886 resultados para Kerr


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A concessão de crédito bancário demanda esforço do agente credor que se dedica de forma ativa na obtenção de informações relativas à firma, até então não disponíveis ao público. Dado o hold up power do banco detentor de informações não públicas, este deveria poder cobrar spreads mais altos do que seria justificado unicamente pelo risco de crédito do tomador ao longo dos ciclos econômicos, sendo tal dinâmica mais acentuada em cenários de crise. Testa-se aqui esta hipótese e para isso são comparadas as variações do spread bancário médio da dívida de empresas brasileiras com diferentes composições de endividamento, levando-se em conta sua dependência do crédito bancário. Foram criadas: i) uma variável dummy identificando o acesso ao crédito direto para que se pudesse avaliar o seu efeito nos spreads; ii) outra dummy identificando cenários de recessão que permite avaliar o impacto do ciclo econômico nos spreads e iii) dummy interação que viabilizou o estudo do efeito combinado das duas variáveis anteriores. Fatores de risco individuais da firma, tais como tamanho, nível de alavancagem e sua natureza em termos de restrição a crédito foram controlados na análise. Os dados foram organizados em painel com os quais foi montada regressão linear valendo-se da técnica Estimated Generalized Least Squares (EGLS), alternativa ao Least Squares (LS) clássico. Encontrou-se evidência estatística de que em cenários de recessão econômica o acesso ao mercado direto de crédito traz efeito benéfico sobre os spreads bancários pagos pelas firmas.


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Os desafios da política de Assistência Social do Brasil ainda são imensos. Objetivando a garantia dos mínimos sociais, a partir da Constituição de 1988 e da implantação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), a gestão de Recursos Humanos passa a ser considerada como eixo estruturante, inclusive no que diz respeito à formação e capacitação de profissionais da Assistência Social que, que no exercício da sua discricionariedade, são seus efetivos implementadores. Neste contexto, este trabalho se propõe a investigar modalidade de Ensino à Distância (EAD) como ferramenta impulsionadora do SUAS, oferecendo aos órgãos gestores envolvidos, elementos que contribuam com a avaliação, decisão e incorporação da EAD nas suas estratégias de educação dos atores socioassistenciais.


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Entre os desafios para a implementação da política de desenvolvimento social do Brasil, muito tem sido discutido acerca das dificuldades de capacitação dos profissionais que diariamente executam ações que traduzem esta política. Parte da dificuldade é decorrente das transformações ocorridas nas últimas décadas nas Políticas Públicas de Assistência Social no país e no entendimento destas novas demandas. O Brasil está transformando a sua antiga política assistencialista na do direito social. A capacitação e a garantia da educação continuada e da educação permanente são elementos fundamentais e estruturantes para a consolidação deste novo projeto de política social. Neste sentido, a criação de uma escola de governo no Estado de São Paulo, com a perspectiva de capacitação e educação continuada dos profissionais envolvidos na prestação de serviços socioassistenciais, vem colaborar com a formação dos atores sociais (servidores e prestadores de serviço), capazes de executar e aprimorar as políticas sociais regionais e do SUAS, de forma transversal e multidisciplinar, visando garantir o direito e o acesso a bens e serviços aos cidadãos e grupos em situação de vulnerabilidade e risco social e pessoal. Este trabalho busca resgatar o contexto e as motivações que levaram à criação da Escola de Desenvolvimento Social do Estado de São Paulo (EDESP), sua história e as expectativas em torno dela, permitindo, a partir de experiências em outras escolas de governo e referenciais de boas práticas, elencar alguns pontos para reflexão.


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There was a significant decline in hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in children younger than 1 year of age in Brazil between 1992 to 2001. The less economically developed state of Rio Grande do Norte is a case example of the national trend. In this work, we show a significant association between improvements in socioeconomic variables as well as increased access to sanitation and the decreased rate of hospitalization. Additionally, we observed a positive, seasonal correlation between rainfall and hospitalizations. Most notably, however, we show that improvements in income and inflation were positively correlated with a decline in hospitalizations. Improvements in public health infrastructure, socioeconomic variables like education and literacy, and increased investment in health services were important in reducing severe early childhood diarrheas. However, the data suggests that increased buying power and reductions in poverty played an equally crucial role in reducing hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in infants in Brazil. The work includes elements of the demography of the period for the age groups involved, children under one year, women in fertile age and fertility rate


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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The research behind this master dissertation started with the installation of a DC sputtering system, from its first stage, the adaptation of a refrigerating system, passing by the introduction of a heating system for the chamber using a thermal belt, until the deposition of a series of Fe/MgO(100) single crystal nanometric film samples. The deposition rates of some materials such as Fe, Py and Cu were investigated through an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). For the single crystal samples, five of them have the same growth parameters and a thickness of 250Å, except for the temperature, which varies from fifty degrees from one to another, from 100ºC to 300ºC. Three other samples also have the same deposition parameters and a temperature of 300ºC, but with thickness of 62,5Å, 150Å, and 250Å. Magneto-optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) of the magnetic curves measurements and Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) were made to in order to study the influence of the temperature and thickness on the sample s magnetic properties. In the present dissertation we discuss such techniques, and the experimental results are interpreted using phenomenological models, by simulation, and discussed from a physical point of view, taking into account the system s free magnetic energy terms. The results show the growth of the cubic anisotropy field (Hac) as the sample s deposition temperature increases, presenting an asymptotic behavior, similar to the characteristic charging curve of a capacitor in a RC circuit. A similar behavior was also observed for the Hac due to the increase in the samples thicknesses. The 250˚A sample, growth at 300°C, presented a Hac field close to the Fe bulk value


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho estudou a eficácia e a tolerabilidade da fluvoxamina no tratamento, de forma aberta, sem comparação com placebo ou outros agentes, por 6 semanas, de pacientes com o diagnóstico de transtorno depressivo maior (TDM). Constitui-se em objetivo secundário do estudo avaliar os efeitos da fluvoxamina sobre o sono dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 104 pacientes, maiores de 18 anos, com o diagnóstico de TDM, de acordo com os critérios do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais, 4ª edição (DSM-IV), e com escores, na Escala de Hamilton para Depressão, versão de 17 itens (HAM-D 17), de 17 pontos ou mais. Avaliou-se a eficácia da fluvoxamina por meio das Escalas HAM-D 17 e da CGI (Impressão Clínica Global). A análise dos itens 4, 5 e 6 da HAM-D 17 foi utilizada para a avaliação do sono dos pacientes. Avaliaram-se a segurança e a tolerabilidade da fluvoxamina ao longo das 6 semanas, registrando-se quaisquer eventos adversos. A fluvoxamina foi inicialmente ministrada em doses de 50 ou 100 mg/dia, podendo haver aumentos progressivos até 300 mg/dia. RESULTADOS: Dos 104 pacientes incluídos, 81 (78%) concluíram o estudo. Obtiveram resposta favorável (diminuição de 50% ou mais na HAM-D 17) 69% dos pacientes, e a taxa de remissão (HAM-D 17 < 7) foi de 52%. A análise da CGI indicou ter havido melhora significante (p < 0,001) em relação aos escores de base. A análise específica dos itens relativos ao sono, na HAM-D 17, revelou melhora significativa já na segunda visita, mantendo-se ao longo das 6 semanas. Os eventos adversos foram os esperados para inibidores seletivos de recaptação da serotonina, predominando as queixas gastrointestinais, em sua maioria transitórias e de pequena intensidade. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo vem confirmar a eficácia e a tolerabilidade da fluvoxamina no tratamento do transtorno depressivo maior, assim como sua eficácia no tratamento das alterações do sono encontradas nos pacientes deprimidos. O perfil de eventos adversos foi o esperado para os ISRS, ressaltando-se o fato de que poucos pacientes relataram disfunção sexual (2,5% dos pacientes).


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Objetivos: A proporção de ocorrência de alcoolismo em homens e mulheres tem uma variação de 14:1 até 2:1, mostrando a necessidade de estudos específicos para a população feminina. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o perfil e a evolução de alcoolistas, segundo gênero e gravidade da dependência. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo longitudinal retrospectivo de 114 homens e 57 mulheres alcoolistas (CID-10), inscritos no ambulatório da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, no período de 1990-1994 e avaliados até julho de 1997. Utilizou-se um questionário semi-estruturado, e, para avaliação da gravidade do alcoolismo, o Short Alcohol Dependence Data. Resultados/Conclusões: Os principais resultados mostraram que a estrutura familiar estava comprometida com: relacionamento difícil para 55,6% das mulheres e 65,7% dos homens; violência familiar em 74,1% das mulheres e 61,1% dos homens. As mulheres iniciaram a ingestão mais tarde que os homens (p=0,01), em geral com seus cônjuges (p=0,00). Não houve diferença de evolução no tratamento entre os gêneros. Os principais fatores associados à melhor resposta ao tratamento, independentemente do sexo, foram: nível de gravidade de dependência do álcool (dependentes leves e moderados apresentaram 5,59 vezes mais chances de melhorar do que os dependentes graves); ser praticante de alguma religião (2,3 vezes mais chances de melhora do que os pacientes que não eram praticantes); e tempo de seguimento no programa, negativamente correlacionado a chances de melhora (0,68 vezes menos chances de melhora que aqueles que permaneceram por tempo menor em tratamento).


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In this work we have developed a way to grow Fe/MgO(100) monocrystals by magnetron sputtering DC. We investigated the growing in a temperature range among 100 oC and 300 oC. Structural and magneto-crystalline properties were studied by different experimental techniques. Thickness and surface roughness of the films were investigated by atomic force microscopy, while magneto-crystalline properties were investigated by magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagnetic resonance. Our results show that as we increase the deposition temperature, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the films also increases, following the equation of Avrami. The best temperature value to make a film is 300 oC. As the main result, we built a base of magnetoresistence devices and as an aplication, we present measurements of Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer coupling. In a second work we investigated the temperature dependence of the first three interlayer spacings of Ag(100) surface using low energy electron diffraction. A linear expansion model of crystal surface was used and the values of Debye temperatures of the first two layers and thermal expansion coefficient were determinated. A relaxation of 1% was found for Ag(100) surface and these results are matched with faces (110) and (111) of the silver. iv


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Background: Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) is still common in developing countries. The association between neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) and oncoplastic surgery (OS) might provide an oncological treatment with satisfactory aesthetic results.Purpose: The goal was to demonstrate if oncoplastic surgical techniques can be utilized to treat LABC which was submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.Methods: This prospective clinical trial included breast cancer patients, clinical stage III, who underwent established NC regimen. All patients underwent preoperative planning to control the tumor size and to define the surgical technique. A detailed analysis of the pathological specimen was performed.Results: 50 patients were assessed and surgically treated. Tumor size ranged from 3.0 to 14.0 cm (median 6.5 cm). Pathologic response was rated as stable, progressive, partial response, and complete response in 10%, 8%, 80% and 2% of the cases, respectively. Seventeen (34%) patients were submitted to OS. No patient had positive margins. Skin involvement was presented in 36% of pathologic specimen.Conclusions: Oncoplastic surgical techniques for selected patients decrease the rates of radical surgery despite large tumors. (www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00820690). (C) 2012 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Current classifications of Mental Disorders are centered on Westernized concepts and constructs. Cross-cultural sensitivity emphasizes culturally-appropriate translations of symptoms and questions, assuming that concepts and constructs are applicable.Methods: Groups and individual psychiatrists from various cultures from Asia, Latin America, North Africa and Eastern Europe prepared descriptions of main symptoms and complaints of treatment-seeking women in their cultures, which are interpreted by clinicians as a manifestation of a clinically-relevant dysphoric disorder. They also transliterated the expressions of DSM IV criteria of main dysphoric disorders in their cultures.Results: In many non-western cultures the symptoms and constructs that are interpreted and treated as dysphoric disorders are mostly somatic and are different from the Western-centered DSM or ICD systems. In many cases the DSM and ICD criteria of depression and anxieties are not even acknowledged by patients.Limitations: the descriptive approach reported here is a preliminary step which involved local but Westernized clinicians-investigators following a biomedical thinking. It should be followed by a more systematic-comprehensive surveys in each culture.Conclusions: Westernized concepts and constructs of mental order and disorders are not necessarily universally applicable. Culturallysensitive phenomena, treatments and treatment responses may be diversified. Attempts at their cross-cultural harmonization should take into consideration complex interactional multi-dimensional processes. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hospital admissions (n = 15,450) to a state psychiatric hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, over a 10-year period (1982-1991) were reviewed. 157 (1%) patients received a probable diagnosis of affective disorder according to DSM-III-R criteria. Among them, 46% had been diagnosed by the staff psychiatrists, and their diagnoses were sustained by the researchers, whereas 54% were diagnosed only by one of the researchers (F.K.C.). These last patients had previously received a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia or unspecified psychosis (ICD-9). Most of the patients with affective disorders were bipolar: 72 and 8%, respectively, presented manic and depressive episodes. Thus, only 20% received a diagnosis of major depression. A seasonal pattern in hospital admission was observed only for mania in women, their episodes occurring more often (p < 0.02) in spring and summer. No significant seasonal pattern in hospital admission for depression was found.


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Introduction: Alcohol use by men and women is very much influenced by social habits and customs. Cultural peculiarities and biological differences between the sexes require more focused and standardized studies. The objective was to systematize information on patterns of alcohol use between the sexes.Method: A literary review (1972-2004) identified 96 publications (Lilacs, Scielo, Medline) and some related books.Results and conclusions: Men drank more and presented more problems (legal, family, social, clinical, traumas and mortality) associated with alcohol use; the consequences of alcohol use in developing countries with low death rates is even higher. Women can face more discrimination by using alcohol as well as worse health problems when they abuse drinking (liver, pancreas, and central and peripheral nervous system problems, psychiatric comorbidity, etc.); sexual abuse is more commonly associated with women than discussing the different responses to treatment. As for social roles/responsibilities exercised by women, there are indications that marriage, employment, and children have a good influence, discouraging alcohol use, while divorce, unemployment, and no children contribute to higher consumption. For both sexes, religion was a protective factor for alcohol use; acculturation was a strong influence in the pattern of alcohol use, and alcohol worsened the evolution of existing psychiatric disorders. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many of the nosological features, subtypes, biochemical, neurophysiological mechanisms, and therapeutic proposals are controversial in depression. Methods: We review theories and discuss affects and mood as criteria For depression or mania diagnosis. Results: Our work was to show that mood and affections are poorly conceived. Conclusions: Mood and affection do not serve as a basis for the diagnosis of depression or mania.