684 resultados para Goetz, Angus


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This report contains the invited lectures from day 2 of a Spatial Orientation Symposium in honor of the late Dr. Frederick Guedry, held at the Institute of Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Pensacola, Florida in November of 2010. The conference was sponsored by the Coalition Warfare Program of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. It was organized by Drs. Angus Rupert and Ben Lawson (USAARL) and hosted by Drs. Anil Raj and Ken Ford (IHMC). The lectures from day 1 are in Lawson et al., 2014. Day 2 includes lectures by Drs. Scott, Ben Lawson, Angus Rupert, Owen Black, Karen Atkins, Kim Gottshall, Anil Raj, and Måns Magnusson. The lectures focus on the structure, function and reflexes of the vestibular system, orientation perceptions, motion sickness, adaptation, and rehabilitation. This report also features banquet talks given by Drs. Lawson and Rupert, in which they honor Dr. Fred Guedry. Also featured is an interview with Dr. Guedry, conducted by a Navy historian, in which the reader can catch a glimpse into Dr. Guedry's wartime experiences and early days as a researcher.


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This survey examines Canadian’s opinion of the new Hockey Night in Canada format and on the role of hockey in Canadian society and culture.


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Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.


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Participation usually sets off from the bottom up, taking the form of more or less enduring forms of collective action with varying degrees of infl uence. However, a number of projects have been launched by political institutions in the last decades with a view to engaging citizens in public affairs and developing their democratic habits, as well as those of the administration. This paper analyses the political qualifying capacity of the said projects, i.e. whether participating in them qualifi es individuals to behave as active citizens; whether these projects foster greater orientation towards public matters, intensify (or create) political will, and provide the necessary skills and expertise to master this will. To answer these questions, data from the comparative analysis of fi ve participatory projects in France and Spain are used, shedding light on which features of these participatory projects contribute to the formation of political subjects and in which way. Finally, in order to better understand this formative dimension, the formative capacity of institutional projects is compared with the formative dimension of other forms of participation spontaneously developed by citizens.


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Los indicadores de sostenibilidad climática constituyen herramientas fundamentales para complementar las políticas de ordenamiento del territorio urbano y pueden beneficiar la calidad de vida sus habitantes. En el presente trabajo se diseñó un indicador climático urbano para la ciudad de Bahía Blanca considerando variables meteorológicas y análisis de la percepción social. El mismo permitió delimitar la ciudad en cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas entre sí. A partir de entonces, se realizó una propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos adversos del clima a partir de la aplicación del método DPSIR. Las mismas estuvieron destinadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Los resultados permitieron considerar que una pronta implementación de la misma junto con una activa participación de los actores sociales y los tomadores de decisiones es necesaria para mejorar las condiciones actuales en la que se encuentra la ciudad. Con las medidas propuestas, la población local sabrá cómo actuar ante la ocurrencia de distintos eventos extremos, eventos de desconfort climático, etc. Al ser un método sencillo, la metodología aplicada en este estudio puede replicarse en otras ciudades del mundo con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes.


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El artículo analiza la figura del prosumidor desde los estudios visuales a partir de la combinación de la teoría de los actos de habla y los nuevos medios. El objetivo es evaluar si la distinción entre productores y consumidores, estrategias y tácticas de Michel de Certeau continúa siendo operativa en las interfaces gráficas de la cultura global de la información de Scott Lash. Para ello distingue dos tipos de performatividad de los actos de habla: la performatividad top-down del software, y la bottom-up de los juegos del lenguaje y las formas de vida. Estos tipos se aplican al análisis del discurso de los eslóganes que aparecen en los sitios web de las iniciativas “open” y de economía colaborativa, ya que las primeras están dedicadas a la producción de bienes inmateriales y las segundas a la producción de bienes materiales. El desarrollo muestra cómo los dos tipos de performatividad transforman el análisis textual de los estudios literarios y cinematográficos en una metodología capaz de investigar acciones materiales, humanas y no humanas. Las conclusiones describen el surgimiento de nuevas convenciones narrativas de poder y control ajenas a la ficción que apuntan a una “DIY society”.


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The human pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 colonizes human and animal gut via formation of attaching and effacing lesions. EHEC strains use a type III secretion system to translocate a battery of effector proteins into the mammalian host cell, which subvert diverse signal transduction pathways implicated in actin dynamics, phagocytosis, and innate immunity. The genomes of sequenced EHEC O157:H7 strains contain two copies of the effector protein gene nleH, which share 49% sequence similarity with the gene for the Shigella effector OspG, recently implicated in inhibition of migration of the transcriptional regulator NF-kappaB to the nucleus. In this study we investigated the role of NleH during EHEC O157:H7 infection of calves and lambs. We found that while EHEC DeltanleH colonized the bovine gut more efficiently than the wild-type strain, in lambs the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. Using the mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, which shares many virulence factors with EHEC O157:H7, including NleH, we observed that the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. We found no measurable differences in T-cell infiltration or hyperplasia in colons of mice inoculated with the wild-type or the nleH mutant strain. Using NF-kappaB reporter mice carrying a transgene containing a luciferase reporter driven by three NF-kappaB response elements, we found that NleH causes an increase in NF-kappaB activity in the colonic mucosa. Consistent with this, we found that the nleH mutant triggered a significantly lower tumor necrosis factor alpha response than the wild-type strain.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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The cultural valuation of biodiversity has taken on renewed importance over the last two decades as the ecosystem services framework has become widely adopted. Conservation initiatives increasingly use ecosystem service frameworks to render tropical forest landscapes and their peoples legible to market-oriented initiatives such as REDD+ and biodiversity offsetting schemes. Ecosystem service approaches have been widely criticized by scholars in the social sciences and humanities for their narrow focus on a small number of easily quantifiable and marketable services and a reductionist and sometimes simplistic approach to culture. We address the need to combine methods from each of the “three cultures” of natural science, quantitative social science, and qualitative social science/humanities in conceptualizing the relationship between cultural valuation and biodiversity conservation. We combine qualitative data with forest inventories and a quantitative index of cultural value to evaluate the relationship between cultural valuation and biodiversity conservation in Upper Guinea forest in Liberia, West Africa. Our study focuses on “sacred agroforests,” spaces that are associated with Mande macro-language speaking groups such as the Loma. We demonstrate that sacred agroforests are associated with different cultural values compared with secondary forests. Although biodiversity and biomass are similar, sacred agroforests exhibit a different species composition, especially of culturally salient species, increasing overall landscape agro-biodiversity. Sacred agroforests are also shaped and conserved by local cultural institutions revolving around ancestor worship, ritual, and the metaphysical conceptual category “salɛ.” We conclude that to understand the relationship between cultural valuation and biodiversity conservation, interpretivist approaches such as phenomenology should be employed alongside positivist ecosystem service frameworks.


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Les recherches démontrent que les arts plastiques à l’école apportent des bénéfices culturels et psychocognitifs majeurs aux enfants (National Endowment for the Arts, 2012; Hoffmann Davis, 2005, 2008; Karkou et Glasman, 2004; Sylwester, 1998; Goetz Zwirn et Graham, 2005; Greene, 1995). Mais en général, plus les garçons avancent en âge au primaire, plus ils éprouvent de difficultés et démontrent un intérêt moindre que celui des filles pour les arts plastiques à l’école. Au secondaire, l’écart ne fait que s’accentuer (Savoie, Grenon et St-Pierre, 2010, 2012; Octobre, 2004; Dumais, 2002; Blaikie, Schönau et Steers, 2003). Même s’ils ne peuvent garantir la réussite de leurs élèves, les enseignants ont une influence considérable sur des variables qui affectent les apprentissages telles que le choix de matériaux didactiques, des environnements éducationnels et la variable qui nous intéresse particulièrement : La prise en compte des comportements des élèves en lien avec leurs styles cognitifs. Pour mieux les aider, notre recherche veut saisir les liens potentiels qui pourraient exister entre les styles cognitifs des individus créateurs et leurs préférences sur le plan de l’expression graphique, plus spécifiquement au regard du langage plastique. En d’autres mots, nous souhaitons fournir des marqueurs utiles à la différenciation pédagogique adaptée aux styles cognitifs (Baron-Cohen, 2005) des filles et des garçons en classe d’art. Nous empruntons des concepts délimités et mesurables qui constituent notre cadre de référence et proviennent des domaines de la psychologie cognitive et de l’enseignement des arts visuels. Notre recherche se fait auprès d’artistes professionnels et d’étudiants adultes en arts visuels, tous genres confondus. Nous mesurons chez eux, dans un premier temps, leurs styles cognitifs à l’aide du test RMET de Baron-Cohen (Ibid.). En rapport avec ces styles, nous tentons ensuite de dégager des marqueurs dans la démarche et les productions artistiques des individus. En d’autres mots, notre étude vise essentiellement à procurer des indicateurs fiables, aux chercheurs et aux enseignants en arts, quant au lien potentiel entre les styles cognitifs et le langage plastique. Ces précieux indicateurs pourront ensuite leur servir, entre autres, à la construction de modèles pédagogiques, d’environnements éducationnels ou d’activités adaptées aux styles des élèves masculins comme féminins. Au plan méthodologique, notre recherche adopte une approche quantitative, pragmatique, quasi expérimentale et exploratoire (Lefrancois, 1997; Kothari, 2004; Grawitz, 1988; Larose, Bédard, Couturier, Grenon, Lavoie, Lebrun, Morin, Savard et Theis, 2011). Notre mode d’analyse se base sur la vérification de faits observables et sur une prise de décision scientifique se servant de techniques statistiques inférentielles (Saporta, 2011; Field, 2009). Notre approche s’appuie donc sur une variable dépendante liée au style cognitif des participants et sur une vingtaine de variables indépendantes liées au langage plastique. Nos résultats démontrent qu’au moins un indicateur de style cognitif ressort significativement dans le langage plastique, soit la variation chromatique. Suite à notre question : Dans les éléments de langage plastique des créateurs en arts visuels, peut-on observer des indicateurs de styles cognitifs? La réponse s’est avérée positive et fiable sur au moins une variable : la couleur. En effet, suite à nos analyses statistiques inférentielles, la variation chromatique est ressorti comme un indicateur très significatif de style cognitif et celui qui ressort le plus de nos résultats. Nous avons clairement mesuré que les individus qui décodent moins bien les émotions chez les autres démontrent une préférence pour des variations de couleurs plutôt monochromes, alors que les individus plutôt empathiques démontrent une préférence pour des univers surtout multichromes. Nous avons mesuré une forte habileté à reconnaitre et à discriminer les émotions, autant chez nos artistes professionnels que chez nos sujets étudiants universitaires. D’autres variables analysées, comme le genre, l’éducation ou l’âge ne se sont pas avérées des indicateurs fiables de styles cognitifs particuliers.


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Peatlands can be damaged by deposition of pollutants from the atmosphere – often termed ‘ acid rain ’ . This results from the release of sulphur and nitrogen pollutants into the atmosphere . Originally associated with the Industrial Revolution, ‘acid rain’ was first described by Robert Angus Smith, a Manchester chemist of the 1800s , whose obser vations were made in close proximity to the peatlands of the South Pennines. Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) pollution, which is mainly emitted from coal burning power stations, peaked in the 1970s and has since decreased by over 90% due to emission controls and ch anges in energy supply. N itrogen ous air pollutants have decreased less . N itrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions , which are mainly from vehicle s , have decreased by two thirds since their peak in 1990 , but the decrease in ammonia ( NH 3 ) emissions , which are mainly from intensive livestock farming, is much less certain and may be only about 20%.


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The present paper is a report on progress in the simulation of turbulent flames using the Cray T3D and T3E at the Edinburgh parallel computing centre, using codes developed in Cambridge. Two combustion DNS codes are described, ANGUS and SENGA, which solve incompressible and fully compressible reacting flows respectively. The technical background to combustion DNS is presented, and the resource requirements explained in terms of the physic and chemistry of the problem. Results for flame turbulence interaction studies are presented and discussed in terms of their relevance to modelling. Recent work on the fully compressible problem is highlighted and future directions outlined.


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This dissertation comprises three chapters. The first chapter motivates the use of a novel data set combining survey and administrative sources for the study of internal labor migration. By following a sample of individuals from the American Community Survey (ACS) across their employment outcomes over time according to the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) database, I construct a measure of geographic labor mobility that allows me to exploit information about individuals prior to their move. This enables me to explore aspects of the migration decision, such as homeownership and employment status, in ways that have not previously been possible. In the second chapter, I use this data set to test the theory that falling home prices affect a worker’s propensity to take a job in a different metropolitan area from where he is currently located. Employing a within-CBSA and time estimation that compares homeowners to renters in their propensities to relocate for jobs, I find that homeowners who have experienced declines in the nominal value of their homes are approximately 12% less likely than average to take a new job in a location outside of the metropolitan area where they currently reside. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that housing lock-in has contributed to the decline in labor mobility of homeowners during the recent housing bust. The third chapter focuses on a sample of unemployed workers in the same data set, in order to compare the unemployment durations of those who find subsequent employment by relocating to a new metropolitan area, versus those who find employment in their original location. Using an instrumental variables strategy to address the endogeneity of the migration decision, I find that out-migrating for a new job significantly reduces the time to re-employment. These results stand in contrast to OLS estimates, which suggest that those who move have longer unemployment durations. This implies that those who migrate for jobs in the data may be particularly disadvantaged in their ability to find employment, and thus have strong short-term incentives to relocate.