863 resultados para Integration of information systems


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The concepts involved with fractional calculus (FC) theory are applied in almost all areas of science and engineering. Its ability to yield superior modeling and control in many dynamical systems is well recognized. In this article, we will introduce the fundamental aspects associated with the application of FC to the control of dynamic systems.


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The differentiation of non-integer order has its origin in the seventeenth century, but only in the last two decades appeared the first applications in the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated namely the fractional PID and the Smith predictor. Extensive simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 6-7 Sep. 2008 URL: http://www.academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2007/eckm07-home.htm


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O crescimento da população idosa impõe o desenvolvimento de serviços de qualidade orientados para as necessidades comuns desta faixa etária. A área dos cuidados continuados corresponde a um segmento em crescimento com um forte potencial de desenvolvimento no que concerne ao domínio dos sistemas de informação (SI). O presente trabalho pressupõe o acompanhamento do processo de integração de um SI de uma Unidade Hospitalar (UH) numa Unidade de Cuidados Continuados (UCC) para idosos. A análise envolveu o recurso à Teoria Actor-network (ANT), enquanto posicionamento teórico de relevo para o desenvolvimento de SI. Esta teoria coloca, equitativamente, em destaque os factores humano e não humano como concorrentes para o sucesso no desenvolvimento de um SI. O processo em destaque neste trabalho envolveu a análise compreensiva dos SI das unidades de saúde envolvidas; monitorização e descrição do processo de integração do SI de inspiração hospitalar na UCC; avaliação do resultado final; estabelecimento de requisitos fundamentais para o desenho de um SI adaptado a uma organização prestadora de cuidados continuados a idosos. Estas etapas foram desenvolvidas tendo por base a concretização de 3 ciclos, integradores dos conceitos da ANT com o processo de Engenharia de Requisitos: Ciclo 1 - análise do sistema sócio-técnico; Ciclo 2 – desenho do novo sistema sócio-técnico; Ciclo 3 – transformação da rede sócio-técnica. A metodologia inerente ao processo envolveu a análise documental, realização de notas de campo, entrevista e questionário. Os requisitos são apresentados através da conceptualização de um SI denominado Gestão de Cuidados Residenciais (GCR). Conclui-se, que para que um SI resulte com eficácia, eficiência e efetividade para uma organização, deverá revelar-se adaptado ao propósito e missão da organização em causa, sob pena de induzir fragilidade ao ciclo operacional e ao modelo de gestão de informação.


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The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an end to the asymmetries. The most isolated regions could be the beneficiaries of this new technological investments wave disseminating trough the territories. The new economic scenarios created by globalisation make high capacity backbones and coherent information society polity, two instruments that could change regions fate and launch them in to an economic development context. Technology could bring international projection to services or products and could be the differentiating element between a national and an international economic strategy. So, the networks and its fluxes are becoming two of the most important variables to the economies. Measuring and representing this new informational accessibility, mapping new communities, finding new patterns and localisation models, could be today’s challenge. In the physical and real space, location is defined by two or three geographical co-ordinates. In the network virtual space or in cyberspace, geography seems incapable to define location, because it doesn’t have a good model. Trying to solve the problem and based on geographical theories and concepts, new fields of study came to light. The Internet Geography, Cybergeography or Geography of Cyberspace are only three examples. In this paper and using Internet Geography and informational cartography, it was possible to observe and analyse the spacialisation of the Internet phenomenon trough the distribution of the IP addresses in the Portuguese territory. This work shows the great potential and applicability of this indicator to Internet dissemination and regional development studies. The Portuguese territory is seen in a completely new form: the IP address distribution of Country Code Top Level Domains (.pt) could show new regional hierarchies. The spatial concentration or dispersion of top level domains seems to be a good instrument to reflect the info-structural dynamic and economic development of a territory, especially at regional level.


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This work introduces a novel idea for wireless energy transfer, proposing for the first time the unit-cell of an indoor localization and RF harvesting system embedded into the floor. The unit-cell is composed by a 5.8 GHz patch antenna surrounded by a 13.56 MHz coil. The coil locates a device and activate the patch which, connected to a power grid, radiates to wirelessly charge the localized device. The HF and RF circuits co-existence and functionality are demonstrated in this paper, the novelty of which is also in the adoption of low cost and most of all ecofriendly materials, such as wood and cork, as substrates for electronics.


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The choice of an information systems is a critical factor of success in an organization's performance, since, by involving multiple decision-makers, with often conflicting objectives, several alternatives with aggressive marketing, makes it particularly complex by the scope of a consensus. The main objective of this work is to make the analysis and selection of a information system to support the school management, pedagogical and administrative components, using a multicriteria decision aid system – MMASSITI – Multicriteria Method- ology to Support the Selection of Information Systems/Information Technologies – integrates a multicriteria model that seeks to provide a systematic approach in the process of choice of Information Systems, able to produce sustained recommendations concerning the decision scope. Its application to a case study has identi- fied the relevant factors in the selection process of school educational and management information system and get a solution that allows the decision maker’ to compare the quality of the various alternatives.


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The dynamism and ongoing changes that the electricity markets sector is constantly suffering, enhanced by the huge increase in competitiveness, create the need of using simulation platforms to support operators, regulators, and the involved players in understanding and dealing with this complex environment. This paper presents an enhanced electricity market simulator, based on multi-agent technology, which provides an advanced simulation framework for the study of real electricity markets operation, and the interactions between the involved players. MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets) uses real data for the creation of realistic simulation scenarios, which allow the study of the impacts and implications that electricity markets transformations bring to different countries. Also, the development of an upper-ontology to support the communication between participating agents, provides the means for the integration of this simulator with other frameworks, such as MAN-REM (Multi-Agent Negotiation and Risk Management in Electricity Markets). A case study using the enhanced simulation platform that results from the integration of several systems and different tools is presented, with a scenario based on real data, simulating the MIBEL electricity market environment, and comparing the simulation performance with the real electricity market results.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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While fractional calculus (FC) is as old as integer calculus, its application has been mainly restricted to mathematics. However, many real systems are better described using FC equations than with integer models. FC is a suitable tool for describing systems characterised by their fractal nature, long-term memory and chaotic behaviour. It is a promising methodology for failure analysis and modelling, since the behaviour of a failing system depends on factors that increase the model’s complexity. This paper explores the proficiency of FC in modelling complex behaviour by tuning only a few parameters. This work proposes a novel two-step strategy for diagnosis, first modelling common failure conditions and, second, by comparing these models with real machine signals and using the difference to feed a computational classifier. Our proposal is validated using an electrical motor coupled with a mechanical gear reducer.


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This paper examines modern economic growth according to the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method and state space portrait (SSP) analysis. Electing GDP per capita as the main indicator for economic growth and prosperity, the long-run perspective from 1870 to 2010 identifies the main similarities among 34 world partners’ modern economic growth and exemplifies the historical waving mechanics of the largest world economy, the USA. MDS reveals two main clusters among the European countries and their old offshore territories, and SSP identifies the Great Depression as a mild challenge to the American global performance, when compared to the Second World War and the 2008 crisis.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Many tasks involving manipulation require cooperation between robots. Meanwhile, it is necessary to determine the adequate values for the robot parameters to obtain a good performence. This paper discusses several aspects related with the manipulability of two co-operative robots when handling objects with different lengths and orientations. In this line of thought, a numerical tool is developed for the calculation and the graphical visualization of the manipulability measure.


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Os modelos de maturidade são instrumentos facilitadores da gestão das organizações, incluindo a gestão da sua função sistemas de informação, não sendo exceção as organizações hospitalares. Neste artigo apresenta-se uma investigação inicial que visa o desenvolvimento de um abrangente modelo de maturidade para a gestão dos sistemas de informação hospitalares. O desenvolvimento deste modelo justifica-se porque os modelos de maturidade atuais no domínio da gestão dos sistemas informação hospitalares ainda se encontram numa fase embrionária de desenvolvimento, sobretudo porque são pouco detalhados, não disponibilizam ferramentas para determinação da maturidade e não apresentam as características dos estágios de maturidade estruturadas por diferentes fatores de influência.