly by non-dermatophytic moulds. Our study does not challenge this trend. We found a frequency of 15.6% of infections caused by dermatophytes (with a total of 42 isolates) of which T. rubrum was the most frequent species (41.4%). There was no significant association (p >0.05) among visible injury and the independent variables tested, namely age, gender, owning pet, education, swimming pools attendance, sports activity and clinical information. Unlike other studies, the variables considered did not show the expected influence on dermatomycosis of the lower limbs. It is hence necessary to conduct further studies to specifically identify which variables do in fact influence such infections.


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This paper presents work in progress, to develop an efficient and economic way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using low-energy cyclotrons. Its importance is well established and relates with the increased global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments relying on this radioisotope. Since the present delivery strategy has clearly demonstrated its intrinsic limits, our group decided to follow a distinct approach that uses the broad distribution of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the Target material. This is indeed an important issue to consider, since the system here presented, named CYCLOTECH, it is not based on the use of Highly Enriched (or even Low Enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), so entirely complying with the actual international trends and directives concerning the use of this potential highly critical material. The production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo (p,2n) 99mTc whose production yields have already been documented. Until this moment two Patent requests have already been submitted (the first at the INPI, in Portugal, and the second at the USPTO, in the USA); others are being prepared for submission on a near future. The object of the CYCLOTECH system is to present 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine radiopharmacists in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols. To facilitate workflow and Radiation Protection measures, it has been developed a Target Station that can be installed on most of the existing PET cyclotrons and that will tolerate up to 400 μA of beam by allowing the beam to strike the Target material at an adequately oblique angle. The Target Station permits the remote and automatic loading and discharge of the Targets from a carriage of 10 Target bodies. On other hand, several methods of Target material deposition and Target substrates are presented. The object was to create a cost effective means of depositing and intermediate the target material thickness (25 - 100μm) with a minimum of loss on a substrate that is able to easily transport the heat associated with high beam currents. Finally, the separation techniques presented are a combination of both physical and column chemistry. The object was to extract and deliver 99mTc in the identical form now in use in radiopharmacies worldwide. In addition, the Target material is recovered and can be recycled.


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Aims: This paper aims to address some of the main possible applications of actual Nuclear Medicine Imaging techniques and methodologies in the specific context of Sports Medicine, namely in two critical systems: musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Discussion: At the musculoskeletal level, bone scintigraphy techniques proved to be a mean of diagnosis of functional orientation and high sensibility compared with other morphological imaging techniques in the detection and temporal evaluation of pathological situations, for instance allowing the acquisition of information of great relevance in athletes with stress fractures. On the other hand, infection/inflammation studies might be of an important added value to characterize specific situations, early diagnose of potential critical issues – so giving opportunity to precise, complete and fast solutions – while allowing the evaluation and eventual optimization of training programs. At cardiovascular system level, Nuclear Medicine had proved to be crucial in differential diagnosis between cardiac hypertrophy secondary to physical activity (the so called "athlete's heart") and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in the diagnosis and prognosis of changes in cardiac function in athletes, as well as in direct - and non-invasive - in vivo visualization of sympathetic cardiac innervation, something that seems to take more and more importance nowadays, namely in order to try to avoid sudden death episodes at intense physical effort. Also the clinical application of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has becoming more and more widely recognized as promising. Conclusions: It has been concluded that Nuclear Medicine can become an important application in Sports Medicine. Its well established capabilities to early detection of processes involving functional properties allied to its high sensibility and the actual technical possibilities (namely those related with hybrid imaging, that allows to add information provided by high resolution morphological imaging techniques, such as CT and/or MRI) make it a powerful diagnostic tool, claiming to be used on an each day higher range of clinical applications related with all levels of sport activities. Since the improvements at equipment characteristics and detection levels allows the use of smaller and smaller doses, so minimizing radiation exposure it is believed by the authors that the increase of the use of NM tools in the Sports Medicine area should be considered.


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A dissertação teve como primeiro objectivo a identificação e quantificação de contaminantes do processo de reciclagem mecânica de plásticos de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) e polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD). Desta forma aplicouse o método da análise de inertes, descrito na norma XP U44-164, da Associação Francesa de Normalização (AFNOR) e que é utilizado para classificar o composto. Os procedimentos experimentais foram aplicados na análise dos resíduos Pré-lavagem, Moinha e Final, produzidos durante o processo de reciclagem. O método adoptado permitiu identificar de forma expedita os principais contaminantes plásticos, poliestireno (PS), polipropileno (PP), polietileno tereftalato (PET) e policloreto de vinilo (PVC), e outros contaminantes, matéria orgânica, metais, vidros, pedras e areias. Uma vez que, actualmente, estes resíduos são depositados em aterro, considerou-se importante estudar outras formas de valorização. Assim, o segundo objectivo deste trabalho corresponde à caracterização físico-química dos resíduos da reciclagem de plásticos, de forma a avaliar o seu potencial para valorização energética. As alternativas consideradas foram a incineração e a co-incineração, e os resultados comparados com as normas em vigor. A comparação dos resultados obtidos com as especificações da EURITS, no caso das unidades de incineração dedicada, e da indústria cimenteira Secil, no caso da coincineração permitiram concluir que os resíduos em questão têm potencial para valorização energética.


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Alzheimer Disease (AD) is characterized by progressive cognitive decline and dementia. Earlier diagnosis and classification of different stages of the disease are currently the main challenges and can be assessed by neuroimaging. With this work we aim to evaluate the quality of brain regions and neuroimaging metrics as biomarkers of AD. Multimodal Imaging Brain Connectivity Analysis (MIBCA) toolbox functionalities were used to study AD by T1weighted, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 18FAV45 PET, with data obtained from the AD Neuroimaging Initiative database, specifically 12 healthy controls (CTRL) and 33 patients with early mild cognitive impairment (EMCI), late MCI (LMCI) and AD (11 patients/group). The metrics evaluated were gray-matter volume (GMV), cortical thickness (CThk), mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), fiber count (FiberConn), node degree (Deg), cluster coefficient (ClusC) and relative standard-uptake-values (rSUV). Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to evaluate and compare the diagnostic accuracy of the most significant metrics and brain regions and expressed as area under the curve (AUC). Comparisons were performed between groups. The RH-Accumbens/Deg demonstrated the highest AUC when differentiating between CTRLEMCI (82%), whether rSUV presented it in several brain regions when distinguishing CTRL-LMCI (99%). Regarding CTRL-AD, highest AUC were found with LH-STG/FiberConn and RH-FP/FiberConn (~100%). A larger number of neuroimaging metrics related with cortical atrophy with AUC>70% was found in CTRL-AD in both hemispheres, while in earlier stages, cortical metrics showed in more confined areas of the temporal region and mainly in LH, indicating an increasing of the spread of cortical atrophy that is characteristic of disease progression. In CTRL-EMCI several brain regions and neuroimaging metrics presented AUC>70% with a worst result in later stages suggesting these indicators as biomarkers for an earlier stage of MCI, although further research is necessary.


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OBJECTIVE To estimate the budget impact from the incorporation of positron emission tomography (PET) in mediastinal and distant staging of non-small cell lung cancer.METHODS The estimates were calculated by the epidemiological method for years 2014 to 2018. Nation-wide data were used about the incidence; data on distribution of the disease´s prevalence and on the technologies’ accuracy were from the literature; data regarding involved costs were taken from a micro-costing study and from Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) database. Two strategies for using PET were analyzed: the offer to all newly-diagnosed patients, and the restricted offer to the ones who had negative results in previous computed tomography (CT) exams. Univariate and extreme scenarios sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the influence from sources of uncertainties in the parameters used.RESULTS The incorporation of PET-CT in SUS would imply the need for additional resources of 158.1 BRL (98.2 USD) million for the restricted offer and 202.7 BRL (125.9 USD) million for the inclusive offer in five years, with a difference of 44.6 BRL (27.7 USD) million between the two offer strategies within that period. In absolute terms, the total budget impact from its incorporation in SUS, in five years, would be 555 BRL (345 USD) and 600 BRL (372.8 USD) million, respectively. The costs from the PET-CT procedure were the most influential parameter in the results. In the most optimistic scenario, the additional budget impact would be reduced to 86.9 BRL (54 USD) and 103.8 BRL (64.5 USD) million, considering PET-CT for negative CT and PET-CT for all, respectively.CONCLUSIONS The incorporation of PET in the clinical staging of non-small cell lung cancer seems to be financially feasible considering the high budget of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The potential reduction in the number of unnecessary surgeries may cause the available resources to be more efficiently allocated.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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New sensory materials based on p-phenylene ethynylene trimers integrating calix[4]arene receptors (CALIX-PET) and tert-butylphenol (TBP-PET) moieties have been synthesized and their sensitivity and selectivity for the detection of nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) such as nitrobenzene (NB), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and picric acid (PA) investigated in fluid phase and solid-state. It was found that both fluorophores displayed high sensitivities toward NACs detection in solution as evaluated by the Stern-Volmer formalism. For all the tested explosives, the ratio of fluorescence intensities (F-0/F) is a linear function of the quencher concentration only after appropriate correction of fluorescence quenching data for inner-filter effects. The quenching efficiencies for CALIX-PET and TBP-PET follow the order PA >> TNT > DNT > NB, which correlate well with the quenchers electron affinities as evaluated from their LUMOs energies thereby suggesting a photoinduced electron transfer as the dominant mechanism of fluorescence quenching. The selectivity of these sensors was checked against exemplar interferents possessing differentiated electronic properties (benzoic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenol and benzoquinone) and reduced quenching activity was detected. The quenching efficiencies and response times of the two fluorophores in the solid-state toward NB, 2,4-DNT and TNT vapors were evaluated through steady-state fluorescence quenching experiments with the materials dispersed in polymeric matrices or as neat films. The most significant fluorescence quenching responses were achieved for drop-casted films of TBP-PET upon exposure to nitroaromatics.


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Since the first in vivo studies of cerebral function with radionuclides by Ingvar and Lassen, nuclear medicine (NM) brain applications have evolved dramatically, with marked improvements in both methods and tracers. Consequently it is now possible to assess not only cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism but also neurotransmission. Planar functional imaging was soon substituted by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET); it now has limited application in brain imaging, being reserved for the assessment of brain death.