982 resultados para Frei Otto


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Using the Otto (prism-air gap-sample) configuration p-polarized light of wavelength 632.8 nm has been coupled with greater than 80% efficiency to surface plasmons on the aluminium electrode of silicon-silicon dioxide-aluminium structures. The results show that if the average power per unit area dissipated on the metal film exceeds approximately 1 mW mm-2, then the coupling gap and thus the characteristics of the surface plasmon resonance are noticeably altered. In modelling the optical response of such systems the inclusion of both a non-uniform air coupling gap and a thin cermet layer at the aluminium surface may be necessary.


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Using a prism-air gap-sample (Otto) configuration we have optically excited surface plasmon polaritons at the Ag-air interface of passive Al-Al oxide-Ag tunnel junction structures at wavelength 632.8 nm. It is found that the internal damping of this excitation is more than a factor of 2 greater for samples with a very thin (approximately 15 nm) Ag electrode than for samples with a thicker (approximately 40 nm) Ag electrode. This observation is explained by the fact that the fields of the surface plasmon polariton penetrate more substantially into the lossy Al base electrode when the Ag top electrode is very thin.


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Using the Otto geometry of attenuated total reflection (prism-air gap-sample), front illuminated PtSi/Si Schottky barrier detectors are shown to exhibit enhanced photocurrent at surface plasmon resonance in the near infrared region. Correlation of the measured photocurrent with the calculated transmittance of light into the Si substate is demonstrated. The transmittance, which is due to surface plasmon re-radiation, is the optical parameter of principal importance in photosignal generation since the photon energies used here are greater than the silicon intrinsic bandgap. The results presented here indicate clearly the important features in optimizing surface plasmon enhancement in photodetection both above and below the silicon absorption edge.


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1,8-dicarboximides 1, N-
1,8-dicarboximides 3 and N,N'-bis(aminoalkyl)-
4 show good fluorescent off ±
on switching in aqueous alcoholic solution
with protons as required for fluorescent
PET sensor design. The excitation
wavelengths lie in the ultraviolet
(lmaxˆ345 and 351 nm) for 1 and 3 and
in the blue-green (lmaxˆ528, 492 and
461 nm) for 4; the emission wavelengths
lie in the violet (lmaxˆ408 nm) for 1, in
the blue (lmaxˆ474 nm) for 3 and in the
yellow-orange (lmaxˆ543 and 583 nm)
for 4. Compound 4b shows substantial
fluorescence enhancement with protons
when immobilized in a poly(vinylchloride)
matrix, provided that 2-nitrophenyloctyl
ether plasticizer and potassium
tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate additive
are present to prevent dye crystallization
and to facilitate proton diffusion
into the membrane, respectively.


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The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. CTA has ambitions science goals, for which it is necessary to achieve full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude, to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with enhanced angular and energy resolutions over existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. An international collaboration has formed with more than 1000 members from 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. In 2010 the CTA Consortium completed a Design Study and started a three-year Preparatory Phase which leads to production readiness of CTA in 2014. In this paper we introduce the science goals and the concept of CTA, and provide an overview of the project. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O volume reúne um conjunto de textos de autores consagrados no campo da psicologia social e neles o leitor encontrará alguns dos aprofundamentos mais recentes da teoria iniciada em 1961 por Serge Moscovici. “Dada sua variedade e abrangência intelectual, as conferências se debruçam sobre o marco conceitual e empírico da teoria das representações sociais, expressando não apenas aquilo que lhe é distinto enquanto abordagem psicossocial, mas também a produtividade de suas linhas de comunicação com as sociedades vivas. Surpreendentes e inspiradoras, estas vozes nos revelam o marco e a marca da teoria das representações sociais: a dinamicidade dos saberes sociais, sua diversidade interna, e, sobretudo, sua conexão profunda com as condições socioculturais dos lugares e tempos que lhes produzem. Para os que já conhecem e trabalham com a teoria, o livro oferece uma oportunidade única de escutar grandes mestres delineando e avançando seu arcabouço teórico e sua aplicação empírica. Para os que a encontrarão aqui pela primeira vez, será evidente a conexão entre representações sociais e sentido, o problema da significação e variabilidade da ordem simbólica, a importância dos saberes do cotidiano e do senso comum e a atenção empírica aos grandes problemas da contemporaneidade”.


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Abhandlung über Symbole verschiedener Religionen und deren mögliches Konfliktpotential (auch in Gerichtsverfahren in Deutschland). Außerdem findet sich eine Beschreibung von Räumen der Stille, welche, abhängig von ihrer Gestaltung und Ausrichtung, symbol-frei und daher offen für alle Religionen gestaltet sein können.


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Internetpräsenzen von Bibliotheken müssen zunehmend mit kommerziellen oder frei zugänglichen Informationsangeboten konkurrieren. Um sich von diesen Angeboten abzuheben, müssen nicht nur, wie gehabt, qualitativ hochwertige Informationen bereitgestellt werden - der Zugang zu diesen Informationen muss nutzerfreundlich gestaltet werden und sich an Usability-Standards orientieren, um für den Nutzer attraktiv zu sein. In der Bachelorarbeit wird eine Studie zur Usability der Website der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg durchgeführt. Nach einer Einführung in die Thematik der Usability und der Analyse des IST-Zustandes der Website erfolgt eine Evaluation anhand von vier Methoden. Basierend auf Evaluationen mittels Personas, Heuristiken, Thinking-Aloud-Tests und einer Logfile-Analyse werden Usability-Probleme der Website ermittelt und anschließend Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Usability gegeben.


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O presente artigo tem por alvo a apresentação do estudo da tradição do género da obra de Diogo Manuel Aires de Azevedo, intitulada Portugal ilustrado pelo sexo feminino, notícia histórica de muitas heroínas portuguesas que floreceram em virtude, letras e armas, publicada em Lisboa, em 1734. O tema abordado por Diogo Azevedo – descrição de inúmeras ―vidas‖ de mulheres portuguesas que se destacaram pelas suas acções notáveis – permite-nos aferir da intenção didáctica e moralizadora da obra e, como tal, inseri-la na longa tradição das biografias femininas, associadas ao relato hagiográfico. A grande divulgação deste género é iniciada por Boccaccio em De mulieribus claris e tem continuidade numa plêiade de autores nacionais e internacionais, tais como Juan Perez de Moya, Frei Luís dos Anjos, Damião de Froes Perym e tantos outros. Propomo-nos apresentar um estudo cujos objectivos se prendem com o desejo de despertar o interesse de um vasto público, especializado ou não, pela leitura de uma obra do séc. XVIII, que pela sua especificidade se reveste de grande interesse literário, histórico e cultural.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História Moderna


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The mutualistic symbiosis involving Glomeromycota, a distinctive phylum of early diverging Fungi, is widely hypothesized to have promoted the evolution of land plants during the middle Paleozoic. These arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) perform vital functions in the phosphorus cycle that are fundamental to sustainable crop plant productivity. The unusual biological features of AMF have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. The coenocytic hyphae host a community of hundreds of nuclei and reproduce clonally through large multinucleated spores. It has been suggested that the AMF maintain a stable assemblage of several different genomes during the life cycle, but this genomic organization has been questioned. Here we introduce the 153-Mb haploid genome of Rhizophagus irregularis and its repertoire of 28,232 genes. The observed low level of genome polymorphism (0.43 SNP per kb) is not consistent with the occurrence of multiple, highly diverged genomes. The expansion of mating-related genes suggests the existence of cryptic sex-related processes. A comparison of gene categories confirms that R. irregularis is close to the Mucoromycotina. The AMF obligate biotrophy is not explained by genome erosion or any related loss of metabolic complexity in central metabolism, but is marked by a lack of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and of genes involved in toxin and thiamine synthesis. A battery of mycorrhiza-induced secreted proteins is expressed in symbiotic tissues. The present comprehensive repertoire of R. irregularis genes provides a basis for future research on symbiosis-related mechanisms in Glomeromycota.


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BACKGROUND: The oral cavity is frequently affected in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Periodontitis is thought to influence systemic autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. We aimed to analyze the relationship of periodontitis and gingivitis markers with specific disease characteristics in patients with IBD and to compare these data with healthy controls. METHODS: In a prospective 8-month study, systematic oral examinations were performed in 113 patients with IBD, including 69 patients with CD and 44 patients with ulcerative colitis. For all patients, a structured personal history was taken. One hundred thirteen healthy volunteers served as a control group. Oral examination focussed on established oral health markers for periodontitis (bleeding on probing, loss of attachment, and periodontal pocket depth) and gingivitis (papilla bleeding index). Additionally, visible oral lesions were documented. RESULTS: Both gingivitis and periodontitis markers were higher in patients with IBD than in healthy control. In univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis, perianal disease was a risk factor for periodontitis. Nonsmoking decreased the risk of having periodontitis. No clear association was found between clinical activity and periodontitis in IBD. In only the CD subgroup, high clinical activity (Harvey-Bradshaw index > 10) was associated with 1 periodontitis marker, the loss of attachment at sites of maximal periodontal pocket depth. Oral lesions besides periodontitis and gingivitis were not common, but nevertheless observed in about 10% of patients with IBD. CONCLUSIONS: IBD, and especially perianal disease in CD, is associated with periodontitis. Optimal therapeutic strategies should probably focus on treating both local oral and systemic inflammation.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe disease characteristics and treatment modalities in a multidisciplinary cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 255 patients included in the Swiss SLE Cohort and coming from centres specialised in Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Rheumatology. Clinical data were collected with a standardised form. Disease activity was assessed using the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-SLE Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI), an integer physician's global assessment score (PGA) ranging from 0 (inactive) to 3 (very active disease) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The relationship between SLE treatment and activity was assessed by propensity score methods using a mixed-effect logistic regression with a random effect on the contributing centre. RESULTS: Of the 255 patients, 82% were women and 82% were of European ancestry. The mean age at enrolment was 44.8 years and the median SLE duration was 5.2 years. Patients from Rheumatology had a significantly later disease onset. Renal disease was reported in 44% of patients. PGA showed active disease in 49% of patients, median SLEDAI was 4 and median ESR was 14 millimetre/first hour. Prescription rates of anti-malarial drugs ranged from 3% by nephrologists to 76% by rheumatologists. Patients regularly using anti-malarial drugs had significantly lower SELENA-SLEDAI scores and ESR values. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, patients in Rheumatology had a significantly later SLE onset than those in Nephrology. Anti-malarial drugs were mostly prescribed by rheumatologists and internists and less frequently by nephrologists, and appeared to be associated with less active SLE.


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We report a case series of 11 patients with severe E. faecium infections treated with daptomycin. All strains were resistant to ampicillin (MIC >8 mg/l), but susceptible to vancomycin. Seven out of 11 strains were also highly resistant to gentamicin (MIC >500 mg/l). All patients were treated with multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics prior to isolation of E. faecium and had severe underlying diseases. Our experience suggests that salvage therapy with daptomycin might be a safe and efficacious treatment for E. faecium infections.