981 resultados para Noncatalytic Fluid Solid Reactions


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During fluorescence cystoscopy, it is observed that the acquired images are sometimes blurred by a greenish background originating from the bladder washout fluid. Several fluorophores are involved in this overall liquid fluorescence, and their exact origin and relative contributions remain unknown. In this study, the bladder washout fluid is sampled at different times during fluorescence cystoscopy examinations. In total, 32 samples from 12 patients are analyzed with a spectrofluorimeter (excitation range: 350-445 nm, emission range 380-700 nm). This study shows clearly that the position of the fluorescence peaks (excitation/emission wavelengths: 450/525 nm, 405/625 nm) and shoulder (440/525 nm) is reproducible between different patients. It also suggests that an excitation at wavelengths higher than 400 nm helps to suppress this solution background fluorescence. Additionally, the pH of the solution seems to influence the position of the fluorescence peaks, and this suggests that changing the pH of the examination liquid could help in avoiding the greenish background.


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The 1990s witnessed the launching of two ambitious trade regionalization plans, the Nafta and EU enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe. In contrast to previous projects for the creation or expansion of regional trade blocs, these two projects concerned states at dramatically different levels of economic development: The Nafta involved the very wealthy economies of Canada and the USA and the significantly poorer economy of Mexico, whereas EU enlargement involved the very wealthy economy of the 15 member-state European Union and the significantly poorer economies of former Communist states in Central and Eastern Europe. Ultimately, the Nafta and EU enlargement are responses to the challenges of globalization. Paradoxically, however, they have been met with radically different societal reactions in the wealthy partners that participated in the launching of these processes. This paper focuses on the reaction by labor unions on both sides of the Atlantic. I conclude that while labor relations and welfare institutions constrained the trade policy choices made by labor unions in the United States and Europe, they do not tell the whole story. It would seem that United States labor unions were more sensitive to the potential risks for workers associated to the liberalization of trade than were their European counterparts.


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The action of various DNA topoisomerases frequently results in characteristic changes in DNA topology. Important information for understanding mechanistic details of action of these topoisomerases can be provided by investigating the knot types resulting from topoisomerase action on circular DNA forming a particular knot type. Depending on the topological bias of a given topoisomerase reaction, one observes different subsets of knotted products. To establish the character of topological bias, one needs to be aware of all possible topological outcomes of intersegmental passages occurring within a given knot type. However, it is not trivial to systematically enumerate topological outcomes of strand passage from a given knot type. We present here a 3D visualization software (TopoICE-X in KnotPlot) that incorporates topological analysis methods in order to visualize, for example, knots that can be obtained from a given knot by one intersegmental passage. The software has several other options for the topological analysis of mechanisms of action of various topoisomerases.


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Discs of polyvinyl alcohol cross-linked with glutaraldehyde were synthesized under acid catalysis (H2SO4). Then, the antigen F1 purified from Yersinia pestis was covalently linked to this modified polymer. Afterwards, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was established for the diagnosis of plague in rabbit and human. The best conditions for the method were achieved by using 1.3 ¼g of F1 prepared in 0.067 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, containing 1 M NaCl (PBS); anti-IgG peroxidase conjugate diluted 6,000 times and as a blocking agent 3% w/v skim milk in PBS. The titration of positive rabbit serum according to this procedure detected antibody concentrations up to 1:12,800 times. The present method, the conventional ELISA and passive haemagglutination assay are compared.


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This research project analyzes the reactions the teacher has on students' responses. Different techniques as discourse markers, types of questions and repair sequences are taken into account, but the author puts a special emphasis on non-verbal communication. To be aware of all these ways of reacting in a class interaction is essential for an adequate task monitoring


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Stable isotope and Ar-40/Ar-39 measurements,were made on samples associated with a major tectonic discontinuity in the Helvetic Alps, the basal thrust of the Diablerets nappe (external zone of the Alpine Belt) in order to determine both the importance of fluids in this thrust zone and the timing of thrusting. A systematic decrease in the delta(18)O values (up to 6 parts per thousand) of calcite, quartz, and white mica exists within a 10- to 70-m-wide zone over a distance of 37 km along the thrust, and they become more pronounced toward the root of the nappe. A similar decrease in the delta(13)C values of calcite is observed only in the deepest sections (up to 3 parts per thousand). The delta D-SMOW (SMOW = standard mean ocean water) values of white mica are -54 parts per thousand +/- 8 parts per thousand (n = 22) and are independent of the distance from the thrust. These variations are interpreted to reflect syntectonic solution reprecipitation during fluid passage along the thrust. The calculated delta(18)O and delta D values (versus SMOW) for the fluid in equilibrium with the analyzed minerals is 12 parts per thousand to 16 parts per thousand and -30 parts per thousand to +5 parts per thousand, respectively, for assumed temperatures of 250 to 450 degrees C. The isotopic and structural data are consistent with fluids derived from the deep-seated roots of the Helvetic nappes where large volumes of Mesozoic sediments were metamorphosed to the amphibolite facies, It is suggested that connate and metamorphic waters, overpressured by rapid tectonic burial in a subductive system escaped by upward infiltration along moderately dipping pathways until they reached the main shear zone at the base of the moving pile, where they were channeled toward the surface, This model also explains the mechanism by which large amounts of fluid were removed from the Mesozoic sediments during Alpine metamorphism. White mica Ar-49/Ar-39 ages vary from 27 Ma far from the Diablerets thrust to 15 Ma along the thrust. An older component is observed in micas far from the thrust, interpreted as a detrital signature, and indicates that regional metamorphic temperatures were less than about 350 degrees C. The;plateau and near plateau ages nearest the thrust are consistent with either neocrystallization of white mica or argon loss by recrystallization during thrusting, which may have been enhanced in the zones of highest fluid flow. The 15 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 age plateau measured on white mica sampled exactly on the thrust surface dates the end of both fluid flow and tectonic transport.


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The process of on-line generation of ultrapure dialysis fluid is a core prerequisite for the safe execution of modern renal replacement therapies such as on-line hemodiafiltration and high-flux hemodialysis. In these extracorporeal treatments with variable degrees of convection, significant volumes of plasma water are removed and replaced with dialysis fluid, which must occur without causing harm to the patient. Historically, on-line generation of sterile and pyrogen-free physiological substitution fluid by the process of membrane ultrafiltration of fresh dialysis fluid has its origin in hemofiltration, a purely convective therapy. Development of this and later therapies is described in the historical context of a successful effort over decades to overcome the above formidable challenge, which was provided jointly by pioneering clinical investigators and a resourceful dialysis industry.


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RESUME Introduction : Les naissances prématurées compliquent 6-10 % des grossesses dans les pays industrialisés et contribuent de façon notable aux taux de mortalité périnatale et de morbidité néonatale. Il a été démontré que la colonisation bactérienne du liquide amniotique joue un rôle dans l'étiologie des accouchements prématurés spontanés et des ruptures prématurées des membranes. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer la présence de Mycoplasma hominis dans le liquide amniotique prélevé au 2eme trimestre de grossesse chez des patientes asymptomatiques et de déterminer son association avec une issue défavorable de la grossesse. Matériels et méthodes : Les échantillons de liquide amniotique de 456 patientes ayant subi une amniocentèse trans-abdominale entre les 15eme et I7eme semaines de grossesse pour diverses indications ont été testés par PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) afin d'identifier Mycoplasma hominis. Les produits ainsi amplifiés étaient ensuite détectés par ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Les données cliniques étaient obtenues après l'accouchement. Résultats : Mycoplasma hominis a été identifié dans 29 (6,4%) des échantillons de liquide amniotique. Le taux de menace d'accouchement prématuré chez les patientes positives pour Mycoplasma hominis (14,3%) était plus élevé que chez les patientes négatives (3,3 %) (p=0,01). De même, les naissances prématurées spontanées avec membranes intactes étaient plus fréquentes chez les patientes positives (10,7%) que chez les patientes négatives (1,9 %) (p=0,02). Le taux de menace d'accouchement prématuré lors d'une grossesse antérieure était plus de trois fois plus élevé chez les patientes positives, cependant ce résultat n'était pas statistiquement significatif. Finalement, la présence du mycoplasme n'était pas corrélée à la gestose, au retard de croissance intra-utérin ou aux anomalies chromosomiques foetales. Conclusions : Les résultats montrent que la présence de Mycoplasma hominis dans le liquide amniotique prélevé entre les 15eme et I7eme semaines d' aménorrhée chez des patientes asymptomatiques est associée à un taux plus élevé de menace d'accouchement prématuré et de naissances prématurées spontanées. La détection de ce microorganisme au 2eme trimestre de la grossesse peut donc identifier les patientes à risque de menace d'accouchement et de naissance prématurées. Abstract Objective: The relationship between detection of Mycoplasma hominis in mid-trimester amniotic fluid and subsequent pregnancy outcome was investigated. Study design: Amniotic fluids from 456 women of European background who underwent a transabdominal amniocentesis at weeks 15-17 of pregnancy were tested for M. hominis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplicons were hybridized to an internal probe and detected by ELISA. Pregnancy outcomes and clinical data were subsequently obtained. Results: M. hominis were identified in 29 (6.4%) of the amniotic fluids. The rate of preterm labor in women positive for M. hominis (14.3%) was higher than in the negative women (3.3%) (p = 0.01). Similarly, a spontaneous preterm birth with intact membranes occurred in 10.7% of the M. hominis-posltive women as opposed to only 1.9% of the negative women (p = 0.02). The presence of this mycoplasma was not correlated with fetal chromosomal aberrations, intrauterine growth restriction or preeclampsia. Conclusions: Detection of M. hominis in second-trimester amniotic fluids can identify women at increased risk for subsequent preterm labor and delivery.


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BACKGROUND: Enterovirus (EV) is the most frequent cause of aseptic meningitis (AM). Lack of microbiological documentation results in unnecessary antimicrobial therapy and hospitalization. OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of rapid EV detection in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by a fully-automated PCR (GeneXpert EV assay, GXEA) on the management of AM. STUDY DESIGN: Observational study in adult patients with AM. Three groups were analyzed according to EV documentation in CSF: group A=no PCR or negative PCR (n=17), group B=positive real-time PCR (n=20), and group C=positive GXEA (n=22). Clinical, laboratory and health-care costs data were compared. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics were similar in the 3 groups. Median turn-around time of EV PCR decreased from 60h (IQR (interquartile range) 44-87) in group B to 5h (IQR 4-11) in group C (p<0.0001). Median duration of antibiotics was 1 (IQR 0-6), 1 (0-1.9), and 0.5 days (single dose) in groups A, B, and C, respectively (p<0.001). Median length of hospitalization was 4 days (2.5-7.5), 2 (1-3.7), and 0.5 (0.3-0.7), respectively (p<0.001). Median hospitalization costs were $5458 (2676-6274) in group A, $2796 (2062-5726) in group B, and $921 (765-1230) in group C (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Rapid EV detection in CSF by a fully-automated PCR improves management of AM by significantly reducing antibiotic use, hospitalization length and costs.


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To demonstrate the potential of McCoy cells for the isolation of rabies virus from the cerebrospinal (CSF) fluid of a patient with a diagnosis of rabies, McCoy cells were inoculated with CSF from a patient with a clinical diagnosis of rabies and investigated in terms of morphometric aspect using the JAVA analysis system for the quantification of the increased size of infected cells compared to noninfected cells. The cells were also examined in terms of specific staining for the diagnosis of rabies by the method of Sellers for the observation of intracytoplasmic inclusions and by specific immunofluorescence staining for rabies virus. Infected cells showed changes in cell permeability and morphologic modifications which differed significantly compared to normal cells (P<0.001) when analyzed by the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Intense activity of the endoplasmic reticulum was also observed, as indicated by the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusions visualized by specific staining. The present study demonstrated the isolation of rabies virus from the CSF of a patient with rabies, showing that McCoy cells can be used for the laboratory diagnosis of patients suspected to have rabies.


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The work in this paper deals with the development of momentum and thermal boundary layers when a power law fluid flows over a flat plate. At the plate we impose either constant temperature, constant flux or a Newton cooling condition. The problem is analysed using similarity solutions, integral momentum and energy equations and an approximation technique which is a form of the Heat Balance Integral Method. The fluid properties are assumed to be independent of temperature, hence the momentum equation uncouples from the thermal problem. We first derive the similarity equations for the velocity and present exact solutions for the case where the power law index n = 2. The similarity solutions are used to validate the new approximation method. This new technique is then applied to the thermal boundary layer, where a similarity solution can only be obtained for the case n = 1.


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Abstract Background. The broad spectrum of antitumor activity of both the oral platinum analogue satraplatin (S) and capecitabine (C), along with the advantage of their oral administration, prompted a clinical study aimed to define the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of the combination. Patients and methods. Four dose levels of S (mg/m(2)/day) and C (mg/m(2)/day) were evaluated in adult patients with advanced solid tumors: 60/1650, 80/1650, 60/2000, 70/2000; a course consisted of 28 days with sequential administration of S (days 1-5) and C (days 8-21) followed by one week rest. Results. Thirty-seven patients were treated, 24 in the dose escalation and 13 in the expansion phase; at the MTD, defined at S 70/C 2000, two patients presented dose limiting toxicities: lack of recovery of neutropenia by day 42 and nausea with dose skip of C. Most frequent toxicities were nausea (57%), diarrhea (51%), neutropenia (46%), anorexia, fatigue, vomiting (38% each). Two partial responses were observed in platinum sensitive ovarian cancer and one in prostate cancer. Conclusion. At S 70/C 2000 the combination of sequential S and C is tolerated with manageable toxicities; its evaluation in platinum and fluorouracil sensitive tumor types is worthwhile because of the easier administration and lack of nephro- and neurotoxicity as compared to parent compounds.


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Fluid that fills boreholes in crosswell electrical resistivity investigations provides the necessary electrical contact between the electrodes and the rock formation but it is also the source of image artifacts in standard inversions that do not account for the effects of the boreholes. The image distortions can be severe for large resistivity contrasts between the rock formation and borehole fluid and for large borehole diameters. We have carried out 3D finite-element modeling using an unstructured-grid approach to quantify the magnitude of borehole effects for different resistivity contrasts, borehole diameters, and electrode configurations. Relatively common resistivity contrasts of 100:1 and borehole diameters of 10 and 20 cm yielded, for a bipole length of 5 m, apparent resistivity underestimates of approximately 12% and 32% when using AB-MN configurations and apparent resistivity overestimates of approximately 24% and 95% when using AM-BN configurations. Effects are generally more severe at shorter bipole spacings. We report the results obtained by either including or ignoring the boreholes in inversions of 3D field data from a test site in Switzerland, where approximately 10,000 crosswell resistivity-tomography measurements were made across six acquisition planes among four boreholes. Inversions of raw data that ignored the boreholes filled with low-resistivity fluid paradoxically produced high-resistivity artifacts around the boreholes. Including correction factors based on the modeling results fora ID model with and without the boreholes did not markedly improve the images. The only satisfactory approach was to use a 3D inversion code that explicitly incorporated the boreholes in the actual inversion. This new approach yielded an electrical resistivity image that was devoid of artifacts around the boreholes and that correlated well with coincident crosswell radar images.


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Aggregating fetal liver cell cultures were tested for their ability to metabolize xenobiotics using ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase (ECOD), as marker of phase I metabolism, and glutathione S-transferase (GST), as marker for phase II reactions. Significant basal activities, stable over 14 days in culture were measured for both ECOD and GST activities. The prototype cytochrome P450 inducers, 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) and phenobarbital (PB), increased ECOD and GST activities reaching an optimum 7 days after culturing, followed by a decline in activity. This decline was partially prevented by 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) added chronically to the culture medium. DMSO was also found to induce ECOD activity and to a lesser extent GST activity. Furthermore, it potentiated in a dose-dependent manner the induction of ECOD by PB. The food-borne carcinogen 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) is metabolically transformed through a number of pathways in vivo. It was therefore used to examine the metabolic capacity in fetal and adult liver cell aggregates. Metabolism of MeIQx was mainly through N2-conjugation, resulting in formation of the N2-glucuronide and sulfamate conjugates for non-induced fetal liver cells. These metabolites were also found in large amounts in non-induced adult liver cells. Low levels of cytochrome P450-mediated ring-hydroxylated metabolites were detected in both non-induced fetal and adult liver cells. After induction with arochlor (PCB) or 3-MC, the major pathway was ring-hydroxylation (cytochrome P450 dependent), followed by conjugation to beta-glucuronic or sulfuric acid. The presence of the glucuronide conjugate of N-hydroxy-MeIQx, a mutagenic metabolite, suggested an induction of P450 CYP1A2. The metabolism of MeIQx by liver cell aggregates is very similar to that observed in vivo and suggests that aggregating liver cell cultures are a useful model for in vitro metabolic studies in toxicology.