En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat la viabilitat de l’autosuficiència de la Pleta, l’oficina tècnica del Parc del Garraf, a partir de diferents recursos renovables. S’ha realitzat un estudi del consum hídric i energètic i de la generació de residus per tal d’avaluar les deficiències de cada sistema, per poder-hi aplicar les mesures pertinents. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que un 40% de l’aigua que es consumeix a l’edifici prové dels camions cisterna que la subministren. Per tant, la principal proposta de millora va encaminada a reduir aquest volum d’aigua i per aconseguir-ho, es proposa augmentar la superfície de recollida d’aigua de pluja aprofitant la zona pavimentada del pati de magatzems. Les altres propostes intentaran reduir el volum total d’aigua consumida, com per exemple canviar el filtre actual de les aixetes per airejadors que permeten estalviar fins a un 50% d’aigua, instal·lar cisternes de volum inferior o posar en funcionament el reg per degoteig instal·lat actualment a la Pleta però que no es troba en funcionament. Pel que fa a l’energia hi ha dues fonts, el gasoil i les plaques FV. En quant al gasoil cal diferenciar entre el consum del generador per produir electricitat i el consum de la caldera per la calefacció. Un cop estudiat el sistema s’ha obtingut que les plaques solars FV aconsegueixen produir el 73% de l’electricitat demandada a la Pleta, la resta de l’electricitat la proporciona el generador. El principal problema, però és el gran consum de gasoil per la calefacció. Les millores proposades per a solucionar aquesta problemàtica pretenen millorar l’eficiència de la instal·lació de plaques solars FV col·locant més panells solars i disminuir el consum de gasoil per part de la calefacció, ja sigui millorant l’eficiència energètica i/o canviant la font d’energia per biomassa. En el cas de residus s’ha observat que es produeixen 3.283 kg/any, sent el rebuig la fracció més important. Per tal de reduir el volum de residus generats, es pretén fomentar la utilització d’estris reutlilitzables i el correcte reciclatge, substituint les papereres actuals dels despatxos per les de paper i posant cartells informatius o indicatiu en els llocs adients.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces the toxic secondary metabolite hydrogen cyanide (HCN) at high cell population densities and low aeration. Here, we investigated the impact of HCN as a signal in cell-cell communication by comparing the transcriptome of the wild-type strain PAO1 to that of an HCN-negative mutant under cyanogenic conditions. HCN repressed four genes and induced 12 genes. While the individual functions of these genes are unknown, with one exception (i.e. a ferredoxin-dependent reductase), a highly inducible six-gene cluster (PA4129-PA4134) was found to be crucial for protection of P.aeruginosa from external HCN intoxication. A double mutant deleted for PA4129-PA4134 and cioAB (encoding cyanide-insensitive oxidase) did not grow with 100M KCN, whereas the corresponding single mutants were essentially unaffected, suggesting a synergistic action of the PA4129-PA4134 gene products and cyanide-insensitive oxidase.
The influence of the subminimal inhibitory concentrations (1/3 and 1/4 of the MIC) of penicillin on growth rate and on haemolysin production of a strain of group G Streptococcus was studied. It was shown that 1/3 of the MIC almost completely inhibited the bacterial growth, but it was not able to inhibit haemolysin activity in the culture supernate. The generation time of bacteria grown in 1/4 of the MIC was approximately twice longer than that of the control culture. In all cultures, the haemolysin, after being produced (or liberated), reached a peak and decreased to low levels, which could suggest that group G Streptococcus produces some end products of metabolism that are able to inhibit haemolysin activity.
1. According to the handicap principle of sexual selection, colourful ornaments honestly signal absolute quality only if they entail fitness costs. The degree of melanism often covaries positively with aspects of individual quality, and hence melanin-based coloration should be costly to produce or to maintain in a good shape. This is, however, unlikely because melanin-based coloration is often strongly heritable and in birds the rate of feather wear decreases with the amount of melanin pigments packed in feathers. 2. The hypothesis that melanin pigments reduce the cost of maintaining colourful ornaments in a good shape predicts a negative correlation between the degree of melanism and both the size of the uropygial gland that produces preening secretions and the intensity of preening behaviour. 3. Using a correlative approach, I evaluated these two predictions in the barn owl Tyto alba in which the body underside varies from immaculate to heavily marked with black spots, a eumelanin-based trait, and from white to reddish-brown, a phaeomelanin-based trait. I correlated plumage traits with preening behaviour in nestlings and with the size and mass of the uropygial gland in dead adults. I also weighed nonornamental wing and tail feathers to assess whether the quality of nonornamental feathers is positively correlated with the degree of melanism of an ornamental plumage trait. 4. The degree of phaeomelanism was neither associated with preening behaviour nor with the size and mass of the uropygial gland. In line with the two predictions, individuals with more and larger black spots had a lighter uropygial gland and preened less frequently. Because nonornamental wing and tail feathers of spottier individuals were heavier per unit of surface area, the entire plumage of eumelanic individuals may be more robust and in turn require less care than the plumage of nonmelanic conspecifics. 5. In conclusion, the degree of eumelanism can be associated with aspects of individual quality even if eumelanic ornaments are neither costly to produce nor to maintain in a good shape. Document Type: Article
The application of different taxonomic methods (Cladistic, Evolutionary Taxonomy and Numerical Taxonomy) to the taxonomy of the Genus Leishmania are reviewed. The major groupings of the most recent classifications obtained using the cladistical approach agree with the major divisions of previous classifications which used traditional taxonomy (Evolutionary Taxonomy). The advantage of the cladistical approach is that it produces cladograms whose branches indicate more accurately levels of relationships between the different taxa. Numerical Taxonomy is useful for identification but not as good as the cladistical approach for classification. The ancient division of this monophyletic genus into two major evolutionary lines supports the use of the subgeneric names Leishmania and Viannia.
Bacillus sphaericus produces at least two toxins which are highly toxic to mosquito larvae. The binary toxin, which is comprised of proteins of 51.4 and 41.9 kDa, is present in all highly insecticidal strains. The 100 kDa SSII-1 toxin is present in most highly insecticidal as well as the weakly insecticidal strains. The current status of studies on biochemistry and mode of action of these toxins is reviewed.
Oligodendroglia support axon survival and function through mechanisms independent of myelination, and their dysfunction leads to axon degeneration in several diseases. The cause of this degeneration has not been determined, but lack of energy metabolites such as glucose or lactate has been proposed. Lactate is transported exclusively by monocarboxylate transporters, and changes to these transporters alter lactate production and use. Here we show that the most abundant lactate transporter in the central nervous system, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1, also known as SLC16A1), is highly enriched within oligodendroglia and that disruption of this transporter produces axon damage and neuron loss in animal and cell culture models. In addition, this same transporter is reduced in patients with, and in mouse models of, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, suggesting a role for oligodendroglial MCT1 in pathogenesis. The role of oligodendroglia in axon function and neuron survival has been elusive; this study defines a new fundamental mechanism by which oligodendroglia support neurons and axons.
En el present estudi s’han analitzat quines són les fonts energètiques utilitzades a les llars de Haër, així com les repercussions que aquestes tenen sobre el medi natural i socioeconòmic de les famílies. Per tal de poder identificar quines són aquestes fonts i els seus efectes, s’ha realitzat un inventari i una diagnosi energètica. S’ha estudiat l’ús de l’energia en dos àmbits domèstics principals: la il·luminació i el cuinat, analitzant la freqüència d’ús i quantificant el consum energètic familiar. Les fonts energètiques detectades són: llenya, carbó, gas, querosè, piles i espelmes, de les quals, la llenya, el querosè i el carbó són les majoritàriament utilitzades. El consum energètic per càpita és de 2.100 kWh/any. Per altra banda, l’obtenció d’algunes d’aquestes fonts energètiques, suposen un cost econòmic molt elevat per les economies familiars, arribant a suposar un 60% dels ingressos. A partir de les dades obtingudes a la diagnosi, s’ha aplicat un indicador per tal de quantificar la magnitud de l’impacte sobre el medi produït pel model energètic seguit dins de les llars. L’indicador estudiat ha estat la petjada energètica, amb la qual s’ha traduït aquest consum en unitats de superfície biològicament productiva, requerida per absorbir el CO2 emès. El resultat ha estat que una persona produeix anualment 2,09·10-2 tCO2, que requereix de 7,53·10-3 gha/persona de superfície forestal per ser absorbides. S’ha comparat aquest resultat amb la petjada energètica domèstica calculada pel poble d’Araós, el qual, amb un model energètic totalment diferent, té una petjada energètica de 1,53 gha/persona. Un cop detectats els problemes o impactes causats pel model energètic actual, es proposa una alternativa energètica per tal de reemplaçar algunes fonts convencionals, principalment el querosè dels quinqués. Així doncs, mitjançant l’aprofitament de l’energia solar, es plantegen dos models fotovoltaics adaptats a dues tipologies de llars diferents, amb l’objectiu de minimitzar el cost i optimitzar els recursos energètics. Finalment es planteja una solució financera per abordar el cost inicial de la instal·lació solar.
Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi de dues malalties lisosòmiques: la malaltia de Niemann-Pick A/B (NPAB) i la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C (NPC). En relació a la malaltia de NPAB, s’ha realitzat l’expressió in vitro d’algunes de les mutacions de canvi d’aminoàcid trobades en pacients espanyols per tal de detectar les activitats enzimàtiques residuals. Totes les mutacions presenten una activitat molt baixa, gairebé nul•la, excepte la p.L225P i la R608del que tenen un 11% i 20% d’activitat respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts són coherents amb la severitat del fenotip que presenten els pacients. D’altra banda, s’ha caracteritzat un al•lel amb una mutació que afecta a una posició poc conservada d’un donador de splicing i que produeix la generació de trànscrits aberrants corresponents a trànscrits minoritaris de SMPD1, prèviament descrits, que no codifiquen per proteïna funcional. Respecte a malaltia de NPC, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi molecular de pacients espanyols prèviament estudiats identificant, en la majoria dels casos, la segona mutació responsable de la patologia. S’ha descrit per primer cop per aquesta malaltia una gran deleció que inclou el gen NPC1 i altres gens flanquejants i s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen les mutacions de splicing trobades a nivell de RNA. Per una d’aquestes mutacions, c.1554-1009G&A, s’ha assajat amb èxit una estratègia terapèutica basada en la utilització d’oligonuclèotids antisentit. D’altra banda, s’està desenvolupant un model cel•lular neuronal de la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C, basat en la utilització de RNAs d’interferència, sobre el qual es podran assajar possibles estratègies terapèutiques en un futur.
La síndrome metabòlica s’associa amb un risc elevat de desenvolupar diabetis tipus 2 i malaltia cardiovascular. La síndrome metabòlica es defineix com un clúster d’anormalitats metabòliques i, d’entre totes, l’obesitat abdominal constitueix el factor de risc més prevalent i crític en el desenvolupament de la síndrome metabòlica, el risc cardiovascular augmentat i la resistència a la insulina. La prevalença augmentada de l’obesitat en la població a nivell mundial ha portat el teixit adipós al primer pla dels estudis epidemiològics. Anteriorment es considerava el reservori energètic de l’organisme, actualment es parla del teixit adipós com un òrgan endocrí, metabòlicament molt actiu, implicat en diferents vies i processos metabòlics. L’etiologia de l’obesitat és complexa i multifactorial, però es fa evident en la disfuncionalitat del teixit adipós. Un teixit adipós disfuncional veu superada la seva capacitat d’emmagatzemar lípid i respon amb la hipersecreció de diferents molècules (adipoquines, citoquines i mediadors inflamatoris) a favor de la resistència a la insulina, proinflamatòries i proaterogèniques. La fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) i la retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) són dues adipoquines que en circulació, es desconeix la funció exacta que duen a terme. Estudis recents han suggerit la FABP4 com a marcador d’adipositat, síndrome metabòlica i diabetis tipus 2. I, RBP4, malgrat que les dades de diferents estudis en humans desperten certa controvèrsia, s’ha associat amb la resistència a la insulina i el desenvolupament de la diabetis tipus 2. En aquesta memòria es recullen els treballs en què es va estudiar el paper d’aquestes adipoquines en relació a malalties de base metabòlica amb afectació del teixit adipós com són la síndrome metabòlica, la diabetis tipus 2, la hiperlipèmia familiar combinada i la, lipodistrofia associada a tractament combinat antiretroviral de la infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH).
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subsp. medellin (Btmed) produces parasporal crystalline inclusions which are toxic to mosquito larvae. It has been shown that the inclusions of this bacterium contain mainly proteins of 94, 68 and 28-30 kDa. EcoRI partially digested total DNA of Btmed was cloned by using the Lambda Zap II cloning kit. Recombinant plaques were screened with a mouse policlonal antibody raised against the 94 kDa crystal protein of Btmed. One of the positive plaques was selected, and by in vivo excision, a recombinant pBluescript SK(-) was obtained. The gene encoding the 94 kDa toxin of Btmed DNA was cloned in a 4.4 kb DNA fragment. Btmed DNA was then subcloned as a EcoRI/EcoRI fragment into the shuttle vector pBU4 producing the recombinant plasmid pBTM3 and used to transform by electroporation Bt subsp. israelensis (Bti) crystal negative strain 4Q2-81. Toxicity to mosquito larvae was estimated by using first instar laboratory reared Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae challenged with whole crystals. Toxicity results indicate that the purified inclusions from the recombinant Bti strain were toxic to all mosquito species tested, although the toxicity was not as high as the one produced by the crystal of the Btmed wild type strain. Poliacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicate that the inclusions produced by the recombinant strain Bti (pBTM3) were mainly composed of the 94 kDa protein of Btmed, as it was determined by Western blot
We show here a simplified reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for identification of dengue type 2 virus. Three dengue type 2 virus strains, isolated from Brazilian patients, and yellow fever vaccine 17DD, as a negative control, were used in this study. C6/36 cells were infected with the virus, and tissue culture fluids were collected after 7 days of infection period. The RT-PCR, a combination of RT and PCR done after a single addition of reagents in a single reaction vessel was carried out following a digestion of virus with 1% Nonidet P-40. The 50ml assay reaction mixture included 50 pmol of a dengue type 2 specific primer pair amplifying a 210 base pair sequence of the envelope protein gene, 0.1 mM of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 7.5U of reverse transcriptase, and 1U of thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The reagent mixture was incubated for 15 min at 37oC for RT followed by a variable amount of cycles of two-step PCR amplification (92oC for 60 sec, 53oC for 60 sec) with slow temperature increment. The PCR products were subjected to 1.7% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized with UV light after gel incubation in ethidium bromide solution. DNA bands were observed after 25 and 30 cycles of PCR. Virus amount as low as 102.8 TCID50/ml was detected by RT-PCR. Specific DNA amplification was observed with the three dengue type 2 strains. This assay has advantages compared to other RT-PCRs: it avoids laborious extraction of virus RNA; the combination of RT and PCR reduces assay time, facilitates the performance and reduces risk of contamination; the two-step PCR cycle produces a clear DNA amplification, saves assay time and simplifies the technique
This paper presents an analysis of motor vehicle insurance claims relating to vehicle damage and to associated medical expenses. We use univariate severity distributions estimated with parametric and non-parametric methods. The methods are implemented using the statistical package R. Parametric analysis is limited to estimation of normal and lognormal distributions for each of the two claim types. The nonparametric analysis presented involves kernel density estimation. We illustrate the benefits of applying transformations to data prior to employing kernel based methods. We use a log-transformation and an optimal transformation amongst a class of transformations that produces symmetry in the data. The central aim of this paper is to provide educators with material that can be used in the classroom to teach statistical estimation methods, goodness of fit analysis and importantly statistical computing in the context of insurance and risk management. To this end, we have included in the Appendix of this paper all the R code that has been used in the analysis so that readers, both students and educators, can fully explore the techniques described
This paper investigates the effects of fiscal policy on the trade balance using a structural factor model. A fiscal policy shock worsens the trade balance and produces an appreciation of the domestic currency but the effects are quantitatively small. The findings match the theoretical predictions of the standard Mundell-Fleming model, although fiscal policy should not be considered one of the main causes of the large US external deficit. My conclusions differ from those reached using VAR models since the fiscal shock, possibly due to fiscal foresight, is nonfundamental for the variables typically used in open economy VARs.
We present a novel steered molecular dynamics scheme to induce the dissociation of large protein-protein complexes. We apply this scheme to study the interaction of a T cell receptor (TCR) with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presenting a peptide (p). Two TCR-pMHC complexes are considered, which only differ by the mutation of a single amino acid on the peptide; one is a strong agonist that produces T cell activation in vivo, while the other is an antagonist. We investigate the interaction mechanism from a large number of unbinding trajectories by analyzing van der Waals and electrostatic interactions and by computing energy changes in proteins and solvent. In addition, dissociation potentials of mean force are calculated with the Jarzynski identity, using an averaging method developed for our steering scheme. We analyze the convergence of the Jarzynski exponential average, which is hampered by the large amount of dissipative work involved and the complexity of the system. The resulting dissociation free energies largely underestimate experimental values, but the simulations are able to clearly differentiate between wild-type and mutated TCR-pMHC and give insights into the dissociation mechanism.