952 resultados para K-H unstable wave
A monolithic surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator operating at 156 MHz, in which the frequency controlling element is a Fabry–Perot type of SAW resonator and the gain element is a monolithic SAW amplifier (SiOx/InSb/SiOx structure located inside the SAW resonator cavity) is described and experimental details presented. Based on the existing experimental data, an uhf monolithic ring resonator oscillator is proposed. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.
The thermodynamic activities of MgO in the NaCl-type solid solutions which can exist in xMgO + (1 x)MnO have been determined in the temperature range 1163 to 1318 K from a solid-state galvanic cell incorporating MgF2 as the solid electrolyte. The activities of MnO have been calculated by a graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration method. The activities of both the components exhibit positive deviations from ideality over the entire composition range. The excess molar enthalpies are found to be positive. Further, xMgO + (1 - x)MnO does not conform to regular-solution behaviour. The origin of the excess thermodynamic properties is discussed in relation to the cationic size disparity and the crystal-field effects.
More than 140 countries offer what has become the international norm for preteritiary education, namely a kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12) system. Why kindergarten? Because, research attests to the long-term learning and social benefits of school readiness programs. Why 12 grades? Because experience in many countries shows that a K-12 system of schooling is the minimum necessary to acquire the knowledge and expertise for university education, employment training, or decent work.
The properties of Alfven surface waves along a cylindrical plasma column surrounded by vacuum or by another plasma medium are discussed. Both symmetric (m=0) and asymmetric (m=+or-1) modes are found to be dispersive in nature. The interfacial symmetric modes propagate in a certain frequency window ( omega A1, omega As), where omega As is the Alfven surface wave frequency along the interface of two semi-infinite media; when nu A1> nu A2 these modes propagate as backward waves and when nu A1< nu A2 as forward waves. The asymmetric modes change from backward to forward waves at a critical wave number kTr approximately=1.59/a when nu A1< nu A2 or vice versa when nu A1> nu A2.
I denna avhandling undersöker jag hur modersmålslärare inom den grundläggande utbildningen (åk 7–9) undervisar i litteratur. De frågor jag ställer mig är: Hur förverkligar lärarna sin litteraturundervisning i praktiken, hur förhåller de sig till den nya läroplanen i ämnet, Grunderna för läroplanen för den grundläggande utbildningen 2004, samt med vilken ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn utgår de från i sin undervisning? Undersökningsresultatet analyseras utifrån läroplan och utifrån en läsarorienterad, sociokulturell och funktionell litteratursyn och litteraturpedagogik. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och riktar sig i form av ett frågeformulär till alla modersmålslärare i högstadierna i huvudstadsregionen. Tretton lärare deltar slutligen och åtta av dessa svar uppföljs genom en tematisk intervju. Undersökningen sker våren 2005. Forskningsresultatet visar på att flera av lärarna till stor del bygger upp sin undervisning utifrån färdiga uppgifter och koncept och att undervisningen styrs av metoden, av frågan hur. Dessa lärares undervisning sker således inte utgående från en enhetlig ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn, utan ämnessynen varierar beroende på uppgift. Recensionen är den arbetsuppgift som är vanligast bland lärarna, även om flera lärare ställer sig tveksamma till den. Övriga uppgifter som förekommer bland flera lärare är uppgiftskoncept kring klassiker och litterära samtal inför klass. Tematisk litteraturundervisning används även av flera lärare, liksom Netlibris, som innebär att två klasser från olika skolor över nätet diskuterar en skönlitterär text. Både Netlibris och tematisk litteraturundervisning är metoder som lärarna förhåller sig positiva till och ser pedagogiska fördelar med. Den tematiska undervisningen sker emellertid ofta i form av koncept som återkommer i samma form år efter år. Två lärare strävar dock efter att arbeta utifrån en enhetlig ämnessyn – den erfarenhetspedagogiska. Dessa lärare använder sig av färre koncept i sin undervisning. De bygger snarare upp sin undervisning utifrån frågan varför än hur, vilket innebär att de i högre grad har möjlighet att beakta elevernas intressen och behov i utformandet av undervisningen. Detta syns bland annat i valet av böcker och teman. En av dessa lärare använder sig även av portfölj- och loggboksmetodik och låter, i enlighet med läroplanen, eleverna själva vara med och utvärdera undervisningen och den egna utvecklingen. Lärarna verkar överlag förhålla sig mera positiva till de uppgifter som bygger på dialog och som tar fasta på läsaren i läsprocessen. Trots att lärarna betonar dialogens betydelse i litteraturundervisningen, bygger undervisningen ändå ofta, och i flera fall helt och hållet, på uppgifter som saknar dialog. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara att gamla koncept, trots nya uppgifter, lever kvar i undervisningen. Att lärarna framhåller de uppgifter som utgår från läsning av gemensamma texter och som tar fasta på en läsarorienterad och sociokulturell litteratursyn, visar dock på att de nya uppgifterna håller på att omkullkasta de gamla; lärarnas litteraturundervisning befinner sig således i förändring. Samtliga lärare förhåller sig positiva till litteraturundervisning och framhåller att litteraturen sedan deras egen skoltid fått en mera framträdande roll i undervisningen. De påpekar också att modersmålsundervisningen idag är mindre färdighetsinriktad och går mot en ökad dialog.
A fuzzy logic based centralized control algorithm for irrigation canals is presented. Purpose of the algorithm is to control downstream discharge and water level of pools in the canal, by adjusting discharge release from the upstream end and gates settings. The algorithm is based on the dynamic wave model (Saint-Venant equations) inversion in space, wherein the momentum equation is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on fuzzification of a new mathematical model for wave velocity, the derivational details of which are given. The advantages of the fuzzy control algorithm, over other conventional control algorithms, are described. It is transparent and intuitive, and no linearizations of the governing equations are involved. Timing of the algorithm and method of computation are explained. It is shown that the tuning is easy and the computations are straightforward. The algorithm provides stable, realistic and robust outputs. The disadvantage of the algorithm is reduced precision in its outputs due to the approximation inherent in the fuzzy logic. Feed back control logic is adopted to eliminate error caused by the system disturbances as well as error caused by the reduced precision in the outputs. The algorithm is tested by applying it to water level control problem in a fictitious canal with a single pool and also in a real canal with a series of pools. It is found that results obtained from the algorithm are comparable to those obtained from conventional control algorithms.
Tie-lines between the corundum and spinel solid solutions have been determined experimentally at 1823 K. Next, activities of FeCr2O4 and FeAl2O4 in the spinel solid solution were determined by combining the tie-line data with literature values for the activities of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 in the corundum phase. Activities and the Gibbs energy of mixing for the spinel solid solution were also obtained from a model based on cation distribution between nonequivalent crystallographic sites in the oxide lattice. The difference between the Gibbs energy of mixing obtained experimentally and from the model has been attributed to a strain enthalpy term which is relatively unchanged in magnitude from the reported at 1373 K. The integral enthalpy of mixing obtained from experimental data at 1373 and 1823 K using the second law is compared with the model result.
The normal-mode solution to the problem of acoustic wave propagation in an isovelocity ocean with a wavy surface is considered. The surface wave amplitude is assumed to be small compared to the acoustic wavelength, and the method of multiple scales is employed to study the interaction between normal-mode acoustic waves and the surface waves. A nonresonant interaction causes small fluctuations of the amplitude and phase of the acoustic wave at a rate dependent on the frequency of the surface wave. Backscatter occurs if the wavenumber of the surface wave is larger than that of the acoustic wave. The interaction becomes resonant if appropriate phase-matching conditions are satisfied. In this case, two acoustic normal modes get coupled, resulting in a large-scale periodic exchange of energy from one mode to another.
Non-linear planar response of a string to planar narrow band random excitation is investigated in this paper. A response equation for the mean square deflection σ2 is obtained under a single mode approximation by using the equivalent linearization technique. It is shown that the response is triple valued, as in the case of harmonic excitation, if the centre frequency of excitation Ω lies in a certain specified range. The triple valued response occurs only if the excitation bandwidth β is smaller than a critical value βcrit which is a monotonically increasing function of the intensity of excitation. An approximate method of investigating the almost sure asymptotic stability of the solution is presented and regions of instability in the Ω-σ2 plane have been charted. It is shown that planar response can become unstable either due to an unbounded growth of the in-plane component of motion or due to a spontaneous appearance of an out-of-plane component.
The tie lines delineating ion-exchange equilibria between MCr2O4-MAl2O4 spinel solid solution, where M is either Mn or Co, and Cr2O3-Al2O3 solid solution with the corundum structure were determined at 1373 K by electron microprobe and E0AX point count analysis of the oxide phases equilibrated with metallic Co and Au-5% Mn. The component activities in the spinel solid solutions are derived from the tie lines and the thernodynamic data for Cr2O3-Al2O3 soiid solutions available hi the literature. The Gibbs free energies of mixing calculated from the experimental data are discussed in relation to the values derived from the cation distribution a.odel based on the site preference energies and assuming random mixing on both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Positive deviations from ideality observed in this study suggest a miscibility gap for both series of spinel solid solutions at low temperatures in the absence of oxidation.
Instabilities induced by variation of Brunt-Vaisala frequency in compressible stratified shear flows
The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stably stratified, compressible fluid in the presence of a lower rigid boundary are studied. A jump in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency at a level different from the shear zone is introduced and the variation of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency with respect to the vertical coordinate in the middle layer of the three-layered model is considered. An analytic solution in each of the layers is obtained, and the dispersion relation is solved numerically for parameters relevant to the model. The effect of shear in the lowermost layer of the three-layered model for a Boussinesq fluid is discussed. The results are compared with the earlier studies of Lindzen and Rosenthal, and Sachdev and Satya Narayanan. In the present model, new unstable modes with larger growth rates are obtained and the most unstable gravity wave modes are found to agree closely with the observed ones at various heights. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.
The dispersion characteristics of Alfven surface waves along a cylindrical plasma column insulated by a neutral gas are discussed. There is no qualitative change in the characteristic curves below the critical magnetic field, given by vA approximately=s, as compared to the propagation of surface waves along the plasma-plasma interface. For magnetic fields above this critical value, there exists a cut-off wave number kc, which depends upon the azimuthal wave number, the radius of the cylinder, the strength of the magnetic field above the critical value and the gas pressure, such that surface waves do not exist for k
The recently introduced generalized pencil of Sudarshan which gives an exact ray picture of wave optics is analysed in some situations of interest to wave optics. A relationship between ray dispersion and statistical inhomogeneity of the field is obtained. A paraxial approximation which preserves the rectilinear propagation character of the generalized pencils is presented. Under this approximation the pencils can be computed directly from the field conditions on a plane, without the necessity to compute the cross-spectral density function in the entire space as an intermediate quantity. The paraxial results are illustrated with examples. The pencils are shown to exhibit an interesting scaling behaviour in the far-zone. This scaling leads to a natural generalization of the Fraunhofer range criterion and of the classical van Cittert-Zernike theorem to planar sources of arbitrary state of coherence. The recently derived results of radiometry with partially coherent sources are shown to be simple consequences of this scaling.
We obtain stringent bounds in the < r(2)>(K pi)(S)-c plane where these are the scalar radius and the curvature parameters of the scalar K pi form factor, respectively, using analyticity and dispersion relation constraints, the knowledge of the form factor from the well-known Callan-Treiman point m(K)(2)-m(pi)(2), as well as at m(pi)(2)-m(K)(2), which we call the second Callan-Treiman point. The central values of these parameters from a recent determination are accomodated in the allowed region provided the higher loop corrections to the value of th form factor at the second Callan-Treiman point reduce the one-loop result by about 3% with F-K/F-pi = 1.21. Such a variation in magnitude at the second Callan-Treiman point yields 0.12 fm(2) less than or similar to < r(2)>(K pi)(S) less than or similar to 0.21 fm(2) and 0.56 GeV-4 less than or similar to c less than or similar to 1.47 GeV-4 and a strong correlation between them. A smaller value of F-K/F-pi shifts both bounds to lower values.
New efforts at biological control of Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) is a serious invader in the tropical Pacific, including the Hawaiian and Tahitian Islands, and currently poses a major threat to native biodiversity in the Wet Tropics of Australia. The species is fleshy-fruited, small-seeded and shade tolerant, and thus has the potential to be dispersed widely and recruit in relatively intact rainforest habitats, displacing native species. Understanding and predicting the rate of spread is critical for the design and implementation of effective management actions. We used an individual-based model incorporating a dispersal function derived from dispersal curves for similar berry-fruited native species, and life-history parameters of fecundity and mortality to predict the spatial structure of a Miconia population after a 30 year time period. We compared the modelled population spatial structure to that of an actual infestation in the rainforests of north Queensland. Our goal was to assess how well the model predicts actual dispersion and to identify potential barriers and conduits to seed movement and seedling establishment. The model overpredicts overall population size and the spatial extent of the actual infestation, predicting individuals to occur at a maximum 1,750 m from the source compared with the maximum distance of any detected individual in the actual infestation of 1,191 m. We identify several characteristic features of managed invasive populations that make comparisons between modelled outcomes and actual infestations difficult. Our results suggest that the model’s ability to predict both spatial structure and spread of the population will be improved by incorporating a spatially explicit element, with dispersal and recruitment probabilities that reflect the relative suitability of different parts of the landscape for these processes. Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae) in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.