758 resultados para Know-how
The goal of my Ph.D. thesis is to enhance the visualization of the peripheral retina using wide-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a clinical setting.
OCT has gain widespread adoption in clinical ophthalmology due to its ability to visualize the diseases of the macula and central retina in three-dimensions, however, clinical OCT has a limited field-of-view of 300. There has been increasing interest to obtain high-resolution images outside of this narrow field-of-view, because three-dimensional imaging of the peripheral retina may prove to be important in the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and the monitoring of known ocular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, and choroid masses.
Before attempting to build a wide-field OCT system, we need to better understand the peripheral optics of the human eye. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors are commonly used tools for measuring the optical imperfections of the eye, but their acquisition speed is limited by their underlying camera hardware. The first aim of my thesis research is to create a fast method of ocular wavefront sensing such that we can measure the wavefront aberrations at numerous points across a wide visual field. In order to address aim one, we will develop a sparse Zernike reconstruction technique (SPARZER) that will enable Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors to use as little as 1/10th of the data that would normally be required for an accurate wavefront reading. If less data needs to be acquired, then we can increase the speed at which wavefronts can be recorded.
For my second aim, we will create a sophisticated optical model that reproduces the measured aberrations of the human eye. If we know how the average eye's optics distort light, then we can engineer ophthalmic imaging systems that preemptively cancel inherent ocular aberrations. This invention will help the retinal imaging community to design systems that are capable of acquiring high resolution images across a wide visual field. The proposed model eye is also of interest to the field of vision science as it aids in the study of how anatomy affects visual performance in the peripheral retina.
Using the optical model from aim two, we will design and reduce to practice a clinical OCT system that is capable of imaging a large (800) field-of-view with enhanced visualization of the peripheral retina. A key aspect of this third and final aim is to make the imaging system compatible with standard clinical practices. To this end, we will incorporate sensorless adaptive optics in order to correct the inter- and intra- patient variability in ophthalmic aberrations. Sensorless adaptive optics will improve both the brightness (signal) and clarity (resolution) of features in the peripheral retina without affecting the size of the imaging system.
The proposed work should not only be a noteworthy contribution to the ophthalmic and engineering communities, but it should strengthen our existing collaborations with the Duke Eye Center by advancing their capability to diagnose pathologies of the peripheral retinal.
Esta investigación pretende analizar, desde un punto de vista documental, el tratamiento periodístico dado por los principales medios impresos españoles a las informaciones sobre el nuevo partido político Podemos en el momento de su eclosión. Podemos es un fenómeno social que en muy breve espacio de tiempo cambió los parámetros políticos de España. Por ello, queremos conocer cómo los principales medios de comunicación elaboraron sus informaciones en ese contexto de novedad que supuso su aparición. La documentación es el pilar de la información periodística de calidad, razón por la que nos servimos de ella para medir, dentro del marco de nuestra investigación, la calidad del periodismo que se practicó con dicha formación política.
Die neuen Paradigmen der Rechtswissenschaft nötigen uns beim Erwerb juristischen Wissens dazu, uns in eine kreativere und problemorientiertere Dynamik des Lehrens-Lernens einzugliedern. Die neuen Generationen der Rechtsgelehrten sollten darum bemüht sein, die verschiedenen theoretisch-methodologischen Strömungen des Rechts, z.B. des juristischen Realismus, den juristischen Strukturalismus sowie die angewandte juristische Soziologie zu studieren und zu analysieren. Andererseits sollten sie nicht dogmatisch und ausschliesslich den juristischen Positivismus des 19. Jahrhunderts vertreten. Die juristischen Fakultäten und Schulen der Republik Mexiko zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie die traditionelle juristische Lehre bewahren. Darin liegt der Grund, dass es nur wenige Juristen gibt, die sich der juristischen Forschung und der wissenschaftlichen Praxis widmen.
Propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos climáticos adversos en una ciudad costera de Argentina
Los indicadores de sostenibilidad climática constituyen herramientas fundamentales para complementar las políticas de ordenamiento del territorio urbano y pueden beneficiar la calidad de vida sus habitantes. En el presente trabajo se diseñó un indicador climático urbano para la ciudad de Bahía Blanca considerando variables meteorológicas y análisis de la percepción social. El mismo permitió delimitar la ciudad en cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas entre sí. A partir de entonces, se realizó una propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos adversos del clima a partir de la aplicación del método DPSIR. Las mismas estuvieron destinadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Los resultados permitieron considerar que una pronta implementación de la misma junto con una activa participación de los actores sociales y los tomadores de decisiones es necesaria para mejorar las condiciones actuales en la que se encuentra la ciudad. Con las medidas propuestas, la población local sabrá cómo actuar ante la ocurrencia de distintos eventos extremos, eventos de desconfort climático, etc. Al ser un método sencillo, la metodología aplicada en este estudio puede replicarse en otras ciudades del mundo con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes.
España tiene la oportunidad de desempeñar un papel importante en el proceso de internacionalización de las empresas chinas hacia Europa y América Latina gracias a la histórica experiencia de las multinacionales españolas en estas regiones. Puesto que las relaciones diplomáticas entre España y China gozan de buena sintonía, si España aprovecha la posición de privilegio respecto al resto de economías europeas, el gigante asiático podría estar interesado en el apoyo de España en América Latina, propiciando así la implantación de iniciativas de cooperación entre los tres polos. Los puntos clave para construir una relación win-win en clave triangular es la importancia de un socio local para profundizar en su despliegue internacional en América Latina, que las empresas chinas requieren, además del expertise y know-how necesarios en los procesos operativos, siendo en estos ámbitos las empresas españolas las mejor posicionadas.
Salman, M. et al. (2016). Integrating Scientific Publication into an Applied Gaming Ecosystem. GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC), Volume 5 (Issue 1), pp. 45-51.
With Tweet volumes reaching 500 million a day, sampling is inevitable for any application using Twitter data. Realizing this, data providers such as Twitter, Gnip and Boardreader license sampled data streams priced in accordance with the sample size. Big Data applications working with sampled data would be interested in working with a large enough sample that is representative of the universal dataset. Previous work focusing on the representativeness issue has considered ensuring the global occurrence rates of key terms, be reliably estimated from the sample. Present technology allows sample size estimation in accordance with probabilistic bounds on occurrence rates for the case of uniform random sampling. In this paper, we consider the problem of further improving sample size estimates by leveraging stratification in Twitter data. We analyze our estimates through an extensive study using simulations and real-world data, establishing the superiority of our method over uniform random sampling. Our work provides the technical know-how for data providers to expand their portfolio to include stratified sampled datasets, whereas applications are benefited by being able to monitor more topics/events at the same data and computing cost.
Animal communication plays a crucial role in many species, and it involves a sender producing a signal and a receiver responding to that signal. The shape of a signal is determined by selection pressures acting upon it. One factor that exerts selection on acoustic signals is the acoustic environment through which the signal is transmitted. Recent experimental studies clearly show that senders adjust their signals in response to increased levels of anthropogenic noise. However, to understand how noise affects the whole process of communication, it is vital to know how noise affects the receiver’s response during vocal interactions. Therefore, we experimentally manipulated ambient noise levels to expose male European robins (Erithacus rubecula) to two playback treatments consisting of the same song: one with noise and another one without noise. We found that males responding to a conspecific in a noise polluted environment increased minimum frequency and decreased song complexity and song duration. Thus, we show that the whole process of communication is affected by noise, not just the behaviour of the sender.
Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group oflanguages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology and syntax, in the case of Caló deriving from Spanish. Much research has been carried out regarding the vocabulary and the grammar of this variety.The conclusions drawn in those studies indicate that Caló is on its way to extinction. However, thereis an expressed interest in reintroducing the variety, in a form called “Romanó-Caló”. Language attitudes play a decisive role for the destiny of endangered languages. In order for arevitalization project to be successful, the attitudes towards the variety being reintroduced have to bepositive. The aim of this study is to measure the attitudes that both Calé and non-Calé have towards Calóand Caló speakers, a type of study never carried out in the past. The methods applied are both direct andindirect. In part one, 231 informants listened to different recordings of voices acting as either a “Spanishspeaking person” or a “Caló speaking person”, a technique referred to as ‘matched guise’. Firstly,the informants were asked to write down their first three impressions of the speakers. Secondly, nineshort questions related to the voices were asked, to which the subjects expressed their answers on attitudescales. They were also asked to match the voices with photos of people. Furthermore, theinformants have answered questions regarding what variety is spoken at home, as well as if he or she hasany knowledge of, or contact with, any language/variety, apart from Spanish. 182 informants continuedwith part two of the questionnaire, which consisted of 20 items – positive and negative statementstowards Caló and Caló speakers. The informants have rated their agreement or disagreement to thesestatements on a Likert scale. Another exercise measured the willingness of the informants to use Calówords for naming various objects. In addition, the subjects were tested on their knowledge of some Calówords, as well as asked whether they thought it was “useful” to know how to speak Caló. Variousstatistical methods have been used in order to establish whether or not the results are statisticallysignificant. The results of the analysis indicate that the attitudes differ towards Caló and Calóspeakers, depending on the informant’s (a) ethnicity (b) contact with Caló as well as with Calóspeakers, and (c) gender. It is those who – in their own opinion – belong to the ethnic group Calé, as wellas those who claim that they have some contact with the variety and its speakers, who show positiveattitudes in both parts of the study. The women also show more positive attitudes than the men. It is alsopossible to note positive attitudes towards the variety and its speakers among the subjects with a highlevel of knowledge of Caló words, as well as among those with the highest willingness to use Caló. These observations suggest that a revitalization project of the variety Caló has a clear chance ofbeing successful.
La mise en œuvre d’activités de prévention de la consommation de substances psychoactives (SPA) (tabac, alcool et cannabis) en milieu scolaire est une stratégie couramment utilisée pour rejoindre un grand nombre de jeunes. Ces activités s’inspirent, soit de programmes existant, soit d’innovations dictées par le contexte d’implantation ou l’existence de données de recherche. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, l’évaluation de ces programmes représente la meilleure voie pour mesurer leur efficacité et/ou connaître comment ceux-ci sont implantés. C’est cet impératif qui a motivé une commission scolaire du Québec a recommandé l’évaluation de l’Intervention en Réseau (IR), un programme développé en vue de retarder l’âge d’initiation et de réduire la consommation problématique de SPA chez les élèves. Ce programme adopte une approche novatrice avec pour principal animateur un intervenant pivot (IP) qui assure le suivi des élèves de la 5e année du primaire jusqu’en 3e secondaire. Inspiré des modèles en prévention de la santé et de l’Approche École en santé (AES), le rôle de l’IP ici se démarque de ceux-ci. Certes, il est l’interface entre les différents acteurs impliqués et les élèves mais dans le cadre du programme IR, l’IP est intégré dans les écoles primaires et secondaires qu’il dessert. C’est cet intervenant qui assure la mobilisation des autres acteurs pour la mise en œuvre des activités. Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de ce processus d’évaluation ainsi que des résultats obtenus. L’approche d’évaluation en est une de type participatif et collaboratif avec des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues, de groupes de discussion, d’un journal de bord et de notes de réunions. Les données ont été analysées dans le cadre de trois articles dont le premier concerne l’étude d’évaluabilité (ÉÉ) du programme. Les participants de cette ÉÉ sont des acteurs-clés du programme (N=13) rencontrés en entrevues. Une analyse documentaire (rapports et journal de bord) a également été effectuée. Cette ÉÉ a permis de clarifier les intentions des initiateurs du programme et les objectifs poursuivis par ces derniers. Elle a également permis de rendre la théorie du programme plus explicite et de développer le modèle logique, deux éléments qui ont facilité les opérations d’évaluation qui ont suivi. Le deuxième article porte sur l’évaluation des processus en utilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (TAR) à travers ses quatre moments du processus de traduction des innovations (la problématisation, l’intéressement, l’enrôlement et la mobilisation des alliés), l’analyse des controverses et du rôle des acteurs humains et non-humains. Après l’analyse des données obtenues par entrevues auprès de 19 informateurs-clés, les résultats montrent que les phases d’implantation du programme passent effectivement par les quatre moments de la TAR, que la gestion des controverses par la négociation et le soutien était nécessaire pour la mobilisation de certains acteurs humains. Cette évaluation des processus a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs non-humains dans le processus d’implantation du programme. Le dernier article concerne une évaluation combinée des effets (volet quantitatif) et des processus (volet qualitatif) du programme. Pour le volet quantitatif, un devis quasi-expérimental a été adopté et les données ont été colligées de façon longitudinale par questionnaires auprès de 901 élèves de 5e et 6e année du primaire et leurs enseignants de 2010 à 2014. L’analyse des données ont montré que le programme n’a pas eu d’effets sur l’accessibilité et les risques perçus, l’usage problématique d’alcool et la polyconsommation (alcool et cannabis) chez les participants. Par contre, les résultats suggèrent que le programme pourrait favoriser la réduction du niveau de consommation et retarder l’âge d’initiation à l’alcool et au cannabis. Ils suggèrent également un effet potentiellement positif du programme sur l’intoxication à l’alcool chez les élèves. Quant au volet qualitatif, il a été réalisé à l’aide d’entrevues avec les intervenants (N=17), de groupes de discussion avec des élèves du secondaire (N=10) et d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent que le programme bénéficie d’un préjugé favorable de la part des différents acteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation et est bien acceptée par ces derniers. Cependant, le roulement fréquent de personnel et le grand nombre d’écoles à suivre peuvent constituer des obstacles à la bonne marche du programme. En revanche, le leadership et le soutien des directions d’écoles, la collaboration des enseignants, les qualités de l’IP et la flexibilité de la mise en œuvre sont identifiés comme des éléments ayant contribué au succès du programme. Les résultats et leur implication pour les programmes et l’évaluation sont discutés. Enfin, un plan de transfert des connaissances issues de la recherche évaluative est proposé.
O stress é a doença da actualidade, devido à exigência e à pressão emocional que o meio pode exercer sobre todas as pessoas, quer no seu ambiente pessoal quer no ambiente profissional. O termo stress serve cada vez mais como justificação ou forma de expressão de irritações, mal-estar físico e mental, cansaço, ansiedade e depressões. Todavia torna-se pertinente percebermos a evolução do stress enquanto conceito e enquanto doença. Neste trabalho contextualizamos o stress no âmbito da Emergência Pré – Hospitalar, explorando-o, avaliando-o e analisando-o, de modo a podermos perceber os níveis de stress e de que forma os Profissionais de Emergência a ele estão sujeitos. Considerando a base teórica deste estudo definimos, como objectivo geral do trabalho, a avaliação de níveis e factores de stress percepcionados pelos profissionais de emergência médica e como objectivos específicos do estudo a descrever e caracterizar, a nível da região centro, os indivíduos que desempenham funções na emergência préhospitalar, verificar a percepção dos mesmos no que respeita ao stress na sua vida profissional, conhecer como percepcionam os níveis de stress em situações profissionais de emergência e identificar a sua percepção no que concerne aos níveis de stress diário no seu quotidiano. Com estes objectivos, utilizamos uma amostra de 184 profissionais de Emergência Médica divididos por quatro profissões [Médicos, Enfermeiros, Técnicos de Ambulância de Emergência (TAE) e Operadores de Central de Emergência Médica(OPCEM)], com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 56 anos. Realizámos ainda um estudo descritivo explorando os questionários de stress no INEM (Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica) e o Questionário de Vulnerabilidade do Stress com variáveis do estudo demográfico. Podemos concluir que o stress está presente nas actividades de emergência. A sua presença relaciona-se, por um lado, com uma maior ou menor discriminação dos factores stressantes e, por outro, numa maior ou menor centração no sujeito, nomeadamente, um maior perfeccionismo e intolerância à frustração que se apresentam como distressantes para a actividade profissional de emergência. Os aspectos estudados permitem-nos clarificar o sentido e a utilidade do conceito, a sua operacionalidade e a sua importância nos profissionais de emergência. / Stress is the disease of our time, due to the requirement and emotional pressure that the media can have on all people, both in their personal environment and in the professional environment. The word stress increasingly serves as a justification or form of expression of irritation, physical discomfort and mental fatigue, anxiety and depression. However it is pertinent to realize the evolution of stress as a concept and as a disease. In this work, we contextualize under the stress of the Pre - Hospital Emergency, exploring it, assessing it and analyzing it, so you can see the stress levels and how the Emergency Professionals are subject to it. Whereas the theoretical basis of this study as a strategic objective of the work, the assessment of levels and stress factors perceived by medical emergency professionals and specific objectives of the study description and characterization, the level of the center, individuals who perform functions in pre-hospital emergency, check their perception with regard to the stress in your life, know how they experience the stress levels of professionals in emergency situations and identify the perceptions of individuals regarding the levels of daily stress in their daily lives. For this we used a sample of 184 professionals of Medical Emergency divided by four professions [(Doctors, Nurses, Technicians Ambulance Emergency (TAE), Operators of Emergency Medical Center (OPCEM)], aged 20 to 56 years. We conducted a descriptive study also exploring the questionnaires of stress in INEM(National Institute of Medical Emergency) and Vulnerability Questionnaire Stress with variables of the study population. We can conclude that stress is present in emergency activities. Its presence is related to, first, with more or less stressful factors of discrimination and, secondly, a greater or lesser concentration on the subject, in particular, greater perfectionism and intolerance to frustration that stand as unstressed for the activity of emergency professionals. The areas studied will clarify the meaning and usefulness of the concept, its operation and its importance in day-to-day occupation of emergency.
Segundo o paradigma económico vigente, os intangíveis são hoje os principais factores de produção que criam riqueza no meio empresarial, devendo ser entendidos pelos gestores como factores críticos de sucesso. O conjunto de intangíveis que criam valor organizacional e sustentam a vantagem competitiva constituem o capital intelectual. Se no meio académico, o capital intelectual é visto como um motor do desenvolvimento económico, no âmbito da sociedade do conhecimento, já no meio empresarial apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância estratégica, poucos conseguem defini-lo e identificá-lo, não sabendo mesmo como tirar proveito dele. Acresce ainda o facto de o principal entrave poder estar relacionado na dificuldade em medir e representar o valor gerado por este recurso intangível. A generalidade dos autores que se dedica ao estudo do capital intelectual sustenta a existência de uma relação entre este e o desempenho organizacional, numa óptica de criação e manutenção de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo exploratório realizado no âmbito da indústria farmacêutica portuguesa, com o objectivo de investigar, por um lado, a presença dos três elementos do capital intelectual: capital humano, capital estrutural e capital relacional e, por outro, o seu inter-relacionamento dentro do contexto farmacêutico português. Por fim, pretende-se investigar até que ponto o capital intelectual contribui para o sucesso das organizações analisadas. / According to the prevailing economic paradigm, intangibles are now the main factors of production that are creating wealth in the business world and they should be seen by managers as crucial factors of success. The intangible assets that create organisational value and sustain a competitive edge constitute intellectual capital. In academia intellectual capital is viewed as a driving force for economic development, in the context of the knowledge society, but in the corporate world, although recognised for its strategic importance few people can define it and identify it, or even know how to exploit it. The chief obstacle may be related to the difficulty in measuring and representing the value engendered by this intangible resource. Most authors involved in studying intellectual capital believe that it is related to organisational performance in terms of creating and retaining sustainable competitive advantages. This work is an exploratory study of the Portuguese pharmaceutical industry and it set out, first, to inquire into the presence of the three elements of intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital and relational capital, and also to examine their interrelations within the Portuguese pharmaceutical context. A final objective was to ascertain the part played by intellectual capital in the success of the organizations studied.
O objetivo desta tese foi analisar os recursos intangíveis de um destino turístico. Foi feito um estudo de desempenho da cidade de Natal tendo como base a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa para oportunizar a construção de um modelo de medida com vistas à captação de variáveis latentes para os recursos intangíveis existentes no setor do turismo em Natal-RN. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos intangíveis que são evidenciados pelos turistas acerca da cidade. Finalmente, foi feita a investigação de um modelo de estrutura que estabeleceu as relações entre as variáveis latentes dos recursos intangíveis e a percepção de desempenho do turismo na cidade de Natal. Procedeu-se uma revisão de literatura para construção de um modelo inicial acerca dos ativos intangíveis dentro da teoria das capacidades e foram relacionados dez recursos, quais sejam: recursos humanos prestadores de serviços; recursos humanos como gestores; cultura local; conservação do meio ambiente; know-how empresarial; inovação empresarial; tecnologia; marca; preço; e promoção. Estes dez recursos, em conjunto, seriam responsáveis pelo desempenho do destino turístico. Após ser realizada uma análise de equações estruturais, apenas quatro recursos manifestaram relações com o desempenho: marca; cultura; conservação do meio ambiente; e preço. Análisando dos dados, verificou-se que a variável desempenho positivo da cidade na ótica do turista se manifestou fortemente e foi influenciada de forma forte pela cultura local, marca e conservação do meio ambiente em conjunto. O preço foi influenciado pelo desempenho positivo mostrando que o turista sente que o preço pago foi satisfatório diante dos atributos do destino Provavelmente, isso seja um ponto positivo muito forte para o destino turístico de Natal, pois, em termos de recursos intangíveis e de juntos formarem capacidades, eles são inimitáveis, raros e são capazes de se ajustarem às mudanças organizacionais e ambientais, para reconfigurar os ativos e as estruturas de um destino, corroborando, assim, com a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Esses recursos da cidade de Natal, como destino turístico, são únicos e provavelmente têm um peso muito maior para o desempenho da cidade do que problemas existentes na localidade. Logo, esses atributos devem ser estimulados a continuar crescendo e se modificando de acordo com as exigências atuais e futuras de consumo
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka yksilön brändi muodostuu sosiaalisessa mediassa ja mitä sosiaalisen median kanavia suositaan työnhakijoiden ja yritysten keskuudessa. Haettiin myös alueellisilta yrityksiltä vastausta siihen, perehdyttävätkö he uusia työntekijöitä sosiaalisen median käyttäytymisessä. Tietolähteinä käytettiin brändin luomiseen ja sosiaalisen median strategiaan keskittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä yrityksien ja opiskelijoiden haastatteluja. Työn tuloksina todettiin suosituimmiksi kanaviksi itsensä markkinointiin verkostoitumispalvelu LinkedIn. Yritykset korostivat omien projektien merkitystä osaamisen näyttämisessä työnhaussa ja hyvin viestittyä persoonallisuutta hakemuksissa arvostettiin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08