935 resultados para Key topics in conservation biology
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Os Cerrados sul-americanos abrigam alta diversidade de répteis, incluindo elevado número de endemismos. No entanto, o conhecimento desta diversidade é ainda incompleto frente à acelerada transformação das paisagens naturais no Brasil central. Constituem, portanto, uma das regiões prioritárias para estudo e conservação da biodiversidade mundial. Estudos intensivos sobre a fauna de répteis do Cerrado são necessários e urgentes para melhor compreensão dos processos que levaram à sua origem e distribuição e para subsidiar ações de conservação. Por meio de métodos padronizados, amostramos duas regiões ainda inexploradas da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, situada na região do Jalapão. Registramos 45 espécies de répteis para a EESGT e entorno, o que representa uma riqueza alta e comparável à de outras regiões bem amostradas do Cerrado. Curvas de acumulação e estimadores indicam que a riqueza local de lagartos e anfisbenídeos aproxima-se da riqueza real enquanto a de serpentes é subestimada. A distribuição não-aleatória das espécies na paisagem concorda com evidências anteriores sugerindo utilização diferencial dos hábitats pelos répteis. Reunindo os resultados do presente estudo com os de levantamentos prévios realizados na região, registramos 88 espécies de répteis para o Jalapão sendo oito registros novos que incluem Bachia oxyrhina uma espécie recém descrita da região. As espécies da área apresentam três padrões gerais de distribuição: (1) espécies endêmicas do Cerrado, (2) espécies compartilhadas com domínios da diagonal de formações abertas sul-americanas, e (3) espécies de ampla ocorrência, compartilhadas também com ecossistemas florestais. Prevalecem espécies de ampla distribuição, porém é grande o número de espécies típicas do Cerrado, incluindo cinco possivelmente endêmicas do Jalapão, e há contribuição importante da fauna da Caatinga. A distribuição dos répteis em escala local e regional demonstra a necessidade de considerar a heterogeneidade paisagística para o planejamento de diretrizes visando à conservação em regiões do Cerrado. Por sua grande extensão, posição biogeográfica e complexidade de relevo e tipos de hábitat, a EESGT tem papel fundamental para a preservação e conhecimento da diversidade de répteis do Cerrado.
The aim of this study was to determine how abiotic factors drive the phytoplankton community in a water supply reservoir within short sampling intervals. Samples were collected at the subsurface (0.1 m) and bottom of limnetic (8 m) and littoral (2 m) zones in both the dry and rainy seasons. The following abiotic variables were analyzed: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, pH, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus and orthophosphate. Phytoplankton biomass was determined from biovolume values. The role abiotic variables play in the dynamics of phytoplankton species was determined by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Algae biomass ranged from 1.17×10(4) to 9.21×10(4) µg.L-1; cyanobacteria had biomass values ranging from 1.07×10(4) to 8.21×10(4) µg.L-1. High availability of phosphorous, nitrogen limitation, alkaline pH and thermal stability all favored cyanobacteria blooms, particularly during the dry season. Temperature, pH, total phosphorous and turbidity were key factors in characterizing the phytoplankton community between sampling times and stations. Of the species studied, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii populations were dominant in the phytoplankton in both the dry and rainy seasons. We conclude that the phytoplankton was strongly influenced by abiotic variables, particularly in relation to seasonal distribution patterns.
Estuarine hydrodynamics is a key factor in the definition of the filtering capacity of an estuary and results from the interaction of the processes that control the inlet morphodynamics and those that are acting in the mixing of the water in the estuary. The hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport in the Camboriú estuary were assessed by two field campaigns conducted in 1998 that covered both neap and spring tide conditions. The period measured represents the estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport prior to the construction of the jetty in 2003 and provides important background information for the Camboriú estuary. Each field campaign covered two complete tidal cycles with hourly measurements of currents, salinity, suspended sediment concentration and water level. Results show that the Camboriú estuary is partially mixed with the vertical structure varying as a function of the tidal range and tidal phase. The dynamic estuarine structure can be balanced between the stabilizing effects generated by the vertical density gradient, which produces buoyancy and stratification flows, and the turbulent effects generated by the vertical velocity gradient that generates vertical mixing. The main sediment source for the water column are the bottom sediments, periodically resuspended by the tidal currents. The advective salt and suspended sediment transport was different between neap and spring tides, being more complex at spring tide. The river discharge term was important under both tidal conditions. The tidal correlation term was also important, being dominant in the suspended sediment transport during the spring tide. The gravitational circulation and Stokes drift played a secondary role in the estuarine transport processes.
Cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid insecticide, induces stress-like symptoms, increases c-fos immunoreactivity in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, and decreases innate immune responses in laboratory animals. Macrophages are key elements in cellular immune responses and operate at the tumor-host interface. This study investigated the relationship among cyhalothrin effects on Ehrlich tumor growth, serum corticosterone levels and peritoneal macrophage activity in mice. Three experiments were done with 10 experimental (single gavage administration of 3.0 mg/kg cyhalothrin daily for 7 days) and 10 control (single gavage administration of 1.0 mL/kg vehicle of cyhalothrin preparation daily for 7 days) isogenic BALB/c mice in each experiment. Cyhalothrin i) increased Ehrlich ascitic tumor growth after ip administration of 5.0 x 106 tumor cells, i.e., ascitic fluid volume (control = 1.97 ± 0.39 mL and experimental = 2.71 ± 0.92 mL; P < 0.05), concentration of tumor cells/mL in the ascitic fluid (control = 111.95 ± 16.73 x 106 and experimental = 144.60 ± 33.18 x 106; P < 0.05), and total number of tumor cells in the ascitic fluid (control = 226.91 ± 43.22 x 106 and experimental = 349.40 ± 106.38 x 106; P < 0.05); ii) increased serum corticosterone levels (control = 200.0 ± 48.3 ng/mL and experimental = 420.0 ± 75.5 ng/mL; P < 0.05), and iii) decreased the intensity of macrophage phagocytosis (control = 132.3 ± 19.7 and experimental = 116.2 ± 4.6; P < 0.05) and oxidative burst (control = 173.7 ± 40.8 and experimental= 99.58 ± 41.7; P < 0.05) in vitro in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. These data provide evidence that cyhalothrin simultaneously alters host resistance to Ehrlich tumor growth, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis function, and peritoneal macrophage activity. The results are discussed in terms of data suggesting a link between stress, HPA axis activation and resistance to tumor growth.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) on internal training loads, as measured by the session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) method. Methods: Nine male professional outfield futsal players were monitored for 4 wk of the in-season period with regards to the weekly accumulated session-RPE, while participating in the same training sessions. Single-session-RPE was obtained from the product of a 10-point RPE scale and the duration of exercise. Maximal oxygen consumption was determined during an incremental treadmill test. Results: The average training load throughout the 4 wk period varied between 2,876 and 5,035 arbitrary units. Technical-tactical sessions were the predominant source of loading. There was a significant correlation between VO(2)max (59.6 +/- 2.5 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) and overall training load accumulated over the total period (r = -0.75). Conclusions: The VO(2)max plays a key role in determining the magnitude of an individual's perceived exertion during futsal training sessions.
Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is frequently associated with a RET gene rearrangement that generates a RET/PTC oncogene. RET/PTC is a fusion of the tyrosine kinase domain of RET to the 50 portion of a different gene. This fusion results in a constitutively active MAPK pathway, which plays a key role in PTC development. The RET/PTC3 fusion is primarily associated with radiation-related PTC. Epidemiological studies show a lower incidence of PTC in radiation-exposed regions that are associated with an iodine-rich diet. Since the influence of excess iodine on the development of thyroid cancer is still unclear, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of high iodine concentrations on RET/PTC3-activated thyroid cells. Methods: PTC3-5 cells, a rat thyroid cell lineage harboring doxycycline-inducible RET/PTC3, were treated with 10(-3) M NaI. Cell growth was analyzed by cell counting and the MTT assay. The expression and phosphorylation state of MAPK pathway-related (Braf, Erk, pErk, and pRet) and thyroid-specific (natrium-iodide symporter [Nis] and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor [Tshr]) proteins were analyzed by Western blotting. Thyroid-specific gene expression was further analyzed by quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction. Results: A significant inhibition of proliferation was observed, along with no significant variation in cell death rate, in the iodine-treated cells. Further, iodine treatment attenuated the loss of Nis and Tshr gene and protein expression induced by RET/PTC3 oncogene induction. Finally, iodine treatment reduced Ret and Erk phosphorylation, without altering Braf and Erk expression. Conclusion: Our results indicate an antioncogenic role for excess iodine during thyroid oncogenic activation. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the effect of iodine on thyroid follicular cells, particularly how it may play a protective role during RET/PTC3 oncogene activation.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 170 million people worldwide, and is a major public health problem in Brazil, where over 1% of the population may be infected and where multiple viral genotypes co-circulate. Chronically infected individuals are both the source of transmission to others and are at risk for HCV-related diseases, such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. Before the adoption of anti-HCV control measures in blood banks, this virus was mainly transmitted via blood transfusion. Today, needle sharing among injecting drug users is the most common form of HCV transmission. Of particular importance is that HCV prevalence is growing in non-risk groups. Since there is no vaccine against HCV, it is important to determine the factors that control viral transmission in order to develop more efficient control measures. However, despite the health costs associated with HCV, the factors that determine the spread of virus at the epidemiological scale are often poorly understood. Here, we sequenced partial NS5b gene sequences sampled from blood samples collected from 591 patients in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. We show that different viral genotypes entered Sao Paulo at different times, grew at different rates, and are associated with different age groups and risk behaviors. In particular, subtype 1b is older and grew more slowly than subtypes 1a and 3a, and is associated with multiple age classes. In contrast, subtypes 1a and 3b are associated with younger people infected more recently, possibly with higher rates of sexual transmission. The transmission dynamics of HCV in Sao Paulo therefore vary by subtype and are determined by a combination of age, risk exposure and underlying social network. We conclude that social factors may play a key role in determining the rate and pattern of HCV spread, and should influence future intervention policies.
Chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas putida (Pp 1,2-CCD) is considered to be an important biotechnological tool owing to its ability to process a broad spectrum of organic pollutants. In the current work, the crystallization, crystallographic characterization and phasing of the recombinant Pp 1,2-CCD enzyme are described. Reddish-brown crystals were obtained in the presence of polyethylene glycol and magnesium acetate by utilizing the vapour-diffusion technique in sitting drops. Crystal dehydration was the key step in obtaining data sets, which were collected on the D03B-MX2 beamline at the CNPEM/MCT - LNLS using a MAR CCD detector. Pp 1,2-CCD crystals belonged to space group P6(1)22 and the crystallographic structure of Pp 1,2-CCD has been solved by the MR-SAD technique using Fe atoms as scattering centres and the coordinates of 3-chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Rhodococcus opacus (PDB entry
Background: Extracellular vesicles in yeast cells are involved in the molecular traffic across the cell wall. In yeast pathogens, these vesicles have been implicated in the transport of proteins, lipids, polysaccharide and pigments to the extracellular space. Cellular pathways required for the biogenesis of yeast extracellular vesicles are largely unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We characterized extracellular vesicle production in wild type (WT) and mutant strains of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using transmission electron microscopy in combination with light scattering analysis, lipid extraction and proteomics. WT cells and mutants with defective expression of Sec4p, a secretory vesicle-associated Rab GTPase essential for Golgi-derived exocytosis, or Snf7p, which is involved in multivesicular body (MVB) formation, were analyzed in parallel. Bilayered vesicles with diameters at the 100-300 nm range were found in extracellular fractions from yeast cultures. Proteomic analysis of vesicular fractions from the cells aforementioned and additional mutants with defects in conventional secretion pathways (sec1-1, fusion of Golgi-derived exocytic vesicles with the plasma membrane; bos1-1, vesicle targeting to the Golgi complex) or MVB functionality (vps23, late endosomal trafficking) revealed a complex and interrelated protein collection. Semi-quantitative analysis of protein abundance revealed that mutations in both MVB- and Golgi-derived pathways affected the composition of yeast extracellular vesicles, but none abrogated vesicle production. Lipid analysis revealed that mutants with defects in Golgi-related components of the secretory pathway had slower vesicle release kinetics, as inferred from intracellular accumulation of sterols and reduced detection of these lipids in vesicle fractions in comparison with WT cells. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that both conventional and unconventional pathways of secretion are required for biogenesis of extracellular vesicles, which demonstrate the complexity of this process in the biology of yeast cells.
We present here the sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the basidiomycete phytopathogenic hemibiotrophic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa, causal agent of the Witches` Broom Disease in Theobroma cacao. The DNA is a circular molecule of 109103 base pairs, with 31.9 % GC, and is the largest sequenced so far. This size is due essentially to the presence of numerous non-conserved hypothetical ORFs. It contains the 14 genes coding for proteins involved in the oxidative phosphorylation, the two rRNA genes, one ORF coding for a ribosomal protein (rps3), and a set of 26 tRNA genes that recognize codons for all amino acids. Seven homing endonucleases are located inside introns. Except atp8, all conserved known genes are in the same orientation. Phylogenetic analysis based on the cox genes agrees with the commonly accepted fungal taxonomy. An uncommon feature of this mitochondrial genome is the presence of a region that contains a set of four, relatively small, nested, inverted repeats enclosing two genes coding for polymerases with an invertron-type structure and three conserved hypothetical genes interpreted as the stable integration of a mitochondrial linear plasmid. The integration of this plasmid seems to be a recent evolutionary event that could have implications in fungal biology. This sequence is available under GenBank accession number AY376688. (c) 2008 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A key objective of developing countries is to provide affordable access to modern energy services in order to support economic and social development. The paper presents a number of arguments for why and in which way energy access and affordability can play a key role in national development programs and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Approaches for measuring accessibility and affordability are presented, drawing on case studies of Bangladesh. Brazil, and South Africa, countries with different rates of electrification. Affordability of using electricity is examined in relation to the energy expenditure burden for households and time consumption. Conclusions focus on lessons learned and recommendations for implementing policies, instruments, and regulatory measures to tackle the challenge of affordability. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work was undertaken to provide further insight into the role of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in skeletal muscle regeneration, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Rats were treated or not with rapamycin, an mTORC1 inhibitor. Soleus muscles were then subjected to cryolesion and analyzed 1, 10, and 21 days later. A decrease in soleus myofiber cross-section area on post-cryolesion days 10 and 21 was accentuated by rapamycin, which was also effective in reducing protein synthesis in these freeze-injured muscles. The incidence of proliferating satellite cells during regeneration was unaltered by rapamycin, although immunolabeling for neonatal myosin heavy chain (MHC) was weaker in cryolesion+rapamycin muscles than in cryolesion-only muscles. In addition, the decline in tetanic contraction of freeze-injured muscles was accentuated by rapamycin. This study indicates that mTORC1 plays a key role in the recovery of muscle mass and the differentiation of regenerating myofibers, independently of necrosis and satellite cell proliferation mechanisms. Muscle Nerve 42: 778-787,2010
The aim of this study was to measure the temporal expression of osteogenic genes during the process of bone healing in low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) treated bone defects by means of histopathologic and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Animals were randomly distributed into two groups (n = 30): control group (bone defect without treatment) and LIPUS treated (bone defect treated with LIPUS). On days 7, 13 and 25 postinjury, 10 rats per group were sacrificed. Rats were treated with a 30 mW/cm(2) LIPUS. The results pointed out intense new bone formation surrounded by highly vascularized connective tissue presenting a slight osteogenic activity, with primary bone deposition was observed in the group exposed to LIPUS in the intermediary (13 days) and late stages of repair (25 days) in the treated animals. In addition, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) showed an upregulation of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), osteocalcin and Runx2 genes 7 days after the surgery. In the intermediary period, there was no increase in the expression. The expression of alkaline phosphatase, BMP4 and Runx2 was significantly increased at the last period. Our results indicate that LIPUS therapy improves bone repair in rats and upregulated osteogenic genes, mainly at the late stages of recovery. (E-mail: a.renno@unifesp.br) (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
The characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) play a key role in many aspects of waste disposal facilities and landfills. Because most of a landfill is made up of MSW, the overall stability of the landfill slopes are governed by the strength parameters and physical properties of the MSW. These parameters are also important in interactions involving the waste body and the landfill structures: cover liner, leachate and gas collection systems. On the other hand, the composition of the waste, which affects the geotechnical behavior of the MSW, is dependent on a variety of factors such as climate, disposal technology, the culture and habits of the local community. It is therefore essential that the design and stability evaluations of landfills in each region be performed based on the local conditions and the geotechnical characteristic of the MSW. The Bandeirantes Landfill, BL, in Sao Paulo and the Metropolitan Center Landfill, MCL, in Salvador, are among the biggest landfills in Brazil. These two disposal facilities have been used for the development of research involving waste mechanics in recent years. Considerable work has been made in the laboratory and in the field to evaluate parameters such as water and organic contents, composition, permeability, and shear strength. This paper shows and analyzes the results of tests performed on these two landfills. The authors believe that these results could be a good reference for certain aspects and geotechnical properties of MSW materials in countries with similar conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.