818 resultados para Insane, Criminal and dangerous


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Rapport de stage présenté à l'école de Criminologie de la Faculté des arts et sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option analyse criminologique


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This dissertation examines different aspects involved in the formation of psychologists’ expert opinion in the Portuguese criminal justice system, more precisely, as this opinion is reflected in assessment reports. The present dissertation is comprised of three qualitative studies, the first sought to provide a general portrait of a sample of 106 forensic psychological reports as to their overall quality as measured in terms of relevance and coherence. Results show that the formal markers of quality are present in the sample analysed, a certain number of weaknesses have been observed, notably concerning the internal coherence of the reports as well as the relevance of the information reported on. The second study explored the opinions of 17 Portuguese judges and state prosecutors concerning the use they make of this type of forensic report. It appears that they consider these reports to be useful and very credible, specially so when they have been produced under the auspices of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, which is the state forensic institution. Furthermore, it appears that judges and prosecutors were particularly interested in data that allowed for a personalised portrait of the assessee. The third study sought to better comprehend the conceptual bases on which psychologists construct their reports. To this end, an exploratory study was undertaken with a sample of key-actors; the analysis of their interviews shows that they define their judicial mandate as well as the basic concepts that are associated to this mandate in different ways. A theoretical framework provided by an implicit theories model was used to help understand these results.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate costs attributable to substance use and misuse in Canada in 2002. Method: Based on information about prevalence of exposure and risk relations for more than 80 disease categories, deaths, years of life lost, and hospitalizations attributable to substance use and misuse were estimated. In addition, substance-attributable fractions for criminal justice expenditures were derived. Indirect costs were estimated using a modified human capital approach. Results: Costs of substance use and misuse totaled almost Can. $40 billion in 2002. The total cost per capita for substance use and misuse was about Can. $1,267: Can. $463 for alcohol, Can. $262 for illegal drugs, and Can. $541 for tobacco. Legal substances accounted for the vast majority of these costs (tobacco: almost 43% of total costs; alcohol: 37%). Indirect costs or productivity losses were the largest cost category (61%), followed by health care (22%) and law enforcement costs (14%). More than 40,000 people died in Canada in 2002 because of substance use and misuse: 37,209 deaths were attributable to tobacco, 4,258 were attributable to alcohol, and 1,695 were attributable to illegal drugs. A total of about 3.8 million hospital days were attributable to substance use and misuse, again mainly to tobacco. Conclusions: Substance use and misuse imposes a considerable economic toll on Canadian society and requires more preventive efforts.


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This study is an attempt to look at the impact of international norms on the criminal justice administration in India. It has been confined to the criminal justice administration since it is here that the concept of sovereignty is affected the most. The study is intended to give a fair idea as to the position India holds in the matter of implementation of international norms in the area of criminal justice administration and the areas that require urgent attention. The study suggests that the country’s system is on the right track towards the implementation of the international norms. The position of law in India and the requirements under international norms with respect to criminal justice administration have been studied by considering the same at three stages – pre trial, trial and post trial stages. The question as to whether they comply with the international standards and the approaches of the court has been inquired into this study


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This thesis is shows the result of the research work on the inherent Powers of the High Court in criminal jurisdiction. The criminal justice system in India recognizes inherent powers only of the High Court. The Theory and Philosophy of inherent powers are concerned the Distinction between civil and Criminal laws are of very little consequence. In formulating the research programme the confusion created by the concept of inherent powers and its application by High Court form the central point. How fully the concept is understood, how correctly the power is used, and how far it has enhanced the rationale of the administration of criminal justice, what is its importance and what are the solutions for the inherent power to earn a permanent status in the province of criminal jurisprudence are the themes of this study. The precipitation of new dimensions is the yardstick to acknowledge the inherent powers of the High Court and Supreme Court. It is of instant value in criminal justice system. This study concludes innovativeness provided by the inherent powers has helped the justice administration draw inspiration from the Constitution. A jurisprudence of inherent powers has developed with the weilding of inherent powers of the Supreme Court and the High Court. It is to unravel mystery of jurisprudence caused by the operation of the concept of inherent powers this research work gives emphasis. Its significance is all the more relevant when the power is exercised in the administration of criminal justice. Application or non application of inherent powers in a given case would tell upon the maturity and perfection of the standard of justice


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Some study has been made earlier, but no attempt has ever been made to make the study comprehensive and comparative. There exists also no information as to the working of the system. Hence the work is undertaken to provide first hand knowledge of the legal institutions that had handled and now handles annually large masses of deprived and neglected population. An investigation is also necessary to know the legal and social characteristics of the jurisdiction enjoined on the court so that this will help compare the law in the statute with the law and practice. The evaluation of the working system in the changed social atmosphere is also an urgent need of the hour


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Domestic violence is a gender based violation of human rights having multi- dimensional repercussions in the well- being of individuals in family and society. The Indian legislation to protect the women from domestic violence is significant in providing a mechanism for enforcing positive civil rights of protection and injunction orders to the victims of domestic violence along with the existing remedies of criminal sanctions. However the Act was brought in the backdrop of an established tradition of cohesive and stable family setting. This, in turn, results in the emergence of new issues and challenges which necessitates deeper understandings of indigenous sociocultural institutions in India i.e., marriage and family. This study is an attempt to analyse the Indian law on domestic violence and to assess whether the law addresses and answers the problems of domestic violence effectively in the culture specific setting of India


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A partir de un análisis comparado, de orden cualitativo, se analiza la existencia de continuidades y rupturas estratégicas entre el Bloque Élmer Cárdenas de las AUC y los Urabeños, con el fin de caracterizar a ambos actores armados. La investigación expone similitudes relevantes entre ambos grupos armados a fin de dilucidar la naturaleza, aun discutida, de las llamadas bandas criminales y su relación con los predecesores bloques paramilitares, además de la incidencia en las actividades económicas, la población civil y el poder político.


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A guest lecture by Professor David S.Wall from the University of Durham. This talk will explore the way that networked technology has transformed criminal behaviour. The first part will map out cybercrimes and identify the challenges they pose for both criminologists and also regulators. The second part will show that cybercrimes are informational, networked and global. In this section it will also be shown that cybercrimes are highly disorganised forms of offending when compared to the organisation of more 'traditional' crimes, but display some new organisational logics of their own. The third part of the talk will illustrate how the 'culture of fear' that has arisen around cybercrime has placed demands upon government and police - demands that, for reasons related to the distinct nature of cybercrimes, are hard to resolve. The fourth and final part will look at the new policing arrangements that are designed, it is argued here, to close the reassurance gap.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en describir las características de un asesino en serie colombiano desde la perspectiva psicodinámica. En este sentido, el abordaje teórico realizado en este trabajo se compone inicialmente de una concepción de asesinos en serie, posteriormente se hace una revisión acerca de las bases biológicas y los factores sociales del homicida serial, igualmente, se explican tres teorías psicodinámicas a trabajar (Sigmund Freud y Erick Erickson). Finalmente, se hace mención dentro de la investigación a la comparación casuística de los asesinos en serie, teniendo en cuenta a cuatro asesinos en serie mediante el abordaje psicodinámico. Por otra parte, a nivel metodológico, el tipo de estudio realizado es descriptivo con un corte cualitativo y un diseño no experimental, basado en la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas. Como producto se pretende hacer una aproximación al perfil correspondiente de la personalidad de un asesino en serie colombiano mediante las teorías psicodinámicas.


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In Colombia, the definitions of crimes are found in the special part of the Criminal Code. They are set out as though the only way of to commit them was by being the author of the punishable conduct there described. Nevertheless, in the general part of the Criminal Code, we find other forms of criminal responsibility for the conduct described in the special part. Complicity is one of those ways. Although complicity is established in the Criminal Code, it does not appear as a criminal definition and, as such it is ignored or, worse, applied incorrectly. For those reasons, this article tries to reflect upon the validity of complicity. Accordingly, this article analyzes: what is complicity, what is the difference between complicity and co-authorship and how would complicity work in some practical cases related to socio-economic crimes, in which it has being overlooked or, has been used incorrectly. The article concludes that complicity is still valid, and that the correct application of complicity materializes the ideal of justice.


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The phenomenon of paramilitarism in Colombia has received an ambiguous treatment, balancing between political and criminal issues; an oscillation that has been intimately linked to the evolution of the Colombian internal conflict. This contribution analyzes the recent negotiations held with paramilitary groups by the administration of Alvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010). After a brief account of the dependency path that has determined this historical episode, I propose an assessment of the use of judicial categories by the various actors of the negotiations. The main argument is that those categories –war criminal, political criminal, drug smuggler, etc.– do not depend on the intrinsic nature of an armed actor, but are socially constructed by a conflictive process of material and symbolic struggles. The capacity to categorize private violence, as legitimate or illegitimate, political or criminal, appears as one of the basic manifestations of the state’s action, as well as one of the main conflicts presiding at the rocess of state formation.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el fenómeno de la participación de las ONG en el marco de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) y las implicaciones del mismo en las dinámicas de la gobernanza global. Se explican los conceptos principales para el análisis y posteriormente se hace una revisión de los antecedentes que permitieron el desarrollo de dicho fenómeno dentro de la organización y fuera de ella. Luego se centra el análisis en la incidencia de las ONG en la ONU y para la gobernanza global; se concluye con una reflexión sobre lo que puede esperarse de esta incidencia para el futuro de la organización.


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This is a critical review of the empirical literature on the relationship between violence and economic growth in Colombia: an interesting case study for social scientists studying violence, conflict, crime and development. We argue that, despite the rapid development of this literature and the increasing use of new techniques, there is still much room for research. After assessing the contribution of the most influential papers on the subject, we suggest directions for future research.