871 resultados para Islam and politics.


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This article suggests that the addressees as the dialogical ‘other’ loom large in monological political speeches. However, political speeches are produced under conditions of addressee heterogeneity, i.e. the speakers do not actually know who they will be talking to. It will be argued that the addressees are nevertheless a crucial element in speakers’ context models, that speakers orientate towards imagined addressees and that certain aspects – what possible addressees may do, think or believe and that they are a part of an imagined community – are particularly relevant from the speakers’ point of view. An analysis of addressee orientation in political speeches aims at reconstructing speakers’ conceptualisations of possible addressees. The analysis reveals patterns of addressee orientation which suggest that the addressees are framed in terms of presumed nearness (i.e. agreement) or distance (i.e. disagreement) to the speakers. Both presumed agreement and disagreement will be discussed in terms of how the speakers aim to impose their default perspectives on the addressees. The analysis is based on examples from a substantial corpus of German chancellors’ political speeches from 1951-2001.


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This article provides an overview and analysis of the Greek June 2012 elections. Placing the elections within the broader framework of the Greek socio-political and economic context, it discusses the electoral campaign and results, juxtaposing them to the 6 May electoral round. The election results confirmed many of the trends of the previous round, including electoral volatility, the fragmentation of the party system and the rise of anti-establishment forces. The main difference was the entrenchment of the pro- versus anti- bailout division and the prominence of the question of Greece’s continued Eurozone membership.


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Although there is now a sizeable body of academic literature that tries to explain cross-country differences in terms of corporate control, capital market development, investor protection and politics, there is as yet very little literature on the degrees of protection accorded to other corporate stakeholders such as employees, based on a systematic comparison of firm level evidence. We find that both theories of legal origin and the varieties of capitalism approach are poor predictors of the relative propensity of firms to make redundancies in different settings. However, the political orientation of the government in place and even more so the nature of the electoral system are relatively good explanators of this propensity. In other words, political structures and outcomes matter more than more rigid institutional features such as legal origin. We explore the reasons for this, drawing out the implications for both theory and practice.


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This commentary seeks to prompt new discussion about the place of urban planning history in the era of contemporary globalisation. Given the deep historic engagement of urban planning thought and practice with ‘place’ shaping and thus with the constitution of society, culture and politics, we ask how relevant is planning's legacy to the shaping of present day cities. Late twentieth century urban sociology, cultural and economic geography have demonstrated the increasing significance of intercity relations and the functional porosity of metropolitan boundaries in the network society, however statutory urban planning systems remain tied to the administrative geographies of states. This ‘territorial fixing’ of practice constrains the operational space of planning and, we argue, also limits its vision to geopolitical scales and agendas that have receding relevance for emerging urban relations. We propose that a re-evaluation of planning history could have an important part to play in addressing this spatial conundrum.


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Although women's land rights are often affirmed unequivocally in constitutions and international human rights conventions in many African countries, customary practices usually prevail on the ground and often deny women's land inheritance. Yet land inheritance often goes unnoticed in wider policy and development initiatives to promote women's equal access to land. This paper draws on feminist ethnographic research among the Serer ethnic group in two contrasting rural communities in Senegal. Through analysis of land governance, power relations and 'technologies of the self', this article shows how land inheritance rights are contingent on the specific effects of intersectionality in particular places. The contradictions of legal pluralism, greater adherence to Islam and decentralisation led to greater application of patrilineal inheritance practices. Gender, religion and ethnicity intersected with individuals' marital position, status, generation and socio-ecological change to constrain land inheritance rights for women, particularly daughters, and widows who had been in polygamous unions and who remarried. Although some women were aware that they were legally entitled to inherit a share of the land, they tended not to 'demand their rights'. In participatory workshops, micro-scale shifts in women's and men's positionings reveal a recognition of the gender discriminatory nature of customary and Islamic law and a desire to 'change with the times'. While the effects of 'reverse' discourses are ambiguous and potentially reinforce prevailing patriarchal power regimes, 'counter' discourses, which emerged in participatory spaces, may challenge customary practices and move closer to a rights-based approach to gender equality and women's land inheritance.


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Gramscian concepts have been utilized by scholars to analyze and illuminate various aspects of GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE. A foremost application of neo-Gramscianism to the scholarship on global environmental governance has been in challenging the basic premise of orthodox regime theory that international environmental rule-making is the exclusive preserve of state actors. Gramscian theory is very sensitive to the role and importance of political contestations, accommodations and compromises, which many have noted as the ‘stuff’ of environmental governance. Crucially, while a Gramscian analysis is sensitive to the counter-hegemonic potential of the subordinate class and the ever contested and changing contours of power in a social regime, it does not subscribe to the unlimited possibility of outcome. Given the utility of neo-Gramscian ideas, as demonstrated by the scholarship discussed, it is surprising that the approach has not been deployed more widely in the scholarship on global environmental governance.


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Fet-Mats är den gruvdräng som omkom och försvann i en rasolycka i Falu koppargruva under 1670-talet och vars kropp upptäcktes välbevarad, med fortfarande ungdomligt utseende, mer än fyra årtionden senare 1719. Han igenkändes då av sin trolovade - nu en gammal gumma. På grund av den märkligt bibehållna kroppen och det hisnande ögonblick då den åldrade kvinnan återsåg sin ungdoms kärlek, blev Fet-Mats och hans historia snabbt känd, även internationellt. Den spreds under 1800- och 1900-talen i Europa som novell och poesi, dramatik och opera. Även idag berättas historien om Fet-Mats både utomlands och i Sverige. Intresset för historien är rentav i växande. Orsaken härtill är omdaningen under senare år av Falu gruva från storindustri till musealt världsarv, från malmbrytning till turistorienterad upplevelseindustri. Fet-Mats-berättelsen bildar centrum i denna upplevelseindustri. I mitt paper diskuteras detta förhållande samt den nutida Fet-Mats-epikens karakteristika i ett semiotiskt, narratologiskt och tematiskt perspektiv. Jag finner bl.a. att Fet-Mats-berättandet idag, på ett annat sätt än tidigare, äger en flermedial karaktär och formulerar det postmoderna tillståndets centrala tematik: representationens kris. Jag fokuserar särskilt på två berättelser med anknytning till Fet-Mats-motivet: Julian Barnes historiografiska metafiktion The Story of Mats Israelson (2004) och det dramadokumentära seriealbumet Fet-Mats: en gruvdrängs hemska öde (2005).


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In the shadow of ethno-cultural stereotypes: gender, equity and ethnic relations in Sweden Scientific debates about cultural differences between ”Swedes” and migrants/ethnic minorities in Sweden have fuelled stereotypical categorizations and a socio-cultural demarcation between ”us” and ”them”. The authors argue that this development has underpinned constructions of foreignness. In the light of a critical review of the current debate on honour related violence, the authors discuss – inspired by Georg Simmel’s and Erving Goffman’s classic texts on the stranger, the stigma and the construction of foreignness – alternative understandings of culture and politics of belonging with a focus on gender, agency and identity formation. Formation of cultural and ethnic identity should be related, the authors conclude, to a dynamic interplay between the past and the present. Moreover, the social dimension should be highlighted, in order to avoid a stigmatizing culturalism.


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This article sets out to analyse recent regime developments in Ukraine in relation to semi-presidentialism. The article asks: to what extent and in what ways theoretical arguments against semi-presidentialism (premier-presidential and president-parliamentary systems) are relevant for understanding the changing directions of the Ukrainian regime since the 1990s? The article also reviews the by now overwhelming evidence suggesting that President Yanukovych is turning Ukraine into a more authoritarian hybrid regime and raises the question to what extent the president-parliamentary system might serve this end. The article argues that both kinds of semi-presidentialism have, in different ways, exacerbated rather than mitigated institutional conflict and political stalemate. The return to the president-parliamentary system in 2010 – the constitutional arrangement with the most dismal record of democratisation – was a step in the wrong direction. The premier-presidential regime was by no means ideal, but it had at least two advantages. It weakened the presidential dominance and it explicitly anchored the survival of the government in parliament. The return to the 1996 constitution ties in well with the notion that President Viktor Yanukovych has embarked on an outright authoritarian path.


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Este relatório apresenta os primeiros resultados semestrais de pesquisa junto a um grupo de cientistas políticos focando a política monetária (A construção de autoridade monetária e democracia: A experiência brasileira no contexto da integração econômica em escala global, FAPESP Processo no 2001/05568-8). Durante este primeiro semestre o trabalho de pesquisa consistiu em uma revisão geral da bibliografia sobre a política monetária e instituições na ciência política e na economia, como também a criação de novos bancos de dados sobre credito, moeda, e instituições financeiras no Brasil de 1860 a 2002 e, finalmente, o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma pesquisa de opinião à uma amostra de 75 Deputados Federais brasileiros.


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Esta pesquisa mostra que há uma relação entre a economia e a política no estudo da escolha pública e coletiva. Mais precisamente, eu defendo que a política governamental (ou planejamento estratégico) é influenciada pelo processo político e depende da organização da sociedade em grupos de pressão caçadores de renda. A primeira parte analisa as limitações exógenas à ação individual no Estado; a segunda parte refere-se ao problema de agenciamento, estudando o papel das limitações internas à ação individual dentro da organização. A conclusão discute como essa visão sobre política governamental introduzida aqui deve complementar o ponto de vista tradicional sobre a análise do processo político e as ações dos agentes públicos.


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Este relatório sucede a um anterior que examinou a industrialização americana e a constituição de uma sociedade de consumo nos EUA entre 1870 e 1930. Uma vez examinada a situação nos EUA, lida-se aqui com a expansão internacional da publicidade americana no Brasil, a partir da instalação das primeiras filiais de agências americanas na década de 1920. O papel de relevo que elas tiveram na formação de profissionais e de um mercado publicitário no país é examinado dentro da lógica do interesse comercial das grandes corporações, assim como dentro da lógica dos interesses do governo americano em relação ao Brasil durante e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Observando-se as biografias de dois publicitários brasileiros que construíram carreira nessas agências Rodolfo Lima Martensen e Renato Castelo Branco, o texto mostra o perfil social dos jovens suscetíveis de se interessar por um ramo de atividade novo no país e bastante distante das alternativas profissionais valorizadas para quem tinha alguma probabilidade de acesso ao ensino superior. Focalizando o período compreendido entre 1930 e 1970, a análise dá conta do surgimento de um campo publicitário relativamente autônomo no Brasil, no qual brasileiros conseguem abrir agências e competir as americanas que controlavam o mercado. O novo contexto favorece profissionais com inserção necessária a agir nos bastidores do governo e da política, para conquistar contas públicas, assessorar candidatos e partidos e negociar interesses categoriais. Tudo isso em uma conjuntura em que a atividade publicitária se transfere do Rio a São Paulo, o país transita da democracia ao autoritarismo militar, a mídia eletrônica suplanta a impressa e a industrialização por substituição de importações avança em ritmo muito forte.


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O presente texto apresenta um estudo preliminar do perfil ministerial dos quatro últimos governos constituídos no Brasil, a partir da redemocratização em 1985. Nele procura-se examinar o peso de diferentes critérios políticos que orientaram o provimento dos cargos ministeriais. Os critérios selecionados são: partidário, federativo, técnico, grupos de interesse, pessoal e imagem.