897 resultados para FEC-koulutus


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Ante lo anterior, este trabajo de investigación está dirigido a plantear los antecedentes en materia de distribución de recursos para la educación a las entidades territoriales, antes y después de expedirse la Ley 715 de 2001, centrado fundamentalmente en la “financiación” de la educación pública en los niveles de preescolar, básica y media. Para ello, compara lo que se venía dando con el Situado Fiscal (SF), los recursos de la Participación en los Ingresos Corrientes de la Nación (PICN), los recursos del Fondo Educativo de Compensación (FEC), y los propios que invertían los departamentos y municipios, conforme la Ley 60 de 1993 y lo que se presenta actualmente, con la Ley 715 de 2001; y a pesar que resulta prematuro evaluar los avances y limitaciones de ésta última Ley, trata de avizorar algunos de sus elementos positivos y negativos, a la luz de lo que se viene presentando en el Departamento de Boyacá, en cuanto muchos de sus aspectos característicos se presentan en todo el país.


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La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI. Su incidencia reduce la eficacia de la inversión, aumenta el valor de los bienes y servicios, reduce la competitividad de las empresas, vulnera la confianza de los ciudadanos en el ordenamiento jurídico y sobre todo condena a la miseria a quienes deben ser destinatarios de las políticas públicas.Sin embrago, la lucha que han realizado muchos gobiernos y funcionarios judiciales contra este fenómeno ha modificado sus formas de aparición, pues es cada vez menos frecuente la apropiación directa de los caudales públicos o la entrega de sobornos a los funcionarios, prefiriéndose métodos mucho más sutiles como los sobrecostos, la subcontratación masiva o la constitución de complicadas sociedades, en las cuales tienen participación los funcionarios públicos o sus familias.Este libro constituye un esfuerzo por el estudio jurídico y criminológico de la corrupción y los delitos contra la administración pública en Europa y Latinoamérica y reúne la selección de los temas penales más relevantes de la tesis doctoral del profesor Carlos Guillermo Castro Cuenca, denominada Aproximación a la Corrupción en la contratación pública y defendida en la universidad de Salamanca en febrero de 2008, con lo cual obtuvo la calificación de sobresaliente por unanimidad.


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The next generation consumer level interactive services require reliable and constant communication for both mobile and static users. The Digital Video Broadcasting ( DVB) group has exploited the rapidly increasing satellite technology for the provision of interactive services and launched a standard called Digital Video Broadcast through Return Channel Satellite (DYB-RCS). DVB-RCS relies on DVB-Satellite (DVB-S) for the provision of forward channel. The Digital Signal processing (DSP) implemented in the satellite channel adapter block of these standards use powerful channel coding and modulation techniques. The investigation is concentrated towards the Forward Error Correction (FEC) of the satellite channel adapter block, which will help in determining, how the technology copes with the varying channel conditions and user requirements(1).


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An EPRSC ‘Partnerships for Public Engagement’ scheme 2010. FEC 122,545.56/UoR 10K everything and nothing is a performance and workshop which engages the public creatively with mathematical concepts: the Poincare conjecture, the shape of the universe, topology, and the nature of infinity are explored through an original, thought provoking piece of music theatre. Jorge Luis Borges' short story 'The Library of Babel' and the aviator Amelia Earhart’s attempt to circumnavigate the globe combine to communicate to audience key mathematical concepts of Poincare’s conjecture. The project builds on a 2008 EPSRC early development project (EP/G001650/1) and is led by an interdisciplinary team the19thstep consisting of composer Dorothy Ker, sculptor Kate Allen and mathematician Marcus du Sautoy. everything and nothing has been devised by Dorothy Ker and Kate Allen, is performed by percussionist Chris Brannick, mezzo soprano Lucy Stevens and sound designer Kelcey Swain. The UK tour targets arts-going audiences, from the Green Man Festival to the British Science Festival. Each performance is accompanied with a workshop led by Topologist Katie Steckles. Alongside the performances and workshops is a website, http://www.everythingandnothingproject.com/ The Public engagement evaluation and monitoring for the project are carried out by evaluator Bea Jefferson. The project is significant in its timely relation to contemporary mathematics and arts-science themes delivering an extensive programme of public engagement.


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Research in ruminant nutrition and helminth control with forages, which contain condensed tannins (CT), suggests that varying responses may depend not only on CT concentration but also on CT composition. An experiment was designed to test this by feeding 2 dried sainfoin cultivars (Visnovsky and Perly), which differed in CT properties, to lambs that were artificially infected with the abomasal blood-sucking nematode Haemonchus contortus. Twenty-four infected lambs received one of these 2 cultivars; the feeds were either untreated or treated with the CT-binding polyethylene glycol over 4 wk (n = 6). The 2 cultivars were also fed to 2 × 6 uninfected lambs. Nutrient digestibility, N balance, ADG, plasma urea together with indicators of infection [fecal egg count (FEC), abomasal worm count, per capita female fecundity, erythrocytic indices, and serum protein] were determined. The specific effects of sainfoin cultivar, CT, and infection were evaluated by contrast analysis. Digestibility of both NDF and ADF were lower (P < 0.001) with Perly compared to Visnovsky. The apparent nutrient digestibility was reduced (P < 0.001) by CT. However, no clear cultivar effects were evident on N excretion and retention. Condensed tannins reduced (P = 0.05) body N retention and shifted (P < 0.001) N excretion from urine to feces. Unlike cultivar and CT, infection decreased (P = 0.002) ADG. Plasma urea concentration was lower (P = 0.007) in Perly- compared to Visnovsky-fed lambs and was decreased (P < 0.001) by CT. Plasma concentrations of essential and semi-essential AA were increased (P < 0.001) by CT. The groups of infected lambs did not clearly differ in abomasal worm counts and erythrocytic indicators. In the last 2 to 3 wk of the experiment, FEC was lower (P ≤ 0.01) when feeding CT. The lack of substantial cultivar effects suggests that the differences in CT properties may have been too small to result in nutritional and anthelmintic effects. The present results indicate that sainfoin CT had a mitigating effect on FEC and, consequently, pasture infectivity. However, the reduction was too low to expect any significant benefits in an Haemonchus-dominated system. Therefore, the use of sainfoin for controlling H. contortus should only be one component within an integrated worm control system.


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High prevalence of anthelmintic-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in goats has increased pressure to find effective, alternative non-synthetic control methods, one of which is adding forage of the high condensed tannin (CT) legume sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) to the animal's diet. Previous work has demonstrated good efficacy of dried SL (hay, pellets) against small ruminant GIN, but information is lacking on consumption of fresh SL, particularly during the late summer–autumn period in the southern USA when perennial warm-season grass pastures are often low in quality. A study was designed to determine the effects of autumn (September–November) consumption of fresh SL forage, grass pasture (predominantly bermudagrass, BG; Cynodon dactylon), or a combination of SL + BG forage by young goats [intact male Spanish kids, 9 months old (20.7 ± 1.1 kg), n = 10/treatment group] on their GIN infection status. Three forage paddocks (0.40 ha) were set up at the Fort Valley State University Agricultural Research Station (Fort Valley, GA) for an 8-week trial. The goats in each paddock were supplemented with a commercial feed pellet at 0.45 kg/head/d for the first 4 weeks of the trial, and 0.27 kg/head/d for the final 4 weeks. Forage samples taken at the start of the trial were analyzed for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, and a separate set of SL samples was analyzed for CT in leaves, stems, and whole plant using the benzyl mercaptan thiolysis method. Animal weights were taken at the start and end of the trial, and fecal and blood samples were collected weekly for determination of fecal egg counts (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV), respectively. Adult GIN was recovered from the abomasum and small intestines of all goats at the end of the experiment for counting and speciation. The CP levels were highest for SL forage, intermediate for SL + BG, and lowest for BG forage samples, while NDF and ADF values were the opposite, with highest levels in BG and lowest in SL forage samples. Sericea lespedeza leaves had more CT than stems (16.0 g vs. 3.3 g/100 g dry weight), a slightly higher percentage of PDs (98% vs. 94%, respectively) and polymers of larger mean degrees of polymerization (42 vs. 18, respectively). There were no differences in average daily gain or blood PCV between the treatment groups, but SL goats had lower FEC (P < 0.05) than the BG or SL + BG forage goats throughout most of the trial. The SL + BG goats had lower FEC than the BG forage animals by the end of the trial (week 8, P < 0.05). The SL goats had lower numbers (P < 0.05) of male Haemonchus contortus and tended to have fewer female (P < 0.10) and total (P < 0.07) H. contortus compared with the BG goats. The predominant GIN in all the goats was Trichostrongylus colubriformis (73% of total GIN). As a low-input forage with activity against pathogenic GIN (H. contortus), SL has a potential to reduce producers’ dependence upon synthetic anthelmintics and also to fill the autumn ‘window’ in good-quality fresh forages for goat grazing in the southern USA.


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In the teaching practice of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, educational legislation views modeling laboratories and workshops as an indispensable component of the infrastructure required for the good functioning of any architectural course of study. Although the development of information technology at the international level has created new possibilities for digital production of architectural models, research in this field being underway since the early 1990s, it is only from 2007 onwards that such technologies started to be incorporated into the teaching activity of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, through the pioneering experience at LAPAC/FEC/UNICAMP. It is therefore a recent experiment whose challenges can be highlighted through the following examples: (i) The implementation of digital prototyping laboratories in undergraduate courses of architecture and urbanism is still rare in Brazil; (ii) As a new developing field with few references and application to undergraduate programs, it is hard to define methodological procedures suitable for the pedagogical curricula already implemented or which have already been consolidated over the years; (iii) The new digital ways for producing tridimensional models are marked with specificities which make it difficult to fit them within the existing structures of model laboratories and workshops. Considering the above, the present thesis discusses the tridimensional model as a tool which may contribute to the development of students skills in perceiving, understanding and representing tridimensional space. Analysis is made of the relation between different forms of models and the teaching of architectural project, with emphasis on the design process. Starting from the conceptualization of the word model as it is used in architecture and urbanism, an attempt is made to identify types of tridimensional models used in the process of project conception, both through the traditional, manual way of model construction as well as through the digital ones. There is also an explanation on how new technologies for digital production of models through prototyping are being introduced in undergraduate academic programs of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, as well as a review of recent academic publications in this area. Based on the paradigm of reflective practice in teaching as designed by Schön (2000), the experiment applied in the research was undertaken in the integrated workshop courses of architectural project in the undergraduate program of architecture and urbanism at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Along the experiment, physical modeling, geometric modeling and digital prototyping are used in distinct moments of the design process with the purpose of observing the suitability of each model to the project s phases. The procedures used in the experiments are very close to the Action Research methodology in which the main purpose is the production of theoretical knowledge by improving the practice. The process was repeated during three consecutive semesters and reflection on the results which were achieved in each cycle helped enhancing the next one. As a result, a methodological procedure is proposed which consists of the definition of the Tridimensional Model as the integrating element for the contents studied in a specific academic period or semester. The teaching of Architectural Project as it is developed along the fifth academic period of the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate program of UFRN is taken as a reference


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A doença degenerativa mixomatosa da válvula mitral (DDMVM) é uma cardiopatia de alta incidência na clínica médica de pequenos animais, acometendo mormente cães idosos e raças de pequeno porte. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação científica objetivando avaliar clinicamente a utilização dos fármacos maleato de enalapril e furosemida em cães com a referida enfermidade na classe funcional Ib da ICC, antes e após a terapêutica implantada. Para isso, utilizaram-se 16 cães portadores da valvulopatia supracitada, distribuídos em dois grupos; com o primeiro recebendo furosemida (n=8) e o segundo maleato de enalapril (n=8), durante 56 dias. Os cães foram avaliados em quatro momentos (T0, T14, T28 e T56 dias) quanto aos sinais clínicos e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímico-séricos, que incluíram concentrações séricas da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) e aldosterona, como também avaliações radiográficas, eletrocardiográficas, ecodopplercardiográficas e da pressão arterial. Os resultados quanto aos parâmetros clínicos, avaliações hematológicas e bioquímicas séricas não revelaram alterações significativas em ambos os grupos, mas reduções significativas nos valores de ECA e aldosterona no grupo que recebeu o maleato de enalapril foram identificadas. Ao exame radiográfico observou-se reduções nos valores de VHS e na variável onda Pms do eletrocardiograma em ambos os grupos, mas sem alterações nos valores da pressão arterial. Por sua vez, o ecodopplercardiograma evidenciou diminuição significativa das variáveis DIVEd/s nos grupos estudados e na FEC% nos cães que receberam somente enalapril. Portanto, a análise dos resultados encontrados indicou que a monoterapia fundamentada no maleato de enalapril apresentou melhor eficiência no controle do quadro clínico em pacientes da classe funcional Ib da ICC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O grau de contaminação da pastagem por larvas de terceiro estágio (L3) de nematoides gastrintestinais foi avaliado em piquetes pastejados por ovelhas resistentes ou susceptíveis à verminose. O experimento foi realizado de 23 de novembro de 2007 a 22 de julho de 2008. Inicialmente, realizou-se a contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) de amostras individuais de 130 ovelhas adultas da raça Bergamácia. Dessas, foram selecionadas as nove ovelhas com contagens mais elevadas de OPG (susceptíveis) e as 10 com as menores contagens (resistentes). As ovelhas resistentes apresentaram menor contagem de OPG, maiores valores de volume globular, de proteína plasmática total e de eosinófilos sanguíneos, do que as ovelhas susceptíveis. O peso também foi maior no grupo resistente. Na pastagem, foram identificadas larvas de Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp. e Oesophagostomum spp. em média, as quantidades de L3 de Haemonchus spp. e de Trichostrongylus spp., na pastagem, foram 2,19 e 2,31 vezes, respectivamente, maiores nos piquetes pastejados pelo grupo susceptível do que nos do grupo resistente. Portanto, os animais susceptíveis devem ser eliminados do rebanho a fim de reduzir a contaminação da pastagem e otimizar a profilaxia das infecções por nematoides gastrintestinais.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the relationship of abomasal inflammatory cells and parasite-specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) in mucus, with the resistance to Haemonchus contortus infection in three breeds of sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. The breeds were the native Santa Ines sheep, and the European Suffolk and Ile de France breeds. Mast cells, eosinophils and globule leucocytes were enumerated in abomasal mucosa. Eosinophils within the sub-mucosa also were counted separately. Histamine concentration was estimated in abomasal tissue samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was carried out in mucus samples to determine the level of IgA anti-H. contortus third and fifth instar. There were no significant differences among group means of these variables (P > 0.05). The correlation coefficients between fecal egg counts (FEC) x mast cells (r = -0.490; P < 0.05) and FEC x eosinophils in sub-mucosa (r = -0.714; P < 0.01) was significant in the Santa Ines sheep. In the Ile de France group, the correlation coefficients between globule leucocytes x FEC (r = -0.879; P < 0.001) and histamine x worm burden (r = -0.833; P < 0.01) were also significant. In the Santa Ines and Ile de France sheep, correlation coefficients between IgA anti-L3 x worm burden and IgA anti-L3 x FEC were negative. In general, inflammatory cells and IgA-parasite-specific in abomasum were inversely associated with H. contortus worm burden and FEC indicating that they may impair parasite development or fecundity in the three breeds of sheep. However, similar mean values of inflammatory cells and IgA were found in the resistant (Santa Ines) and in the susceptible (Suffolk and Ile de France) breeds of sheep. The enumeration of cells by histological assessment does not provide information on their functional activity, which may be different among breeds. Thus, the effect of breed on the functional activity of these and other inflammatory cells is an important area for further study. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study evaluated Nelore cattle with different degrees of resistance to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes. One hundred weaned male cattle, 11-12 months of age, were kept on the same pasture and evaluated from October 2003 to February 2004. Faecal and blood samples were collected for parasitological, haematological and immunological tests. In February 2004, the 10 most resistant and the 10 most susceptible animals were selected based on individual means of nematode faecal egg counts (FEC). Such animals were slaughtered for worm burden determination and nematode species identification. The repeatability estimates for FEC (+/- S.D.), log-transformed FEC and packed-cell volume (PCV) in all animals were 0.3 (+/- 0.05), 0.26 (+/- 0.04) and 0.42 (+/- 0.05), respectively. The resistant group showed lower FEC and worm burdens than the susceptible group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between groups regarding mean body weight, weight gain, PCV and total serum protein values (P > 0.05). The resistant group showed higher total serum IgE levels (P < 0.05) and higher mean eosinophil blood counts. However, the latter was statistically significant only 42 days after the beginning of the study. Nematodes Cooperia punctata and Haemonchus placei were predominant and the correlation between Cooperia and Haemonchus burdens was 0.64 (P < 0.05), which indicated that animals presenting increased numbers of one of those genera probably had increased numbers of the other. The current study provides further evidence of IgE active role in nematode immunity and suggests that total serum IgE level might serve as an additional marker to select Nelore cattle that are responsive to H. placei and C. punctata infections. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study was carried out in the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil, to determine the anthelmintic resistance status in cattle naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. The anthelmintics tested were levamisole phosphate (Ripercol (R), Fort Dodge), albendazole sulphoxide (Ricobendazole, Fort Dodge), ivermectin (Ivomec (R), Merial) and moxidectin (Cydectin (R), Fort Dodge), administered at the doses recommended by the manufacturers. From April 2002 to May 2004, 25 cattle farms were evaluated. on each farm, steers were divided into treatment and control (not treated) groups based on fecal egg counts (FEC). Between 7 and 10 days after the anthelmintics administration, fecal samples were collected from each animal for post-treatment FEC. Fecal cultures from each group were also prepared for larval identification. After treatment, mean FEC reduction (FECR) in treatment groups (compared with control groups) was assessed on each farm. FECR was lower than 90% on 23 farms after ivermectin treatment. on 19 farms, FECR of 100% was recorded following moxidectin treatment; on the remaining 6, FECR ranged from 90% to 97.2%. After albendazole treatment, FECR was higher than 90% on 20 farms and ranged from 47.4% to 84.6% on other 5. After levamisole treatment, FECR was higher than 90% on 23 farms and equal to 47.4% and 73.7% on other 2 farms. Results indicated the presence of resistant Cooperia spp. and Haemonchus spp., especially to ivermectin; on some farms, resistance to albendazole and levamisole was also observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficacy of the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans against infections by trichostrongyle nematodes in sheep was assessed throughout 6 months. Twenty Ile de France lambs were divided into two groups (control and treated groups), which were kept in separate pastures. Animals of the treated group were fed with D. flagrans twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays). Pellets were prepared with the fungus mycelia in liquid culture medium and contained approximately 20% fungus. They were mixed with the animals' diet at a concentration of 1 g pellet per 10 kg live weight. Faecal egg counts (FEC), packed cell volume (PCV), total serum protein and the animals' body weight were determined fortnightly from 7 October 2005 to 24 March 2006. Comparison of such parameters between groups showed no significant differences (P > 0.05), except on 10 February 2006, when the control group presented a higher mean FEC than the treated group (P < 0.05). Feeding sheep with pellets containing D. flagrans had no benefit to the prophylaxis of nematode infections under the experimental conditions used in the present study.


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The response to natural infection by gastrointestinal nematodes was evaluated in three groups of lambing mature ewes: 16 Florida Native; 21 Rambouillet; and 18 1/2 Florida Native x 1/2 Rambouillet (F1 generation). Fecal egg counts (FEC),packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma protein levels were determined periodically through a one-year period. The highest FEC was recorded in Rambouillet ewes, with most of the means higher than 1000 eggs per gram (EPG). Florida Native and Fl ewes showed similar trends in FEC, with most of the means below 500 EPG. The highest mean PCV values were recorded in Florida Native ewes, followed in decreasing order by Fl and Rambouillet ewes. Fl ewes showed the lowest plasma protein levels and Florida Natives the highest. Fecal cultures revealed the highest percentages of Haemonchus larvae in Rambouillet ewes (>64%) and the lowest percentages in Florida Native ewes. Florida Native and Fl ewes were more resistant to gastrointestinal nematode infections than were Rambouillet ewes. High negative correlation coefficients between FEC x PCV and FEC x plasma protein levels coincided with peaks in mean FEC of Rambouillet (May and July), Florida Native and Fl ewes (October). This study showed that crossbreeding Rambouillet and Florida Native sheep resulted in the production of Fl ewes resistant against gastrointestinal nematode infections. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.