Pollen profile from sediment core KB1, Holzminden, Northern Germany

Autoria(s): Kleinmann, Angelika; Müller, Helmut; Lepper, Jochen; Waas, Deniz

LATITUDE: 51.809670 * LONGITUDE: 9.401310 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-07-28T12:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-07-28T12:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.60 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 35.99 m




The Nachtigall clay pit near Holzminden, northern Germany, is located in a subrosional basin filled with 43 m of interglacial, interstadial and stadial deposits adjacent to the Weser River. The succession separates the Older Middle Terrace from the Younger Middle Terrace of the Weser River. Nachtigall core KB1 (1998) mainly contains silt and clay with intercalated peat layers. The layers of fen peat and intercalated humic silt are between 36 and 22.5 m depth. According to palynological studies, the peat layers and some humic silts were deposited during interglacial and interstadial periods marked by forest vegetation, termed Nachtigall 1 and Nachtigall 2. They are subdivided by a stadial, termed Albaxen. The peat of Nachtigall 1 is interrupted twice by silt and clay strata (Allochthonous Unit I, II) which are reworked sediments of older glacial periods, possibly of late Elsterian or early Holsteinian age. The palynological sequences of Nachtigall and Göttingen/Ottostrasse show the same pattern. Moreover, the contemporaneous pollen profiles of Nachtigall and Göttingen/Ottostrasse can be compared with the Velay pollen sequence (France). The Nachtigall core section 36-26.02 m corresponds to Bouchet 2 - Bonnefond - Bouchet 3 in Velay. The profiles of Velay and Nachtigall are independently correlated to the MIS-timescale and correspond to MIS 7c, 7b, and 7a. TIMS 230Th/U-dating shows ages ranging from 227 + 9/-8 to 201 + 15/-13 ka, which are in good agreement with the inferred MIS 7 age.


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Supplement to: Kleinmann, Angelika; Müller, Helmut; Lepper, Jochen; Waas, Deniz (2011): Nachtigall: A continental sediment and pollen sequence of the Saalian Complex in NW-Germany and its relationship to the MIS-framework. Quaternary International, 241(1-2), 97-110, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.10.005

Palavras-Chave #Abies; Acer; Alnus; Alona affinis; Alona sp.; Amphitrema flavum; Apiaceae apioide-type; Arboreal pollen; Artemisia; Azolla filiculoides; Betula; Botrychium cf. lunaria; Botryococcus; Brassica; Bruckenthalia; Buxus; Calluna; Campanulaceae; Carpinus betulus; Caryophyllaceae; CDRILL; Celtis; Centaurea; Cephalodella-DA; Ceratophyllum: spines; Characeae egg fragment; Chenopodiaceae; Coelastrum polychordum; Compositae subfam. Liguliflorae; Compositae subfam. Tubuliflorae; Core drilling; Corylus; Cosmarium sp.; Counting, palynology; Cyanophyceae; Cyperaceae; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Diporotheca; Drosera; Dryopteris; Empetrum; Ephedra distachya; Ephedra fragilis; Equisetum; Euastrum sp.; Eurycercus lamellatus; Fagus; Filipendula; Fraxinus excelsior; Hedera; Helianthemum cf. H. canum; Hydrocotyle; Ilex; Juniperus; KB1; Knautia-type; Larix; Ligustrum; Lycopodium annotinum; Mentha; Menyanthes trifoliata; Moss remains (except sphagnum); Myriophyllum spicatum; Non arboreal pollen; Nymphaea; Osmunda; Papilionaceae; Pediastrum bireticulatum; Pediastrum boryanum; Pediastrum duplex; Pediastrum integrum; Pediastrum kawraiskyi; Pediastrum simplex; Picea: stomata; Picea excelsa-type; Pinus; Pinus stomata; Plantago major/media-type; Pleurotaenium sp.; Pleuroxus sp.; Poaceae; Polemonium-type; Pollen total; Polygonum amphibium; Polygonum aviculare; Polygonum bistorta; Polygonum sect. Persicaria; Polypodiaceae; Polypodium vulgare; Populus; Potamogeton; Potentilla-type; Quercus; Ranunculus subgen. Batrachium-type; Rosaceae indeterminata; Rubiaceae cf. galium; Rubus chamaemorus; Rumex; Salix; Sample code/label; Sanguisorba officinalis; Scabiosa; Selaginella selaginoides; Sparganium-type; Sphagnum; Sphagnum imbricatum, leaves; Sphagnum sp., leaves; Staurastrum; Stratiotes; Succisa; Symphytum-type; Tanytarsini; Tartigrada egg; Taxus; Tetraedron minimum; Thalictrum; Thelypteris palustris; Tilia; Tongrube Nachtigall, Holzminden, Northern Germany; Triglochin; Turbellaria egg; Typha latifolia; Ulmus; Urtica; Utricularia; Vaccinium; Valeriana; Varia; Viscum; Zygnemales
