1000 resultados para Geografiska Sällskapet i Finland
Käsinkirjoitettu merkintä vuosiluvusta
Sätten att ordna kollektivtrafi ken ändras på grund av ny lagstiftning med början 2014. Beslutet om det nya arrangemanget ska fattas av en behörig myndighet enligt kollektivtrafi klagen. I Borgå busstrafi k är denna myndighet ELY-centralen i Nyland. Syftet med denna utredning är att bereda ELY-centralens beslut om hur busstrafi ken ska ordnas i Borgåregionen. I utredningen beskrivs förändringarna i lagstiftningen och vilka alternativa arrangemangen som är möjliga. Alternativen samt deras goda och dåliga sidor beskrivs utgående från arbetet i KM:s Bussarbetsgrupp. Av alternativen har de modeller som bäst passar de olika trafi kområdena i Borgåregionen valts ut. I utredningen presenteras en marknadsbestämd modell för den långväga trafi ken från Helsingfors mot sydöstra Finland via Borgå samt för regiontrafi ken mellan Helsingfors och Borgå. För Borgå lokaltrafi k föreslås ett regionalt koncessionsavtal som konkurrensutsätts. För den övriga interna trafi ken i Borgå, närmast skolskjutsarna, föreslås arrangemang på basis av ett ruttbaserat koncessionsavtal. Kostnadseffekterna har uppskattats för lokaltrafi ken. I uppskattningen har närmast de förändringsfaktorer beaktats som kan orsaka ändrade kostnader. I samband med arbetet utformades de anbudshandlingar för ett regionalt koncessionsavtal som är bifogade rapporten. Dessutom bereddes avtalet kommun/ELY.
The present thesis had two main objectives: The first was to assess how child sexual abuse (CSA) interviews in Finland are conducted through analysing the interviewing techniques applied and the language used by the interviewers, as well as to suggest ways to improve interviews if they were found to have deficiencies. The second main aim was to contribute to the growing research corpus concerning CSA interviews, in particular, by addressing how interviewers follow up information provided by the child, by analysing whether child health care professionals would use childadapted language, and by studying the kind of modifications in the verbal behaviour of interviewers and children that were associated with a) repeated interviews, b) a support person’s presence at the interview, and c) the use of anatomically detailed dolls. Two complementary samples of CSA interviews were analysed. The first one was composed of child interviews with 3-12-year-old children (N = 27) that had been considered problematic by lawyers or other involved professionals (Studies I and IV). The second sample consisted of unselected interviews (N = 43) with children aged 3 to 8 years conducted in a number of hospitals in different parts of the country (Studies II and III). Study I: The verbal interaction between interviewer and child was analysed in a sample of interviews that had been considered to be problematic by involved professionals. Results showed that interviewers used inappropriate questioning techniques, relying on option-posing, specific suggestive and unspecific suggestive questions to a significant extent, these comprising around 50% of all interviewer utterances. The proportion of invitations, which the research community recommends interviewers to rely on, was strikingly low. Invitations and directive utterances were associated with an increase in informative responses by the child in terms of response type, number of new details reported, as well as length of response. The opposite was true for option-posing and suggestive utterances. Longer questions by the interviewer (in number of words) often rendered no reply from the child, whereas shorter questions were followed by descriptive answers. Even after the child had provided an informative answer, interviewers failed to follow up the information in an adequate way and instead continued to rely on focused and leading questions. Study II: Due to the possible bias of the sample analysed in Study I, the most important analyses were rerun with the unselected sample and reported separately. Results were quite similar between the two studies, indicating that the problems observed in Study I, with interviewers relying on option-posing and suggestive questions to a significant extent, are likely to be general and not specific for those interviews. Even if suggestive questions were slightly less and invitations slightly more common in this sample than in the previous study, almost half of the interviewer questions were still optionposing or suggestive, and also in this sample, interviewers failed to follow up information by the child in a facilitating manner. Differentiating between judicial and contextual details showed that while facilitators, invitations, and directive utterances elicited more contextual than judicial details, the opposite was true for specific suggestive utterances. These results might be explained by the reluctance of children to describe sexual details related to the abuse events. Alternatively, they may also be due to children describing incorrect sexual details as a result of suggestive interviewing techniques. Study III: This study examined features of the language used by the interviewers. Interviewer utterances included multiple questions, long statements, complicated grammar and concepts, as well as unclear references to persons and situations. More than a fifth of the interviewer utterances were coded as belonging to at least one of these categories. The results suggest that even professionals who are experienced in interacting with children may have difficulties in using a child-sensitive language, adding to the pool of studies showing similar problems to occur in legal hearings with children conducted by lawyers. As children rarely comment on, or even recognise, their lack of comprehension, the use of a language that is too complex can have detrimental consequences for the outcomes of investigative interviews. Interviewers used different approaches to introduce the topic of abuse. While 15% of the children spontaneously addressed the topic of abuse, probably indicating that they felt confident with the interviewer and the situation, in almost 50% of the cases, the interviewer introduced the topic of abuse in a way that can be considered leading. Interviews were characterised by a lack of structure, apparent in frequent rapid switches of topic by the interviewer. This manner was associated with a decrease in the number of new details provided by the children. Study IV: This study analysed possible changes in the interview dynamics associated with repeated interviewing, the presence of a support person (related to the child), and the use of anatomically detailed (AD) dolls. Repeated interviewing, in combination with suggestive questions, has previously been found to seriously contaminate children’s accounts. In the present material, interviewers used significantly more suggestive utterances in the repeated condition, thus endangering the reliability of the children’s reports. Few studies have investigated the effects of a support person’s presence at the interview. The results of the present study showed that interviewers talked more and children provided less information when a support person was present. Supporting some earlier findings regarding the use of AD dolls, the present results showed that using AD dolls was associated with longer interviewer utterances and shorter, less responsive, and less detailed child responses. Interviewers used up to five times more unspecific suggestive utterances when dolls were used, for instance through repeatedly asking the child to show “what really happened” with the dolls. Conclusion: The results indicate that CSA interviews in Finland are not conducted in a manner that follows best practice as defined by the research community and as stated in a number of guidelines. When comparing these questioning strategies with the recommendations, which have been predominant in the field for more than ten years now, it can be concluded that the interviews analysed were conducted in a manner that undermines the possibility to elicit an uncontaminated and accurate narrative from the children. A particularly worrying finding was the fact that interviewers did not follow up relevant information by the children in an adequate way. A number of clinical implications can be drawn from the results, particularly concerning the need for improvement in the quality of CSA interviews. There is convincing research regarding how to improve CSA interviews, notably through training forensic child interviewers to use a structured interviewing protocol, and providing them with continuous supervision and feedback. Allocating appropriate resources to improve the quality of forensic child interviews is a matter of protecting the rights of all persons involved in CSA investigations, in particular those of the children.
Julkaisun osa I on Maatalousalueiden yleissuunnitelma, joka tehtiin Karvianjoen koskien valuma-alueella kesällä ja syksyllä 2012. Työssä kartoitettiin peltojen suojavyöhyketarvetta ja päivitettiin aikaisemmat suojavyöhykesuositukset sekä etsittiin luonnon monimuotoisuuskohteita, perinnebiotooppeja ja sopivia paikkoja kosteikoille. Suojavyöhyketarvetta vesistöjen varsien pelloilla todettiin olevan yhteensä yli 18 kilometrin matkalla. Lisäksi suojavyöhykkeitä suositellaan yhteensä n. 250 ha:lle tulvapeltoja ja pohjavesialueiden peltoja Suunnitelmaan sisältyy yhteensä 14 kosteikkokohdetta, joista suuri osa on toteutettava kaivamalla. Kosteikoista 12 on sellaisia, jotka voidaan perustaa ei-tuotannollisten investointien tuella. Maatalousalueiden monimuotoisuuskohteita löytyi yhteensä 63 ja perinnebiotooppeja vain 18 kohdetta. Yhteensä niiden ala kattaa reilut 70 ha. Lumokohteisiin kuuluu runsaasti rantojen lehtoisia metsäkaistoja sekä peltoalueiden erilaisia saarekkeita. Yleissuunnitelman tavoitteena on innostaa viljelijöitä vesiensuojelutoimiin sekä vaalimaan maiseman ja luonnon monimuotoisuutta. Toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen on maanomistajille vapaaehtoista. Suunnitelman tietoja voidaan käyttää yksityiskohtaisen suunnittelun tukena haettaessa rahoitusta kohteiden toteuttamiseen. Suunnitelma perustuu kohteiden maastoinventointeihin, jotka kohdistettiin karttatarkastelun sekä eri tahoilta saatujen tietojen perusteella. Kartoituksen tuloksista luotiin myös paikkatietoaineisto. Raportissa kerrotaan asiaan liittyvää perustietoa alueesta sekä kohteiden perustamisesta ja hoidosta. Julkaisun osa II on Metsäalueiden vesiensuojelullinen valuma-aluetarkastelu, joka niinikään toteutettiin Karvianjoen koskien valuma-alueella. Selvityksessä käsitellään yleisesti metsätalouden vesistökuormitusta, vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden mahdollisuuksia valuma-alueella ja paikkatietomenetelmien hyödyntämistä vesiensuojelukohteiden paikantamisessa. Tarkastelussa esitellään kokeiltu ns. RLGIS-menetelmä ja sen käyttäminen tällä pilottialueella sekä arvioidaan menetelmän tuottamia tuloksia. Loppupäätelmä on, että menetelmää kyllä voidaan käyttää apuvälineenä suunnittelussa ja vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden kohdentamisessa, mutta maastokartoitusta se ei korvaa. Toki, jos saatavissa on kattavasti tarkkaa korkeusmallia ja maaperäaineistoa, menetelmän käyttökelpoisuus paranee.
Larsmo-Öjasjön i Österbotten skapades genom invallningar på 1960-talet pga. industrins behov av sötvatten. Sedan dess har vattenområdet drabbats av återkommande försurning och fiskdöd, och invallningen har ofta beskyllts för problemen. Avhandlingen undersöker syrabelastningen i området; bl.a. hur markanvändning, hydrologi och klimatförändringen påverkar belastningen. Konsekvenserna undersöks med fiskyngel som bioindikator, och olika miljömetoder testas och diskuteras. Ökad kunskap om försurningen hjälper oss att tillämpa effektiva miljömetoder och få förbättrad vattenkvalitet i framtiden. Den primära orsaken till den försämrade vattenkvaliteten under de senaste 40 åren är intensiv dikning av svavelrika sediment. Detta leder till oxidering av svavlet till svavelsyra och uppkomst av sura sulfatjordar. Syran löser upp mängder med toxiska metaller som spolas ut i vattendragen. Undersökningen visar att tiotusentals ton svavelsyra tillsammans med stora mängder metaller rinner till Larsmo-Öjasjön per år från sura sulfatjordar. Åarna bidrar med mest belastning, men den sammanlagda belastningen från de otaliga dikena och bäckarna är oväntat stor. Andra potentiella källor till försurningen, t.ex. muddringar och humussyror, beräknas vara obetydliga. Syra- och metallbelastningen varierar kraftigt med hydrologin, dvs. störst belastning sker under vår- och höstflöden. En eventuell klimatförändring kan ändra på avrinningsmönstret och orsaka mera belastning vintertid. Den årligt återkommande syra- och metallbelastningen kan ofta hindra lakens förökning, vilket kan ha större långtgående konsekvenser för fiskpopulationerna än de relativt sällsynta stora surchockerna med synlig fiskdöd. För att förebygga skador på vattendragen bör man undvika att dränera svavelrika sedimenten. På redan existerande sura sulfatjordar visade sig kontroll av grundvattennivån kunna möjliggöra en effektiverad markanvändning utan märkbart ökade miljökonsekvenser.
Sloyd as an activity concretizes man’s ability to, with the help of mind and body, reshape materials into objects and change her conditions for survival. The sloyd actor outside school works when the spirit moves her, while the pupil in school is expected to sloyd regardless of motivation. Subject teachers become experts on sloyd in educational settings, while the qualification requirements may set the class teachers’ voluntariness within parenthesis. All class teachers qualify to teach all core subjects of the national curriculum in Finland from preschool to grade six. The aim of the current thesis is to deepen the knowledge on how the science of sloyd education can support class teacher students’ future teaching in sloyd. In the empirical part of the study, Swedish-speaking Finnish class teacher students’ views on technical sloyd as one of their future subjects for teaching are examined. The class teacher’s qualifying skills in teaching technical sloyd are expected to take shape during only a few ECTS study points. The teacher students’ experience of the subject from the pupil’s perspective is supposed to move into a budding teacher subject. In a research-based teacher education, self-reflection and reflection as a dialogue are extended aided by research results. Intuitive thinking interplays with rational thinking during this time. The teacher student’s approach to make use of the autonomous free space in teaching is, in the current thesis, as considerations where the individual weighs the pros and cons in relation to various phenomena in sloyd and the school overall. The basis for an individual autonomy is shaped and is expected to interplay on the common arena of autonomy. In the exercise of their profession, the class teacher teaching sloyd is expected to oscillate between the sloyd educational practice and theory. The first step in this movement within the teacher education is the coverage of a selection of theories during the studies. The empirical part of the study is carried out at two separate occasions with directed open-ended interviews with fifteen class teacher students in the beginning and end of their first year of study. The data was analysed with a hermeneutic approach and a qualitatively oriented approach to content analysis. The results are mirrored against theory within the science of sloyd education. The results show that class teacher students have a versatile view of educational sloyd. The overall results overthrow parts of the researcher’s pre-understanding. The viewpoint of the students seems to broaden from a merely manual activity to seeing sloyd as an educational activity. In order for the results to gain significance in the teacher education of the future, a line of reasoning is conducted in order to recommend an extended dialogue and thirteen possible themes for enriching discussions are put forth as a result of the present study. The extended dialogue focuses on that teacher education should make conscious ventures to create opportunities for the students to take part in effective discussions on the subject of sloyd, complementing the existing dialogue between the teacher educator and the students. This thesis lends support to reflections on the following aspects of educational sloyd in these dialogues: the reasons for why the sloyd subject exists, the ambitions of the subject, the content and organization of the subject for students as well as for the teacher educators.
Avhandlingen syftar till att ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv beskriva och upptäcka tjänandets meningsinnehåll samt fördjupa förståelsekunskap om tjänandets ethos i förhållande till vårdledarskap med en inriktning på det vårdadministrativa. Syftet är även att skapa en idealmodell som öppnar för en ny eller annorlunda förståelsehorisont för tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap. Kunskapssökandet sker genom följande delstudier: (1) I begreppsbestämningen genomförs begreppsanalyser av tjäna och tjänst med avsikt att öppna för en grundförståelse och tankestruktur i forskningsuppgiften. (2) I det idéhistoriska spåras tjänandets ontologiska arv och idémönster fram genom tolkning av historiska källornas texter från 1900-talets första hälft i ljuset av sjuksköterskeledarskap utgående från Sophie Mannerheims, Bertha Wellins och Bergljot Larssons idéer och tankeströmningar. (3) Sökandet fortsätter i dagens kliniska kontextbas genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 30 deltagare (vårdledare och vårdare) från Finland, Sverige och Norge. Förförståelsen och forskningens teoretiska perspektiv har rötter i Erikssons caring science-tradition och vårdvetenskapens ontologiska grundantaganden som utvecklats vid Åbo Akademi, Enheten för vårdvetenskap i Vasa. Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av H-G Gadamers filosofiska hermeneutik. Designen är explorativ-deskriptiv, idiografisk och implicerar ett hypotetisk-deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Tjänandet och vårdledarskapets ethos upptäcks och tolkas genom det metodologiska närmandet: Erikssons hermeneutiska begreppsbestämningsmodell, idéhistoriska läsakt och hermeneutiska läsakt. Materialet bildar förståelsehorisonter genom den hermeneutiska dialogens successiva och oändliga rörelse. Horisonterna reflekteras mot teorikärnan för att öppna för ny förståelse av tjänandets meningsinnehåll, vårdledarskap och vårdadministration. I slutandet sker en horisontsammansmältning och en reflektiv anslutning till vårdvetenskapens teorikärna som visar hur tjänandets ethos blir evident i vårdledarskap. Resultatet visar att vårdledarskap som är tjänande för patienten och vårdkulturen synliggörs i vårdadministrationens kontext genom huvudets skärpa, handens gärningar och hjärtats visdom. Tjänandets sanna, goda och sköna tidlösa rörelse är riktad mot hälsa och helande. I dag sammankopplas tjänande inom vårdorganisationer med hälsoekonomiska förhållanden, effektivitet, produktivitet och rationalitet, vilket strider mot tjänandets värdegrund, människans värdighet och respekt för livet. Vårdorganisationernas etiska ansvar är att fungera som samhälleliga förebilder, tillrättalägga för vårdadministrationernas tjänande och stå i patientens tjänst. Gestaltningen av tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap öppnar för nya diskurser, riktningar, visioner och handlingar i den vårdadministrativa verkligheten. Avhandlingen ger vårdvetenskapens systematiska grundforskning ett teoritillskott av fördjupad förståelse av tjänandets och vårdledarskapets historiska och samtida ontologiska evidens och ethos med applikationen på klinisk vårdvetenskap.
Reports have shown that a growing number of students are leaving school without adequate reading and writing skills. At the same time, finnish children have improved in reading lit-eracy over the past decade. The school´s primary mission is to support student´s reading and writing development and follow it over time. Not only individual students´development has to be followd over time, as seen in this study, to be able to plan interventions. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study how the results in grades 1–6 exhibit in reading compre-hension and spelling over time in a school for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. Even gender differences in reading comprehension and spelling are being examined, as well as students with low performance. The data collection has been done during a period of twelwe years, 1997–2009, where data from practically every two years has been used for this study. Results are reported for the years 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2009. The measuring instruments are standardized and normative tests in reading comprehension and spelling. The same instruments were used all of the years. The number of students was 1 037 and when possible, students partici-pated more than once. There was a minimal loss of data. The groups of students mostly came from urban districts, and a smaller number came from rural districts. Students with special needs were included in the group, but none of the students in special units participat-ed. The results show that the skills in reading comprehension and spelling haven´t changed appreciably over time. The trend shows slightly positive or unchanged direction except in spelling in grade 1 and reading comprehension in grade 5 where the trend is slightly nega-tive. The most obvious change can be noticed over time in reading comprehension in grade 2, where performance has improved significantly. Significant differences between boys´and girls´performances occur some years and in favor of the girls, but more often in spelling than in reading comprehension. In grade 4, there are no differences in results between boys and girls in any year, neither in reading comprehension nor in spelling, nor in grade 2 in reading comprehension. When the results shows gender differences, there are always differ-ences in both reading comprehension and spelling. Poor performances are also analyzed over time. Isolated reading comprehension difficulties were common for those who was performing poorly. In grade 2, as the only grade, most common was a double deficit in both reading comprehension and spelling, and in grade 4, most students who performed poorly had isolated difficulties in spelling. The amount of poor results varies over time, and no particular trend can be discerned. In grade 2, however, the poor results decreased over time, especially for the boys. Even in reading comprehension for grade 6 the amount of poor results, especially for the boys (10th percentile), has decreased over time, at least in the later years, while the poor results in-creased in spelling generally. In grade 4 the amount of poor results in spelling (10th perc.) seems to be reduced for the girls.
Vad händer när det finns inslag av främmande språk i en roman eller novell? Hur kan litterär flerspråkighet se ut och vilka konsekvenser får det för stilen, berättandet, tematiken och inte minst bokens politiska laddning? Varför är inslag av finska en så laddad sak i finlandssvensk litteratur? I doktorsavhandlingen Att skriva sig över språkgränserna. Flerspråkighet i Jac. Ahrenbergs och Elmer Diktonius prosa undersöker Julia Tidigs språkblandning i Finlands svenska litteratur. Under sent 1800-tal kryddade viborgaren Jac. Ahrenberg sina berättelser med finska, ryska och inte minst franska. Flerspråkigheten hos Ahrenberg både stöder och stör de resonemang om nationalitet och språk som utvecklas i böckerna. Under mellankrigstiden skrev den rebelliske modernisten Elmer Diktonius sina prosaböcker på en svenska så full av finsk påverkan att den smakade finnbastu . Flerspråkigheten hos Diktonius är både ett medel för skildring av Finland och landets medborgare och en öppning till kopplingen mellan estetik och politik i författarskapet. Avhandlingen kartlägger flerspråkighetens spänningsfyllda förhållande till idéer om modersmål, territorier och finlandssvensk identitet. Även om tiden som undersöks är förfluten är frågeställningarna högaktuella än idag: Finns det mer eller mindre äkta flerspråkighet i finlandssvensk litteratur? Får skönlitteraturen bryta mot normerna för korrekt svenska? Vad händer med synen på författaren om den gör det? Kräver den flerspråkiga texten en flerspråkig läsare? Avhandlingen visar att litterär språkblandning kan vara effektiv på alla plan i texten och att den måste analyseras i relation både till den värld där texten skrivs och den värld där texten läses. På vägen utmanas invanda föreställningar om det enda modersmålet, och om språkgränser, översättning och förståelse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mitä tapahtuu kun romaanissa tai novellissa on havaittavissa vieraan kielen vaikutusta? Miltä kaunokirjallinen monikielisyys voi näyttää ja millaisia seurauksia sillä on tyyliin, kerrontaan, teemojen käsittelyyn ja ennen kaikkea kirjan poliittiseen lataukseen nähden? Miksi suomenkielinen aines suomenruotsalaisessa kirjallisuudessa on niin arkaluontoinen asia? Tohtorinväitöskirjassa Att skriva sig över språkgränserna. Flerspråkighet i Jac. Ahrenbergs och Elmer Diktonius prosa (Kirjoittaminen yli kielirajojen. Monikielisyys Jac. Ahrenbergin ja Elmer Diktoniuksen proosassa) Julia Tidigs tutkii kieltensekoitusta Suomen ruotsinkielisessä kirjallisuudessa. Viipurilainen Jac. Ahrenberg maustoi kertomuksiaan suomen, venäjän ja varsinkin ranskan kielellä 1800-luvun lopulla. Ahrenbergin monikielisyys sekä tukee että häiritsee niitä ajatuksia kansallisuudesta ja kielestä, joita kirjoissa kehitellään. Sotien välisenä aikana kapinallinen modernisti Elmer Diktonius kirjoitti proosakirjojaan ruotsin kielellä, mikä oli niin täynnä suomen kielen vaikutusta, että se maistui saunalta . Diktoniuksen monikielisyys on sekä keino kuvata Suomea ja sen asukkaita että ominaisuus minkä kautta käsitellä ja ymmärtää estetiikan ja politiikan kytköstä. Väitöskirja kartoittaa monikielisyyden jännitteitä täynnä olevaa suhdetta äidinkielen, territorioiden ja suomenruotsalaisen identiteetin käsitteisiin. Vaikka tutkimuksen ajankohta kuuluu menneisyyteen ovat kysymyksen asettelut erittäin ajankohtaisia vielä tänäänkin: Onko suomenruotsalaisessa kirjallisuudessa olemassa enemmän tai vähemmän aitoa monikielisyyttä? Saako kaunokirjallisuus rikkoa korrektin ruotsin kielen rajoja? Mitä tapahtuu kirjailijasta saadulle näkemykselle, jos hän tekee näin? Vaatiiko monikielinen teksti monikielisen lukijan? Väitöskirja osoittaa, että kirjallinen kieltensekoitus voi olla tehokasta tekstin kaikilla tasoilla ja että se täytyy analysoida suhteessa sekä siihen maailmaan, jossa se kirjoitetaan että maailmaan, jossa teksti luetaan. Matkalla haastetaan totutut käsitykset ainoasta äidinkielestä, ja kielirajoista, käännöksestä ja ymmärryksestä.
The purpose of this study was to examine and expand understanding concerning young Finnish registered nurses (RN) with an intention to leave the profession and the related variables, specifically when that intention has emerged before the age of 30. The overall goal of the study was to develop a conceptual model in relation to young RNs’ intention to leave the profession. Suggestions for policymakers, nurse leaders and nurse managers are presented for how to retain more young RNs in the nursing workforce. Suggestions for future nursing research are also provided. Phase I consists of two sequential integrative literature reviews of 75 empirical articles concerning nurses’ intention to leave the profession. In phase II, data had been collected as part of the Nurses’ Early Exit (NEXT) study, using the BQ-12 structured postal questionnaire. A total of 147 young RNs participated in the study. The data were analysed with statistical methods. In phase III, firstly, an in-depth interpretive case study was conducted in order to understand how young RNs explain and make sense of their intention to leave the profession. The data in this study consisted of longitudinal career stories by three young RNs. The data was analysed by using narrative holistic-content and thematic methods. Secondly, a total of 15 young RNs were interviewed in order to explore in-depth their experiences concerning organizational turnover and their intent to leave the profession. The data was analysed using conventional content analysis. Based on earlier research, empirical research on the young RNs intention to leave the profession is scarce. Nurses’ intention to leave the profession has mainly been studied with quantitative descriptive studies, conducted with survey questionnaires. Furthermore, the quality of previous studies varies considerably. Moreover, nurses’ intention to leave the profession seems to be driven by a number of variables. According to the survey study, 26% of young RNs had often considered giving up nursing completely and starting a different kind of job during the course of the previous year. Many different variables were associated with an intention to leave the profession (e.g. personal burnout, job dissatisfaction). According to the in-depth inquiries, poor nursing practice environments and a nursing career as a ‘second-best’ or serendipitous career choice were themes associated with young RNs’ intention to leave the profession. In summary, young RNs intention to leave the profession is a complex phenomenon with multiple associated variables. These findings suggest that policymakers, nurse leaders and nurse managers should enable improvements in nursing practice environments in order to retain more young RNs. These improvements can include, for example, adequate staffing levels, balanced nursing workloads, measures to reduce work-related stress as well as possibilities for advancement and development. Young RNs’ requirements to provide high-quality and ethical nursing care must be recognized in society and health-care organizations. Moreover, sufficient mentoring and orientation programmes should be provided for all graduate RNs. Future research is needed into whether the motive for choosing a nursing career affects the length of the tenure in the profession. Both quantitative and in-depth research is needed for the comprehensive development of nursing-turnover research.