Studies were undertaken to determine the influence of several host-related parameters on the course of Leishmania mexicana mexicana infection in inbred C57B1/10 (C57) and outbred albino (OA) mice. An important influence of the following variables was demonstrated: Host strain: lesions in C57s were significantly less variable in size and outcome than those of OAs under the conditions studied and even when persistent developed at a slower rate. Host age: Subcutanous injection of 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 4] to 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] amastigotes into the dorsum of the rear paw produced significantly larger lesions which healed more slowly in 2 mo. old C57s than in 4 mo. old mice. Reduced healing ability was observed in older (8 mo. old) female C57s, and low mortality occurred after 15 months of age in infected mice of both sexes. Lesion site: Following amastigote infection, lesions in paws of most C57s regress within 15 - 25 wks. In contrast, perinasal legions produced with the same number of parasites tend to persist for the life of the animal as slowly spreading irregular nodules. In animals infected in both locations, each lesion site behaves similarly to that in singly infected animals of the same age, i.e. regression in the two sites is independent. Our results indicate that while host strain may strongly influence infection outcoem, such variables as lesion site and host age play important roles and may explain, in part, reported inter- and intraexperimental variability in responses of murine hosts to a given leishmanial parasite.
A growing literature integrates theories of debt management into models of optimal fiscal policy. One promising theory argues that the composition of government debt should be chosen so that fluctuations in the market value of debt offset changes in expected future deficits. This complete market approach to debt management is valid even when the government only issues non-contingent bonds. A number of authors conclude from this approach that governments should issue long term debt and invest in short term assets. We argue that the conclusions of this approach are too fragile to serve as a basis for policy recommendations. This is because bonds at different maturities have highly correlated returns, causing the determination of the optimal portfolio to be ill-conditioned. To make this point concrete we examine the implications of this approach to debt management in various models, both analytically and using numerical methods calibrated to the US economy. We find the complete market approach recommends asset positions which are huge multiples of GDP. Introducing persistent shocks or capital accumulation only worsens this problem. Increasing the volatility of interest rates through habits partly reduces the size of these simulations we find no presumption that governments should issue long term debt ? policy recommendations can be easily reversed through small perturbations in the specification of shocks or small variations in the maturity of bonds issued. We further extend the literature by removing the assumption that governments every period costlessly repurchase all outstanding debt. This exacerbates the size of the required positions, worsens their volatility and in some cases produces instability in debt holdings. We conclude that it is very difficult to insulate fiscal policy from shocks by using the complete markets approach to debt management. Given the limited variability of the yield curve using maturities is a poor way to substitute for state contingent debt. The result is the positions recommended by this approach conflict with a number of features that we believe are important in making bond markets incomplete e.g allowing for transaction costs, liquidity effects, etc.. Until these features are all fully incorporated we remain in search of a theory of debt management capable of providing robust policy insights.
OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis (TB) is highly prevalent among HIV-infected people, including those receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), necessitating a well tolerated and efficacious TB vaccine for these populations. We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of the candidate TB vaccine M72/AS01 in adults with well controlled HIV infection on cART. DESIGN: A randomized, observer-blind, controlled trial (NCT00707967). METHODS: HIV-infected adults on cART in Switzerland were randomized 3 : 1 : 1 to receive two doses, 1 month apart, of M72/AS01, AS01 or 0.9% physiological saline (N = 22, N = 8 and N = 7, respectively) and were followed up to 6 months postdose 2 (D210). Individuals with CD4⁺ cell counts below 200 cells/μl were excluded. Adverse events (AEs) including HIV-specific and laboratory safety parameters were recorded. Cell-mediated (ICS) and humoral (ELISA) responses were evaluated before vaccination, 1 month after each dose (D30, D60) and D210. RESULTS: Thirty-seven individuals [interquartile range (IQR) CD4⁺ cell counts at screening: 438-872 cells/μl; undetectable HIV-1 viremia] were enrolled; 73% of individuals reported previous BCG vaccination, 97.3% tested negative for the QuantiFERON-TB assay. For M72/AS01 recipients, no vaccine-related serious AEs or cART-regimen adjustments were recorded, and there were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory safety parameters, HIV-1 viral loads or CD4⁺ cell counts. M72/AS01 was immunogenic, inducing persistent and polyfunctional M72-specific CD4⁺ T-cell responses [medians 0.70% (IQR 0.37-1.07) at D60] and 0.42% (0.24-0.61) at D210, predominantly CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺, CD40L⁺IL-2⁺ and CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺IFN-γ⁺]. All M72/AS01 vaccines were seropositive for anti-M72 IgG after second vaccination until study end. CONCLUSION: M72/AS01 was clinically well tolerated and immunogenic in this population, supporting further clinical evaluation in HIV-infected individuals in TB-endemic settings.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Pain Management Unit de la University of Bath-Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Disease, a Gran Bretanya, entre juliol i setembre del 2006. El dolor crònic en pediatria es defineix com aquell que és persistent o recurrent durant tres o més mesos. Recentment la prevalença a la nostra població entre els escolars de 8 a 16 anys ha estat quantificada en el 37.3%. Davant d’aquestes dades i coneixent la magnitud de l’impacte que el dolor crònic té en aquestes edats, sorgeix la necessitat de desenvolupar programes d’intervenció per donar una resposta a aquesta problemàtica en la nostra població. Les investigacions realitzades assenyalen que els programes multidisciplinars són els que obtenen una major eficàcia. Aquests programes estan adreçats a minimitzar l’impacte dels diferents factors que conformen l’experiència de dolor: físics, emocionals, cognitius, conductuals i socials. A Europa només l’hospital on s’ha realitzat l’estada ofereix un programa d’aquestes característiques. El servei que ofereixen en aquesta Unitat de dolor pediàtric està sent el model de referència pel disseny d’un programa de tractament a la nostra població. Per aquest motiu, s’ha realitzat una estada d’un mes de durada a la PMU, amb l’objectiu d’aprendre els procediments terapèutics per adaptar-los i aplicar-los en el nostre context. Sis adolescents amb problemes de dolor crònic i discapacitat associada, acompanyats de les seves mares han participat en aquest programa de tractament grupal interdisciplinari d’orientació cognitiu-conductual de tres setmanes. Es realitzen aproximadament 110 hores de tractament, distribuïdes en sessions de 50 minuts, d’activitat física i ocupacional, teràpia cognitiu-conductual i educació. Aquesta estada ha permès d’una banda, la formació d’un psicòleg dintre d’un equip de dolor pediàtric interdisciplinar i de l’altra evidenciar l’efectivitat que aquest programa interdisciplinar de rehabilitació cognitiu-conductual té pel maneig del dolor crònic i la discapacitat associada.
Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en el Center of International Environmental Law (CIEL) de Washington, Estados Unidos, entre los meses de julio y septiembre del 2006. CIEL es una organización no gubernamental sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja utilizando el Derecho Internacional y las instituciones internacionales para proteger el medio ambiente, la salud humana y asegurar una sociedad justa y sostenible. El ámbito de trabajo del CIEL abarca a más de 16 países en 6 continentes. CIEL también pertenece al programa de investigación y formación del American University Washington College of Law. Este programa incluye cursos de Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente y Derecho Comparado del medio ambiente. La actividad científica realizada ha consistido en: primer lugar en una investigación, capacitación y apoyo jurídico realizado en el ámbito de la aplicación de la Convención de Estocolmo sobre contaminantes orgánicos persistentes en los países latinoamericanos; y en segundo lugar, en la participación en los varios seminarios relativos a diferentes ámbitos del Derecho Internacional del medio ambiente. Todo ello ha contribuido a dar un impulso definitivo a la tesis doctoral de la becaria.
S’ha estudiat la bioacumulació de contaminants orgànics persistents en el múscul d’una espècie de peix en dos punts del litoral català: al Port de Barcelona i a la costa de Blanes. Citharus linguatula ha estat escollida per les seves característiques d’hàbitats (està més exposada a la contaminació al ser una espècie bentònica). La metodologia emprada consisteix en la homogeneïtzació amb sulfat de sodi i una extracció assistida amb microones amb n-hexà-acetona(1:1 v/v) durant 20 minuts. Els extractes es netegen i es fraccionen amb una columna cromatogràfica d’alúmina que permet la separació dels extractes en dos fraccions: un amb la majoria dels compostos organoclorats (hexaclorbenzè, DDTs, ciclodiens clorats i policlorbifenils) i l’altre amb els isòmers hexaclorciclohexans i els PAHs. Aquestes dos fraccions són posteriorment analitzades en el GC-MS. S’ha pogut corroborar l’elevada presència de PCBs a Barcelona, així com que en aquest punt de mostreig les espècies estan més exposades a la contaminació per organoclorats. S’ha identificat la presència de DDTs en els dos llocs estudiats. Pel que fa als PAHs s’ha pogut observar que a Barcelona també hi ha més presència d’aquests. Cal destacar que la concentració obtinguda dels compostos no es pot donar com a vàlida per l’existència d’indicis d’errors experimentals o d’injecció.
One of the most persistent and lasting debates in economic research refers to whether the answers to subjective questions can be used to explain individuals’ economic behavior. Using panel data for twelve EU countries, in the present study we analyze the causal relationship between self-reported housing satisfaction and residential mobility. Our results indicate that: i) households unsatisfied with their current housing situation are more likely to move; ii) housing satisfaction raises after a move, and; iii) housing satisfaction increases with the transition from being a renter to becoming a homeowner. Some interesting cross-country differences are observed. Our findings provide evidence in favor of use of subjective indicators of satisfaction with certain life domains in the analysis of individuals’ economic conduct.
Impact of low-level viremia on clinical and virological outcomes in treated HIV-1-infected patients.
BACKGROUND: The goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to reduce HIV-related morbidity and mortality by suppressing HIV replication. The prognostic value of persistent low-level viremia (LLV), particularly for clinical outcomes, is unknown. OBJECTIVE: Assess the association of different levels of LLV with virological failure, AIDS event, and death among HIV-infected patients receiving combination ART. METHODS: We analyzed data from 18 cohorts in Europe and North America, contributing to the ART Cohort Collaboration. Eligible patients achieved viral load below 50 copies/ml within 3-9 months after ART initiation. LLV50-199 was defined as two consecutive viral loads between 50 and 199 copies/ml and LLV200-499 as two consecutive viral loads between 50 and 499 copies/ml, with at least one between 200 and 499 copies/ml. We used Cox models to estimate the association of LLV with virological failure (two consecutive viral loads at least 500 copies/ml or one viral load at least 500 copies/ml, followed by a modification of ART) and AIDS event/death. RESULTS: Among 17 902 patients, 624 (3.5%) experienced LLV50-199 and 482 (2.7%) LLV200-499. Median follow-up was 2.3 and 3.1 years for virological and clinical outcomes, respectively. There were 1903 virological failure, 532 AIDS events and 480 deaths. LLV200-499 was strongly associated with virological failure [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 3.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.05-5.17]. LLV50-199 was weakly associated with virological failure (aHR 1.38, 95% CI 0.96-2.00). LLV50-199 and LLV200-499 were not associated with AIDS event/death (aHR 1.19, 95% CI 0.78-1.82; and aHR 1.11, 95% CI 0.72-1.71, respectively). CONCLUSION: LLV200-499 was strongly associated with virological failure, but not with AIDS event/death. Our results support the US guidelines, which define virological failure as a confirmed viral load above 200 copies/ml.
BACKGROUND: The presence of cognitive and structural deficits in euthymic elderly depressed patients remains a matter of debate. Integrative aetiological models assessing concomitantly these parameters as well as markers of psychological vulnerability such as persistent personality traits, are still lacking for this age group. METHODS: Cross-sectional comparisons of 38 elderly remitted patients with early-onset depression (EOD) and 62 healthy controls included detailed neuropsychological assessment, estimates of brain volumes in limbic areas and white matter hyperintensities, as well as evaluation of the Five-Factor personality dimensions. RESULTS: Both cognitive performances and brain volumes were preserved in euthymic EOD patients. No significant group differences were observed in white matter hyperintensity scores between the two groups. In contrast, EOD was associated with significant increase of Neuroticism and decrease of Extraversion facet scores. LIMITATIONS: Results concern the restricted portion of EOD patients without psychiatric and physical comorbidities. Future longitudinal studies are necessary to determine the temporal relationship between the occurrence of depression and personality dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: After remission from acute depressive symptoms, cognitive performances remain intact in elderly patients with EOD. In contrast to previous observations, these patients display neither significant brain volume loss in limbic areas nor increased vascular burden compared to healthy controls. Further clinical investigations on EOD patterns of vulnerability in old age will gain from focusing on psychological features such as personality traits rather than neurocognitive clues.
PURPOSE: Investigation of the incidence and distribution of congenital structural cardiac malformations among the offspring of mothers with diabetes type 1 and of the influence of periconceptional glycemic control. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective clinical study, literature review, and meta-analysis. The incidence and pattern of congenital heart disease in the own study population and in the literature on the offspring of type 1 diabetic mothers were compared with the incidence and spectrum of the various cardiovascular defects in the offspring of nondiabetic mothers as registered by EUROCAT Northern Netherlands. Medical records were, in addition, reviewed for HbA(1c) during the 1st trimester. RESULTS: The distribution of congenital heart anomalies in the own diabetic study population was in accordance with the distribution encountered in the literature. This distribution differed considerably from that in the nondiabetic population. Approximately half the cardiovascular defects were conotruncal anomalies. The authors' study demonstrated a remarkable increase in the likelihood of visceral heterotaxia and variants of single ventricle among these patients. As expected, elevated HbA(1c) values during the 1st trimester were associated with offspring fetal cardiovascular defects. CONCLUSION: This study shows an increased likelihood of specific heart anomalies, namely transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, visceral heterotaxia and single ventricle, among offspring of diabetic mothers. This suggests a profound teratogenic effect at a very early stage in cardiogenesis. The study emphasizes the frequency with which the offspring of diabetes-complicated pregnancies suffer from complex forms of congenital heart disease. Pregnancies with poor 1st-trimester glycemic control are more prone to the presence of fetal heart disease.
Long-term fluctuation of relative afferent pupillary defect in subjects with normal visual function.
PURPOSE: To determine whether the relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) remains constant over time in normal subjects. METHODS: Seventeen normal subjects were tested with infrared pupillography and automated perimetry in four sessions over 3 years. The changes in RAPD and visual field asymmetry between testing sessions were compared. RESULTS: The range of RAPD was 0.0 to 0.3 log unit, and the difference in the mean deviation between the eyes on automated static perimetry was 0 to 3 dB. Eight subjects repeatedly had an RAPD in the same eye. There was no correlation between the RAPD and the visual field asymmetry at the same visit. Changes in the magnitude of the RAPD between any two sessions were typically small (median, 0.08 log unit; 25th percentile, 0.04 log unit; 75th percentile, 0.15 log unit). CONCLUSIONS: Some normal subjects may show a persistent but small RAPD in the absence of detectable pathologic disease. Therefore, an isolated RAPD in the range of 0.3 log unit that is not associated with any other significant historical or clinical finding should probably be considered benign.
Workers in less secure jobs are often paid less than identical-looking workers in more secure jobs. We show that this lack of compensating differentials for unemployment risk can arise in equilibrium when all workers are identical and firms differ only in job security (i.e. the probability that the worker is not sent into unemployment). In a setting where workers search for new positions both on and off the job, the worker's marginal willingness to pay for job security is endogenous: it depends on the behavior of all firms in the labor market and increases with the rent the employing firm leaves to the worker. We solve for the labor market equilibrium, finding that wages increase with job security for at least all firms in the risky tail of the distribution of firm-level unemployment risk. Meanwhile, unemployment becomes persistent for low-wage and unemployed workers, a seeming pattern of 'unemployment scarring' created entirely by firm heterogeneity. Higher in the wage distribution, workers can take wage cuts to move to more stable employment.
Workers in less-secure jobs are often paid less than identical-looking workers in more secure jobs. We show that this lack of compensating differentials for unemployment risk can arise in equilibrium when all workers are identical and firms differ only in job security (i.e. the probability that the worker is not sent into unemployment). In a setting where workers search for new positions both on and off the job, the worker’s marginal willingness to pay for job security is endogenous, increasing with the rent received by a worker in his job, and depending on the behavior of all firms in the labor market. We solve for the labor market equilibrium and find that wages increase with job security for at least all firms in the risky tail of the distribution of firm-level unemployment risk. Unemployment becomes persistent for low-wage and unemployed workers, a seeming pattern of ‘unemployment scarring’ created entirely by firm heterogeneity. Higher in the wage distribution, workers can take wage cuts to move to more stable employment.
This paper introduces a State Space approach to explain the dynamics of rent growth, expected returns and Price-Rent ratio in housing markets. According to the present value model, movements in price to rent ratio should be matched by movements in expected returns and expected rent growth. The state space framework assume that both variables follow an autoregressive process of order one. The model is applied to the US and UK housing market, which yields series of the latent variables given the behaviour of the Price-Rent ratio. Resampling techniques and bootstrapped likelihood ratios show that expected returns tend to be highly persistent compared to rent growth. The Öltered expected returns is considered in a simple predictability of excess returns model with high statistical predictability evidenced for the UK. Overall, it is found that the present value model tends to have strong statistical predictability in the UK housing markets.
This paper introduces a State Space approach to explain the dynamics of rent growth, expected returns and Price-Rent ratio in housing markets. According to the present value model, movements in price to rent ratio should be matched by movements in expected returns and expected rent growth. The state space framework assume that both variables follow an autoregression process of order one. The model is applied to the US and UK housing market, which yields series of the latent variables given the behaviour of the Price-Rent ratio. Resampling techniques and bootstrapped likelihood ratios show that expected returns tend to be highly persistent compared to rent growth. The filtered expected returns is considered in a simple predictability of excess returns model with high statistical predictability evidence for the UK. Overall, it is found that the present value model tends to have strong statistical predictability in the UK housing markets.