977 resultados para Garbage compound


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High resolution TEM images of boron carbide (B13C2) have been recorded and compared with images calculated using the multislice method as implemented by M. A. O'Keefe in the SHRLI programs. Images calculated for the [010] zone, using machine parameters for the JEOL 2000FX AEM operating at 200 keV, indicate that for the structure model of Will et al., the optimum defocus image can be interpreted such that white spots correspond to B12 icosahedra for thin specimens and to low density channels through the structure adjacent to the direct inter-icosahedral bonds for specimens of intermediate thickness (-40 > t > -100 nm). With this information, and from the symmetry observed in the TEM images, it is likely that the (101) twin plane passes through the center of icosahedron located at the origin. This model was tested using the method of periodic continuation. Resulting images compare favorably with experimental images, thus supporting the structural model. The introduction of a (101) twin plane through the origin creates distortions to the icosahedral linkages as well as to the intra-icosahedral bonding. This increases the inequivalence of adjacent icosahedral sites along the twin plane, and thereby increases the likelihood of bipolaron hopping.


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Boron carbides exhibit an anomalously large Seebeck coefficient with a temperature coefficient that is characteristic of polaronic hopping between inequivalent sites. The inequivalence in the sites is associated with disorder in the solid. The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient for materials prepared by different techniques provides insight into the nature of the disorder.


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Large igneous provinces (LIPs) host the most frequently recurring, largest volume basaltic & silicic eruptions on Earth. The largest volume (>1000 km^3 DRE) and magnitude (>M8) eruptions produce areally extensive (10^4-10^5 km^2) basaltic flow fields and sills, and silicic ignimbrites that are the main LIP building blocks. Basaltic and silicic eruptions have comparable magnitudes, but silicic ignimbrite volumes may be significantly underestimated due to unrecognized and correlated, but voluminous co-ignimbrite ash deposits. Magma composition is no barrier to individual eruption volume. Despite similar magnitudes, flood basaltic and silicic eruptions are very different in eruption mechanism, duration, intensity, vent configuration, and emplacement style. Flood basalts are dominantly effusive Hawaiian-Strombolian, with magma discharge rates of ~10^7-10^8 kg s^-1, and produce dominantly compound pahoehoe flow fields over eruption durations most likely >10 yrs. Most silicic eruptions are moderately to highly explosive, producing cocurrent pyroclastic fountains (rarely Plinian) and suggested to be of short-duration (hours to days) and high intensity (~10^11 kg s^-1). Eruption frequencies are elevated for largemagnitude eruptions of both magma types during LIP formation. In basalt-dominated provinces, large magnitude (>M8) eruptions have much shorter recurrence intervals (10^3-10^4 years) than similar magnitude silicic eruptions (~10^5 years). The huge volumes of magma erupted rapidly in LIPs raises several unresolved issues in terms of locus of magma generation and storage (if any) in the crust prior to eruption, the paths and rates of ascent from magma reservoirs to the surface, and relative aerosol contributions to the stratosphere from the flood basaltic and rhyolitic eruptions.


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Papagoite is a silicate mineral named after an American Indian tribe and was used as a healing mineral. Papagoite CaCuAlSi2O6(OH)3 is a hydroxy mixed anion compound with both silicate and hydroxyl anions in the formula. The structural characterization of the mineral papagoite remains incomplete. Papagoite is a four-membered ring silicate with Cu2+ in square planar coordination. The intense sharp Raman band at 1053 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 (A 1g) symmetric stretching vibration of the SiO4 units. The splitting of the ν3 vibrational mode offers support to the concept that the SiO4 tetrahedron in papagoite is strongly distorted. A very intense Raman band observed at 630 cm−1 with a shoulder at 644 cm−1 is assigned to the ν4 vibrational modes. Intense Raman bands at 419 and 460 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 bending modes. Intense Raman bands at 3545 and 3573 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. Low-intensity Raman bands at 3368 and 3453 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching modes. It is suggested that the formula of papagoite is more likely to be CaCuAlSi2O6(OH)3 · xH2O. Hence, vibrational spectroscopy has been used to characterize the molecular structure of papagoite.


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In the structure of the title compound, [Mg(C7H3N2O6)2(H2O)4] . 4H2O), the slightly distorted octahedral MgO6 coordination polyhedron comprises two trans-related carboxyl O-atom donors from mononodentate 3,5-dinitrobenzoate ligands, and four water molecules. The coordinated water molecules and the four water molecules of solvation give both intra- and inter-unit O-H...O hydrogen-bonding interactions with carboxyl, water and nitro O-atom acceptors, giving a three-dimensional structure.


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The robust and diversely useful isoindoline nitroxide, 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl (1; CTMIO), has previously been synthesised in low-to-moderate yields from phthalic anhydride (3). Recent interest in its biological potential as a potent antioxidant and in other areas has seen an increased demand for its production. Herein, three new synthetic routes to CTMIO are presented and their efficiencies assessed. Two routes, via the nitrile 9 and the formyl compound 11, derive from 5-bromo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindoline (6). The third approach starts from the readily accessible starting material, 4-methylphthalic anhydride (12), and proceeds by a methylarene oxidation with potassium permanganate. The three new approaches yield CTMIO in comparable overall yields (16–18 %); however, the synthetic efficiency is most improved when employing the nitrile intermediate 9.


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Background: Changes in the roles of the contemporary pharmacist has seen a decline in the number and variety of extemporaneously compounded dosage forms. Pharmacy curricula reflect this change with a reduction in the emphasis on extemporaneous compounding practice. Aim: To elicit information about extemporaneously compounded dosage forms and perceptions of compounding practice from pharmacists and pharmacy students. Method: Self-administered surveys were mailed to 1063 pharmacists and offered online to 896 pharmacy undergraduates across the 4 years of a Bachelor of Pharmacy program in Queensland. Results: 382 (36%) pharmacists and 455 (51%) students completed the survey. Most pharmacists (96%) reported compounding a product in the 12 months prior to the survey, particularly semi-solids (89%) and liquids (64%) for external use. Most pharmacies (> 96%) owned basic compounding equipment, such as a slab and spatula, mortar and pestle, and cylindrical/conical measures. Half of the pharmacies used mechanical rather than electronic balances. Students expressed greater confidence in their ability to use basic compounding equipment and to perform basic compounding tasks as they progressed through the 4-year degree course. Pharmacists’ views on students’ ability to compound basic products at the end of their degree were generally similar to the proportion of final-year students who reported they could confidently complete the task. Conclusion: Despite a decline in extemporaneously compounded products in community pharmacy, pharmacy graduates need to be competent in compounding techniques.


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An investigation of the electrical and hydrogen sensing properties of a novel Schottky diode based on a nanostructured lanthanum oxide-molybdenum oxide compound is presented herein. Molybdenum oxide (MoO3) nanoplatelets were grown on SiC substrates via thermal evaporation which was then subsequently coated with lanthanum oxide (La2O3) by RF sputtering. The current-voltage characteristics and hydrogen sensing performance (change in barrier height and sensitivity as well as the dynamic response) were examined from 25 to 300°C. At 180°C, a voltage shift of 2.23V was measured from the sensor while exposed to 1% hydrogen gas under a 100 μA constant reverse bias current. The results indicate that the presence of a La2O3 thin layer substantially improves the hydrogen sensitivity of the MoO3 nanoplatelets.


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Boron–nitrogen containing compounds with high hydrogen contents as represented by ammonia borane (NH3BH3) have recently attracted intense interest for potential hydrogen storage applications. One such compound is [(NH3)2BH2]B3H8 with a capacity of 18.2 wt% H. Two safe and efficient synthetic routes to [(NH3)2BH2]B3H8 have been developed for the first time since it was discovered 50 years ago. The new synthetic routes avoid a dangerous starting chemical, tetraborane (B4H10), and afford a high yield. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals N–Hδ+Hδ−–B dihydrogen interactions in the [(NH3)2BH2]B3H8·18-crown-6 adduct. Extended strong dihydrogen bonds were observed in pure [(NH3)2BH2]B3H8 through crystal structure solution based upon powder X-ray analysis. Pyrolysis of [(NH3)2BH2]B3H8 leads to the formation of hydrogen gas together with appreciable amounts of volatile boranes below 160 °C.


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We show that SiGe islands are transformed into nanoholes and rings by annealing treatments only and without Si capping. Rings are produced by a rapid flash heating at temperatures higher than the melting point of Ge, whereas nanoholes are produced by several minute annealing. The rings are markedly rich in Si with respect to the pristine islands, suggesting that the evolution path from islands to rings is driven by the selective dissolution of Ge occurring at high temperature.


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To enhance the therapeutic efficacy and reduce the adverse effects of traditional Chinese medicine, practitioners often prescribe combinations of plant species and/or minerals, called formulae. Unfortunately, the working mechanisms of most of these compounds are difficult to determine and thus remain unknown. In an attempt to address the benefits of formulae based on current biomedical approaches, we analyzed the components of Yinchenhao Tang, a classical formula that has been shown to be clinically effective for treating hepatic injury syndrome. The three principal components of Yinchenhao Tang are Artemisia annua L., Gardenia jasminoids Ellis, and Rheum Palmatum L., whose major active ingredients are 6,7-dimethylesculetin (D), geniposide (G), and rhein (R), respectively. To determine the mechanisms underlying the efficacy of this formula, we conducted a systematic analysis of the therapeutic effects of the DGR compound using immunohistochemistry, biochemistry, metabolomics, and proteomics. Here, we report that the DGR combination exerts a more robust therapeutic effect than any one or two of the three individual compounds by hitting multiple targets in a rat model of hepatic injury. Thus, DGR synergistically causes intensified dynamic changes in metabolic biomarkers, regulates molecular networks through target proteins, has a synergistic/additive effect, and activates both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways.


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Heat islands are a significant problem in urban spaces worldwide. The phenomenon occurs when air and surface temperatures in urban areas significantly exceed those experienced in nearby rural areas. There are two main causes of heat islands. The first is the use of highly absorptive construction materials in buildings and infrastructure, which soak up heat and radiate it back into the immediate surroundings. These materials, including but not limited to concrete, steel, asphalt and stone, are usually impermeable and so do not embody moisture that could dissipate some of the absorbed heat. The second cause relates to urban form, where the canyon-like configurations of buildings and streets channel and trap heat from the sun. In both cases, an absence of greenery and other soft landscaping can compound the problem by lowering capacity for cooling through shading and evotranspiration. Incidences of heat islands increase as urban areas swell in size and cover more land area, making the phenomenon an unwelcome side effect of global trends towards increased urbanisation. Heat islands create serious problems, including increased energy demand for cooling, declining air quality and heat stress for people and animals. In very severe cases, heat islands can compound the effects of high urban temperatures, leading to increased human mortality...


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Background: Developing sampling strategies to target biological pests such as insects in stored grain is inherently difficult owing to species biology and behavioural characteristics. The design of robust sampling programmes should be based on an underlying statistical distribution that is sufficiently flexible to capture variations in the spatial distribution of the target species. Results: Comparisons are made of the accuracy of four probability-of-detection sampling models - the negative binomial model,1 the Poisson model,1 the double logarithmic model2 and the compound model3 - for detection of insects over a broad range of insect densities. Although the double log and negative binomial models performed well under specific conditions, it is shown that, of the four models examined, the compound model performed the best over a broad range of insect spatial distributions and densities. In particular, this model predicted well the number of samples required when insect density was high and clumped within experimental storages. Conclusions: This paper reinforces the need for effective sampling programs designed to detect insects over a broad range of spatial distributions. The compound model is robust over a broad range of insect densities and leads to substantial improvement in detection probabilities within highly variable systems such as grain storage.


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Herbal Fructus Corni is a folk medicine with a long history of safe use for treating osteoporosis in postmenopausal women or elderly men in Asia. Sweroside is a bioactive herbal ingredient isolated from Fructus Corni, which has been widely used for the treatment of osteoporosis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Unfortunately, the working mechanisms of this compound are difficult to determine and thus remain unclear. The aim of the study was performed to determine the potential molecular mechanism of the anti-osteoporotic effect of sweroside on the human MG-63 cells and rat osteoblasts. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test was used to observe the effect of sweroside on cell proliferation. The activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and the amount of osteocalcin were also assayed the cell differentiation. Sweroside significantly increased the proliferation of human MG-63 cells and rat osteoblasts (P<0.01). It increased the activity of ALP, and osteocalcin was also elevated in response to sweroside (P<0.05). Of note, flowcytometer assay showed that sweroside can attenuate and inhibit apoptosis. Sweroside has a direct osteogenic effect on the proliferation and differentiation of cultured human MG-63 cells and rat osteoblasts in vitro. These data will help in understanding the molecular mechanisms of therapeutic efficacy of sweroside, and highlight insights into drug discovery. In the current study, sweroside has been suggested to be a promising osteoporosis therapeutic natural product.


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High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with solid phase extraction method was developed for determination of isofraxidin in rat plasma after oral administration of Acanthopanax senticosus extract (ASE), and pharmacokinetic parameters of isofraxidin either in ASE or pure compound were measured. The HPLC analysis was performed on a Dikma Diamonsil RP(18) column (4.6 mm x 150 mm, 5 microm) with the isocratic elution of solvent A (acetonitrile) and solvent B (0.1% aqueous phosphoric acid, v/v) (A : B = 22 : 78) and the detection wavelength was set at 343 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.156-15.625 microg/ml. The limit of detection was 60 ng/ml. The intra-day precision was 5.8%, and the inter-day precision was 6.0%. The recovery was 87.30+/-1.73%. When the dosage of ASE is equal to pure compound caculated by the amount of isofraxidin, it has been found to have two maximum concentrations in plasma while the pure compound only showed one peak in the plasma concentration-time curve. The determined content of isofraxidin in plasma after oral administration of ASE is the total contents of free isofraxidin and its precursors in ASE in vitro. The pharmacokinetic characteristics of ASE showed the priority of the extract and the properities of traditional Chinese medicine.