972 resultados para Molecular diagnostic techniques


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BACKGROUND. The phenomenon of misdiagnosing tuberculosis (TB) by laboratory cross-contamination when culturing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has been widely reported and it has an obvious clinical, therapeutic and social impact. The final confirmation of a cross-contamination event requires the molecular identification of the same MTB strain cultured from both the potential source of the contamination and from the false-positive candidate. The molecular tool usually applied in this context is IS6110-RFLP which takes a long time to provide an answer, usually longer than is acceptable for microbiologists and clinicians to make decisions. Our purpose in this study is to evaluate a novel PCR-based method, MIRU-VNTR as an alternative to assure a rapid and optimized analysis of cross-contamination alerts. RESULTS. MIRU-VNTR was prospectively compared with IS6110-RFLP for clarifying 19 alerts of false positivity from other laboratories. MIRU-VNTR highly correlated with IS6110-RFLP, reduced the response time by 27 days and clarified six alerts unresolved by RFLP. Additionally, MIRU-VNTR revealed complex situations such as contamination events involving polyclonal isolates and a false-positive case due to the simultaneous cross-contamination from two independent sources. CONCLUSION. Unlike standard RFLP-based genotyping, MIRU-VNTR i) could help reduce the impact of a false positive diagnosis of TB, ii) increased the number of events that could be solved and iii) revealed the complexity of some cross-contamination events that could not be dissected by IS6110-RFLP.


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Laboratory cross-contamination by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is known to be responsible for the misdiagnosis of tuberculosis, but its impact on other contexts has not been analyzed. We present the findings of a molecular epidemiology analysis in which the recent transmission events identified by a genotyping reference center were overestimated as a result of unnoticed laboratory cross-contamination in the original diagnostic laboratories.


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A strict gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only currently available therapeutic treatment for patients with celiac disease (CD). Traditionally, treatment with a GFD has excluded wheat, barley and rye, while the presence of oats is a subject of debate. The most-recent research indicates that some cultivars of oats can be a safe part of a GFD. In order to elucidate the toxicity of the prolamins from oat varieties with low, medium, and high CD toxicity, the avenin genes of these varieties were cloned and sequenced, and their expression quantified throughout the grain development. At the protein level, we have accomplished an exhaustive characterization and quantification of avenins by RP-HPLC and an analysis of immunogenicity of peptides present in prolamins of different oat cultivars. Avenin sequences were classified into three different groups, which have homology with S-rich prolamins of Triticeae. Avenin proteins presented a lower proline content than that of wheat gliadin; this may contribute to the low toxicity shown by oat avenins. The expression of avenin genes throughout the development stages has shown a pattern similar to that of prolamins of wheat and barley. RP-HPLC chromatograms showed protein peaks in the alcohol-soluble and reduced-soluble fractions. Therefore, oat grains had both monomeric and polymeric avenins, termed in this paper gliadin- and glutenin-like avenins. We found a direct correlation between the immunogenicity of the different oat varieties and the presence of the specific peptides with a higher/lower potential immunotoxicity. The specific peptides from the oat variety with the highest toxicity have shown a higher potential immunotoxicity. These results suggest that there is wide range of variation of potential immunotoxicity of oat cultivars that could be due to differences in the degree of immunogenicity in their sequences.


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Advances in clinical virology for detecting respiratory viruses have been focused on nucleic acids amplification techniques, which have converted in the reference method for the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections of viral aetiology. Improvements of current commercial molecular assays to reduce hands-on-time rely on two strategies, a stepwise automation (semi-automation) and the complete automation of the whole procedure. Contributions to the former strategy have been the use of automated nucleic acids extractors, multiplex PCR, real-time PCR and/or DNA arrays for detection of amplicons. Commercial fully-automated molecular systems are now available for the detection of respiratory viruses. Some of them could convert in point-of-care methods substituting antigen tests for detection of respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A and B viruses. This article describes laboratory methods for detection of respiratory viruses. A cost-effective and rational diagnostic algorithm is proposed, considering technical aspects of the available assays, infrastructure possibilities of each laboratory and clinic-epidemiologic factors of the infection.


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In Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro, dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) was isolated for the first time in March 2011. We analysed the laboratory findings of the first cases and evaluated the use of molecular techniques for the detection of DENV-4 in Aedes aegypti that were field-caught. Conventional reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and SimplexaTM Dengue real-time RT-PCR confirmed DENV-4 infection in all cases. Additionally, DENV-4 was confirmed in a female Ae. aegypti with 1.08 x 10³ copies/mL of virus, as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. This is the first time the SimplexaTM Dengue real-time assay has been used for the classification of cases of infection and for entomological investigations. The use of these molecular techniques was shown to be important for the surveillance of dengue in humans and vectors.


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There is strong evidence suggesting the presence of a genetic component in the aetiology of multiple myeloma (MM). However no genetic risk factors have been unequivocally established so far. To further our understanding of the genetic determinants of MM risk, a promising strategy is to collect a large set of patients in a consortium, as successfully done for other cancers. In this article, we review the main findings in the genetic susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of MM and present the strategy of the IMMEnSE (International Multiple Myeloma rESEarch) consortium in contributing to determine the role of genetic variation in pharmacogenetics and in MM risk.


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BACKGROUND Nucleic acid amplification tests are increasingly used for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis. We undertook a comparative study of the efficiency and diagnostic yield of a real-time PCR senX3-regX3 based assay versus the classical IS6110 target and the new commercial methods. METHODS This single-blind prospective comparative study included 145 consecutive samples: 76 from patients with culture-confirmed tuberculosis (86.8% pulmonary and 13.2% extrapulmonary tuberculosis: 48.7% smear-positive and 51.3% smear-negative) and 69 control samples (24 from patients diagnosed with non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections and 45 from patients with suspected tuberculosis which was eventually ruled out). All samples were tested by two CE-marked assays (Xpert®MTB/RIF and AnyplexTM plus MTB/NTM) and two in-house assays targeting senX3-regX3 and the IS6110 gene. RESULTS The detection limit ranged from 1.00E+01 fg for Anyplex, senX3-regX3 and IS6110 to 1.00E+04 fg for Xpert. All three Xpert, senX3-regX3 and IS6110 assays detected all 37 smear-positive cases. Conversely, Anyplex was positive in 34 (91.9%) smear-positive cases. In patients with smear-negative tuberculosis, differences were observed between the assays; Xpert detected 22 (56.41%) of the 39 smear-negative samples, Anyplex 24 (61.53%), senX3-regX3 28 (71.79%) and IS6110 35 (89.74%). Xpert and senX3-regX3 were negative in all control samples; however, the false positive rate was 8.7% and 13% for Anyplex and IS6110, respectively. The overall sensitivity was 77.6%, 85.7%, 77.3% and 94.7% and the specificity was 100%, 100%, 90.8% and 87.0% for the Xpert, senX3-regX3, Anyplex and IS6110 assays, respectively. CONCLUSION Real-time PCR assays targeting IS6110 lack the desired specificity. The Xpert MTB/RIF and in-house senX3-regX3 assays are both sensitive and specific for the detection of MTBC in both pulmonary and extrapulmonary samples. Therefore, the real time PCR senX3-regX3 based assay could be a useful and complementary tool in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.


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Two new forms of non-specific crossreacting antigens (NCAs) were identified in the Nonidet P40 (NP-40) extracts of normal granulocytes by precipitation with the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 192 directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and already known to crossreact with the perchloric acid soluble NCA-55. The NP-40 soluble NCAs recognized by MAb 192 have apparent mol. wts of 90,000 and 160,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Both NCAs appear to consist of a single monomeric polypeptide chain, since they have the same electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE under reduced and non-reduced conditions. When granulocytes were extracted with perchloric acid instead of NP-40, only the 55,000 mol. wt antigen, corresponding to the previously described NCA-55, was precipitated by MAb 192. Furthermore, it was shown that NCA-55 is not a degradation product of NCA-90 or NCA-160 due to the perchloric acid treatment because exposure to perchloric acid of NCA preparations purified from NP-40 extracts did not change their apparent mol. wts in SDS-PAGE. It was also shown that NCA-160 is not a granulocytic form of CEA because it was not precipitated by the MAb 35 reacting exclusively with CEA. Immunocytochemical studies of granulocytes and macrophages showed that MAb 192 stained both types of cells whereas MAb 47 stained only the granulocytes and MAb 35 none of these cells. In granulocytes both MAbs reacted with antigens associated with granules and also present at the periphery of the nucleus as well as in the Golgi apparatus. The NCA-90 identified by MAb 192 was found by sequential immunodepletion to be antigenically distinct from the NCA-95 precipitated by MAb 47. The epitope recognized by MAb 192 on CEA and NCA molecules appears to be on the peptidic moiety because the antigens deglycosylated by the enzyme Endo F were still precipitated by this MAb. Taken together, the results indicate that MAb 192 identifies two novel forms of NCA (NCA-90 and NCA-160) in NP-40 extracts of granulocytes, which are distinct from CEA and the previously described NCA-55 and NCA-95 identified by MAbs 192 and 47, respectively, in perchloric acid extracts of granulocytes.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canadà, entre 2010 i 2012 La malaltia d'Alzheimer (MA) representa avui la forma més comuna de demència en la població envellida. Malgrat fa 100 anys que va ser descoberta, encara avui no existeix cap tractament preventiu i/o curatiu ni cap agent de diagnòstic que permeti valorar quantitativament l'evolució d'aquesta malaltia. L'objectiu en el que s'emmarca aquest treball és contribuir a aportar solucions al problema de la manca d'agents terapèutics i de diagnosi, unívocs i rigorosos, per a la MA. Des del camp de la química bioinorgànica és fàcil fixar-se en l'excessiva concentració d'ions Zn(II) i Cu(II) en els cervells de malalts de MA, plantejar-se la seva utilització com a dianes terapèutica i, en conseqüència, cercar agents quelants que evitin la formació de plaques senils o contribueixin a la seva dissolució. Si bé aquest va ser el punt de partida d’aquest projecte, els múltiples factors implicats en la patogènesi de la MA fan que el clàssic paradigma d’ ¨una molècula, una diana¨ limiti la capacitat de la molècula de combatre aquesta malaltia tan complexa. Per tant, un esforç considerable s’ha dedicat al disseny d’agentsmultifuncionals que combatin els múltiples factors que caracteritzen el desenvolupament de la MA. En el present treball s’han dissenyat agents multifuncionals inspirats en dos esquelets moleculars ben establers i coneguts en el camp de la química medicinal: la tioflavina-T (ThT) i la deferiprona (DFP). La utilització de tècniques in silico que inclouen càlculs farmacocinètics i modelatge molecular ha estat un procés cabdal per a l’avaluació dels millors candidats en base als següents requeriments: (a) compliment de determinades propietats farmacocinètiques que estableixin el seu possible ús com a fàrmac (b) hidrofobicitat adequada per travessar la BBB i (c) interacció amb el pèptid Aen solució.


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RÉSUMÉ EN FRANCAIS : Introduction: Le pseudoxanthome élastique (PXE) est une maladie génétique. Les mutations responsables ont été localisées au niveau du gène codant le transporteur transmembranaire ABC-C6. Des calcifications pathologiques des fibres élastiques de la peau, des yeux et du système cardiovasculaire en sont la conséquence. Buts: Evaluer les critères diagnostiques actuels du PXE en se basant sur les données moléculaires. Méthodes: 142 sujets provenant de 10 familles avec une anamnèse familiale positive pour le PXE ont été investiguées sur le plan clinique, histopathologique et génétique. Résultats: 25 sujets se sont avérés être homozygotes pour le gène PXE muté. 23 d'entre eux ont présenté les manifestations cliniques et histopathologique typiques. Les deux autres souffraient d'une élastose et d'une dégénérescence maculaire si importante qu'un diagnostic de PXE ne pouvait pas être confirmé cliniquement. 67 sujets se sont révélés être des porteurs hétérozygotes et 50 ne présentaient pas de mutation. De ces 117 sujets, 116 n'ont montré aucune lésion cutanée ou ophtalmique pouvant correspondre au PXE. Un seul des sujets sans mutation a présenté une importante élastose solaire ainsi qu'une cicatrisation de la rétine, imitant les lésions typiques du PXE. Quatre des 67 sujets hétérozygotes ont eu une biopsie de peau, dont les analyses histopathologique se sont avérées normales. Conclusion: Dans notre cohorte de patients, le PXE était transmis exclusivement de façoh autosomique récessive. La corrélation retrouvée entre le génotype et le phénotype a permis de confirmer les critères diagnostiques majeurs actuels. Le diagnostic clinique peut être difficile, voir impossible, chez des patients atteints d'une élastose solaire importante et/ou d'une dégénérescence maculaire étendue. Dans ces cas, un test moléculaire est nécessaire afin de confirmer le diagnostic de PXE. A notre connaissance, notre étude présentée ici est le premier travail comparant des données cliniques à des données moléculaires dans le domaine du PXE. ABSTRACT : Background: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a genetic disorder due to mutations in the gene encoding the transmembrane transporter protein adenosine triphosphate binding cassette (ABC)-C6, resulting in calcifications of elastic fibers in the skin, eyes and cardiovascular system. Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic criteria for PXE based on molecular data. Methods: Of 10 families with a positive history of PXE 142 subjects were investigated for clinical symptoms, histological findings and genetic haplotype analysis. Results: Of these, 25 subjects were haplotypic homozygous for PXE and 23 had typical clinical and histopathological manifestations. Two of the 25 patients showed such marked solar elastosis and macular degeneration that PXE could not be confirmed clinically. Sixty-seven subject were haplotypic heterozygous carriers and 50 haplotypic homozygous unaffected. Of these 117 subjects, 116 showed no cutaneous or ophthalmologic signs of PXE. In one of the 50 haplotypic homozygous unaffected patients important solar elastosis and scaring of the retina mimicked PXE lesions. Only four of the 67 haplotypic heterozygous carriers had biopsies of nonlesional skin; all were histopathologically normal. Conclusions: In our patients, PXE presents as an autosomal recessive genodermatosis. Correlation of haplotype and phenotype confirmed actual major diagnostic criteria. In patients with marked solar elastosis and/ or severe macular degeneration clinical diagnosis can be impossible and molecular testing is needed to confirm the presence of PXE. To the best of our knowledge our large study compares for the first time clinical findings with molecular data.


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OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the quantitative antibiogram as an epidemiological tool for the prospective typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and comparison with ribotyping. METHODS: The method is based on the multivariate analysis of inhibition zone diameters of antibiotics in disk diffusion tests. Five antibiotics were used (erythromycin, clindamycin, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin, and ciprofloxacin). Ribotyping was performed using seven restriction enzymes (EcoRV, HindIII, KpnI, PstI, EcoRI, SfuI, and BamHI). SETTING: 1,000-bed tertiary university medical center. RESULTS: During a 1-year period, 31 patients were found to be infected or colonized with MRSA. Cluster analysis of antibiogram data showed nine distinct antibiotypes. Four antibiotypes were isolated from multiple patients (2, 4, 7, and 13, respectively). Five additional antibiotypes were isolated from the remaining five patients. When analyzed with respect to the epidemiological data, the method was found to be equivalent to ribotyping. Among 206 staff members who were screened, six were carriers of MRSA. Both typing methods identified concordant of MRSA types in staff members and in the patients under their care. CONCLUSIONS: The quantitative antibiogram was found to be equivalent to ribotyping as an epidemiological tool for typing of MRSA in our setting. Thus, this simple, rapid, and readily available method appears to be suitable for the prospective surveillance and control of MRSA for hospitals that do not have molecular typing facilities and in which MRSA isolates are not uniformly resistant or susceptible to the antibiotics tested.


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Thyroid fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is a fast growing field. One of the most developing areas is represented by molecular tests applied to cytological material. Patients that could benefit the most from these tests are those that have been diagnosed as 'indeterminate' on FNA. They could be better stratified in terms of malignancy risk and thus oriented with more confidence to the appropriate management. Taking in to consideration the need to improve and keep high the yield of thyroid FNA, professionals from various fields (i.e. molecular biologists, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists) are refining and fine-tuning their diagnostic instruments. In particular, all these developments aim at increasing the negative predictive value of FNA to improve the selection of patients for diagnostic surgery. These advances involve terminology, the application of next-generation sequencing to thyroid FNA, the use of immunocyto- and histo-chemistry, the development of new sampling techniques and the increasing use of nuclear medicine as well as molecular imaging in the management of patients with a thyroid nodule. Herein, we review the recent advances in thyroid FNA cytology that could be of interest to the 'thyroid-care' community, with particular focus on the indeterminate diagnostic category.


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Molecular Characteristics of Neuroblastoma with Special Reference to Novel Prognostic Factors and Diagnostic Applications Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, 2009, Turku, Finland Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2009 Background: Neuroblastoma, which is the most common and extensively studied childhood solid cancer, shows a great clinical and biological heterogeneity. Most of the neuroblastoma patients older than one year have poor prognosis despite intensive therapies. The hallmark of neuroblastoma, biological heterogeneity, has hindered the discovery of prognostic tumour markers. At present, few molecular markers, such as MYCN oncogene status, have been adopted into clinical practice. Aims: The aim of the study was to improve the current prognostic methodology of neuroblastoma, especially by taking cognizance of the biological heterogeneity of neuroblastoma. Furthermore, unravelling novel molecular characteristics which associate with neuroblastoma tumour progression and cell differentiation was an additional objective. Results: A new strictly defined selection of neuroblastoma tumour spots of highest proliferation activity, hotspots, appeared to be representative and reliable in an analysis of MYCN amplification status using a chromogenic in situ hybridization technique (CISH). Based on the hotspot tumour tissue microarray immunohistochemistry and high-resolution oligo-array-based comparative genomic hybridization, which was integrated with gene expression and in silico analysis of existing transcriptomics, a polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and poorly characterized amplicon at 12q24.31 were discovered to associate with outcome. In addition, we found that a previously considered new neuroblastoma treatment target, the mutated c-kit receptor, was not mutated in neuroblastoma samples. Conclusions: Our studies indicate polysialylated NCAM and 12q24.31 amplicon to be new molecular markers with important value in prognostic evaluation of neuroblastoma. Moreover, the presented hotspot tumour tissue microarray method together with the CISH technique of the MYCN oncogene copy number is directly applicable to clinical use. Key words: neuroblastoma, polysialic acid, neural cell adhesion molecule, MYCN, c-kit, chromogenic in situ hybridization, hotspot