958 resultados para Pelliot, Marianne


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OBJECTIVE: (1) To describe the ultrasonographic appearance of multiple congenital ocular anomalies (MCOA) in the eyes of horses with the PMEL17 (Silver) mutant gene. (2) To compare the accuracy of B-mode ocular ultrasound to conventional direct ophthalmoscopy. ANIMALS STUDIED: Sixty-seven Comtois and 18 Rocky Mountain horses were included in the study. PROCEDURES: Horses were classified as being carriers or noncarriers of the PMEL17 mutant allele based on coat color or genetic testing. Direct ophthalmoscopy followed by standardized ultrasonographic examination was performed in all horses. RESULTS: Seventy-five of 85 horses (88.24%) carried at least one copy of the Silver mutant allele. Cornea globosa, severe iridal hypoplasia, uveal cysts, cataracts, and retinal detachment could be appreciated with ultrasound. Carrier horses had statistically significantly increased anterior chamber depth and decreased thickness of anterior uvea compared with noncarriers (P < 0.05). Uveal cysts had a wide range of location and ultrasonographic appearances. In 51/73 (69.86%) carrier horses, ultrasound detected ciliary cysts that were missed with direct ophthalmoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, ultrasonography was useful to identify uveal cysts in PMEL17 mutant carriers and to assess anterior chamber depth.


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Clostridium perfringens β-toxin (CPB) is a β-barrel pore-forming toxin and an essential virulence factor of C. perfringens type C strains, which cause fatal hemorrhagic enteritis in animals and humans. We have previously shown that CPB is bound to endothelial cells within the intestine of affected pigs and humans, and that CPB is highly toxic to primary porcine endothelial cells (pEC) in vitro. The objective of the present study was to investigate the type of cell death induced by CPB in these cells, and to study potential host cell mechanisms involved in this process. CPB rapidly induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, propidium iodide uptake, ATP depletion, potassium efflux, a marked rise in intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)]i, release of high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1), and caused ultrastructural changes characteristic of necrotic cell death. Despite a certain level of caspase-3 activation, no appreciable DNA fragmentation was detected. CPB-induced LDH release and propidium iodide uptake were inhibited by necrostatin-1 and the two dissimilar calpain inhibitors PD150606 and calpeptin. Likewise, inhibition of potassium efflux, chelation of intracellular calcium and treatment of pEC with cyclosporin A also significantly inhibited CPB-induced LDH release. Our results demonstrate that rCPB primarily induces necrotic cell death in pEC, and that necrotic cell death is not merely a passive event caused by toxin-induced membrane disruption, but is propagated by host cell-dependent biochemical pathways activated by the rise in intracellular calcium and inhibitable by necrostatin-1, consistent with the emerging concept of programmed necrosis ("necroptosis").


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The attitudes of bovine practitioners, claw-trimmers and farmers towards painful therapeutic claw-trimming of dairy cattle were surveyed and differences between the respondents were assessed. A total of 77 farmers and 32 claw-trimmers were interviewed, and 137 bovine practitioners completed an equivalent online survey. No veterinary consultation for common painful interventions in the feet of cattle was reported by 52% of farmers (i.e. procedures in these herds were performed without local anaesthesia). Only ≈30% of practitioners always carried out such interventions under local anaesthesia and, in general, practitioners considered pain reduction to the lowest possible level less important than did farmers. Furthermore, 47% of practitioners and 33% of claw-trimmers, compared to only 11% of farmers, agreed with the statement that the cost of pain management was a major concern for farmers. There was a particular lack of awareness by farmers regarding the obligation to carry out painful therapeutic claw-trimming under analgesia and the application of local anaesthesia during the trimming of sole ulcers was considered reasonable by significantly fewer farmers (41.6%) and claw-trimmers (46.9%), than practitioners (78.6%). Overall, the attitudes of those involved in painful therapeutic claw-trimming contrasted with Swiss national legislation and with farmer opinion on the importance of reducing pain to the lowest level possible.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the fronto–striatal system for implicit task sequence learning. We tested performance of patients with compromised functioning of the fronto–striatal loops, that is, patients with Parkinson's disease and patients with lesions in the ventromedial or dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We also tested amnesic patients with lesions either to the basal forebrain/orbitofrontal cortex or to thalamic/medio-temporal regions. We used a task sequence learning paradigm involving the presentation of a sequence of categorical binary-choice decision tasks. After several blocks of training, the sequence, hidden in the order of tasks, was replaced by a pseudo-random sequence. Learning (i.e., sensitivity to the ordering) was assessed by measuring whether this change disrupted performance. Although all the patients were able to perform the decision tasks quite easily, those with lesions to the fronto–striatal loops (i.e., patients with Parkinson's disease, with lesions in the ventromedial or dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and those amnesic patients with lesions to the basal forebrain/orbitofrontal cortex) did not show any evidence of implicit task sequence learning. In contrast, those amnesic patients with lesions to thalamic/medio-temporal regions showed intact sequence learning. Together, these results indicate that the integrity of the fronto–striatal system is a prerequisite for implicit task sequence learning.


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Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Längsschnittstudie wurde überprüft, ob ein niedriges Selbstkonzept einen Risikofaktor für Anpassungsprobleme unmittelbar nach dem Schuleintritt darstellt. Dazu wurden die Entwicklungsverläufe von 31 Kindern mit niedrigem Selbstkonzept und 72 Kindern mit hohem Selbstkonzept miteinander verglichen. Im Kindergarten unterschieden sich die beiden Gruppen weder in soziodemographischen noch in kognitiven Merkmalen. Nach dem Schuleintritt waren Kinder mit niedrigem Selbstkonzept in der Schule jedoch sowohl sozial als auch in Bezug auf ihre Leistung weniger angepasst als Kinder mit hohem Selbstkonzept. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Bedeutsamkeit diskutiert.


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ABSTRACT In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Handgeschicklichkeit, exekutive Funktionen und Schulleistungen bei Vorschulkindern mit und ohne Problemen in der Handgeschicklichkeit über einen 3-Jahres-Zeitraum untersucht. Insgesamt wurden N=94 Kinder, die zu Beginn 5- oder 6-jährig waren, untersucht, davon 47 Risikokinder mit sehr niedrigen Leistungen in der Handgeschicklichkeit und 47 Vergleichskinder. Diese wurden anhand der Variablen Alter, sozioökonomischer Status und nonverbale Intelligenz bestimmt. Die Risikokinder zeigten persistierende Defizite in der Handkoordination über den gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum hinweg. Obwohl sich alle Kinder insgesamt deutlich in den exekutiven Funktionen verbesserten, zeigten die Risikokinder ferner eine bedeutsam schlechtere Interferenzkontrolle und kognitive Flexibilität als die Vergleichskinder. Auch die schulischen Leistungen in den Bereichen Lesen, Schreiben und Mathematik zu Beginn der Beschulung waren bei den Risikokindern niedriger als bei den Vergleichskindern. Diese Befunde deuten auf domänübergreifende Probleme bei inhibitorischen und/oder Automatisierungsprozessen bei Kindern mit Auffälligkeiten in der Handgeschicklichkeit hin und geben wichtige Hinweise auf notwendige Interventionsmaßnahmen.


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Unique contributions of Big Five personality factors to academic performance in young elementary school children were explored. Extraversion and Openness (labeled “Culture” in our study) uniquely contributed to academic performance, over and above the contribution of executive functions in first and second grade children (N = 446). Well established associations between Conscientiousness and academic performance, however, could only be replicated with regard to zero-order correlations. Executive functions (inhibition, updating, and shifting), for their part, proved to be powerful predictors of academic performance. Results were to some extent dependent on the criterion with which academic performance was measured: Both personality factors had stronger effects on grades than on standardized achievement tests, whereas the opposite was true for executive functions. Finally, analyses on gender differences revealed that Extraversion and Openness/Culture played a more dominant role in girls than in boys, but only regarding grades.


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Pronounced improvements in executive functions (EF) during preschool years have been documented in cross-sectional studies. However, longitudinal evidence on EF development during the transition to school and predictive associations between early EF and later school achievement are still scarce. This study examined developmental changes in EF across three time-points, the predictive value of EF for mathematical, reading and spelling skills and explored children's specific academic attainment as a function of early EF. Participants were 323 children following regular education; 160 children were enrolled in prekindergarten (younger cohort: 69 months) and 163 children in kindergarten (older cohort: 78.4 months) at the first assessment. Various tasks of EF were administered three times with an interval of one year each. Mathematical, reading and spelling skills were measured at the last assessment. Individual background characteristics such as vocabulary, non-verbal intelligence and socioeconomic status were included as control variables. In both cohorts, changes in EF were substantial; improvements in EF, however, were larger in preschoolers than school-aged children. EF assessed in preschool accounted for substantial variability in mathematical, reading and spelling achievement two years later, with low EF being especially associated with significant academic disadvantages in early school years. Given that EF continue to develop from preschool into primary school years and that starting with low EF is associated with lower school achievement, EF may be considered as a marker or risk for academic disabilities.


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Prevalences of foot lesions and lameness were recorded in 1'449 Swiss dairy cows during routine claw-trimming on 78 farms from June 2010 until February 2011. Lameness was present in 14.8 % of cows and on 80.8 % of investigated farms. Highest prevalences were seen for widened white line (80.7 %/100 %), signalling foot lesion (65.6 %/98.7 %), heel-horn erosion (34.2 %/88.5 %), digital dermatitis complex (29.1 %/73.1 %), severe hemorrhages (27.9 %/87.2 %), and Rusterholz' sole ulcers (11.5 %/74.4 %) at cow and herd level, respectively. Lower prevalences were found for subclinical laminitis (5.4 %/47.4 %), chronic laminitis (3.3 %/25.6 %), white line disease (4.7 %/42.3 %), double soles (2.6 %/33.3 %), interdigital hyperplasia (3.1 %/33.3 %), sole ulcers (0.4 %/6.4 %), toe infections caused by faulty claw-trimming (3.9 %/39.7 %) and by injury (0.1 %/2.6 %), deep lacerations (0.4 %/6.4 %), and interdigital phlegmona (0.1 %/1.3 %). Lameness and foot lesions were shown to represent important health problems of dairy cows under the conditions of the typical grass-based production system in Switzerland. Digital dermatitis has developed to the most relevant foot disease with a high impact on welfare of Swiss dairy cows within the past 10 years.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate risk factors associated with foot lesions and lameness in Swiss dairy cows. Potential risk factors were recorded by means of examination of 1'449 Swiss cows and the management systems of 78 farms during routine claw-trimming, and during personal interviews with the associated farmers. Statistical analysis of animal-based and herd level risk factors were performed using multivariate logistic regression models. The risk of being lame was increased in cows affected by digital dermatitis complex, heel-horn erosion, interdigital hyperplasia, Rusterholz' sole ulcer, deep laceration, double sole and severe hemorrhages. Cleanliness, BCS, affection with other foot lesions, breed, importance of claw health to the farmer, frequency of routine claw-trimming, producing according to the guidelines of the welfare label program RAUS, and silage feeding were shown to be associated with the occurrence of some of the evaluated foot lesions and lameness. The identified risk factors may help to improve management and the situation of lameness and claw health in dairy cows in Switzerland and other alpine areas with similar housing and pasturing systems.


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Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Entwicklung von Schülerinnen und Schülern aus Ganztagsschulen, welche die Angebote intensiv nutzen im Vergleich zu Schülerinnen und Schülern, die nur den Unterricht besuchen (Kontrollgruppe) bezüglich (a) des prosozialen Verhaltens und (b) der sozio-emotionalen Verhaltensstärken bzw. Verhaltensauffälligkeiten untersucht. Die Teilstichprobe umfasst N = 295 Schüler aus 43 Primarschulklassen und 35 Schulen in der Deutschschweiz, die im Rahmen einer quasi-experimentellen Längsschnittstudie in den ersten drei Primarschuljahren untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es der Ganztagsschule insgesamt nicht gelingt, die Entwicklung des prosozialen Verhaltens oder der sozio-emotionalen Verhaltensstärken der Schülerinnen und Schüler positiv zu beeinflussen. Im Weiteren bestätigen die Befunde einen Zusammenhang zwischen der pädagogischen Qualität der Ganztagsschulangebote und der sozio-emotionalen Entwicklung von Primarschulkindern.


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Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Schulleistungsentwicklung in Mathematik von Schülern in Ganztagsschulen, welche die Angebote intensiv nutzen, im Vergleich zu Schülern, die nur den Unterricht besuchen (Kontrollgruppe) untersucht. Zudem wird der Frage nach einer kompensatorischen Wirkung der Ganztagsschule hinsichtlich sozialer Disparitäten nachgegangen. Die Substichprobe umfasst N = 295 Schüler aus 35 Schulen in der Deutschschweiz, die im Rahmen einer quasiexperimentellen Längsschnittstudie in den ersten drei Primarschuljahren untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es der Ganztagsschule insgesamt gelingt, die Entwicklung der Mathematikleistung in den ersten drei Schuljahren bei intensiver Nutzung positiver – relativ zu Halbtagsunterricht – zu beeinflussen. Im Weiteren weisen die Befunde der vorliegenden Studie keine kompensatorische Wirkung der Ganztagsschule hinsichtlich einer geringen familialen Entwicklungsförderung zwischen Ende des ersten und Ende des dritten Schuljahres nach.


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Am 1. Januar 2011 treten die Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO) und die Schweizerische Strafprozessordnung (StPO) in Kraft, womit das Zivil- und das Strafverfahren erstmals gesamtschweizerisch einheitlich geregelt werden. Exklusiv werden die neue ZPO und StPO in einem Band zusammengefasst und mit einschlägigen Nebenerlassen abgedruckt. Mit dem Einbezug des Bundesgesetzes über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs (SchKG) sowie dem Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht des Bundes, insbesondere dem VwVG, deckt das Werk somit alle relevanten Bereiche des schweizerischen Prozessrechts ab. Die für Studium und Beruf geeignete Textausgabe ist mit wertvollen Querverweisen versehen, welche dem Benutzer die rasche Erschliessung der Zusammenhänge ermöglicht. In diesem Werk sind alle Gesetzestexte auf dem aktuellsten Stand (Stichtag: 1. Januar 2011). Enthalten sind insbesondere alle redaktionellen Änderungen der ZPO und StPO sowie die Änderungen durch das Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Strafbehörden des Bundes (Strafbehördenorganisationsgesetz, StBOG) vom 19. März 2010 und durch das revidierte Scheidungsrecht. Enthalten sind auch die Änderungen der ZPO und des SchKG durch das revidierte Übereinkommen über die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen (Lugano-Übereinkommen, LugÜ). Ein unentbehrlicher Begleiter in allen Zivil-, Straf- und Verwaltungsverfahren!