999 resultados para Jornal Ponto Final


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Objective. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of different final irrigating solutions on dentin permeability and smear layer removal using the same specimens and relate the results obtained. Study design. Forty anterior human teeth were instrumented and divided into 4 groups (n = 10) at the final rinse step, according to the irrigant used: G I (control) - 1% NaOCl; G II - 17% EDTA; G III - 17% EDTAT; and G IV - Biopure MTAD. The canals were filled with 0.5% methylene blue and maintained in bottles for 48 hours. The roots were transversally split in coronal, middle, and apical fragments. The specimens were photographed and analyzed regarding dye penetration. The fragments were then axially split and prepared for SEM. The photomicrographs were analyzed and qualified by scores. Results. Only the EDTA-T group exhibited statistical difference in which the apical third had less dentin permeability (P < .05). When a decalcifying agent was used, smear layer was removed, which did not happen in the NaOCl group. Regarding smear layer removal, differences were found only in the EDTA group in which the apical third presented more smear layer (P < .05). No correlation was found for both studies (r = 0.4207). Conclusions. There was not an even relationship between the results from both studies, which inferes that higher or lower dentinal permeability does not necessarily correspond to a higher or lower amount of smear layer. The analysis of dentin permeability and smear layer removal was shown to be a feasible procedure using the same specimens. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: e47-e51)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of different volumes of 17% EDTA for final rinse on smear layer removal on the different areas of the root canal. Study design. Forty single-rooted teeth were instrumented using rotary instruments. The teeth were divided into 3 test groups according to the EDTA volume for final rinse (5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL) and 1 control group (10 mL of 1% sodium hypochlorite). The roots were axially split into halves, and the smear layer removal from the canals was determined under scanning electron microscope. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results. The 3 experimental groups showed no statistical difference (P > .05); however, when the test groups were compared to the control group statistically significant differences were found (P < .01). The root canal wall surfaces of teeth in the control group showed the presence of heavy smear layer through the entire length of the root canals. The other groups showed mainly smear layer-free surfaces or a small amount of debris. When coronal, middle and apical thirds were compared, there was no statistically significant difference (P > .05). Conclusions. Based on the results, it appears that a final rinse with 5 mL of EDTA per canal provides good smear layer removal, with root canal walls free of debris and mostly open dentinal tubules in all areas. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e40-e43)


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This study investigates the needs, experiences, behaviours and attitudes of older Queenslanders who participate in gambling. It aims to understand the special needs and circumstances of older Queensland gamblers which might make them particularly vulnerable to problem gambling behaviour, or other negative effects of gambling. The findings of the research will provide an evidence base for the development of initiatives and policies that can address the specific prevention, protection and rehabilitation needs of older gamblers. This is with a particular view to informing the ongoing development and implementation of the Queensland Government’s Responsible Gambling Strategy and its voluntary industry code – the Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.


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The purpose of the project is to identify the role and value of professional services that community pharmacy can provide to people who are at risk of asthma or present with the disease. A literature review has been conducted to inform the development of a Pharmacy Asthma Care Module to pilot in the project


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The formation of molecular complexes (prereactive intermediates) between C3O2 and amines (ammonia, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, and 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine) as well as the subsequent transformation of the complexes into C3O2-amine zwitterions in cryogenic matrixes (ca. 40 K) has been observed. In the case of dimethylamine, the formation of tetramethylmalonamide has also been documented. Calculations using density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G(2d, p)) are used to assign all above species and are in excellent agreement with the IR spectra.


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O Sistema de Registro Eletr??nico de Ponto (SREP) representou um importante avan??o nos instrumentos de prote????o e seguran??a dos trabalhadores e empresas que utilizam o ponto eletr??nico, por coibir fraudes de altera????o dos hor??rios efetivamente registrados, de supress??o ou de impedimento na marca????o de horas extras. Ap??s investiga????o das modalidades de fraudes e dos sistemas que propiciavam as adultera????es, a equipe t??cnica do Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) desenvolveu o modelo de regulamenta????o, consolidado na Portaria n?? 1.510/2009, que garante as marca????es dos hor??rios de jornada de trabalho sem possibilidade de adultera????o. O SREP ?? composto de um hardware e um software. O hardware, Registrador Eletr??nico de Ponto (REP), preserva as marca????es de ponto e fornece ao trabalhador o seu comprovante. O software opera nos computadores das empresas, permitindo o tratamento seguro dos dados para pagamento das horas trabalhadas. S?? em 2010, o SREP recuperou uma sonega????o de R$ 1,5 bilh??o em sal??rios e R$ 446,6 milh??es em contribui????es previdenci??rias e Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Servi??o (FGTS)


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Fernanda ?? servidora p??blica. Ap??s ter feito doutorado no exterior, retornou ao Brasil ??vida por aplicar seus novos conhecimentos em a????es desenvolvidas pelo minist??rio de origem. Contudo, seu novo superior imediato mostrou-se refrat??rio ?? servidora, demonstrando oposi????o sistem??tica e injustificada ??s suas ideias e ridicularizando-a em diversas oportunidades diante de seus pares e subordinados. As atribui????es de Fernanda foram paulatinamente retiradas, culminando na perda de seu cargo comissionado. A servidora tentou reagir, acionou o Departamento de Recursos Humanos do minist??rio e outros ??rg??os, mas nada adiantou. Fernanda, ao final, tomou uma atitude desesperada. O caso trata de ass??dio moral e de como tal situa????o se desenvolve dentro de um ??rg??o p??blico, sem que outros servidores e as unidades do ??rg??o se envolvam na quest??o. Ao final da narrativa, h?? quest??es para discuss??o que focam o ass??dio moral e seus desdobramentos


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O Inmetro ?? o ponto focal para o Acordo sobre Barreiras T??cnicas ao Com??rcio (TBT), como representante do Brasil na Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio (OMC). O exerc??cio dessa atividade propiciou ac??mulo de informa????es sobre exig??ncias t??cnicas, necess??rias para inser????o dos produtos industriais brasileiros nos mercados externos. A otimiza????o do uso dessas informa????es demandou o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gest??o de informa????o. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o Sistema Ponto Focal, que ?? uma ferramenta de dissemina????o personalizada e proativa de informa????es sobre barreiras t??cnicas ??s exporta????es para o setor empresarial. Trata-se de um instrumento que auxilia o exportador no aprimoramento cont??nuo da qualidade e competitividade do produto brasileiro no mundo globalizado


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A Ag??ncia da Receita Federal (ARF) Centro-Norte do Rio de Janeiro, a maior do Brasil, era conhecida, ao final de 1995, como ???ARF Inferno???. Os funcion??rios s?? atuavam a partir da cobran??a direta dos chefes de se????o. Estes ficavam sobrecarregados, executando tarefas que cabiam aos seus funcion??rios ??? e deixavam de gerenciar adequadamente suas se????es. A busca de solu????es come??ou pelo hor??rio de trabalho e de atendimento ao p??blico da ag??ncia, que foi mudado de 10:00 ??s 16:30 horas para de 07:00 ??s 19:00 horas, no sistema de turnos interpenetrantes, com hor??rio corrido de 6 horas. Este sistema ficava vinculado ao aumento de produtividade, efic??cia e qualidade do servi??o. Foi instalado um programa de controle eletr??nico do ponto, no qual cada funcion??rio digita sua senha secreta ao entrar e sair do trabalho. Em atendimentos como conta-corrente, foram criadas duplas de funcion??rios para dividir a responsabilidade pela produ????o. Constata-se acentuada satisfa????o da clientela. Os funcion??rios se tornaram mais produtivos, respons??veis e disciplinados e exibem orgulho e satisfa????o com o trabalho. A ag??ncia se tornou modelo para outras. Ocorreu um aprendizado no sentido de que ?? poss??vel fazer muito com poucos recursos, e de que as a????es de mudan??as devem ser adotadas com rapidez, para inibir as rea????es contr??rias e criar a predisposi????o favor??vel a uma transforma????o radical