948 resultados para PN


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die r-Prozesskerne rund um den N=82-Schalenabschluß untersucht. Dabei gelang es die bisher unbekannten Halbwertszeiten und Pn-Werte der Antimonisotope 137-139-Sb und von 139-Te zu messen. Des Weiteren wurden die Ergebnisse von Shergur et. al. zu extrem neutronenreichen Zinnisotopen (137,138-Sn) mit neuen Messungen untermauert und verbessert. Alle erhaltenen Ergebnisse werden mit entsprechenden Modellrechnungen verglichen und ihr Einfluss auf moderne Netzwerkrechnungen zum r-Prozess diskutiert. Des Weiteren gelang erstmalig die Aufnahmen von gamma-spektroskopischen Daten für das r-Prozessnuklid 136-Sn in Singlespektren. Aufgrund der hinlänglich bekannten Probleme mit Isobarenkontaminationen für Ionenstrahlen von sehr exotischen Molekülen an ISOL-Einrichtungen werden unterschiedliche technische Entwicklungen zur Verbesserung der Strahlqualität aufgezeigt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf der neu eingeführten Technik der molekularen Seitenbänder an Massenseparatoren. Hier gelang es durch gezielte Zugabe von Schwefel in das Target ein starke SnS(+)-Seitenband zu etablieren und so bei guter Strahlintensität eine deutliche Reduktion des Isobarenuntergrunds zu erreichen. Ebenso werden die Möglichkeiten einer temperaturkontrollierten Quarztransferline zwischen Target und Ionenquelle zur Minimierung von Kontaminationen bespro-chen. Zur Verbesserung der Selektivität von Experimenten an sehr neutronenreichen Elementen wurde ein Detektorsystem zur n,gamma-Koinzidenzmessung entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Versuchen dieser Art, gelang es durch eine entsprechende neue Elektronik striktere Koinzidenzbedingungen zu realisieren und so das Koinzidenzfenster deutlich zu verkleinern.


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Die unspezifische Provokation mit Methacholin ist die am weitesten verbreitete und akzeptierte Methode zur Diagnose bzw. zum Ausschluss der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf ein Asthma bronchiale und zu dessen Therapiekontrolle. Um die Sicherheit und die Genauigkeit der Methode weiter zu verbessern, wurde daher ein Dosimeterprotokoll entwickelt, das die inhalierte Methacholin-Dosis anstatt durch die Erhöhung, d.h. in der Regel Verdoppelung, der Methacholinkonzentrationen nur durch Erhöhung der Anzahl der Inhalationen bei konstanter, niedriger Konzentration der Methacholinlösung steigert. Dieses neue Protokoll wurde verglichen mit anderen weit verbreiteten Methacholin-Provokationsprotokollen. Die Methacholinchlorid-Lösung (1,75 mg/ml) wurde mit Hilfe des Dosimetersystems ZAN 200 ProvAir II sowie des Verneblertopfes DeVilbiss 646 vernebelt. 15 Asthmapatienten mit einer vor der Provokation normalen Lungenfunktion (FEV1 98 +/- 9 % PN) und 18 Lungengesunde (FEV1 110 +/- 12 % PN) nahmen an der Testreihe teil. Begonnen wurde mit einer Dosis von 20 μg Methacholinchlorid (= eine Inhalation); beendet wurde der Versuch bei einer Kumulativdosis von 2000 μg Methacholinchlorid, wenn nicht vorher ein Kriterium für einen positiven Test und damit für einen Versuchsabbruch erfüllt wurde. Abbruchkriterien waren entweder ein Abfall der FEV1 um 20 % des Ausgangswertes oder ein Anstieg des totalen Atemwegswiderstandes auf ≥ 0,5 kPa*s/l. Mittels linearer Regression wurden die Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 berechnet. Im Vergleich mit anderen Protokollen zeigte sich, dass auch das neue Protokoll zuverlässig und sicher zwischen gesund und krank unterscheidet. Der Median der PD 20 FEV1 liegt in der Gruppe der Asthmatiker bei 222 μg, bei den Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; daraus ergibt sich ein p-Wert von < 0,001. In Bezug auf die PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt der Median bei den Asthmatikern bei 122 μg, in der Gruppe der Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; hieraus errechnet sich ebenfalls ein p-Wert von < 0,001. Sensitivität und Spezifität der Methode wurden mittels ROC-Kurven untersucht. Basierend auf der PD 20 FEV1 liefert die Methode für die Diagnose einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei einer Enddosis von 1000 μg Methacholinchlorid eine Sensitivität von über 93 % und eine Spezifität von 83 %; basierend auf der PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt die Sensitivität bei einer Dosis von 1000 μg bei 90 %, die Spezifität bei 89 %. Für die gemeinsame Betrachtung der parameterspezifischen Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5, der PD Minimal, bei 1000 μg liegt die Sensitivität bei über 93 % und die Spezifität bei 83 %. Daher können 1000 μg als Schwellendosis für den Ausschluss einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt angesehen werden, und der Test darf an diesem Punkt abgebrochen werden. Grundsätzlich ist festzustellen, dass die Diagnostik der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität sicher und genau mit Hilfe eines Dosimeterprotokolls erfolgen kann, das die Methacholin-Dosis nur durch die Steigerung der Inhalationen bei gleichbleibender Konzentration der Methacholinlösung erhöht. Die Schwellendosis zwischen normaler und pathologischer bronchialer Reaktion, Sensitivität und Spezifität sowie die Trennschärfe der Methode sind sehr gut vergleichbar mit anderen bisher etablierten Protokollen.


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Rupture forces of ligand-receptor interactions, such as proteins-proteins, proteins-cells, and cells-tissues, have been successfully measured by atomic force spectroscopy (AFS). For these measurements, the ligands and receptors were chemically modified so that they can be immobilized on the tip and on a substrate, respectively. The ligand interact the receptor when the tip approaches the substrate. This interaction can be studied by measuring rupture force upon retraction. However, this technique is not feasible for measurements involving small molecules, since they form only few H-bonds with their corresponding receptors. Modifying small molecules for immobilization on surfaces may block or change binding sites. Thus, recorded rupture forces might not reflect the full scope of the involved small ligand-receptor interactions.rnIn my thesis, a novel concept that allows measuring the rupture force of small involved ligand-receptor interactions and does not require molecular modification for immobilization was introduced. The rupture force of small ligand-receptor interaction is not directly measured but it can be determined from measurements in the presence and in the absence of the ligand. As a model system, the adenosine mono phosphate (AMP) and the aptamer that binds AMP were selected. The aptamer (receptor) is a single stranded DNA that can partially self-hybridize and form binding pockets for AMP molecules (ligands). The bonds between AMP and aptamer are provided by several H-bonds and pair stacking.rnIn the novel concept, the aptamer was split into two parts (oligo a and oligo b). One part was immobilized on the tip and the other one on the substrate. Approaching the tip to the substrate, oligo a and oligo b partially hybridized and the binding pockets were formed. After adding AMP into the buffer solution, the AMP bound in the pockets and additional H-bonds were formed. Upon retraction of the tip, the rupture force of the AMP-split aptamer complex was measured. In the presence of excess AMP, the rupture force increased by about 10 pN. rnThe dissociation constant of the AMP-split aptamer complex was measured on a single molecular level (~ 4 µM) by varying the AMP concentrations and measuring the rupture force at each concentration. Furthermore, the rupture force was amplified when more pockets were added to the split aptamer. rnIn the absence of AMP, the thermal off-rate was slightly reduced compared to that in the presence of AMP, indicating that the AMP stabilized the aptamer. The rupture forces at different loading rates did not follow the logarithmic fit which was usually used to describe the dependence of rupture forces at different loading rates of oligonucleotides. Two distinguished regimes at low and high loading rates were obtained. The two regimes were explained by a model in which the oligos located at the pockets were stretched at high loading rates. rnThe contribution of a single H-bond formed between the AMP molecule and the split aptamer was measured by reducing the binding groups of the AMP. The rupture forces reduce corresponding to the reduction of the binding groups. The phosphate group played the most important role in the formation of H-bond network between the AMP molecule and the split aptamer. rn


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Die Kontroverse über den Glasübergang im Nanometerbereich, z. B. die Glas¬über¬gangs-temperatur Tg von dünnen Polymerfilmen, ist nicht vollständig abgeschlossen. Das dynamische Verhalten auf der Nanoskala ist stark von den einschränkenden Bedingungen abhängig, die auf die Probe wirken. Dünne Polymerfilme sind ideale Systeme um die Dynamik von Polymerketten unter der Einwirkung von Randbedingungen zu untersuchen, wie ich sie in dieser Arbeit variiert habe, um Einblick in dieses Problem zu erhalten.rnrnResonanzverstärkte dynamische Lichtstreuung ist eine Methode, frei von z.B. Fluoreszenzmarkern, die genutzt werden kann um in dünnen Polymerfilmen dynamische Phänomene


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Il lavoro di questa tesi ha previsto l'acquisizione e l'elaborazione di dati geofisici al fine di determinare la risposta sismica di tre siti della Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale (RAN), collocandosi all'interno del progetto sismologico S2-2014 Constraining Observations into Seismic Hazard gestito dal Dipartimento di Protezione Civile Nazionale e dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e di Vulcanologia. Tale necessità nasce dal fatto che il più delle volte le informazioni per la corretta caratterizzazione geofisica dei siti ospitanti le stazioni accelerometriche risultano essere insufficienti, rendendo così i dati acquisiti non idonei per l'utilizzo in sede di calcolo delle leggi di attenuazione dalle quali successivamente vengono derivate le mappe di pericolosità sismica a livello nazionale e locale. L'obbiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di determinare l'eventuale presenza di effetti di sito o effetti di interazione suolo-struttura, per tre stazioni ubicate in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (codici stazioni MAI, TLM1 e BRC), capaci di amplificare il moto del terreno nella parte di suolo compresa fra il bedrock sismico (inteso come strato che non amplifica) e il piano campagna. Le principali tecniche utilizzate sono le seguenti: HVSR ossia rapporto spettrale della componente orizzontale su quella verticale da misure di rumore ambientale acquisite e EHV ovvero rapporto spettrale della componente orizzontale su verticale da registrazione di terremoti scaricate dal database accelerometrico italiano ITACA. I risultati delle due tecniche sono stati poi confrontati al fine di verificare un'eventuale congruenza, portando alle seguenti conclusioni. La caratterizzazione della stazione TLM1 ha portato alla importante conclusione che il sito non è idoneo per l’acquisizione di dati accelerometrici da utilizzare per il calcolo di leggi predittive o di attenuazione. La stazione accelerometrica è ospitata all’interno di un box in lamiera su una collina nel comune di Verzegnis (UD). Il problema principale che riguarda questo sito è la vicinanza della diga Ambiesta e del relativo invaso. La stazione di BRC è collocata all’interno di una cabina di trasformazione dell’ENEL sul lato destro del torrente Cellina, al suo ingresso nel lago di Barcis (PN). Le condizioni topografiche della zona, molto impervie, non consentono la corretta acquisizione dei dati. Un ulteriore fattore di disturbo è dato dall’interazione suolo-struttura, causata dalla cabina ENEL in cui è alloggiata la strumentazione. La caratterizzazione della stazione MAI collocata all'interno di una cabina ENEL nel centro del comune di Majano (UD) ha portato alla conclusione che questa è l'unica delle tre stazioni considerate capace di acquisire dati utilizzabili per il processo di validazione per le stime di pericolosità sismica. Questo perché le condizioni topografiche dell’area, pianura con stratificazione 1D, hanno permesso di sfruttare a pieno le potenzialità delle metodologie utilizzate, consentendo anche la ricostruzione di profili di velocità delle onde di taglio S con i quali è stata assegnata la categoria C del suolo previsto dall'approccio semplificato presente nelle NTC08.


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In colorectal cancer, tumor budding at the invasive front (peritumoral budding) is an established prognostic parameter and decreased in mismatch repair-deficient tumors. In contrast, the clinical relevance of tumor budding within the tumor center (intratumoral budding) is not yet known. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation of intratumoral budding with peritumoral budding and mismatch repair status and the prognostic impact of intratumoral budding using 2 independent patient cohorts. Following pancytokeratin staining of whole-tissue sections and multiple-punch tissue microarrays, 2 independent cohorts (group 1: n = 289; group 2: n = 222) with known mismatch repair status were investigated for intratumoral budding and peritumoral budding. In group 1, intratumoral budding was strongly correlated to peritumoral budding (r = 0.64; P < .001) and less frequent in mismatch repair-deficient versus mismatch repair-proficient cases (P = .177). Sensitivity and specificity for lymph node positivity were 72.7% and 72.1%. In mismatch repair-proficient cancers, high-grade intratumoral budding was associated with right-sided location (P = .024), advanced T stage (P = .001) and N stage pN (P < .001), vascular invasion (P = .041), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .003), and shorter survival time (P = .014). In mismatch repair-deficient cancers, high intratumoral budding was linked to higher tumor grade (P = .004), vascular invasion (P = .009), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .005), and more unfavorable survival time (P = .09). These associations were confirmed in group 2. High-grade intratumoral budding was a poor prognostic factor in univariate (P < .001) and multivariable analyses (P = .019) adjusting for T stage, N stage distant metastasis, and adjuvant therapy. These preliminary results on 511 patients show that intratumoral budding is an independent prognostic factor, supporting the future investigation of intratumoral budding in larger series of both preoperative and postoperative rectal and colon cancer specimens.


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A role of nociceptin and its receptor (NOP) in pain and immune function has been suggested. The hypothesis was that mRNA expression of NOP and the nociceptin precursor pre-pronociceptin (pN/OFQ) in peripheral blood cells differs in end-stage cancer patients suffering from chronic pain and septic intensive care unit (ICU) patients compared with healthy controls.


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Region-specific empirically based ground-truth (EBGT) criteria used to estimate the epicentral-location accuracy of seismic events have been developed for the Main Ethiopian Rift and the Tibetan plateau. Explosions recorded during the Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE), the International Deep Profiling of Tibet, and the Himalaya (INDEPTH III) experiment provided the necessary GT0 reference events. In each case, the local crustal structure is well known and handpicked arrival times were available, facilitating the establishment of the location accuracy criteria through the stochastic forward modeling of arrival times for epicentral locations. In the vicinity of the Main Ethiopian Rift, a seismic event is required to be recorded on at least 8 stations within the local Pg/Pn crossover distance and to yield a network-quality metric of less than 0.43 in order to be classified as EBGT5(95%) (GT5 with 95% confidence). These criteria were subsequently used to identify 10 new GT5 events with magnitudes greater than 2.1 recorded on the Ethiopian Broadband Seismic Experiment (EBSE) network and 24 events with magnitudes greater than 2.4 recorded on the EAGLE broadband network. The criteria for the Tibetan plateau are similar to the Ethiopia criteria, yet slightly less restrictive as the network-quality metric needs to be less than 0.45. Twenty-seven seismic events with magnitudes greater than 2.5 recorded on the INDEPTH III network were identified as GT5 based on the derived criteria. When considered in conjunction with criteria developed previously for the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa, it is apparent that increasing restrictions on the network-quality metric mirror increases in the complexity of geologic structure from craton to plateau to rift. Accession Number: WOS:000322569200012


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Objectives To compare different ways of measuring partner notification (PN) outcomes with published audit standards, examine variability between clinics and examine factors contributing to variation in PN outcomes in genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in the UK. Methods Reanalysis of the 2007 BASHH national chlamydia audit. The primary outcome was the number of partners per index case tested for chlamydia, as verified by a healthcare worker or, if missing, reported by the patient. Control charts were used to examine variation between clinics considering missing values as zero or excluding missing values. Hierarchical logistic regression was used to investigate factors contributing to variation in outcomes. Results Data from 4616 individuals in 169 genitourinary medicine clinics were analysed. There was no information about the primary outcome in 41% of records. The mean number of partners tested for chlamydia ranged from 0 to 1.5 per index case per clinic. The median across all clinics was 0.47 when missing values were assumed to be zero and 0.92 per index case when missing values were excluded. Men who have sex with men were less likely than heterosexual men and patients with symptoms (4-week look-back period) were less likely than asymptomatic patients (6-month look-back) to report having one or more partners tested for chlamydia. There was no association between the primary outcome and the type of the health professional giving the PN advice. Conclusions The completeness of PN outcomes recorded in clinical notes needs to improve. Further research is needed to identify auditable measures that are associated with successful PN that prevents repeated chlamydia in index cases.


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Partner notification (PN or contact tracing) is an important aspect of treating bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as Chlamydia trachomatis. It facilitates the identification of new infected cases that can be treated through individual case management. PN also acts indirectly by limiting onward transmission in the general population. However, the impact of PN, both at the level of individuals and the population, remains unclear. Since it is difficult to study the effects of PN empirically, mathematical and computational models are useful tools for investigating its potential as a public health intervention. To this end, we developed an individual-based modeling framework called Rstisim. It allows the implementation of different models of STI transmission with various levels of complexity and the reconstruction of the complete dynamic sexual partnership network over any time period. A key feature of this framework is that we can trace an individual's partnership history in detail and investigate the outcome of different PN strategies for C. trachomatis. For individual case management, the results suggest that notifying three or more partners from the preceding 18 months yields substantial numbers of new cases. In contrast, the successful treatment of current partners is most important for preventing re-infection of index cases and reducing further transmission of C. trachomatis at the population level. The findings of this study demonstrate the difference between individual and population level outcomes of public health interventions for STIs.