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We determined the isotopic composition of oxygen in marine diatoms in eight deep-sea cores recovered from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The analytical reproducibility and core-to-core consistency of the isotopic signal suggests that diatom delta18O can be used as a new paleocenographic tool to reconstruct past variations in surface water characteristics and to generate 18O -isotope-based stratigraphy for the Southern Ocean. The data indicate that diatom delta18O reflects sea surface temperature and seawater isotopic composition and that diatoms retain their isotopic signal on timescales of a least 430 ka. The delta18O analyses of different diatom assemblages reveal that the isotopic signal is free of species effects and that the common Antarctic species have the same water-opal fractionation. The transition from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to the Holocene is fully recorded in high sedimentation rate cores. An 18O enrichment during the LGM, a post-LGM meltwater spike and an input of meltwater during the late Holocene are the main isotopic features observed in down core records. The origin of this meltwater was very likely melting icebergs and/or continental ice or by melting sea ice that had accumulated snow. The most pronounced meltwater effects are recorded in cores that are associated with the Weddel gyre. Our results provide the basis for extending isotope studies to oceanic regions devoid of carbonate; further, isotopic stratigraphies may be constructed for records and regions where they were previously not possible.


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The middle Miocene delta18O increase represents a fundamental change in earth's climate system due to a major expansion and permanent establishment of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet accompanied by some effect of deepwater cooling. The long-term cooling trend in the middle to late Miocene was superimposed by several punctuated periods of glaciations (Mi-Events) characterized by oxygen isotopic shifts that have been related to the waxing and waning of the Antarctic ice-sheet and bottom water cooling. Here, we present a high-resolution benthic stable oxygen isotope record from ODP Site 1085 located at the southwestern African continental margin that provides a detailed chronology for the middle to late Miocene (13.9-7.3 Ma) climate transition in the eastern South Atlantic. A composite Fe intensity record obtained by XRF core scanning ODP Sites 1085 and 1087 was used to construct an astronomically calibrated chronology based on orbital tuning. The oxygen isotope data exhibit four distinct delta18O excursions, which have astronomical ages of 13.8, 13.2, 11.7, and 10.4 Ma and correspond to the Mi3, Mi4, Mi5, and Mi6 events. A global climate record was extracted from the oxygen isotopic composition. Both long- and short-term variabilities in the climate record are discussed in terms of sea-level and deep-water temperature changes. The oxygen isotope data support a causal link between sequence boundaries traced from the shelf and glacioeustatic changes due to ice-sheet growth. Spectral analysis of the benthic delta18O record shows strong power in the 400-kyr and 100-kyr bands documenting a paleoceanographic response to eccentricity-modulated variations in precession. A spectral peak around 180-kyr might be related to the asymmetry of the obliquity cycle indicating that the response of the dominantly unipolar Antarctic ice-sheet to obliquityinduced variations probably controlled the middle to late Miocene climate system. Maxima in the delta18O record, interpreted as glacial periods, correspond to minima in 100-kyr eccentricity cycle and minima in the 174-kyr obliquity modulation. Strong middle to late Miocene glacial events are associated with 400-kyr eccentricity minima and obliquity modulation minima. Thus, fluctuations in the amplitude of obliquity and eccentricity seem to be the driving force for the middle to late Miocene climate variability.


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Hydrographical changes of the southern Indian Ocean over the last 230 kyr, is reconstructed using a 17-m-long sediment core (MD 88 770; 46°01'S 96°28'E, 3290m). The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of planktonic (N. pachyderma sinistra and G. bulloides) and benthic (Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Epistominella exigua, and Melonis barleeanum) foraminifera have been analysed. Changes in sea surface temperatures (SST) are calculated using diatom and foraminiferal transfer functions. A new core top calibration for the Southern Ocean allows an extension of the method developed in the North Atlantic to estimate paleosalinities (Duplessy et al., 1991). The age scale is built using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating of N. pachyderma s. for the last 35 kyr, and an astronomical age scale beyond. Changes in surface temperature and salinity clearly lead (by 3 to 7 kyr) deep water variations. Thus changes in deep water circulation are not the cause of the early response of the surface Southern Ocean to climatic changes. We suggest that the early warming and cooling of the Southern Ocean result from at least two processes acting in different orbital bands and latitudes: (1) seasonality modulated by obliquity affects the high-latitude ocean surface albedo (sea ice coverage) and heat transfer to and from the atmosphere; (2) low-latitude insolation modulated by precession influences directly the atmosphere dynamic and related precipitation/ evaporation changes, which may significantly change heat transfer to the high southern latitudes, through their control on latitudinal distribution of the major frontal zones and on the conditions of intermediate and deep water formation.


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Since the seminal work by Hays et al. (1976), a plethora of studies has demonstrated a correlation between orbital variations and climatic change. However, information on how changes in orbital boundary conditions affected the frequency and amplitude of millennial-scale climate variability is still fragmentary. The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 19, an interglacial centred at around 785 ka, provides an opportunity to pursue this question and test the hypothesis that the long-term processes set up the boundary conditions within which the short-term processes operate. Similarly to the current interglacial, MIS 19 is characterised by a minimum of the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle, subdued amplitude of precessional changes, and small amplitude variations in insolation. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during MIS 19 using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sedimentary sequence in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313) in order to assess the stability and duration of this interglacial, and evaluate the climate system's response in the millennial band to known orbitally induced insolation changes. Benthic and planktonic foraminiferal d18O values indicate relatively stable conditions during the peak warmth of MIS 19, but sea-surface and deep-water reconstructions start diverging during the transition towards the glacial MIS 18, when large, cold excursions disrupt the surface waters whereas low amplitude millennial scale fluctuations persist in the deep waters as recorded by the oxygen isotope signal. The glacial inception occurred at ~779 ka, in agreement with an increased abundance of tetra-unsaturated alkenones, reflecting the influence of icebergs and associated meltwater pulses and high-latitude waters at the study site. After having combined the new results with previous data from the same site, and using a variety of time series analysis techniques, we evaluate the evolution of millennial climate variability in response to changing orbital boundary conditions during the Early-Middle Pleistocene. Suborbital variability in both surface- and deep-water records is mainly concentrated at a period of ~11 kyr and, additionally, at ~5.8 and ~3.9 kyr in the deep ocean; these periods are equal to harmonics of precession band oscillations. The fact that the response at the 11 kyr period increased over the same interval during which the amplitude of the response to the precessional cycle increased supports the notion that most of the variance in the 11 kyr band in the sedimentary record is nonlinearly transferred from precession band oscillations. Considering that these periodicities are important features in the equatorial and intertropical insolation, these observations are in line with the view that the low-latitude regions play an important role in the response of the climate system to the astronomical forcing. We conclude that the effect of the orbitally induced insolation is of fundamental importance in regulating the timing and amplitude of millennial scale climate variability.


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Palynological investigations of sediments from northern Bavaria (Rhön, Grabfeld, Lange Berge) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. The older sedirnents were found in the Rhön (Schwarzes Moor) and date back into the Bölling Period. At the end of that period pine spread into the Grabfeld. In both areas Lacher Tuff has been found. A radiocarbon date of 10,300 BP was found for the Late Glacial - Postglacial transition and one of 9300 BP for the Preboreal - Boreal transition. Hazel reached its highest values in the Rhön around 7,400 BP. During the Atlanticum a deciduous mixed oak forest covered the Rhön and Grabfeld regions. Beech dominated since the Subatlanticum. In the Lange Berge region, however, a mixed forest with Fagus, Picea, Pinus and Abies developed. In the Rhön first anthropogenic influence was found during the Latene Period. The boundary between zone IX and X has been dated at 820 A.D., and the start of extensive forest clearances at 1000 A. D. A culmination of landuse was found for the Medieval Period. At the end of that period however the Rhön was deserted. New forest clearances started around 1500 A.D., but were interrupted by the 'Thirty Years War'. Afterwards the Rhön got its present appearance.


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Studies from the subtropical western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, using the 231Pa/230Th ratio as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. In this study, we present a compilation of existing and new sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records from North Atlantic cores between 1710 and 4550 m water depth. Comparing sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from different depths provides new insights into the evolution of the geometry and rate of deep water formation in the North Atlantic during the last 20,000 years. The 231Pa/230Th ratio measured in upper Holocene sediments indicates slow water renewal above ?2500 m and rapid flushing below, consistent with our understanding of modern circulation. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) drove a rapid overturning circulation to a depth of at least ?3000 m depth. Below ~4000 m, water renewal was much slower than today. At the onset of Heinrich event 1, transport by the overturning circulation declined at all depths. GNAIW shoaled above 3000 m and significantly weakened but did not totally shut down. During the Bølling-Allerød (BA) that followed, water renewal rates further decreased above 2000 m but increased below. Our results suggest for the first time that ocean circulation during that period was quite distinct from the modern circulation mode, with a comparatively higher renewal rate above 3000 m and a lower renewal rate below in a pattern similar to the LGM but less accentuated. MOC during the Younger Dryas appears very similar to BA down to 2000 m and slightly slower below.


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Sediment cores were recovered from the New Ireland Basin, east of Papua New Guinea, in order to investigate the late Quaternary eruptive history of the Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni (TLTF) volcanic chain. Foraminifera d18O profiles were matched to the low-latitude oxygen isotope record to date the cores, which extend back to the early part of d18O Stage 9 (333 ka). Sedimentation rates decrease from >10 cm/1000 yr in cores near New Ireland to ~2 cm/1000 yr further offshore. The cores contain 36 discrete ash beds, mostly 1-8 cm thick and interpreted as either fallout or distal turbidite deposits. Most beds have compositionally homogeneous glass shard populations, indicating that they represent single volcanic events. Shards from all ash beds have the subduction-related pattern of strong enrichment in the large-ion lithophile elements relative to MORB, but three distinct compositional groups are apparent: Group A beds are shoshonitic and characterised by >1300 ppm Sr, high Ce/Yb and high Nb/Yb relative to MORB, Group B beds form a high-K series with MORB-like Nb/Yb but high Ce/Yb and well-developed negative Eu anomalies, whereas Group C beds are transitional between the low-K and medium-K series and characterised by flat chondrite-normalised REE patterns with low Nb/Yb relative to MORB. A comparison with published data from the TLTF chain, the New Britain volcanic arc and backarc including Rabaul, and Bagana on Bougainville demonstrates that only Group A beds share the distinctive phenocryst assemblage and shoshonitic geochemistry of the TLTF lavas. The crystal- and lithic-rich character of the Group A beds point to a nearby source, and their high Sr, Ce/Yb and Nb/Yb match those of Tanga and Feni lavas. A youthful stratocone on the eastern side of Babase Island in the Feni group is the most probable source. Group A beds younger than 20 ka are more fractionated than the older Group A beds, and record the progressive development of a shallow level magma chamber beneath the cone. In contrast, Group B beds represent glass-rich fallout from voluminous eruptions at Rabaul, whereas Group C beds represent distal glass-rich fallout from elsewhere along the volcanic front of the New Britain arc.


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The cores described in this report were taken during the R/V Robert Conrad Cruise 05 from March until April 1963 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University. A total of 13 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.


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The cores described in this report were taken during the R/V Robert Conrad Cruise 02 from 26 until 28 January 1963 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University. A total of 5 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.