770 resultados para Mentha arvensis


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A área das plantas aromáticas e medicinais teve uma dinâmica de crescimento notável nos últimos anos incentivada pela procura de novos produtos bioativos mas também como fonte de nutrientes. O género Calamintha pertence à família Lamiaceae e em Portugal o seu uso está intrinsecamente associado às suas propriedades aromáticas, condimentares, ornamentais ou medicinais, tendo como exemplos a Salvia (salva), Ocimum (manjericão), Origanum (orégão), Mentha (hortelã), Romarinus (alecrim), Melissa (erva cidreira) e Calamintha (erva-das-azeitonas). A espécie da planta Calamintha baetica Boiss et Heldr encontra-se largamente distribuída pela região do Mediterrâneo e é considerada uma espécie pioneira colonizadora, principalmente de prados secos; de berma dos caminhos rurais, de terrenos selvagens na orla dos pinhais. As folhas produzem um aroma agradável, entre hortelã e orégãos, sendo muito apreciadas para temperos na cozinha e para fazer infusões. Em alguns lugares é usada para temperar azeitona e talvez por isso seja também conhecida por erva-das-azeitonas, mas também é designada por nêveda ou calaminta. Neste trabalho pretende-se caracterizar a folha e o caule da espécie C. baetica no que respeita à sua composição química. Para o efeito quantificaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: humidade, cinzas, gordura, proteínas, hidratos de carbono e valor energético e também se estudou o perfil em ácidos gordos por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a um detetor de ionização de chama (GC/FID). A amostra de folha de C. baetica revelou uma maior percentagem em proteína, com 11,81% (m.s.) e o caule em hidratos de carbono, com 20,54%. No que respeita a teores em gordura, a amostra de folha evidenciou valores ligeiramente superiores (3,30%, m.s.) aos do caule (1,13%, m.s.). A análise por cromatografia gasosa permitiu identificar três ácidos gordos maioritários (% relativas), entre os quais os polinsaturados α-linolénico, com 69,11% e 44,93% e o linoleico com 10,03% e 23,83% e ainda o saturado palmítico, com 11,55% e 17,09% para a amostra de folha e caule, respetivamente.


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Primary treatment of rectal cancer was the focus of the second St. Gallen European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Gastrointestinal Cancer Conference. In the context of the conference, a multidisciplinary international expert panel discussed and voted on controversial issues which could not be easily answered using published evidence. Main topics included optimal pretherapeutic imaging, indication and type of neoadjuvant treatment, and the treatment strategies in advanced tumours. Here we report the key recommendations and summarise the related evidence. The treatment strategy for localised rectal cancer varies from local excision in early tumours to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (RCT) in combination with extended surgery in locally advanced disease. Optimal pretherapeutic staging is a key to any treatment decision. The panel recommended magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or MRI + endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) as mandatory staging modalities, except for early T1 cancers with an option for local excision, where EUS in addition to MRI was considered to be most important because of its superior near-field resolution. Primary surgery with total mesorectal excision was recommended by most panellists for some early tumours with limited risk of recurrence (i.e. cT1-2 or cT3a N0 with clear mesorectal fascia on MRI and clearly above the levator muscles), whereas all other stages were considered for multimodal treatment. The consensus panel recommended long-course RCT over short-course radiotherapy for most clinical situations where neoadjuvant treatment is indicated, with the exception of T3a/b N0 tumours where short-course radiotherapy or even no neoadjuvant therapy were regarded to be an option. In patients with potentially resectable tumours and synchronous liver metastases, most panel members did not see an indication to start with classical fluoropyrimidine-based RCT but rather favoured preoperative short-course radiotherapy with systemic combination chemotherapy or alternatively a liver-first resection approach in resectable metastases, which both allow optimal systemic therapy for the metastatic disease. In general, proper patient selection and discussion in an experienced multidisciplinary team was considered as crucial component of care.


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BACKGROUND Gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets lead to significant economic losses in livestock husbandry. A high morbidity has been reported for diarrhea (calves ≤ 35 %; piglets ≤ 50 %) and for respiratory diseases (calves ≤ 80 %; piglets ≤ 40 %). Despite a highly diverse etiology and pathophysiology of these diseases, treatment with antimicrobials is often the first-line therapy. Multi-antimicrobial resistance in pathogens results in international accordance to strengthen the research in novel treatment options. Medicinal plants bear a potential as alternative or additional treatment. Based on the versatile effects of their plant specific multi-component-compositions, medicinal plants can potentially act as 'multi-target drugs'. Regarding the plurality of medicinal plants, the aim of this systematic review was to identify potential medicinal plant species for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases and for modulation of the immune system and inflammation in calves and piglets. RESULTS Based on nine initial sources including standard textbooks and European ethnoveterinary studies, a total of 223 medicinal plant species related to the treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases was identified. A defined search strategy was established using the PRISMA statement to evaluate 30 medicinal plant species starting from 20'000 peer-reviewed articles published in the last 20 years (1994-2014). This strategy led to 418 references (257 in vitro, 84 in vivo and 77 clinical trials, thereof 48 clinical trials in veterinary medicine) to evaluate effects of medicinal plants and their efficacy in detail. The findings indicate that the most promising candidates for gastrointestinal diseases are Allium sativum L., Mentha x piperita L. and Salvia officinalis L.; for diseases of the respiratory tract Echinacea purpurea (L.) MOENCH, Thymus vulgaris L. and Althea officinalis L. were found most promising, and Echinacea purpurea (L.) MOENCH, Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Origanum vulgare L. were identified as best candidates for modulation of the immune system and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS Several medicinal plants bear a potential for novel treatment strategies for young livestock. There is a need for further research focused on gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets, and the findings of this review provide a basis on plant selection for future studies.


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The Nachtigall clay pit near Holzminden, northern Germany, is located in a subrosional basin filled with 43 m of interglacial, interstadial and stadial deposits adjacent to the Weser River. The succession separates the Older Middle Terrace from the Younger Middle Terrace of the Weser River. Nachtigall core KB1 (1998) mainly contains silt and clay with intercalated peat layers. The layers of fen peat and intercalated humic silt are between 36 and 22.5 m depth. According to palynological studies, the peat layers and some humic silts were deposited during interglacial and interstadial periods marked by forest vegetation, termed Nachtigall 1 and Nachtigall 2. They are subdivided by a stadial, termed Albaxen. The peat of Nachtigall 1 is interrupted twice by silt and clay strata (Allochthonous Unit I, II) which are reworked sediments of older glacial periods, possibly of late Elsterian or early Holsteinian age. The palynological sequences of Nachtigall and Göttingen/Ottostrasse show the same pattern. Moreover, the contemporaneous pollen profiles of Nachtigall and Göttingen/Ottostrasse can be compared with the Velay pollen sequence (France). The Nachtigall core section 36-26.02 m corresponds to Bouchet 2 - Bonnefond - Bouchet 3 in Velay. The profiles of Velay and Nachtigall are independently correlated to the MIS-timescale and correspond to MIS 7c, 7b, and 7a. TIMS 230Th/U-dating shows ages ranging from 227 + 9/-8 to 201 + 15/-13 ka, which are in good agreement with the inferred MIS 7 age.


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