930 resultados para PARTNER CHROMOSOMES
The choice of genotyping families vs unrelated individuals is a critical factor in any large-scale linkage disequilibrium (LD) study. The use of unrelated individuals for such studies is promising, but in contrast to family designs, unrelated samples do not facilitate detection of genotyping errors, which have been shown to be of great importance for LD and linkage studies and may be even more important in genotyping collaborations across laboratories. Here we employ some of the most commonly-used analysis methods to examine the relative accuracy of haplotype estimation using families vs unrelateds in the presence of genotyping error. The results suggest that even slight amounts of genotyping error can significantly decrease haplotype frequency and reconstruction accuracy, that the ability to detect such errors in large families is essential when the number/complexity of haplotypes is high (low LD/common alleles). In contrast, in situations of low haplotype complexity (high LD and/or many rare alleles) unrelated individuals offer such a high degree of accuracy that there is little reason for less efficient family designs. Moreover, parent-child trios, which comprise the most popular family design and the most efficient in terms of the number of founder chromosomes per genotype but which contain little information for error detection, offer little or no gain over unrelated samples in nearly all cases, and thus do not seem a useful sampling compromise between unrelated individuals and large families. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of large-scale LD mapping projects such as the proposed genome-wide haplotype map.
As a major European donor, German government development assistance faces a series of challenges. Recent political changes have raised expectations for demonstrable health outcomes as a result of German development assistance; there has been a deepened commitment to collaboration with other bilateral and multilateral donors; and partner countries are increasingly open to new approaches to development. German development assistance also reflects a new ethos of partnership and the shift to programmatic and sector based development approaches. At the same time, its particular organizational structure and administrative framework highlight the extent of structural and systems reforms required of donors by changing development relationships, and the tensions created in responding to these. This paper examines organizational changes within the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit) (GTZ), aimed at increasing its Regional, Sectoral, Managerial and Process competence as they affect health and related sectors. These include the decentralization of GTZ, the trend to integration of projects, the increasing focus on policy and health systems reform, increased inter-sectoral collaboration, changes in recruitment and training, new perspectives in planning and evaluation and the introduction of a quality management programme. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
We describe for the first time the application of fast neutron mutagenesis to the genetic dissection of root nodulation in legumes. We demonstrate the utility of chromosomal deletion mutations through production of a soybean supernodulation mutant FN37 that lacks the internal autoregulation of nodulation mechanism. After inoculation with microsymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum, FN37 forms at least 10 times more nodules than the wild type G. soja parent and has a phenotype identical to that of chemically induced allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 (NTS-1 locus). Reciprocal grafting of shoots and roots confirmed systemic shoot control of the FN37 nodulation phenotype. RFLP/PCR marker pUTG132a and AFLP marker UQC-IS1 which are tightly linked to NTS-1 allowed the isolation of BAC contigs delineating both ends of the deletion. The genetic/physical distance ratio in the NTS-1 region is 279 kb/cM. The deletion is estimated to be about 460 kb based on the absence of markers and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) ends as well as genetic and physical mapping. Deletion break points were determined physically and placed within flanking BAC contigs.
Objective. This is an over-view of the cellular biology of upper nasal mucosal cells that have special characteristics that enable them to be used to diagnose and study congenital neurological diseases and to aid neural repair. Study Design: After mapping the distribution of neural cells in the upper nose, the authors' investigations moved to the use of olfactory neurones to diagnose neurological diseases of development, especially schizophrenia. Olfactory-ensheating glial cells (OEGs) from the cranial cavity promote axonal penetration of the central nervous system and aid spinal cord repair in rodents. The authors sought to isolate these cells from the more accessible upper nasal cavity in rats and in humans and prove they could likewise promote neural regeneration, making these cells suitable for human spinal repair investigations. Methods: The schizophrenia-diagnosis aspect of the study entailed the biopsy of the olfactory areas of 10 schizophrenic patients and 10 control subjects. The tissue samples were sliced and grown in culture medium. The ease of cell attachment to fibronectin (artificial epithelial basement membrane), as well as the mitotic and apoptotic indices, was studied in the presence and absence of dopamine in those cell cultures. The neural repair part of the study entailed a harvesting and insertion of first rat olfactory lamina propria rich in OEGs between cut ends of the spinal cords and then later the microinjection of an OEG-rich suspension into rat spinal cords previously transected by open laminectomy. Further studies were done in which OEG insertion was performed up to 1 month after rat cord transection and also in monkeys. Results: Schizophrenic patients' olfactory tissues do not easily attach to basement membrane compared with control subjects, adding evidence to the theory that cell wall anomalies are part of the schizophrenic lesion of neurones. Schizophrenic patient cell cultures had higher mitotic and apoptotic indices compared with control subjects. The addition of dopamine altered these indices enough to allow accurate differentiation of schizophrenics from control patients, leading to, possibly for the first time, an early objective diagnosis of schizophrenia and possible assessment of preventive strategies. OEGs from the nose were shown to be as effective as those from the olfactory bulb in promoting axonal growth across transected spinal cords even when added I month after injury in the rat. These otherwise paraplegic rats grew motor and proprioceptive and fine touch fibers with corresponding behavioral improvement. Conclusions. The tissues of the olfactory mucosa are readily available to the otolaryngologist. Being surface cells, they must regenerate (called neurogenesis). Biopsy of this area and amplification of cells in culture gives the scientist a window to the developing brain, including early diagnosis of schizophrenia. The Holy Grail of neurological disease is the cure of traumatic paraplegia and OEGs from the nose promote that repair. The otolaryngologist may become the necessary partner of the neurophysiologist and spinal surgeon to take the laboratory potential of paraplegic cure into the day-to-day realm of clinical reality.
Objective: To investigate the postpartum psychosocial and infant care topics that women and men who attend preparation for parenthood classes have been thinking or worrying about during the pregnancy. Furthermore, to compare the rates of endorsement of such issues for women and men so that clinicians can use this information to help plan which topics to include in preparation for parenthood classes. Design: A survey of expectant parents attending preparation for parenthood classes at a local public hospital. Participants completed a 17- to 19-item postpartum issues checklist devised for the study. Setting: Preparation for parenthood classes conducted in a public hospital in South Western Sydney, Australia. Participants: People attending the session were in their 2nd to 3rd trimester, of low to middle socioeconomic status, and 95% were expecting their first child. Eighty-five percent of women were accompanied by their male partner at the session. Data are reported from 201 women and 182 men. Measure: A 17-item issues checklist was devised initially and later expanded to 19 items. The initial checklist covered three psychosocial issues: interpersonal, intrapersonal, and parental competency. The expanded checklist also included items on infant care issues. Participants rated each item as to the extent to which they had been thinking or worrying about it over the past few weeks. Results: More than half of the men and women had been thinking or worrying about their ability to cope as new parents; just less than half of both men and women endorsed the item regarding the effect having a baby would have on their relationship with their partner; approximately 40% of women had thought that they might get bored or lonely when at home with the baby, and an equal rate of men reported that their partner experiencing this sense of boredom or loneliness was an issue for them. There were few differences between the genders in the rate of endorsement on the issues checklist. Conclusion: That many of the issues on the checklist are prevalent in both women and men at this time in the pregnancy would suggest that these are topics that would be pertinent for inclusion at preparation for parenthood classes. Although the checklist is not exhaustive, the data reported give empirical justification for inclusion of these topics in such classes.
A new RTE-like, non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon, termed SjR2, from the human blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, is described. SjR2 is similar to3.9 kb in length and is constituted of a single open reading frame encoding a polyprotein with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and reverse transcriptase domains. The open reading frame is bounded by 5'- and 3'-terininal untranslated regions and, at its 3-terminus, SjR2 bears a short (TGAC)(3) repeat. Phylogenetic analyses based on conserved domains of reverse transcriptase or endonuclease revealed that SjR2 belonged to the RTE clade of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons. Further, SjR2 was homologous, but probably not orthologous, to SR2 front the African blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni; this RTE-like family of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons appears to have arisen before the divergence of the extant schistosome species. Hybridisation analyses indicated that similar to 10,000 copies of SjR2 were dispersed throughout the S. japonicum chromosomes, accounting for up to 14% of the nuclear genome. Messenger RNAs encoding the reverse transcriptase and endonuclease domains of SjR2 were detected in several developmental stages of the schistosome, indicating that the retrotransposon was actively replicating within the genome of the parasite. Exploration of the coding and non-coding regions of SjR2 revealed two notable characteristics. First, the recombinant reverse transcriptase domain of SjR2 expressed in insect cells primed reverse transcription of SjR2 mRNA in vitro. By contrast, recombinant SjR2-endonuclease did not appear to cleave schistosome or plasmid DNA. Second, the 5'-untranslated region of SjR2 was >80% identical to the 3-untranslated region of a schistosome heat shock protein-70 gene (hsp-70) in the antisense orientation, indicating that SjR2-like elements were probably inserted into the non-coding regions of ancestral S. japonicum HSP-70, probably after the species diverged from S. mansoni. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Between 1988 and 2001, we studied social relationships in the superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus (Latham), a cooperative breeder with male helpers in which extra-group fertilizations are more common than within-pair fertilizations. 2. Unlike other fairy-wren species, females never bred on their natal territory. First-year females dispersed either directly from their natal territory to a breeding vacancy or to a foreign 'staging-post' territory where they spent their first winter as a subordinate. Females dispersing to a foreign territory settled in larger groups. Females on foreign territories inherited the territory if the dominant female died, and were sometimes able to split the territory into two by pairing with a helper male. However, most dispersed again to obtain a vacancy. 3. Females dispersing from a staging post usually gained a neighbouring vacancy, but females gaining a vacancy directly from their natal territory travelled further, perhaps to avoid pairing or mating with related males. 4. Females frequently divorced their partner, although the majority of relationships were terminated by the death of one of the pair. If death did not intervene, one-third of pairings were terminated by female-initiated divorce within 1000 days. 5. Three divorce syndromes were recognized. First, females that failed to obtain a preferred territory moved to territories with more helpers. Secondly, females that became paired to their sons when their partner died usually divorced away from them. Thirdly, females that have been in a long relationship divorce once a son has gained the senior helper position. 6. Dispersal to avoid pairing with sons is consistent with incest avoidance. However, there may be two additional benefits. Mothers do not mate with their sons, so dispersal by the mother liberates her sons to compete for within-group matings. Further, divorcing once their son has become a breeder or a senior helper allows the female to start sons in a queue for dominance on another territory. Females that do not take this option face constraints on their ability to recruit more sons into the local neighbourhood.
The ragged (Ra) spontaneous mouse mutant is characterised by abnormalities in its coat and cardiovascular system. Four alleles are known and we have previously described mutations in the transcription factor gene Sox18 in the Ra and Ra-J alleles. We report here Sox18 mutations in the remaining two ragged alleles, opossum (Ra-op) and ragged-like (Ragl). The single-base deletions cause a C-terminal frameshift, abolishing transcriptional trans-activation and impairing interaction with the partner protein MEF2C. The nature of these mutations, together with the near-normal phenotype of Sox18-null mice, suggests that the ragged mutant SOX18 proteins act in a dominant-negative fashion. The four ragged mutants represent an allelic series that reveal SOX18 structure-function relationships and implicate related SOX proteins in cardiovascular and hair follicle development. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Perceived stress as a predictor of the self-reported new diagnosis of symptomatic CHD in older women
This article describes one aspect of a prospective cohort study of 10,432 women aged between 70 and 75 years. After a 3-year period, 503 women self-reported a new diagnosis by a doctor of angina or myocardial infarction (symptomatic coronary heart disease [CHD]). Time one psychosocial variables (Duke Social Support Index, time pressure, Perceived Stress Scale, Mental Health Index, having a partner, educational attainment, and location of residence) were analyzed using univariate binary logistic regression for their ability to predict subsequent symptomatic CHD. Of these variables, the Duke Social Support Index, Perceived Stress Scale and the Mental Health Index were found to be significant predictors of symptomatic CHID diagnosis. Only the Perceived Stress Scale, however, proved to be a significant independent predictor. After controlling for time one nonpsychosocial variables, as well as the frequency of family doctor visits, perceived stress remained a significant predictor of the new diagnosis of symptomatic CHD in this cohort of older women over a 3-year period.
The evolution of sexual dimorphism may occur when natural and sexual selection result in different optimum trait values for males and females. Perhaps the most prominent examples of sexual dimorphism occur in sexually selected traits, for which males usually display exaggerated trait levels, while females may show reduced expression of the trait. In some species, females also exhibit secondary sexual traits that may either be a consequence of a correlated response to sexual selection on males or direct sexual selection for female secondary sexual traits. In this experiment, we simultaneously measure the intersex genetic correlations and the relative strength of sexual selection on males and females for a set of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila serrata. There was significant directional sexual selection on both male and female cuticular hydrocarbons: the strength of sexual selection did not differ among the sexes but males and females preferred different cuticular hydrocarbons. In contrast with many previous studies of sexual dimorphism, intersex genetic correlations were low. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in D. serrata appears to have been achieved by sex-limited expression of traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome and is likely to be in its final stages.
Two protein families that are critical for vesicle transport are the Syntaxin and Munc18/Sec1. families of proteins. These two molecules form a high affinity complex and play an essential role in vesicle docking and fusion. Munc18c was expressed as an N-terminally His-tagged fusion protein from recombinant baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells. His-tagged Munc18c was purified to homogeneity using both cobalt-chelating affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. With this simple two-step protocol, 3.5 mg of purified Munc18c was obtained from a 1 L culture. Further, the N-terminal His-tag could be removed by thrombin cleavage while the tagged protein was bound to metal affinity resin. Recombinant Munc18c produced in this way is functional, in that it forms a stable complex with the SNARE interacting partner, syntaxin4. Thus we have developed a method for producing and purifying large amounts of functional Munc18c-both tagged and detagged-from a baculovirus expression system. We have also developed a method to purify the Munc18c:syntaxin4 complex. These methods will be employed for future functional and structural studies. Crown copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Desde a d??cada de 1990, o Governo Federal brasileiro vem implementando uma agenda ambiciosa de reformas do Estado, centradas na redu????o da pobreza e na melhoria da efici??ncia dos servi??os p??blicos. As principais prioridades, conforme previstas no Plano Plurianual (PPA) para o per??odo 2003-2007, s??o as seguintes: inclus??o social e redu????o da desigualdade; crescimento econ??mico com gera????o de emprego; distribui????o de renda e respeito ao meio ambiente; promo????o e amplia????o dos direitos de cidadania; e fortalecimento da democracia. No in??cio de 2006, o Governo criou a Pol??tica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (Decreto 5.707), com o objetivo de melhorar e aumentar a efici??ncia e a efic??cia na presta????o de servi??os p??blicos. No marco dessa pol??tica recente, as escolas de administra????o p??blica desempenham um papel fundamental na identifica????o das compet??ncias que precisam ser desenvolvidas nas institui????es do governo, bem como na implementa????o de pol??ticas de capacita????o para os servidores p??blicos, diretamente e/ou em parceria com escolas de governo nos n??veis federal, estadual ou local. O Canad?? tamb??m est?? criando uma estrutura para levantar as compet??ncias necess??rias para os servidores p??blicos e desenvolv??-las como um componente da Renova????o do Servi??o P??blico em todo o governo. Como institui????es l??deres no desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de servidores p??blicos, a Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) firmaram uma parceria para implementar o Projeto de Desenvolvimento de Capacidade de Governan??a no Brasil. A finalidade do Projeto ?? melhorar a capacidade de servidores p??blicos federais, estaduais e municipais do Brasil para desenvolver e implementar programas de capacita????o e gerenciar pol??ticas p??blicas descentralizadas. Espera-se que essa parceria e o resultante compartilhamento de experi??ncias em capacita????o para governan??a efetiva contribuam para a redu????o da pobreza e das desigualdades no Brasil, por meio do desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de servidores na presta????o de servi??os p??blicos eficazes e eficientes, voltados para o cidad??o. O Projeto re??ne, al??m das duas principais Escolas de Governo no Canad?? e no Brasil, seis Escolas Brasileiras de Administra????o P??blica regionais e duas renomadas Institui????es Acad??micas Canadenses ??? a Queen???s University e a Western Ontario University. O Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS) e tr??s Secretarias Especiais do Governo Federal ??? Ra??a (SEPPIR), Direitos Humanos (SEDH) e Pol??ticas para as Mulheres (SPM) ??? tamb??m se envolver??o nas atividades de compartilhamento de conhecimentos com o Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) e a Canada Public Service Agency (CPSA). A CIDA fornecer?? CND$1.700.000 por meio do Programa Brasil-Canad?? de Interc??mbio de Conhecimentos para a Promo????o da Equidade (PIPE). A contribui????o da ENAP ser?? de CND$1.069.707 em esp??cie. A CSPS contribuir?? com cursos, al??m de conhecimentos e suporte t??cnicos, avaliados em CND$1.000.000. Aproveitando a parceria entre a CSPS e a ENAP, que resultou na transfer??ncia e na adapta????o bem sucedidas de cursos e metodologias canadenses, o novo projeto extrapola o n??cleo do servi??o p??blico em Bras??lia, alcan??ando escolas de governo em regi??es brasileiras em situa????o de desvantagem. ?? semelhan??a do papel da CSPS no primeiro projeto, a ENAP fortalecer?? a capacidade das escolas parceiras regionais para capacitar servidores p??blicos envolvidos na presta????o de servi??os aos brasileiros. O interc??mbio estruturado entre Minist??rios dos Governos canadense e brasileiro tamb??m aplicar?? a aprendizagem mais diretamente a quest??es de pol??ticas e programas sociais do Brasil. O desafio assumido neste Projeto ?? a adapta????o de conhecimentos e aprendizagem, com vistas a melhorar a implementa????o de pol??ticas e programas sociais. Para tanto, a CSPS e a ENAP introduzir??o novos cursos nos curr??culos das escolas parceiras e incorporar??o novos m??todos e tecnologias de aprendizagem como, por exemplo, comunidades de pr??tica virtuais e um componente de tutoria (mentoring) envolvendo o Human Resources and Skills Development Canada e o Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome do Brasil. Seis institui????es da Rede Nacional de Escolas de Governo do Brasil e do Programa de Parceria da ENAP foram selecionadas e convidadas a se unir ?? CSPS e ?? ENAP nesse novo Projeto: a Universidade Federal do Par?? (UFPA), de Bel??m (estado do Par?? ??? regi??o Norte); a Funda????o Joaquim Nabuco (FUNDAJ), de Recife (Pernambuco ??? Nordeste); a Universidade Corporativa do Servi??o P??blico / Secretaria de Administra????o do Estado da Bahia (UCS/SAEB), Salvador (Bahia ??? Nordeste); a Escola de Governo do Mato Grosso do Sul (ESCOLAGOV), Campo Grande (estado do Mato Grosso do Sul ??? Centro-Oeste); a Escola Nacional de Ci??ncias Estat??sticas / Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat??stica (ENCE/IBGE), Rio de Janeiro (estado do Rio de Janeiro ??? Sudeste); e o Instituto Municipal de Administra????o P??blica (IMAP) de Curitiba (Paran?? ??? Sul). Essas escolas de refer??ncia foram escolhidas segundo sua capacidade de trabalhar como p??los de pr??ticas inovadoras em pol??ticas p??blicas e disseminar os benef??cios do Projeto para outras escolas em suas regi??es, por meio da Rede Nacional coordenada pela ENAP. O objetivo dessa parceria ?? fortalecer as escolas de governo locais, para que estas desenvolvam, por meio de eventos de aprendizagem, compet??ncias em servidores p??blicos, a fim de aumentar a capacidade do governo na implementa????o e gest??o de pol??ticas p??blicas. O Plano de Implementa????o do Projeto (PIP) descreve o trabalho a ser realizado por essas institui????es nos pr??ximos 30 meses, ao tempo em que serve de guia para os Parceiros do Projeto no que se refere ??s a????es e aos recursos necess??rios para a obten????o dos resultados acordados. Na medida em que o Projeto estiver em andamento e os parceiros iniciarem um interc??mbio produtivo de conhecimentos, o Plano de Trabalho Anual ser?? atualizado e revisto por meio de reuni??es anuais de avalia????o e encontros do Comit?? Diretor do Projeto, com vistas a assegurar que os resultados descritos no PIP sejam alcan??ados com sucesso
O artigo se constitui em uma reflex??o sobre a reforma do Estado nos pa??ses latinoamericanos, em especial no que se refere a seu aparato institucional ??? a "m??quina administrativa". Identificadas como reformas de 2a gera????o (as de 1a s??o as do reajuste macroecon??mico), o conjunto dos esfor??os modernizadores busca a regenera????o das institui????es p??blicas duramente afetadas pela crise econ??mico-financeira dos anos 80, e/ou at?? mesmo a cria????o de novas institui????es, visando a constru????o de um Estado forte, apoiado em uma economia din??mica e competitiva, da qual ?? parceiro e regulador, al??m de desempenhar de forma adequada suas fun????es cl??ssicas. O autor discute as quest??es institucionais e sociais (accountability, governance, conex??es entre as reformas econ??mico-financeiras), a mudan??a de paradigma do papel do Estado e os desafios a serem enfrentados.
A violência está presente a nível nacional e mundial no cotidiano de muitas famílias e se configura como um fenômeno de múltiplas determinações, podendo estar presente no cenário público e privado. Diante dos diversos tipos de violência presentes no espaço social, encontra-se a violência praticada pelo homem contra sua companheira. O presente estudo, com enfoque qualitativo, objetivou de maneira geral investigar de que forma o Centro de Referência Especializado da Assistência Social – Proteção e Atendimento Especializado a Famílias e Indivíduos (CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”) do município de Colatina, compõe a rede de apoio social e afetiva de mulheres/mães vítimas de violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros na percepção dos profissionais atuantes no serviço e, também, na percepção das próprias mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do serviço. Para tanto, participaram da pesquisa 10 mulheres/mães usuárias do CREAS PAEFI “Adulto” do município de Colatina/ES, com faixa etária variando de 34 a 45 anos, que sofreram violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros e que possuíam pelo menos um filho. Também participaram da pesquisa 6 profissionais, com faixa etária variando de 25 a 38 anos, que faziam parte da equipe técnica do serviço. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi estruturadas realizadas individualmente em sala cedida pelo CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”. Para a organização dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo, sendo estes organizados em eixos temáticos e discutidos com base na Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner. Como resultados principais, pode-se notar que as interações estabelecidas entre os profissionais e as mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do CREAS favoreceram processos proximais que promoveram mudanças positivas nas características pessoais das mulheres e reforçaram as relações que elas possuíam com suas famílias, principalmente com os filhos. Também foi verificado no macrossistema, que os papéis sociais estabelecidos pela sociedade para o homem e para a mulher estavam presentes nos discursos das usuárias do serviço, os quais naturalizavam a mulher como responsável pelos filhos, casa e marido, e o homem como o provedor da casa. A maternidade foi considerada por todas as usuárias como um fator importante em suas vidas e causou mudanças na dinâmica familiar com o companheiro.Verificou-se o comprometimento e envolvimento dos profissionais no atendimento às mulheres que se mostraram interessadas e engajadas com o atendimento e que tinham o objetivo de reconstruir suas vidas. A articulação do CREAS com a rede de atendimento à mulher vítima de violência no município de Colatina foi considerada satisfatória, principalmente levando em consideração o fato de que a cidade é pequena, o que facilita o contato entre os serviços. Algumas mulheres expuseram outras fontes de apoio que atuaram concomitantemente ao CREAS como, os amigos e a religião (Deus). Conclui-se que o CREAS PAEFI foi um serviço integrante da rede de apoio sócio afetiva das mulheres vítimas de violência que participaram do estudo, atuando como um microssistema significativo que favoreceu o desenvolvimento das mulheres frente à situação de violência vivenciada