901 resultados para Information and communications technologies (ICT)
This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration
This paper examines the social dynamics of electronic exchanges in the human services, particularly in social work. It focuses on the observable effects that email and texting have on the linguistic, relational and clinical rather than managerial aspects of the profession. It highlights how electronic communication is affecting professionals in their practice and learners as they become acculturated to social work. What are the gains and losses of the broad use of electronic devices in daily lay and professional, verbal and non-verbal communication? Will our current situation be seriously detrimental to the demeanor of future practitioners, their use of language, and their ability to establish close personal relationships? The paper analyzes social work linguistic and behavioral changes in light of the growth of electronic communication and offers a summary of merits and demerits viewed through a prism emerging from Baron’s (2000) analysis of human communication.
A Cultura Digital é uma realidade do século XXI, onde as relações humanas são fortemente mediadas pelas tecnologias e pelo digital. O Digital tem mudado o comportamento das pessoas e influenciado o seu meio cultural. O conceito de Cultura digital inclui saber onde encontrar informação, ferramentas e sistemas, necessários para cumprir uma determinada tarefa de forma não só eficaz, mas também mais eficiente. As competências para explorar as tecnologias que o permitam, são cada vez mais exigidas na interação em sociedade. Tendo em consideração estudos existentes associados com as competências TIC, nomeadamente os propostos pela UNESCO e pelo Executivo Angolano no seu Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento para 2013-2017, em que está enquadrada a iniciativa da Rede de Mediatecas de Angola, foi tomada a Cultural Digital e a sua promoção no ambito das Mediatecas. Numa primeira avaliação desde da abertura da Mediateca em Fevereiro de 2014, verificamos uma fraca adesão dos professores na utilização dos serviços da Mediateca do Huambo – Angola. Coloca-se neste contexto a questão do porquê que é que os professores não exploram as TIC para as atividades docentes ou da sua aprendizagem? Desta forma, é considerada a questão de investigação: Quais as estratégias a desenvolver para incrementar a exploração das TIC pelos professores e como a Mediateca do Huambo pode servir de espaço para a promoção da Cultura Digital. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, no contexto da Mediateca do Huambo, em que foi efetuada uma recolha de dados pela (a) aplicação de questionários aos professores do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Secundário do Município do Huambo para mapear as competências TIC dos professores segundo os padrões da UNESCO e o apuramento da formação e uso das TIC em contexto educativo, (b) pela aplicação de um conjunto de tarefas com o objetivo de verificar quais as competências digitais dos professores e por último (c), a implementação do projeto-piloto denominado “ Mediateca +Escola” com o objetivo de levar à Mediateca professores e alunos para desenvolver um projeto TIC onde os professores teriam uma oportunidade de demostrar as competências que afirmavam possuir. Como resultado final obtido neste estudo de caso podemos concluir que 71,27% indicanos que os professores têm a perceção que necessitam de mais formação e desenvolvimento de competências TIC, 27,50% confirma que os professores creem que têm confiança nas TIC. Em face das respostas com valores negativos que apontam para a necessidade de delinear estratégia para capacitar este grupo em competências TIC de forma a incluí-los na sociedade em rede providos de uma Cultura Digital foi proposto o modelo que permite validar os dados obtidos pelo questionário permitindo também delinear estratégias com vista à promoção da Cultura Digital.
This book presents research in the field of Geophysics, particularly referring to principles, applications and emerging technologies. Table of Contents: Preface pp. i-xxi Environmental Geophysics: Techniques, advantages and limitations (Pantelis Soupios and Eleni Kokinou, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Dynamics of the Ocean Floor, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Geomar)pp i-xxi Application of Innovative Geophysical Techniques in Coastal Areas (V. Di Fiore, M. Punzo, D. Tarallo, and G. Cavuoto, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Marine Geophysics of the Naples Bay (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): Principles, Applications and Emerging Technologies (Gemma Aiello and Ennio Marsella, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Oceanic Oscillation Phenomena: Relation to Synchronization and Stochastic Resonance (Shinya Shimokawa and Tomonori Matsuura, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Univ. of Toyama)pp. i-xxi Assessment of ocean variability in the Sicily Channel from a numerical three-dimensional model using EOFs decomposition (R. Sorgente, A. Olita, A.F. Drago, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, and C. Tedesco, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Oristano)pp. i-xxi Monitoring Test of Crack Opening in Volcanic Tuff (Coroglio Cliff. Italy) Using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor (A. Minardo, A. Coscetta, M. Caccavale, G. Esposito, F. Matano, M. Sacchi, R. Somma, G. Zeni, and L. Zeni, Department of Industrial and Information Eng., Second University of Naples Aversa, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council Naples, National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, Osservatorio Vesuviano Naples, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, National Research Council Naples)pp. i-xxi
199 p.
The primary goals of this study are to: embed sustainable concepts of energy consumption into certain part of existing Computer Science curriculum for English schools; investigate how to motivate 7-to-11 years old kids to learn these concepts; promote responsive ICT (Information and Communications Technology) use by these kids in their daily life; raise their awareness of today’s ecological challenges. Sustainability-related ICT lessons developed aim to provoke computational thinking and creativity to foster understanding of environmental impact of ICT and positive environmental impact of small changes in user energy consumption behaviour. The importance of including sustainability into the Computer Science curriculum is due to the fact that ICT is both a solution and one of the causes of current world ecological problems. This research follows Agile software development methodology. In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, sustainability requirements, curriculum requirements and technical requirements are firstly analysed. Secondly, the web-based user interface is designed. In parallel, a set of three online lessons (video, slideshow and game) is created for the website GreenICTKids.com taking into account several green design patterns. Finally, the evaluation phase involves the collection of adults’ and kids’ feedback on the following: user interface; contents; user interaction; impacts on the kids’ sustainability awareness and on the kids’ behaviour with technologies. In conclusion, a list of research outcomes is as follows: 92% of the adults learnt more about energy consumption; 80% of the kids are motivated to learn about energy consumption and found the website easy to use; 100% of the kids understood the contents and liked website’s visual aspect; 100% of the kids will try to apply in their daily life what they learnt through the online lessons.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a necessary element of academic practice in higher education today. Under normal circumstances, PhD students from all disciplines have to use ICT in some form throughout the process of their research, including the preparation, fieldwork, analysis and writing phases of their studies. Nevertheless, there has been little research to date that explores PhD students’ first-hand experiences of using various ICT to support their research practices. This paper brings together the findings and the key points from a review of significant parts of the existing literature associated with the role played by ICT in the processes PhD students use in doctoral research. The review is based on 27 papers appearing in international peer-reviewed journals published from 2005 to 2014. The study seeks to address the under-researched area in the current literature of how ICT plays a role in the processes of doctoral research. While there are many contributions taking the ‘institutional’ or ‘teaching’ perspectives, papers focusing on ‘student’ perspective, or the viewpoint of engaging ICT in daily study routine, are relatively fewer. As far as research methodology is concerned, this review found that many of the papers that were examined were mostly based on perception data such as surveys or interviews, while actual practice data were rarely present. With their ready access to technologies, PhD students are well positioned to take advantage of a range of technologies in order to carry out their research efficiently (in terms of means to an end) and effectively (in terms of reaching goals within a task). This review reveals that in the literature, this important area is under-represented.
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, has rapidly gained traction in businesses across Europe and the world, becoming a central theme in small, medium, and large enterprises alike. This new paradigm shifts the focus from locally-based and barely automated firms to a globally interconnected industrial sector, stimulating economic growth and productivity, and supporting the upskilling and reskilling of employees. However, despite the maturity and scalability of information and cloud technologies, the support systems already present in the machine field are often outdated and lack the necessary security, access control, and advanced communication capabilities. This dissertation proposes architectures and technologies designed to bridge the gap between Operational and Information Technology, in a manner that is non-disruptive, efficient, and scalable. The proposal presents cloud-enabled data-gathering architectures that make use of the newest IT and networking technologies to achieve the desired quality of service and non-functional properties. By harnessing industrial and business data, processes can be optimized even before product sale, while the integrated environment enhances data exchange for post-sale support. The architectures have been tested and have shown encouraging performance results, providing a promising solution for companies looking to embrace Industry 4.0, enhance their operational capabilities, and prepare themselves for the upcoming fifth human-centric revolution.
A study was designed to determine how the degree programs in Information and library science available in 2000-2005 at the public universities of Madrid fit the tabour market needs of their students. The methodology used was the development of a questionnaire addressed to graduates. Although the number of surveys completed is not high (118), the authors believe that the results obtained permit a series of conclusions that may be extrapolated to the entire cohort.
The authors use experimental surveys to investigate the association between individuals' knowledge of particular wildlife species and their stated willingness to allocate funds to conserve each. The nature of variations in these allocations between species (e.g., their dispersion) as participants' knowledge increases is examined. Factors influencing these changes are suggested. Willingness-to-pay allocations are found not to measure the economic value of species, but are shown to be policy relevant. The results indicate that poorly known species, e.g., in remote areas, may obtain relatively less conservation support than they deserve.