829 resultados para Notation musicale


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A penciled notation on this notebook's cover indicates that the handwriting is of Thomas Prince, Nathan's brother. Informally titled "An Heavenly Interposition of a Storm & Tempest," this notebook details Prince's point-by-point responses to the accusations against him. Prince also includes lists of each accusation and those making the accusation; he appears to have believed there was a conspiracy against him.


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Notation made at end of list: "Entered in the General Catalogue, and the Books designed for the undergraduates are marked thus (a)."


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The bound volume holds handwritten transcriptions of selected Harvard Commencement Quaestiones copied by Isaac Mansfield (Harvard AB 1742). The manuscript volume includes from the 1708 Quaestiones onward, the notation "N.B." next to questions performed by the candidate during the Commencement exercises; the original printed Quaestiones sheets do not note this information. The volume includes Quaestiones transcriptions for which no original broadsides are known to still exists.


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This bound volume contains excerpts copied by Jonathan Bullard from books he read as a student at Harvard in the mid 1770s. Excerpts include an unattributed poem titled "On Friendship," which appeared in the "poetical essays" section of Volume 36 of the London Magazine in 1767; Joseph Butler, The Analogy of Religion, 1736; The Quaker's Grace; a history of England; Newton's laws; Plutarch's Morals; Benjamin Franklin's writings on the Aurora Borealis. The volume also includes several extracts from articles about the death of John Paddock (Class of 1776), who drowned in the Charles in the summer of 1773, sheet music for two songs, "The Rapture," and "A Song" from Henry Harington's "Damon and Chlora," and a transcription of the satirical "Book of Harvard," written in response to the Butter Rebellion of 1766. Interleaved in the middle of the volume is a transcription from an ecclesiastical event moderated by Ebenezer Bridge in Medford, Mass. on November 20, 1779. The variety of texts suggests the commonplace book was not used solely for academic works.


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List of ship's expenses between Feb. 7 and May 25; dated at Aux Cayes, (Haiti) May 27, 1790; includes money paid to an interpreter at Tobago, workers for ship maintenance, and various harbor officials; and notation of purchases for goods such as sugar, coffee, rice, tar, food, and rum.


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64 sermons on verses from John, Proverbs, Revelations, Matthew, and other books of the Bible, with notation of dates and places delivered in and around Boston.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Post route map of the state of New York : and parts of Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, showing also the adjacent portions of the dominion of Canada, designed and constructed under the orders of Postmaster General, Alex. W. Randall, and second asst. Postmaster General, Geo. Wm. McLellan, by W.L. Nicholson, topographer of P.O. Dept. It was published by U.S. Post Office Dept. in 1868. Ink notation: "The service on this diagram brought up to date of Jan. 1st, 1871." Scale [1:380,160]. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 18N NAD83 projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, postal routes (with delivery schedule frequency and distances), drainage, cities and towns, counties, and more. Includes insets: Postal service of Long Island with the principal mail connections of the city of New York. Scale [1:380,160] -- [Parts of the provinces of Québec and Ontario bordering New York and Vermont]. Includes tables of distances and statistics. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Post route map of the state of New York : and parts of Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, showing also the adjacent portions of the dominion of Canada, designed and constructed under the orders of Postmaster General, Alex. W. Randall, and second asst. Postmaster General, Geo. Wm. McLellan, by W.L. Nicholson, topographer of P.O. Dept. It was published by U.S. Post Office Dept. in 1868. Ink notation: "The service on this diagram brought up to date of Jan. 1st, 1871." Scale [1:380,160]. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 18N NAD83 projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, postal routes (with delivery schedule frequency and distances), drainage, cities and towns, counties, and more. Includes insets: Postal service of Long Island with the principal mail connections of the city of New York. Scale [1:380,160] -- [Parts of the provinces of Québec and Ontario bordering New York and Vermont]. Includes tables of distances and statistics. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This qualitative study focuses on what contributes to making a music information-seeking experience satisfying in the context of everyday life. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 15 younger adults (18 to 29 years old). The analysis revealed that satisfaction could depend on both hedonic (i.e., experiencing pleasure) and utilitarian outcomes. It was found that two types of utilitarian outcomes contributed to satisfaction: (1) the acquisition of music, and (2) the acquisition of information about music. Information about music was gathered to (1) enrich the listening experience, (2) increase one's music knowledge, and/or (3) optimize future acquisition. This study contributes to a better understanding of music information-seeking behavior in recreational contexts. It also has implications for music information retrieval systems design: results suggest that these systems should be engaging, include a wealth of extra-musical information, allow users to navigate among music items, and encourage serendipitous encountering of music.


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Atualmente, as instituições do ensino superior, onde se inclui a Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, deparam-se com várias questões e desafios relacionados com a sua acreditação e a dos seus ciclos de estudo, e consequentemente, com a melhoria da qualidade do seu desempenho e o acesso a financiamento. Esta realidade exige novas abordagens e o aumento do nível de exigência a todos os intervenientes que contribuem para a qualidade do serviço prestado. No sentido de dar resposta a estes desafios, o Gabinete de Avaliação e Qualidade tem desenvolvido iniciativas e abordagens das quais o presente trabalho é um exemplo. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se, a partir de numa abordagem de Business Process Management, demonstrar a viabilidade e operacionalidade da utilização de uma ferramenta de Business Process Management System neste contexto. Para tal, realizou-se a modelação do processo de avaliação e acreditação desenvolvido pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior, através da utilização do Business Process Model and Notation. Esta proposta permitiu modelar os processos na instituição, demonstrando a utilização de uma abordagem Business Process Management numa organização desta natureza, com o objetivo de promover a sua melhoria.


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A Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM – Business Process Management) é uma abordagem que tem como objetivo melhorar a eficiência nas organizações, através da gestão dos processos, em que se realiza a sua modelação, organização e otimização de uma forma iterativa e contínua. O BPM permite suportar os processos de negócio, através da utilização de métodos, técnicas e software para projetar, representar e analisar processos organizacionais que envolvem, pessoas, organizações, aplicações, documentos e outras fontes de informação (Aalst, Hofstede, & Weske, 2003). Neste estudo é utilizado um Business Process Management System (BPMS) para realizar a modelação dos processos do Comité Européen de Rink-Hockey (CERH), para a inscrição de equipas e atletas, nos eventos realizados sob a responsabilidade deste comité. A modelação é realizada através da utilização do Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). A utilização do BPMS foi realizada considerando as seguintes etapas: (1) desenho do processo; (2) definição do processo; (3) desenvolvimento do processo e (4) administração e utilização de processos. Pretendeu-se, demonstrar a viabilidade e operacionalidade na utilização de uma ferramenta BPMS open-source, numa abordagem BPM, na modelação e implementação de processos, em detrimento de soluções proprietárias de custo elevado. O critério adotado para a seleção da ferramenta baseia-se na análise de relatórios sobre BPMS, que nos permitiu identificar e sustentar a solução adotada (Hill, Cantara, & Kerremans, 2009; Ovum, 2010; Richardson, Moore, Clair, & Vitti, 2010; Sinur & Hill, 2010). O resultado foi o desenvolvimento dos processos na organização, com a sua modelação em BPMN e implementação num BPMS, onde podemos comprovar a abordagem BPM numa organização desportiva.


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Analisi della produzione musicale delle girl band Little Mix e Fifth Harmony, del loro rapporto con la propria audience di riferimento e rappresentazione mediatica dei due gruppi.


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L’elaborato presenta la proposta di sottotitolaggio e la relativa analisi dell’episodio pilota della serie televisiva Galavant. Questa commedia musicale presenta molte sfide dal punto di vista traduttivo, data la presenza di innumerevoli canzoni. Per la traduzione di quest’ultime, si è scelto di renderle in italiano come se dovessero essere cantate in un possibile doppiaggio nostrano, rispettando dunque la loro struttura originale. L’elaborato si sviluppa in tre capitoli. Nel primo, viene presentata la traduzione audiovisiva, con particolare attenzione alla tecnica del sottotitolaggio, agli aspetti tecnici e alle restrizioni a cui devono sottostare i sottotitoli, con un’ultima parte dedicata alla traduzione delle canzoni. Il secondo capitolo è incentrato sull’introduzione della serie e dell’episodio scelto per l’analisi, con una breve descrizione del particolare umorismo da cui è caratterizzata. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al commento alla traduzione, con una presentazione dei problemi riscontrati durante la stesura dei sottotitoli e delle soluzioni trovate. Infine, in appendice si può trovare la tabella in cui sono elencati tutti i sottotitoli, con la loro versione inglese e italiana e i relativi tempi di entrata e di uscita.


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This qualitative study focuses on what contributes to making a music information-seeking experience satisfying in the context of everyday life. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 15 younger adults (18 to 29 years old). The analysis revealed that satisfaction could depend on both hedonic (i.e., experiencing pleasure) and utilitarian outcomes. It was found that two types of utilitarian outcomes contributed to satisfaction: (1) the acquisition of music, and (2) the acquisition of information about music. Information about music was gathered to (1) enrich the listening experience, (2) increase one's music knowledge, and/or (3) optimize future acquisition. This study contributes to a better understanding of music information-seeking behavior in recreational contexts. It also has implications for music information retrieval systems design: results suggest that these systems should be engaging, include a wealth of extra-musical information, allow users to navigate among music items, and encourage serendipitous encountering of music.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le rôle du geste musical dans le développement de styles musicaux devenus syncrétiques. Il s’attarde à définir dans le détail le style de guitare populaire assiko propre aux Bassa du Cameroun du Sud lequel est représenté internationalement par le guitariste et percussionniste traditionnel Atna Njock. Grâce à une approche dialogique et participative, les techniques du jeu assiko sont explorées et comparées à des exemples de jeu de guitare européenne, afro-américaines et africaines. Les influences qui définissent le jeu d’Atna découlent de la culture Bassa et de son histoire marquée par l’influence coloniale et missionnaire, mais sont aussi alimentées par la «philosophie» (voire la spiritualité) et le passé musical de l’artiste. L’approche participative fournit une perspective émique, c’est-à-dire interne à la culture, de la gestuelle et de la structure du jeu assiko même si nous confrontons les propos du musicien à notre propre regard analytique. La comparaison avec divers instruments de percussion auxquels Atna a été initié montre comment ceux-ci ont forgé son jeu guitaristique. Son rôle de « garant » de la tradition musicale Bassa influence son approche et se manifeste par une préoccupation particulière pour l’« authenticité » dans la reproduction des rythmes d’un « langage » musical donné. Ses liens avec la culture Bassa, s’expriment notamment par le biais de sa reproduction du style de jeu de son maître, Jean Bikoko « Aladin ». La contribution particulière d’Atna à la technique de guitare de Bikoko est comprise comme un ajout à la lignée ancestrale. Une analyse d’un morceau du répertoire assiko issu du plus récent album d’Atna illustre d’ailleurs comment son incorporation de styles « modernes » reproduit les processus traditionnels en intégrant des éléments culturels étrangers.