951 resultados para Mother and infant - Psychological aspects


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O trabalho tem como tema central o estudo teórico e a pesquisa empírica das variáveis esperança, crenças esperançosas e sentido de vida em pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer. No plano teórico, objetivou estudar a Teoria Antropológica La Espera y la Esperanza, de Laín Entralgo, procurando aplicá-la à experiência profissional em Psico-Oncologia; estabelecer uma relação teórica entre o conceito de esperança, de Laín Entralgo, e o conceito psicológico de crença; buscar um vínculo entre o conceito de esperança de Laín Entralgo e o conceito de sentido da vida de Viktor Frankl; e, desvelar a complementaridade da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida, de Frankl, no sentido de que a análise do encontro seria favorecedora do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido. No plano empírico, investigou os possíveis efeitos psicológicos e sua repercussão no estado de saúde geral do paciente oncológico, decorrente de uma intervenção psicológica fundamentada por esses princípios teóricos. Foi conduzido um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, baseado na estratégia da pesquisa-ação. Participaram, voluntariamente, quatro homens, com diagnóstico de neoplasia maligna (câncer de próstata = 2; câncer de intestino = 1; câncer de língua = 1), média de idade 62,8 (4,3) e escolaridade 6,8 (3,4). As informações foram coletadas através de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, com frequência semanal e duração de 1h30. Empregou-se o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para rastreio de déficit cognitivo e o Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI) para identificação de presença de sintomatologia depressiva. O resultados obtidos no MEEM (28,31,7) revelaram ausência de declínio cognitivo. Os escores do BDI indicaram ausência de sintomas significativos de depressão. Os depoimentos dos participantes foram analisados com base no método de Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin), através da técnica de Análise Temática. Os achados indicam que: crenças esperançosas vinculam o sentido da vida à esperança; a busca de um sentido para a existência é variável importante quando se trata das condutas consequentes da esperança: passividade e atividade; o caráter complementar da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida de Frankl evidencia-se na convivência, em especial na relação dialógica, que se mostra favorecedora da descoberta do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido; os pacientes esperançosos são mais ativos sob diversos aspectos no sentido físico, psicológico e social, quando o seu estado físico assim o permite, do que aqueles que se mostram desesperançados; as pessoas esperançosas tendem a resignar-se e a encontrar alternativas psicologicamente mais saudáveis em face da doença do que aquelas que se mostram mais desesperançadas. Considerando a natureza da pesquisa, o reduzido número de participantes, usuários do SUS e sob os cuidados do mesmo médico, estes achados devem ser examinados com cautela posto que representam indícios reveladores de que exista uma relação entre crenças esperançosas e a evolução do câncer, favorecida pelo sentido da vida.


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[eus] Egun, adin txikikoenekin batera eskolako testuinguruan barneratzean, irakasleek familiak haurren garapen psikologikoan eta pertsonalean zuzenean eragiten duela hautematen dute. Izan ere, seme alaben hezkuntzan familiak duen hezteko estiloak eta inplikazio mailak, seme alabek bizitzak eta hezkuntza akademikoak planteatzen dizkieten erronkei aurre egiteko dituzten jarreretan eragingo du, euren errendimendu akademikoa baldintzatuz. Horren ondorioz, lan honetan, bilaketa bibliografiko baten bidez, ikasleen ikaskuntza prozesua, garapen pertsonala eta psikologikoa ahalik eta modu hoberenean estimulatzea ziurtatuko dituzten aspektuak ikertzen dira. Horrela, hauen errendimendu akademikoa eta ongizate psikologikoa bide positibo batetik bideratu eta ikasleei, irakasleei eta familiei erantzuteko bideak ireki nahi direlarik.


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O estudo das interações iniciais entre mãe e bebê é fundamental para a compreensão da ontogênese humana (Seidl-de-Moura, et al., 2008) e para ajudar a promover a saúde relacional da díade. Nos estudos sobre as interações inicias entre mãe e bebê prematuro, ainda há um questionamento sobre se o nascimento prematuro e a internação em uma UTI-Neonatal fortalecem ou enfraquecem as trocas entre os membros da díade. Assim, neste estudo observou-se e analisou-se as interações iniciais entre mãe e bebê prematuro na UTI-Neonatal, observou o desenvolvimento das interações ao longo de dois meses, e comparou com interações de um grupo de mães-bebês nascidos a termo, de acordo com categorias predefinidas para a análise de vídeos. Também analisou, através de entrevistas, as características que as mães de cada tipo de díade relataram sobre seus filhos, bem como as metas de desenvolvimento apontadas e as emoções que expressaram em relação ao bebê. Participaram da pesquisa 20 díades mãe-bebê de nascidos a termo, e 20 díades de mãebebê de prematuros, nascidos entre 28 e 36 semanas de idade gestacional. Entre outras evidências, enquanto os bebês estavam na UTI-Neonatal, foram encontradas associações significativas entre as características maternas e as do bebê. Após a alta hospitalar, houve associações significativas entre a sincronia da díade e os comportamentos dos bebês. Não houve diferenças significativas entre as características de interações quando a díade estava na UTI-Neonatal e após dois meses. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as díades de mães-bebês prematuros e mães-bebês a termo em relação à sincronia da díade, nem tampouco entre os comportamentos maternos nos dois momentos de observação, mas uma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os comportamentos autorregulatórios dos bebês nascidos a termo e os dos prematuros. Verificou-se que para os dois grupos de mães, as emoções mais frequentemente relatadas foram as de amor e apego. As metas de desenvolvimento mais apontadas enquanto as mães estavam com seu bebê na UTI-Neonatal foram voltadas para o desenvolvimento físico do bebê, e quando os bebês estavam com dois meses, as metas eram mais voltadas para o desenvolvimento emocional, da mesma forma como ocorreu com as mães de bebês a termo. As características mais apontadas pelas mães ao pensarem em seus bebês enquanto eles estavam na UTI-Neonatal foram as físicas, enquanto após a alta, foram as pessoais e emocionais, assim como ocorreu com as mães de bebês nascidos a termo. Os resultados se contrapõem a afirmações de que em episódios de interação as mães de prematuros são menos sensitivas, mais intrusivas, e seus bebês, menos atentos e responsivos. Apontaram, ao contrário, para uma certa continuidade entre o que se observou na UTI-Neonatal e aos dois meses. Também não foram identificadas diferenças significativas na maioria das características de interações entre mães e bebês prematuros e mães e bebês nascidos a termo. Assim, tais resultados suavizam possíveis estigmatizações sobre estas mães e apontam a importância de se fortalecer essa relação na UTI-Neonatal através de estratégias de promoção de saúde.


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O fenômeno da compulsão vem sendo amplamente discutido no terreno da psicologia, principalmente, pela apropriação de um discurso técnico-cientificista que, de forma dominante, compreende a experiência da compulsão como um desvio oriundo ora da interioridade humana, privilegiando, assim, aspectos de ordem biológica ou psíquica; ora da exterioridade, enfatizando o mundo como determinante dos comportamentos humanos. Essa visão dicotomizada sobre o homem pode ser compreendida como uma tentativa constante na história da psicologia de reafirmar o campo das experiências humanas através do embate de perspectivas herdadas da tradição científica moderna, ainda, fortemente, presente no campo das ciências humanas. Atentando para essas considerações, este estudo traz como proposta pensar o fenômeno da compulsão e suas diferentes expressões a partir de um referencial outro que não o da tradição dominante da psicologia. Para tanto, encontramos no pensamento fenomenológico-hermenêutico de Martin Heidegger, fundamentos para se pensar homem e mundo não como instâncias separadas que tratariam posteriormente de recobrar seus vínculos, mas sim como uma relação co-originária, na qual ambos formam uma unidade copertencente, e inviabilizando, assim, uma interpretação do homem fora dos contornos de seu horizonte histórico. Horizonte esse, que, segundo Heidegger, desvela-se ao modo da técnica. Dessa forma, vemos um mundo permeado por solicitações de utilidade, produtividade, exploração e controle, que nos possibilita compreender que é no horizonte da técnica que a compulsão se apresenta como um dos modos de ser dominantes do homem, não podendo este e seus sofrimentos existenciais serem compreendidos desarticulados desse mesmo horizonte.


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The origin of cytoskeleton and the origin of relevant intracellular transportation system are big problems for understanding the emergence of eukaryotic cells. The present article summarized relevant information of evidences and molecular traces on the origin of actin, tubulin, the chaperonin system for folding them, myosins, kinesins, axonemal dyneins and cytoplasmic dyneins. On this basis the authors proposed a series of works, which should be done in the future, and indicated the ways for reaching the targets. These targets are mainly: 1) the reconstruction of evolutionary path from MreB protein of archaeal ancestor of eukaryotic cells to typical actin; 2) the finding of the MreB or MreB-related proteins in crenarchaea and using them to examine J. A. Lake's hypothesis on the origin of eukaryote from "eocytes" (crenarchaea); 3) the examinations of the existence and distribution of cytoskeleton made of MreB-related protein within coccoid archaea, especially in amoeboid archaeon Thermoplasm acidophilum; 4) using Thermoplasma as a model of archaeal ancestor of eukaryotic cells; 5) the searching for the homolog of ancestral dynein in present-day living archaea. During the writing of this article, Margulis' famous spirochaete hypothesis on the origin of flagella and cilia was unexpectedly involved and analyzed from aspects of tubulins, dyneins and spirochaetes. Actually, spirochaete cannot be reasonably assumed as the ectosymbiotic ancestor of eukaryotic flagella and cilia, since their swing depends upon large amount of bacterial flagella beneath the flexible outer wall, but not depends upon their intracellular tubules and the assumed dyneins. In this case, if they had "evolved" into cilia and lost their bacterial flagella, they would immediately become immobile! In fact, tubulin and dynein-like proteins have not been found in any spirochaete.


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Studies were conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of marine dried fish i.e. silver jew fish (Johnius argentatus), Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus) and ribbon fish (Trichiums haumela) products produced in rotating and solar tunnel dryers. On the basis of organoleptic characteristics such as colour, odour, texture, broken pieces, insect infestation and overall quality, four member panels of experts evaluated the quality of the dried products obtained from both rotating and solar tunnel dryers and all the products were found in acceptable quality. Reconstitutions properties of samples were in the range of 51.05 to 98.75% for the dried fish produced in rotating dryer, while 24.64 to 76.76% for dried fish produced in solar tunnel dryer. The highest reconstitution rate was found in dried silver jew fish and lowest in ribbon fish produced in rotating dryer. On the other hand, the highest reconstitution was observed in dried silver jew fish and lowest in dried Bombay duck produced in solar tunnel dryer. Proximate composition such as moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the dried fish muscles produced in rotating dryer ranged from 16.36% to 19.1%, 62.35% to 67.37%, 6.37% to 10.75% and 7.00% to 8.05%, respectively and in solar tunnel dried fish products, they were in the range of 14.05% to 19.71%,57.64% to 69. 21%,6.92% to 15.40%and 7.69% to 8.80 %, respectively. The TVBN values of dried fish products obtained from rotating dryer were in the range of 15.02 to 19.05 mg/100g, while in solar tunnel dried fish products, the values were in the range of 15.46 to 19.21 mg/100g. The results of the studies indicated that dried fish produced from both rotating and solar tunnel drier were acceptable quality in terms of organoleptic and food quality aspects.


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Studies on the quality assessments of three traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products were conducted. Organoleptic quality of traditional dried SIS products available in the markets was poor compared to those produced in rotary and solar tunnel dryer. Reconstitution of samples were in the range of 54.26% to 75.24%, 69.37% to 83.73% and 55.08% to 80.24% when soaked at 80°C for traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products, respectively. The percentage of reconstitution increased with the increase of soaking time and the uptake of water was maximum after 60 min of soaking. The moisture contents of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 26.02% to 27.33%, 16.23% to 22.84% and 13.71% to 19.30%, respectively. The protein contents were in the range of 60.78% to 72.59%, 62.17% to 76.27% and 61.11% to 76.00%, respectively; lipid contents were in the range of 12.26% to 22.60%, 14.00% to 24.71% and 13.92% to 22.39%, respectively and ash contents in the range of 15.11% to 16.59%, 8.32% to 13.51% and 8.71% to 16.45%, respectively on dry matter basis. The TVB-N content of rotary and solar tunnel dried products was low compared to traditional one ranging from 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and 14.34 to 15.68 mg/100g, respectively whereas the TVB-N content of traditional samples was in the range of 15.46 to 20.36 mg/100g. The bacterial load of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 1.43x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.89 x10 super(80 CFU/g, 1.91x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.84x10 super(8) CFU/g and 1.95x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.59x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the study indicated that dried fish products from rotary dryer and solar tunnel dryer were found to be of better quality in nutritional and food quality aspects than those of traditional dried products.


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Invertebrates constitute a major link in energy flow culminating into fish production in aquatic ecosystems. In tropical water bodies relatively little research has been done on invertebrate ecology especially their role in fishery production. European scientists through periodic expeditions to Africa in the last quarter of the 20th century carried out the earliest research on zooplankton. Rzoska (1957) listed these early workers including Stuhlmann (1888), Weltner (1897) and Mrazek (1897-1898). Daday (1907), Verestchagin (1915) and Delachaux (1917) undertook further work during the early twentieth century. These earlyworks provide a useful basis for tracking community changes by comparison with modem investigations. Worthington (1931) provided the first quantitative account of the zooplankton of Lake Victoria along with information on diurnal vertical migrations, compared to a temperate lake. The establishment of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO) at Jinja in 1947 enabled investigations on the fisheries, algae, invertebrates and water quality aspects of the lake (EAFFRO Annual Reports 1947-1977) to be regularly carried out. Macdonald (1956) made the first detailed observations on the biology of chaoborids and chironomids (IakefJies) in relation to the feeding of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. A detailed study of the biology of the mayfly, Povilla adusta Navas with special reference to the diurnal rhythms of activity was carried out by Hartland-Rowe (1957). The search to unravel the ecological role of aquatic invertebrates in the production dynamics of the lake has taken invertebrate research to greater heights through recent investigations including Okedi (1990), Mavut


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EAFFRO and UNPP/LVFRP bottom trawl exploratory data have been used to describe the depth distributional pattern. relative abundance and magnitude of the demersai fishes in Lake Victoria. The results have been compared with the commercial catch estimates, and various interpretations of the trends in the annual catches and experimental biomass estimates in relation to possible future developments of the fishery have been suggested. Though it is highly desirable to develop the fishery such as by supplementary trawling, certain social and biological consequences and considerations needs to proceed in graded steps guided by several research disciplines. The past trends of the fisheries of Lake Victoria are briefly considered. Recent exploratory bottom trawl data, by EAFFRO and UNDP/LVFRP, have been used to define demersal fish stocks of Lake Victoria in terms of their magnitude, relative abundance and distribution pattern by depth. Enstence of disparity between the relative abundance of the various species in their commercial catches and in their present biomass estimates is pointed out and the various aspects associated with the necessary modification of the fishing practices are discussed. Further and continuing research of the bio-socio-economic vectors of the fishery will be necessary in order to generate the rationale of an efficient fishing regime for a rational management strategy and realistic utilization of the fishery resource.


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Intergenerational cultural transmission is one process leading to cultural continuity and the transmission of value orientations may be seen as a core issue of cultural transmission. Previous research about value transmission revealed that the effectiveness of intergenerational value transmission was influenced by parenting, and parenting’s impact on culture transmission varies according to the cultural context. Value of children (VOC) refers to the functions children serve or the needs they fulfill for parents. VOC is contained in the value system and thus we would explore whether VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation like other values and how parenting impact intergenerational VOC transmission in China. Since there are dramatic differences between Chinese urban and rural context in many aspects, we would explore the effects of the transmission belt in these two social contexts respectively. A total of 200 samples were collected and each sample contained grandmothermother and adolescent,and the results were as follows: 1. VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation, and the transmissions from grandmothers to adolescents were less effective than the transmissions from mothers to adolescents. 2. Parenting moderated the path of VOC transmission from mothers to adolescents. Authoritarian parenting could enhance the transmission of economical and social VOC factor between generations. And authoritative parenting could enhance the transmission of emotional VOC factor between generations. 3. Authoritarian parenting had significant positive predictive effect on rural adolescents’ VOC and had no predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC. And authoritative parenting had significant positive predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC.


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Background: ‘Birth Satisfaction’ is a term that encompasses a woman’s evaluation of her birth experience. The term includes factors such as her appraisal of the quality of care she received, a personal assessment of how she coped, and her reconstructions of what happened on that particular day. Her accounts may be accurate or skewed, yet correspond with her reality of how events unfolded. Objective: To evaluate properties of an instrument designed to measure birth satisfaction in a Greek population of postnatal women. Study design: We assessed factor structure, internal consistency, divergent validity and known-groups discriminant validity of the 30-item Greek Birth Satisfaction Scale – Long Form (30-item G-BSS-LF) and its revised version the 10-item Greek-BSS-Revised (10-item-G-BSS-R), using survey data collected in Athens. Participants: A convenience sample of healthy Greek postnatal women (n = 162) aged 22–46 years who had delivered between 34 and 42 weeks’ gestation. Results: The 30-item-G-BSS-LF performed poorly in terms of factor structure. The short-form 10-item-G-BSS-R performed well in terms of measurement replication of the English equivalent version as a multidimensional instrument. The short-form 10-item-G-BSS-R comprises three subscales which measure distinct but correlated domains of: (1) quality of care provision (4 items), (2) women’s personal attributes (2 items), and (3) stress experienced during labour (4 items). Key conclusions: The 10-item-G-BSS-R is a valid and reliable multidimensional psychometric instrument for measuring birth satisfaction in Greek postnatal women.


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Shepherd, Alistair, 'Irrelevant or Indispensable? ESDP, the ?War on Terror' and the Fallout from Iraq', International Politics (2006) 43(1) pp.71-92 RAE2008


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This dissertation describes a model for acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous flu- ids, and explores the focusing by arrays onto targets under various conditions. The work explores the use of arrays, in particular the time reversal array, for underwater and biomedical applications. Aspects of propagation and phasing which can lead to reduced focusing effectiveness are described. An acoustic wave equation was derived for the propagation of finite-amplitude waves in lossy time-varying inhomogeneous fluid media. The equation was solved numerically in both Cartesian and cylindrical geometries using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. It was found that time reversal arrays are sensitive to several debilitating factors. Focusing ability was determined to be adequate in the presence of temporal jitter in the time reversed signal only up to about one-sixth of a period. Thermoviscous absorption also had a debilitating effect on focal pressure for both linear and nonlinear propagation. It was also found that nonlinearity leads to degradation of focal pressure through amplification of the received signal at the array, and enhanced absorption in the shocked waveforms. This dissertation also examined the heating effects of focused ultrasound in a tissue-like medium. The application considered is therapeutic heating for hyperther- mia. The acoustic model and a thermal model for tissue were coupled to solve for transient and steady temperature profiles in tissue-like media. The Pennes bioheat equation was solved using the FDTD method to calculate the temperature fields in tissue-like media from focused acoustic sources. It was found that the temperature-dependence of the medium's background prop- erties can play an important role in the temperature predictions. Finite-amplitude effects contributed excess heat when source conditions were provided for nonlinear ef- fects to manifest themselves. The effect of medium heterogeneity was also found to be important in redistributing the acoustic and temperature fields, creating regions with hotter and colder temperatures than the mean by local scattering and lensing action. These temperature excursions from the mean were found to increase monotonically with increasing contrast in the medium's properties.


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To investigate the symptom burden experiences of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was conducted. A cross-sectional, correlational survey was first undertaken. Symptom burden was measured using a modified disease specific version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, which was administered to a consecutive sample of individuals with IBD (n = 247) at an IBD Outpatients department in one urban teaching hospital in Ireland. Disease activity was determined using clinical disease activity indices, which were completed by the consulting physician. A sequential qualitative, descriptive study was then conducted aimed at explaining noteworthy quantitative findings. A criterion-related purposeful sample of seven participants from the quantitative study was recruited. Semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted using an interview guide and data were analysed using content analysis. Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 10 symptoms during the last week, however as many as 16 symptoms were experienced during active disease. The most burdensome symptoms were lack of energy, bowel urgency, diarrhoea, feeling bloated, flatulence and worry. Total symptom burden was found to be low with a mean score of 0.56 identified out of a possible range from 0 to 4. Participants with active disease (M = 0.81, SD = 0.48; n = 68) had almost double mean total symptom burden scores than participants with inactive disease (M = 0.46, SD = 0.43; n = 166) (p < 0.001). Mean total psychological symptom burden was found to be significantly greater than mean total physical symptom burden (rho = 0.73, n = 247, p < 0.001). Self-reported disease control, gender, number of flare ups in the last two years, and smoking status was found to be significant predictors of total symptom burden, with self-reported disease control identified as the strongest predictor. Qualitative data revealed tiredness, pain, bowel symptoms, worry and fear as being burdensome. Furthermore, symptom burden experiences were described in terms of its impact on restricting aspects of daily activities, which accumulated into restrictions on general life events. Psychological symptom burden was revealed as more problematic than physical symptom burden due to its constant nature, with physical and psychological symptoms described to occur in a cyclical manner. Participants revealed that disease control was evaluated not only in terms of symptoms, but also in terms of their abilities to control the impact of symptoms on their lives. This study highlights the considerable number of symptoms and the most burdensome symptoms experienced by individuals with IBD, both during active and inactive disease. This study has important implications on symptom assessment in terms of the need to encompass both physical and psychological symptoms. In addition, greater attention needs to be placed on psychological aspects of IBD care.


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My Portfolio of Exploration tackles the difficult question as to whether adult mental development can be accelerated and if so how. Rooted in constructive-developmental ideas, adult mental development is explained as an evolutionary unfolding of human capability. Going beyond this I look at the possibility of advancing development as transformational growth in adulthood in the belief that a broader perspective leads to increased effectiveness in professional life. Initially I explored my own meaning making, to make sense of my experiences, knowledge, relationships and my own motivations. This exploration has provided me with a ‘developmental bridge’ between my current way of knowing and a new more enlightened way. I have come to view my way of making meaning in the world as an evolving and progressive sequence of emotional and cognitive development. Through the formation of new stretching experiences, increased self - awareness and reflection my previous perspective has been overtaken by a more complex form of being aware of myself, others and the world. I refer to this process of growth as transformation. As part of my own transformational work I have conducted an inquiry into transformational growth and learning in the early academic life of university undergraduates. The result shows how accelerated adult mental development can be achieved in an academic environment ably preparing students for the workplace. This new model of education is part of a truly unique and exciting model signalling ground-breaking change for the undergraduate experience. The overhaul of a traditional BA degree in Economics into a world-class transformational programme is discussed through-out my Portfolio. Central to my broadening awareness is the challenge and nurturing required to awaken the student’s ‘internal authority’ . This involves stimulating students to take ownership for their own thinking, steering them away from the passivity and complacency of thinking through the minds of others. In doing so, the ultimate aim of renewing the BA is to narrow the developmental ‘mismatch’ which exists for m any college students between them and the world of work, by encouraging and inviting them to take on the challenge of thinking independently. Mindfulness, awareness, and personal authority are treated with reverence throughout the exploration as I consider them core parts of the students engaging with development. Engagement is construed as an active and open-minded process of awareness involving planning and reviewing one’s own goals and performance, engaging in constructive feedback, reflection and new action. I conclude with a view that the journey of adult mental development is relentless and that undergraduate education represents a crucial beginning. The value and relevance of transformational education rooted in developmental principles provides a significant opportunity in advancing development and perspectives at the start of adult life.