889 resultados para GROUPING


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Kriterien effizienter und flexibler Informationsverarbeitung und deren Auswirkungen auf den Karriereerfolg. Die Kriterien Interferenz, Interferenz unter der negativen Priming-Bedingung und die Spontanflexibilität wurden in drei aufeinander aufbauenden Studien untersucht. Die Interferenzindices wurden mit einer modifizierten Form des Stroop-Tests erhoben, und das Konstrukt der Spontanflexibilität wurde mit der Gauß-Aufgabe, der Wasserumschüttaufgabe, dem Wortgruppentest und der Anagramm-Aufgabe operationalisiert. Bei diesen Aufgaben wurde eine Lösungsstrategie vorgegeben, aber es gab zusätzlich eine effizientere Lösungsstrategie, die während der Bearbeitung der Einzelaufgaben immer offensichtlicher wurde. Da die einzelnen Aufgaben nicht signifikant miteinander korrelierten, wurde im Rahmen einer Nachuntersuchung die Reliabilität über Parallelaufgaben geprüft. Für die Diagnose von Gruppenunterschieden erwiesen sich die Indikatoren der Spontanflexibilität als hinreichend reliabel. Die Wortdarbietungszeiten der Interferenzindices waren hochreliabel. Zwischen den Interferenzindices zeigte sich ein starker positiver Zusammenhang. Zur Validierung der Aufgaben wurden Beurteilungen über die berufliche Leistung der Versuchsteilnehmer herangezogen. Zwischen den einzelnen Beurteilungskriterien zeigten sich hohe Zusammenhänge. Die Gauß-Aufgabe korrelierte mit einem Beurteilungskriterium, dessen Verhaltensbeschreibungen sehr gut mit der Definition der Spontanflexibilität übereinstimmten. Die Wasserumschüttaufgabe korrelierte mit einem Beurteilungskriterium, welches eher eine durch die Situation herausgeforderte Flexibilität widerspiegelt. Die Interferenzindikatoren korrelierten mit Beurteilungskriterien, die zum einen die Fähigkeit zum Aufbauen von professionellen Beziehungen und zum anderen die Effizienz und den Qualitätsstandard eines Mitarbeiters bewerteten. Aufgrund der replizierten Zusammenhänge kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Interferenz, die Interferenz unter der negativen Priming-Bedingung, die Spontanflexibilität und die herausgeforderte Flexibilität Einfluss auf den Karriereerfolg eines Mitarbeiters nehmen. Aus diesem Grund bieten sich im Bereich der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten für die in dieser Untersuchung entwickelten Tests an.


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Das Wachstum von Milchsäurebakterien-Arten der Gattungen Lactobacillus, Pediococcus und Leuconostoc während der Weinfermentation kann durch die Bildung verschiedener Stoffwechselprodukte zu Weinfehlern führen. Um rechtzeitig Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen zu können und einem Weinverderb vorzubeugen, bedarf es geeigneter Identifizierungsmethoden. Klassische mikrobiologische Methoden reichen oft nicht aus, um Mikroorganismen auf Art- und Stammniveau gezielt zu identifizieren. Wegen ihrer schnellen Durchführbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sind molekularbiologische Identifizierungsmethoden zur Kontrolle der mikrobiellen Flora während der Lebensmittelfermentierung in der heutigen Zeit unabdingbar. In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wurden die 23S rRNA-Gensequenzen von neun Pediococcus-Typstämmen sequenziert, analysiert und phylogenetische Analysen durchgeführt. Zur Art-Identifizierung der Pediokokken wurden PCR-Primer generiert und ein Multiplex PCR System entwickelt, mit dem alle typischen Arten simultan in einer Reaktion nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse der Multiplex PCR-Identifizierung von 62 Pediococcus-Stämmen aus Kulturensammlungen und 47 neu isolierten Stämmen aus Wein zeigten, dass einige Stämme unter falschen Artnamen hinterlegt waren, und dass P. parvulus im Weinanbaugebiet Rheinhessen weit verbreitet war. Die Fähigkeit der Pediococcus-Stämme zur Exopolysaccharid-Synthese wurde durch den Nachweis zweier Gene überprüft. Auf Basis der 23S rDNA-Sequenzen wurden rRNA-Sekundärstrukturen mit der neu entwickelten Software Structure Star generiert, die zum Auffinden von Zielbereichen für fluoreszenzmarkierte DNA-Sonden geeignet waren. Die Sequenzunterschiede zwischen den Pediococcus-Arten reichten aus, um zwei Gruppen durch Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung differenzieren zu können. Die Verwendung unmarkierter Helfer-sonden verbesserte die Zugänglichkeit der Sonden an die rRNA, wodurch das Fluoreszenz-Signal verstärkt wurde. Um Milchsäurebakterien durch Denaturierende Gradienten Gel Elektrophorese differenzieren zu können, wurden Primer entwickelt, mit denen ein hochvariabler 23S rDNA-Bereich amplifiziert werden konnte. Die Nested Specifically Amplified Polymorphic DNA (nSAPD)-PCR wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Art- und Stamm-Differenzierung pro- und eukaryotischer Organismen angewandt. Es wurden vor allem weinrelevante Milchsäurebakterien der Gattungen Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus und Leuconostoc und Hefen der Gattungen Dekkera / Brettanomyces und Saccharomyces untersucht. Die Cluster-Analyse der Pediococcus-Typstämme führte zu einer unterschiedlichen Baum-Topologie im Vergleich zum phylogenetischen 23S rDNA-Stammbaum. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der untersuchten O. oeni-Stämme aus Starterkulturen konnten in Bezug auf eine frühere Cluster-Analyse reproduziert werden. Die Untersuchung von 40 B. bruxellensis-Stämmen aus rheinhessischen Weinproben zeigte eine Gruppierung der Stämme gemäß dem Ort der Probennahme. Beim Vergleich der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse von Stämmen der Arten P. parvulus und B. bruxellensis, die aus denselben Weinproben isoliert wurden, konnte eine hohe Übereinstimmung der beiden Baum-Topologien beobachtet werden. Anhand der SAPD-PCR Untersuchung von Sekthefen aus Starterkulturen konnten alle Stämme der Art S. cerevisiae zugeordnet werden. Die nSAPD-PCR war darüber hinaus geeignet, um höhere Eukaryoten wie Weinreben zu differenzieren und es konnten die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse von Mäusen und menschlichen Individuen durch Cluster-Analysen nachvollzogen werden. Mit Hilfe der Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)-Technik wurden (n)SAPD-Marker in SCAR-Marker konvertiert. Die neu generierten SCAR-Primer konnten zur simultanen Art-Identifizierung von sieben weinschädlichen Milchsäurebakterien in einer Multiplex PCR erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten molekularbiologischen Identifizierungsmethoden können zum Beispiel in der mikrobiologischen Qualitätskontrolle Anwendung finden.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die phylogenetischen Stellungen der Xenoturbellida (Deuterostomia) und der Syndermata (Protostomia) mit phylogenomischen Techniken untersucht. Auf methodischer Ebene konnte gezeigt werden, dass ribosomale Proteine aufgrund ihres mittleren bis hohen Konservierungsgrades, ihrer Häufigkeit in kleineren EST-Projekten, damit verbunden ihrer Häufigkeit in Datenbanken und ihres phylogenetischen Informationsgehalts nützliche Werkzeuge für phylogenetische Fragestellungen sind. Es konnte durch phylogenetische Rekonstruktionen und Hypothesentests auf Basis eines 11.912 Aminosäuren langen Datensatzes gezeigt werden, dass die Xenoturbellida innerhalb der Deuterostomia eine Schwestergruppenbeziehung zu den Ambulacraria eingehen. Diese Arbeit zeigt im Vergleich aller bisher durchgeführten Arbeiten die beste statistische Unterstützung für diese Topologie. Weiterhin konnte untermauert werden, dass die Urochordata vermutlich anstelle der Cephalochordata die Schwestergruppe der Vertebrata sind. Der Vergleich der publizierten Xenoturbella EST-Datensätze mit dem eigenen Datensatz ließ den Rückschluß zu, dass ESTs offenbar klar weniger anfällig gegen Kontaminationen mit Erbmaterial (DNA+RNA) anderer Spezies sind als PCR-Amplifikate genomischer oder mitochondrialer Gene. Allerdings bestimmt anscheinend der physiologische Zustand der Tiere die Repräsentation von Transkriptklassen wie Stressproteine und mitochondriale Transkripte. Die bakteriellen Transkripte in einem der EST-Datensätze stammen vermutlich von Chlamydien, die möglicherweise symbiontisch in Xenoturbella bocki leben. Im Bereich der Protostomia wurden drei EST-Projekte für Vertreter der Syndermata durchgeführt. Basierend auf drei verschiedenen Proteinalignment-Datensätzen von ca. 11.000 Aminosäuren Länge konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Syndermata innerhalb der Spiralia einzugruppieren sind und dass sie mit den Gnathostomulida das monophyletische Supertaxon Gnathifera bilden. Die genaue phylogenetische Position der Syndermata innerhalb der Spiralia konnte hingegen noch nicht eindeutig geklärt werden, ebenso wie kein kongruenter Beweis für die Existenz des Supertaxons Platyzoa gefunden werden konnte. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung der internen Phylogenie der Syndermata konnten drei der fünf konkurrierenden Hypothesen aufgrund der Paraphylie der Eurotatoria ausgeschlossen werden. Da keine Daten der Seisonidea in den Analysen implementiert waren, bleibt die Frage der internen Phylogenie der Syndermata letztlich offen. Klar ist jedoch, dass die Eurotatoria nicht wie bislang angenommen monophyletisch sind, da die räderorgantragenden Bdelloidea keinesfalls den morphologisch diesbezüglich ähnlichen Monogononta ähnlich sind, sondern den räderorganlosen Acanthocephala näher stehen. Die Abbildung der molekularen Phylogenie auf die morphologischen Verhältnisse zeigt, dass das Räderorgan (partiell oder komplett) offenbar kurz nach der Aufspaltung der Syndermata in Monogononta und Acanthocephala + Bdelloidea in der Acanthocephala + Bdelloidea-Linie reduziert wurde. Die Entstehung des einziehbaren hinteren Körperteils (Rostrum bei Bdelloidea bzw. Proboscis bei Acanthocephala) in der Acanthocephala + Bdelloidea-Linie könnte das Schlüsselereignis zur Entstehung des Endoparasitismus der Acanthocephala gewesen sein.


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During the last twenty years, Cydia pomonolla granulovirus (CpGV, Baculoviridae) has become the most important biological control agent for the codling moth (CM) in organic and integrated apple production. All registered products in Europe are based on the isolate CpGV-M, which was discovered 1964 in Mexico. A serious threat to future application of CpGV is the occurrence of CM field populations resistant to CpGV. Since 2003, populations with up to 10,000-fold reduced susceptibility were reported from orchards in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands. A putative alternative to CpGV-M are novel CpGV isolates which are able to overcome CM resistance. This thesis focuses on the identification and characterisation of resistance overcoming CpGV isolates and the analysis of their molecular difference to CpGV-M.rnSixteen CpGV isolates were tested against CM lab strains in bioassays. Hereby, five isolates were identified which were able to completely overcome resistance. The genomes of these isolates were compared to CpGV-M by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. To identify the molecular factor responsible for improved virulence of some CpGV isolates, major genomic differences were sequenced and analysed. A 0.7 kb insertion was found in CpGV-I01, -I12 and -E2, but not in other resistance overcoming isolates. Analysis of the insertions sequence revealed that it might be due to a transposition event, but not involved in overcoming resistance. rnFor unequivocal identification of CpGV isolates, a new method based on molecular analysis was established. Partial sequencing of the conserved polyhedrin/granulin (polh/gran), late expression factor-8 (lef-8) and late expression factor-9 (lef-9) genes revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNP analysis correlated with the grouping obtained by RFLP analysis. A phylogenetic classification due to different genome types A-E is proposed. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that CpGV-M was the phylogenetically youngest of the tested CpGV isolates.rnWhole genome sequencing of two resistance overcoming isolates CpGV-I12 (type D genome) and -S (type E genome) and CpGV-M (type A genome) was performed. Comparison of the three genomes revealed a high sequence identity. Several insertions and deletions ranging from 1-700 nucleotides (nt) were found. Comparison on open reading frame (ORF) level revealed that CpGV-I12 and -S shared only one protein alteration when compared to CpGV-M: a stretch of 24 nt present in ORF cp24 was not found in any of the resistance overcoming isolates. Cp24 codes for the early gene pe38. Combined with the results of phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that these 24 nt are a recent insertion into the CpGV-M genome. The role of pe38 in overcoming resistance was investigated by knocking out pe38 of a CpGV-M based bacmid and swapping of CpGV-I12 pe38 of into the k.o. bacmid. When pe38 of CpGV-I12 was inserted into the k.o. bacmid, the infectivity could not be rescued, suggesting that the genomic portion of pe38 might play a role in its function.rnIt can be concluded that the recently observed CpGV resistance in CM is only related to type A genomes. RFLP and SNP analysis provide tools for identifying and characterising different CpGV isolates reliably, a pre-condition for a future registration of CpGV products based on novel CpGV isolates.rnrnrn


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La tesi affronta il tema della neuromatematica della visione, in particolare l’integrazione di modelli geometrici di percezione visiva con tecniche di riduzione di dimensionalità. Dall’inizio del secolo scorso, la corrente ideologica della Gestalt iniziò a definire delle regole secondo le quali stimoli visivi distinti tra loro possono essere percepiti come un’unica unità percettiva, come ad esempio i principi di prossimità, somiglianza o buona continuazione. Nel tentativo di quantificare ciò che gli psicologi avevano definito in maniera qualitativa, Field, Hayes e Hess hanno descritto, attraverso esperimenti psicofisiologici, dei campi di associazione per stimoli orientati, che definiscono quali caratteristiche due segmenti dovrebbero avere per poter essere associati allo stesso gruppo percettivo. Grazie alle moderne tecniche di neuroimaging che consentono una mappatura funzionale dettagliata della corteccia visiva, è possibile giustificare su basi neurofisiologiche questi fenomeni percettivi. Ad esempio è stato osservato come neuroni sensibili ad una determinata orientazione siano preferenzialmente connessi con neuroni aventi selettività in posizione e orientazione coerenti con le regole di prossimità e buona continuazione. Partendo dal modello di campi di associazione nello spazio R^2xS^1 introdotto da Citti e Sarti, che introduce una giustificazione del completamento percettivo sulla base della funzionalità della corteccia visiva primaria (V1), è stato possibile modellare la connettività cellulare risolvendo un sistema di equazioni differenziali stocastiche. In questo modo si sono ottenute delle densità di probabilità che sono state interpretate come probabilità di connessione tra cellule semplici in V1. A queste densità di probabilità è possibile collegare direttamente il concetto di affinità tra stimoli visivi, e proprio sulla costruzione di determinate matrici di affinità si sono basati diversi metodi di riduzione di dimensionalità. La fenomenologia del grouping visivo descritta poco sopra è, di fatto, il risultato di un procedimento di riduzione di dimensionalità. I risultati ottenuti da questa analisi e gli esempi applicativi sviluppati si sono rivelati utili per comprendere più nel dettaglio la possibilità di poter riprodurre, attraverso l’analisi spettrale di matrici di affinità calcolate utilizzando i modelli geometrici di Citti-Sarti, il fenomeno percettivo di grouping nello spazio R^2xS^1.


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In this study the population structure and connectivity of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Raja clavata (L., 1758) were investigated by analyzing the genetic variation of six population samples (N = 144) at seven nuclear microsatellite loci. The genetic dataset was generated by selecting population samples available in the tissue databases of the GenoDREAM laboratory (University of Bologna) and of the Department of Life Sciences and Environment (University of Cagliari), all collected during past scientific surveys (MEDITS, GRUND) from different geographical locations in the Mediterranean basin and North-east Atlantic sea, as North Sea, Sardinian coasts, Tuscany coasts and Cyprus Island. This thesis deals with to estimate the genetic diversity and differentiation among 6 geographical samples, in particular, to assess the presence of any barrier (geographic, hydrogeological or biological) to gene flow evaluating both the genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, observed and expected heterozygosity, Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium analysis) and population differentiation (Fst estimates, population structure analysis). In addition to molecular analysis, quantitative representation and statistical analysis of morphological individuals shape are performed using geometric morphometrics methods and statistical tests. Geometric coordinates call landmarks are fixed in 158 individuals belonging to two population samples of Raja clavata and in population samples of closely related species, Raja straeleni (cryptic sibling) and Raja asterias, to assess significant morphological differences at multiple taxonomic levels. The results obtained from the analysis of the microsatellite dataset suggested a geographic and genetic separation between populations from Central-Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that there was no separation between geographic samples from North Atlantic Ocean and central-Western Mediterranean, grouping them to a panmictic population. The Landmark-based geometric morphometry method results showed significant differences of body shape able to discriminate taxa at tested levels (from species to populations).


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In a minority of cases a definite diagnosis and stage grouping in cancer patients is not possible based on the imaging information of PET/CT. We report our experience with percutaneous PET/CT-guided bone biopsies to histologically verify the aetiology of hypermetabolic bone lesions.


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Two experiments plus a pilot investigated the role of melodic structure on short-term memory for musical notation by musicians and nonmusicians. In the pilot experiment, visually similar melodies that had been rated as either "good" or "bad" were presented briefly, followed by a 15-sec retention interval and then recall. Musicians remembered good melodies better than they remembered bad ones: nonmusicians did not distinguish between them. In the second experiment, good, bad, and random melodies were briefly presented, followed by immediate recall. The advantage of musicians over nonmusicians decreased as the melody type progressed from good to bad to random. In the third experiment, musicians and nonmusicians divided the stimulus melodies into groups. For each melody, the consistency of grouping was correlated with memory performance in the first two experiments. Evidence was found for use of musical groupings by musicians and for use of a simple visual strategy by nonmusicians. The nature of these musical groupings and how they may be learned are considered. The relation of this work to other studies of comprehension of symbolic diagrams is also discussed.


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This contribution investigates the evolution of diet in the Pan – Homo and hominin clades. It does this by focusing on 12 variables (nine dental and three mandibular) for which data are available about extant chimpanzees, modern humans and most extinct hominins. Previous analyses of this type have approached the interpretation of dental and gnathic function by focusing on the identification of the food consumed (i.e. fruits, leaves, etc.) rather than on the physical properties (i.e. hardness, toughness, etc.) of those foods, and they have not specifically addressed the role that the physical properties of foods play in determining dental adaptations. We take the available evidence for the 12 variables, and set out what the expression of each of those variables is in extant chimpanzees, the earliest hominins, archaic hominins, megadont archaic hominins, and an inclusive grouping made up of transitional hominins and pre-modern Homo . We then present hypotheses about what the states of these variables would be in the last common ancestor of the Pan – Homo clade and in the stem hominin. We review the physical properties of food and suggest how these physical properties can be used to investigate the functional morphology of the dentition. We show what aspects of anterior tooth morphology are critical for food preparation (e.g. peeling fruit) prior to its ingestion, which features of the postcanine dentition (e.g. overall and relative size of the crowns) are related to the reduction in the particle size of food, and how information about the macrostructure (e.g. enamel thickness) and microstructure (e.g. extent and location of enamel prism decussation) of the enamel cap might be used to make predictions about the types of foods consumed by extinct hominins. Specifically, we show how thick enamel can protect against the generation and propagation of cracks in the enamel that begin at the enamel– dentine junction and move towards the outer enamel surface.


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The taxonomic position of Actinobacillus capsulatus, a member of the family Pasteurellaceae found in rabbits, hares and hamsters, has been challenged. 16S rRNA gene (rrs) sequence data show the species to be heterogeneous. Using a polyphasic approach, 23 strains that were identified previously as belonging, or closely related, to A. capsulatus were analysed. Eighty characters were included in the phenotypic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis was done based on rrs, rpoB, infB and recN sequences. In addition, the recN sequence similarities were used to calculate the whole-genome sequence relatedness of all strains investigated as well as that with other members of the family Pasteurellaceae. The phenotypic analysis allowed identification of five groups. The major group of 17 strains could be classified as A. capsulatus. Two hamster isolates were closely related to A. capsulatus but differed in a few characters. Single isolates from a rabbit and snowshoe-hare were phenotypically related to Actinobacillus suis. One rabbit isolate was related to the genus Mannheimia, while another isolate could not be classified phenotypically with known taxa. The phylogenetic analysis confirmed the phenotypic grouping. In contrast to the rrs-based tree, the A. capsulatus strains clustered unambiguously with the type species and related species of the genus Actinobacillus in the rpoB-, infB- and recN-based trees. Genome similarity comparison using recN finally confirmed the high genomic relationship of the A. capsulatus strains with the type species and related species of the genus Actinobacillus and allowed a clear assignment of the other unrelated strains to the phenotypic and phylogenetic clusters outlined. The present findings allow the description of A. capsulatus to be emended and separate it more clearly from other species, both phenotypically and genotypically. The type strain of A. capsulatus is CCUG 12396(T) (=Frederiksen 243(T)=ATCC 51571(T)=NCTC 11408(T)=CIP 103283(T)).


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All students in the United States of America are required to take science. But what if there is not a science, but in fact a number of sciences? Could every culture, perhaps every different grouping of people, create its own science? This report describes a preliminary survey, the goal of which is to improve the teaching of science at American Indian Opportunities and Industrialization Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota by beginning to understand the differences between Western and American Indian sciences.


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Although there is no standardized list of alloys, most investigators have, to avoid confusion, concurred in at least grouping the metals under several general heads. Precious metals: gold, silver and the platinum group; the light metals: aluminum and magnesium; the non-ferrous metals (excluding all steels and iron-base alloys); and the antifriction metals.


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PURPOSE: To systematically appraise the impact of mechanical/technical risk factors on implant-supported reconstructions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A MEDLINE (PubMed) database search from 1966 to April 2008 was conducted. The search strategy was a combination of MeSH terms and the key words: design, dental implant(s), risk, prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics, fixed partial denture(s), fixed dental prosthesis (FDP), fixed reconstruction(s), oral rehabilitation, bridge(s), removable partial denture(s), overdenture(s). Randomized controlled trials, controlled trials, and prospective and retrospective cohort studies with a mean follow-up of at least 4 years were included. The material evaluated in each study had to include cases with/without exposure to the risk factor. RESULTS: From 3,568 articles, 111 were selected for full text analysis. Of the 111 articles, 33 were included for data extraction after grouping the outcomes into 10 risk factors: type of retentive elements supporting overdentures, presence of cantilever extension(s), cemented versus screw-retained FDPs, angled/angulated abutments, bruxism, crown/implant ratio, length of the suprastructure, prosthetic materials, number of implants supporting an FDP, and history of mechanical/technical complications. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of a metal framework in overdentures, the presence of cantilever extension(s) > 15 mm and of bruxism, the length of the reconstruction, and a history of repeated complications were associated with increased mechanical/technical complications. The type of retention, the presence of angled abutments, the crown-implant ratio, and the number of implants supporting an FDP were not associated with increased mechanical/technical complications. None of the mechanical/technical risk factors had an impact on implant survival and success rates.


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ims: Periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) are a frequent finding in polysomnography. Most patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) display PLMS. However, since PLMS are also often recorded in healthy elderly subjects, the clinical significance of PLMS is still discussed controversially. Leg movements are seen concurrently with arousals in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may also appear periodically. Quantitative assessment of the periodicity of LM/PLM as measured by inter movement intervals (IMI) is difficult. This is mainly due to influencing factors like sleep architecture and sleep stage, medication, inter and intra patient variability, the arbitrary amplitude and sequence criteria which tend to broaden the IMI distributions or make them even multi-modal. Methods: Here a statistical method is presented that enables eliminating such effects from the raw data before analysing the statistics of IMI. Rather than studying the absolute size of IMI (measured in seconds) we focus on the shape of their distribution (suitably normalized IMI). To this end we employ methods developed in Random Matrix Theory (RMT). Patients: The periodicity of leg movements (LM) of four patient groups (10 to 15 each) showing LM without PLMS (group 1), OSA without PLMS (group 2), PLMS and OSA (group 3) as well as PLMS without OSA (group 4) are compared. Results: The IMI of patients without PLMS (groups 1 and 2) and with PLMS (groups 3 and 4) are statistically different. In patients without PLMS the distribution of normalized IMI resembles closely the one of random events. In contrary IMI of PLMS patients show features of periodic systems (e.g. a pendulum) when studied in normalized manner. Conclusions: For quantifying PLMS periodicity proper normalization of the IMI is crucial. Without this procedure important features are hidden when grouping LM/PLM over whole nights or across patients. The clinical significance of PLMS might be eluded when properly separating random LM from LM that show features of periodic systems.


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Swidden systems consisting of temporarily cultivated land and associated fallows often do not appear on land use maps or in statistical records. This is partly due to the fact that swidden is a diverse and dynamic land use system that is difficult to map and partly because of the practice of grouping land covers associated with swidden systems into land use or land cover categories that are not self-evidently linked to swiddening. Additionally, in many parts of Southeast Asia swidden systems have changed or are in the process of changing into other land use systems. This paper assesses the extent of swidden on the basis of regional and national sources for nine countries, and determines the pattern of changes of swidden on the basis of 151 cases culled from 67 articles. Findings include (1) a majority of the cases document swidden being replaced by other forms of agriculture or by other livelihood systems; (2) in cases where swiddening is still practiced, fallow lengths are usually, but not always, shorter; and (3) shortened fallow length does not necessarily indicate a trend away from swidden since it is observed that short fallow swidden is sometimes maintained along with other more intensive farming practices and not completely abandoned. The paper concludes that there is a surprising lack of conclusive data on the extent of swidden in Southeast Asia. In order to remedy this, methods are reviewed that may lead to more precise future assessments.