945 resultados para Exclusion
To better understand the biological controls that regulate sea urchin dynamics, we studied the effects of potential inter- and intra-specific competition for food on several biological variables of the main sea urchin in the Mediterranean (Paracentrotus lividus). We carried out a caging experiment in which we manipulated sea urchin density (natural vs. high density) and herbivorous fish (Sarpa salpa) accessibility (free access vs. exclusion) in a Posidonia oceanica meadow. No evidence of competition between fish and urchins was detected. Neither density-dependent mortality nor changes in the somatic variables were found; however, we detected that intra-specific competition affected the reproductive potential of P. lividus. The gonad index of urchins at high population densities was ca. 30% lower than that of urchins at natural densities. As a spawning event had just occurred when urchins were collected, these differences probably reflect differences in reserve content, which may compromise the following reproductive period and decrease survival in the long term, as the gonads are also used as storage organs. For the time period studied, mortality rates appeared to be independent of local densities. The results indicate that a long-term negative feedback mechanism appears to take place in P. lividus in response to increased population density.
Purpose: Young cannabis users are at increased risk for cigarette initiation and later progression to nicotine dependence. The present study assesses to which extent cannabis users are exposed to nicotine through mulling, a widespread process consisting of mixing tobacco to cannabis for its consumption. Methods: Data are issued from an ongoing observational study taking place in Switzerland. A total of 267 eligible participants (mean age 19 years, 46.4% males) completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire on their tobacco and cannabis intake in the previous 5 days. They also provided a urine sample that was blindly analyzed for cotinine (a key metabolite of nicotine) using liquid-chromatography coupled mass-spectrometry. After the exclusion of cannabis users not having smoked at least one joint/blunt in which tobacco had been mixed (n _ 2), and participants reporting other sources of nicotine exposition than cigarettes or mulling (n _37), four groups were created: cannabis and cigarette abstainers (ABS, n_ 69), cannabis only smokers (CAS; n _ 33), cigarette only smokers (CIS; n _ 62); and cannabis and cigarette smokers (CCS, n _ 64). Cotinine measures of CAS were compared to those of ABS, CIS and CCS. All comparisons were performed using ANCOVA, controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, BMI and environmental exposure to cigarette smoke in the past month (at home, in school/at work, in social settings). The number of mixed joints/blunts smoked in the previous 5 days was additionally taken into account when comparing CAS to CCS. Cotinine values (ng/ml) are reported as means with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: In the previous 5 days, CAS had smoked on average 10 mixed joints/blunts, CIS 30 cigarettes, and CCS 8 mixed joints/ blunts and 41 cigarettes. Cotinine levels of participants considerably differed between groups. The lowest measure was found among ABS (3.2 [0.5-5.9]), followed in growing order by CAS (294.6 [157.1-432.0]), CIS (362.8 [258.4-467.3]), and CCS (649.9 [500.7-799.2]). In the multivariate analysis, cotinine levels of CAS were significantly higher than those of ABS (p _.001), lower than those of CCS (p _ .003), but did not differ from levels of CIS (p _ .384). Conclusions: Our study reveals cannabis users to be significantly exposed to nicotine through mulling, even after controlling for several possible confounders such as environmental exposure to cigarette smoke. Utmost, mixing tobacco to Poster cannabis can result in a substantial nicotine exposition as cotinine levels from cannabis only smokers were as high as those of moderate cigarette smokers. Our findings also suggest that mulling is adding up to the already important nicotine exposition of cigarettes smokers. Because of the addictiveness of nicotine, mulling should be part of a comprehensive assessment of substance use among adolescents and young adults, especially when supporting their cannabis and cigarette quitting attempts. Sources of Support: This study was funded by the Public Health Service of the Canton de Vaud. Dr. BÊlanger's contribution was possible through grants from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the CHUQ/CMDP Foundation and the Laval University McLaughlin program, QuÊbec, Canada.
The hybridoma cell line ZAC3 expresses Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific mouse IgA molecules as a heterogeneous population of monomeric (IgAm), dimeric (IgAd), and polymeric (IgAp) forms. We describe a gentle method combining ultrafiltration, ion-exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography for the simultaneous and qualitative separation of the three molecular forms. Milligram quantities of purified IgA molecules were recovered allowing for direct comparison of the biological properties of the three forms. LPS binding specificity was tested after purification; IgAd and IgAp were found to bind strongly to LPS whereas IgAm did not. Secretory IgA (sIgA) could be reconstituted in vitro by combining recombinant secretory component (rSC) and purified IgAd or IgAp, but not IgAm. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding experiments using LPS monolayers indicated that purified reconstituted sIgA and IgA molecules recognize LPS with identical affinity (KA 1.0 x 10(8)M-1). Thus, this very sensitive assay provides the first evidence that the function of SC in sIgA complex is not to modify the affinity for the antigen. KA falls to 6.6 x 10(5) M-1 when measured by calorimetry using detergent-solubilized LPS and IgA, suggesting that the LPS environment is critical for recognition by the antibody.
A large proportion of soybean fields in Brazil are currently cultivated in the Cerrado region, where the area planted with this crop is growing considerably every year. Soybean cultivation in acid soils is also increasing worldwide. Since the levels of toxic aluminum (Al) in these acid soils is usually high it is important to understand how cations can reduce Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. In the present study we evaluated the ameliorative effect of nine divalent cations (Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr, Sn, Cu, Zn, Co and Ba) in solution culture on Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. The growth benefit of Ca and Mg to plants in an acid Inceptisol was also evaluated. In this experiment soil exchangeable Ca:Mg ratios were adjusted to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, controlled by different amounts of CaCl2 or MgCl2 (at proportions from 100:0 up to 0:100), without altering the soil pH level. The low (10 %) and adequate (60 %) base saturation were used to examine how plant roots respond to Al at distinct (Ca + Mg)/Al ratios, as if they were growing in soils with distinct acidity levels. Negative and positive control treatments consisted of absence (under native soil or undisturbed conditions) or presence of lime (CaCO3) to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, respectively. It was observed that in the absence of Aluminum, Cu, Zn, Co and Sn were toxic even at a low concentration (25 µmol L-1), while the effect of Mn, Ba, Sr and Mg was positive or absent on soybean root elongation when used in concentrations up to 100 µmol L-1. At a level of 10 µmol L-1 Al, root growth was only reverted to the level of control plants by the Mg treatment. Higher Tin doses led to a small alleviation of Al rhizotoxicity, while the other cations reduced root growth or had no effect. This is an indication that the Mg effect is ion-specific and not associated to an electrostatic protection mechanism only, since all ions were divalent and used at low concentrations. An increased exchangeable Ca:Mg ratio (at constant soil pH) in the acid soil almost doubled the soybean shoot and root dry matter even though treatments did not modify soil pH and exchangeable Al3+. This indicates a more efficient alleviation of Al toxicity by Mg2+ than by Ca2+. The reason for the positive response to Mg2+ was not the supply of a deficient nutrient because CaCO3 increased soybean growth by increasing soil pH without inducing Mg2+ deficiency. Both in hydroponics and acid soil, the reduction in Al toxicity was accompanied by a lower Al accumulation in plant tissue, suggesting a competitive cation absorption and/or exclusion of Al from plant tissue stimulated by an Mg-induced physiological mechanism.
Cell polarity is an essential property of most cell types and relies on a dynamic cytoskeleton of actin filaments and microtubules. In rod-shaped S. pombe cells microtubules are organized along the length of the cell and transport polarity factors to cell tips to regulate cell polarity. An important cell polarity factor is the protein Tea4, which is responsible for correct cell morphogenesis and bipolar growth. During my research I confirmed the known transport mechanism of Tea4 and I also showed alternative localization and anchoring mechanisms at the cell ends. Tea4 contains a conserved SH3 domain, the function of which was unknown and my results show that the SH3 domain of Tea4 is essential for Tea4 function in vivo. First, cells with tea4SH3 mutations show aberrant cell shapes and monopolar growth patterns similar to tea4A and in addition SH3 domain is important for proper localization of multiple cell polarity proteins. Second, I showed that Tea4 associates with Type 1 Phosphatase Dis2 through both its SH3 domain and an RVxF motif. Tea4 also binds the DYRK kinase Pomi through its SH3 domain. In addition Tea4 is proposed to promote the local dephosphorylation of Pomi by Dis2 to induce the formation of a cortical gradient from cell ends essential for cell size homeostasis. Polarized growth is also controlled by cell tip-localized Cdc42. This Rho- family GTPase is activated by the Guanine Exchange Factors Gef1 and Scd1 and inactivated by the Rho GTPase Activating Protein Rga4. In this study, I investigated the mechanisms of how Tea4 promotes Cdc42 activation. My work suggests that Tea4 promotes the local exclusion of Rga4, which in turn allows the accumulation of active Cdc42, which may result in growth. Exclusion of Rga4 by Tea4 is likely to be mediated by Dis2-dependent dephosphorylation. These results suggest a molecular pathway that links the microtubule- associated factor Tea4 with Cdc42 to promote cell polarization and morphogenesis. - La polarité cellulaire est une propriété essentielle de la plupart des types cellulaires et s'appuie sur une dynamique des cytosquelettes d'actine et de microtubules. Dans les cellules en forme de bâtonnet de S. pombe les microtubules sont alignés selon l'axe longitudinal de la cellule et les facteurs de polarité transportés aux extrémité cellulaires afin de réguler la polarité cellulaire. Un facteur important de polarité cellulaire est la protéine Tea4, qui est responsable de la morphogenèse des cellules et leur croissance bipolaire. Au cours de mes recherches, j'ai confirmé les mécanismes connus de transport de Tea4 et j'ai aussi mis en évidence d'autres mechanismes de localisation et d'ancrage de Tea4 aux extrémités cellulaires. Tea4 contient un domaine SH3 conservé, dont la fonction était inconnue et mes résultats montrent que le domaine SH3 est essentiel pour la fonction de Tea4 in vivo. Tout d'abord, les cellules avec des mutations tea4sm ont des formes aberrantes et leur croissance est monopolaire de manière similaire au mutant tea4A. De plus ce domaine SH3 est important pour la localisation correcte de plusieurs protéines de polarité cellulaire. Deuxièmement, j'ai montré que Tea4 s'associe avec la Phosphatase de Type-1 Dis2 par son domaine SH3 et un motif RVxF. Tea4 se lie également la kinase DYRK Pomi par son domaine SH3. De plus, Tea4 pourrait favoriser la déphosphorylation locale de Pomi par Dis2 afin d'induire la formation d'un gradient cortical de Pomi essentiel pour l'homéostasie de la longueur des cellules. La croissance polarisée est également contrôlée par la protéine Cdc42 localisée aux extrémités cellulaires. Cette GTPase de la famille de Rho GTPase est activée par les facteurs échange de guanine Gef1 et Scd1 et inactivée par la protéine "Rho GTPase activating" Rga4. Dans cette étude, j'ai étudié les mécanismes d' activation de Cdc42 par Tea4. Mes résultats suggèrent que Tea4 favorise l'exclusion locale de Rga4, ce qui permet l'accumulation de Cdc42 active, nécessaire à la croissance. L' exclusion de Rga4 par Tea4 est vraisemblablement médiée par une déphosphorylation Dis2- dépendente. Ces résultats suggèrent une voie moléculaire qui lie le facteur associé aux microtubules Tea4 à Cdc42 pour promouvoir la polarisation cellulaire et la morphogenèse. - Cell polarity is important for several essential biological functions such as generation of distinct cell fates during development and function of differentiated cells. Defective cell polarity has been related to uncontrolled cell division and subsequently to cancer initiation. Cell polarity depends on a functional cytoskeleton that consists of actin filaments and microtubules, which maintains cell shape, helps cellular motion, enables intracellular protein transport and plays a vital role in cell division. A component of cytoskeleton is microtubules that regulate cell polarization in diverse cell types. During my research, I worked with Schizosaccharomyces pombe, also named fission yeast, a powerful unicellular model organism that allows combination of genetic, biochemical and microscopic analysis for the proper study of cell polarity. Microtubule-associated protein Tea4 is transported to cell tips where it is thought to organize polarized growth. I showed that Tea4 and its evolutionarily conserved SH3 domain play an important role for maintenance of fission yeast cells shape and growth. Furthermore, Tea4 is responsible for the proper localization of multiple polarity proteins and acts as a mediator to control the local activity of an essential polarity regulator called Cdc42. Thus, my results provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell polarity. - La polarité cellulaire est importante pour plusieurs fonctions biologiques essentielles telles que la différenciation cellulaires au cours du développement et de la fonction de cellules différenciées. Les défauts de la polarité cellulaire ont été liés à des divisions cellulaires incontrôlées et à l'initiation de tumeur. La polarité cellulaire dépend d'un cytosquelette fonctionnel, qui maintient la forme des cellules, aide à la migration cellulaire, permet le transport intracellulaire des protéines et joue un rôle essentiel dans la division cellulaire. Un composant du cytosquelette est constitué de microtubules qui régissent la polarisation cellulaire dans divers types cellulaires. Au cours de mes recherches, j'ai travaillé avec Schizosaccharomyces pombe, appelé également levure fissipare, un modèle unicellulare puissant qui permet la combinaison de différentes d'approches expérimentales: génétiques, biochimiques et microscopiques pour l'étude de la polarité cellulaire. La protéine Tea4 associée aux microtubules est transportée aux extrémités cellulaires où elle organise la croissance polarisée. J'ai montré que Tea4 et son domaine conservé SH3 jouent un rôle important pour le maintien de la forme des cellules de levure et leur croissance. De plus, Tea4 est responsable de la localisation correcte de multiples facteurs de polarité et agit comme un médiateur pour contrôler l'activité locale d'un régulateur de polarité essentiel appelé Cdc42. Ainsi, mes résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent la polarité cellulaire.
Endogenous and infectious mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTVs) encode in their 3' long terminal repeat a protein that exerts superantigen activity; that is, it is able to interact with T cells via the variable domain of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. We show here that transmission of an infectious MMTV is prevented when superantigen-reactive cells are absent through either clonal deletion due to the expression of an endogenous MTV with identical superantigen specificity or exclusion due to expression of a transgenic TCR beta chain that does not interact with the viral superantigen. A strict requirement for superantigen-reactive T cells is also seen for a local immune response following MMTV infection. This immune response locally amplifies the number of MMTV-infected B cells, most likely owing to their clonal expansion. Collectively, our data indicate that a superantigen-induced immune response is critical for the MMTV life cycle.
This paper provides an explanation of the emergence of the standard textbook definition of public goods in the middle of the 20th century. It focuses on Richard Musgrave's contribution in defining public goods as non-rival and non-excludable - from 1939 to 1969. Although Samuelson's mathematical definition is generally used in models of public goods, the qualitative understanding of the specificity of pure public goods owes more to Musgrave's emphasis on the impossibility of exclusion. This paper also highlights the importance of the size of the group to which benefits of a public good accrue. This analysis allow for a reassessment of the Summary table of goods which first appeared in Musgrave and Musgrave (1973) textbook.
Le "Chest wall syndrome" (CWS) est défini comme étant une source bénigne de douleurs thoraciques, localisées sur la paroi thoracique antérieure et provoquées par une affection musculosquelettique. Le CWS représente la cause la plus fréquente de douleurs thoraciques en médecine de premier recours. Le but de cette étude est de développer et valider un score de prédiction clinique pour le CWS. Une revue de la littérature a d'abord été effectuée, d'une part pour savoir si un tel score existait déjà, et d'autre part pour retrouver les variables décrites comme étant prédictives d'un CWS. Le travail d'analyse statistique a été effectué avec les données issues d'une cohorte clinique multicentrique de patients qui avaient consulté en médecine de premier recours en Suisse romande avec une douleur thoracique (59 cabinets, 672 patients). Un diagnostic définitif avait été posé à 12 mois de suivi. Les variables pertinentes ont été sélectionnées par analyses bivariées, et le score de prédiction clinique a été développé par régression logistique multivariée. Une validation externe de ce score a été faite en utilisant les données d'une cohorte allemande (n= 1212). Les analyses bivariées ont permis d'identifier 6 variables caractérisant le CWS : douleur thoracique (ni rétrosternale ni oppressive), douleur en lancées, douleur bien localisée, absence d'antécédent de maladie coronarienne, absence d'inquiétude du médecin et douleur reproductible à la palpation. Cette dernière variable compte pour 2 points dans le score, les autres comptent pour 1 point chacune; le score total s'étend donc de 0 à 7 points. Dans la cohorte de dérivation, l'aire sous la courbe sensibilité/spécificité (courbe ROC) est de 0.80 (95% de l'intervalle de confiance : 0.76-0.83). Avec un seuil diagnostic de > 6 points, le score présente 89% de spécificité et 45% de sensibilité. Parmi tous les patients qui présentaient un CWS (n = 284), 71% (n = 201) avaient une douleur reproductible à la palpation et 45% (n= 127) sont correctement diagnostiqués par le score. Pour une partie (n = 43) de ces patients souffrant de CWS et correctement classifiés, 65 investigations complémentaires (30 électrocardiogrammes, 16 radiographies du thorax, 10 analyses de laboratoire, 8 consultations spécialisées, et une tomodensitométrie thoracique) avaient été réalisées pour parvenir au diagnostic. Parmi les faux positifs (n = 41), on compte trois angors stables (1.8% de tous les positifs). Les résultats de la validation externe sont les suivants : une aire sous la courbe ROC de 0.76 (95% de l'intervalle de confiance : 0.73-0.79) avec une sensibilité de 22% et une spécificité de 93%. Ce score de prédiction clinique pour le CWS constitue un complément utile à son diagnostic, habituellement obtenu par exclusion. En effet, pour les 127 patients présentant un CWS et correctement classifiés par notre score, 65 investigations complémentaires auraient pu être évitées. Par ailleurs, la présence d'une douleur thoracique reproductible à la palpation, bien qu'étant sa plus importante caractéristique, n'est pas pathognomonique du CWS.
We work out a semiclassical theory of shot noise in ballistic n+-i-n+ semiconductor structures aiming at studying two fundamental physical correlations coming from Pauli exclusion principle and long-range Coulomb interaction. The theory provides a unifying scheme which, in addition to the current-voltage characteristics, describes the suppression of shot noise due to Pauli and Coulomb correlations in the whole range of system parameters and applied bias. The whole scenario is summarized by a phase diagram in the plane of two dimensionless variables related to the sample length and contact chemical potential. Here different regions of physical interest can be identified where only Coulomb or only Pauli correlations are active, or where both are present with different relevance. The predictions of the theory are proven to be fully corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Results of plasma or urinary amino acids are used for suspicion, confirmation or exclusion of diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, prevention and prognosis in inborn errors of amino acid metabolism. The concentrations in plasma or whole blood do not necessarily reflect the relevant metabolite concentrations in organs such as the brain or in cell compartments; this is especially the case in disorders that are not solely expressed in liver and/or in those which also affect nonessential amino acids. Basic biochemical knowledge has added much to the understanding of zonation and compartmentation of expressed proteins and metabolites in organs, cells and cell organelles. In this paper, selected old and new biochemical findings in PKU, urea cycle disorders and nonketotic hyperglycinaemia are reviewed; the aim is to show that integrating the knowledge gained in the last decades on enzymes and transporters related to amino acid metabolism allows a more extensive interpretation of biochemical results obtained for diagnosis and follow-up of patients and may help to pose new questions and to avoid pitfalls. The analysis and interpretation of amino acid measurements in physiological fluids should not be restricted to a few amino acids but should encompass the whole quantitative profile and include other pathophysiological markers. This is important if the patient appears not to respond as expected to treatment and is needed when investigating new therapies. We suggest that amino acid imbalance in the relevant compartments caused by over-zealous or protocol-driven treatment that is not adjusted to the individual patient's needs may prolong catabolism and must be corrected
Over the last few decades, the Swiss higher education system has faced important reforms - both concerning its structure and its governance. As with other European countries, one of the most important changes consists of the strengthening of the higher education institutions' research mission through the reinforcement of the role of the National Science Foundation (NSF), which has become increasingly involved in sustaining academic careers. Meanwhile, traditionally and historically, the definition of a faculty member and his or her financial support has come from the higher education institutions (HEI) themselves. This redefinition of power relationships around the funding of academic temporary positions and research activities by the NSF can be analyzed as an attempt to reform the structure of academic careers and the allocation modes of academic positions. Being able to analyze the issue of allocating academic positions within the normative structure of science (Merton, The sociology of science. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1973) is a constant concern for those involved in Higher Education Studies. This chapter is an attempt to nurture the debate by questioning, though a quantitative and qualitative research, the tension between the uses of universalist and particularist criteria in the allocation of academic positions. It analyses the possible exclusion process as a consequence of the organization of academic markets and their embeddedness in a wider societal organization.
Pourquoi les femmes n'ont-elles pas « l'étoffe du chercheur » ? Le modèle unique imposé par le monde académique pénalise les femmes dans leur ascension professionnelle et sa rigidité qui perdure au sein des universités nous a conduites à revisiter les travaux réalisés dans le monde de l'entreprise sur le « plafond de verre », le « ciel de plomb » ou le « leaky pipeline », pour nous intéresser à ces processus pernicieux. Du fait de son mode de recrutement prétendument fondé sur le seul mérite (et son alliée l'excellence), le monde académique pourrait garantir une certaine égalité entre hommes et femmes, mais il n'en n'est rien. Afin de faire émerger les processus complexes qui conduisent à l'exclusion des femmes du sommet des hiérarchies universitaires, cet ouvrage mêle des textes académiques à des contributions plus personnelles qui prennent la forme de témoignages ou de réflexions illustrant les aléas des parcours féminins dans l'université (S. Boes, A. Casini, C. Carvalho, V. Cossy, S. Da Rin, F. Fassa, S. Kradolfer, N. Le Feuvre, R.J. Leeman, C. Marry, M. Sanchez-Mazas, E. Ollagnier, S. Paroz, M. Rosende, I. Stengers, G. Theurillat).
Anticytokine auto-vaccination is a powerful tool for the study of cytokine functions in vivo but has remained rather esoteric as a result of numerous technical difficulties. We here describe a two-step procedure based on the use of OVA multimers purified by size exclusion chromatography after incubation with glutaraldehyde at pH 6. When such polymers are incubated with a target protein at pH 8.5 to deprotonate reactive amines, complexes are formed that confer immunogenicity to self-antigens. The chemokine GCP-2/CXCL6, the cytokines GM-CSF, IL-17F, IL-17E/IL-25, IL-27, and TGF-β1, and the MMP-9/gelatinase B are discussed as examples. mAb, derived from such immunized mice, have obvious advantages for in vivo studies of the target proteins. Using a mAb against GCP-2, obtained by the method described here, we provide the first demonstration of the major role played by this chemokine in rapid neutrophil mobilization after Leishmania major infection. Pre-activated OVA multimers reactive with amine residues thus provide an efficient carrier for auto-vaccination against 9-90 kDa autologous proteins.
Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Panobacumab, a fully human IgM monoclonal antibody against P. aeruginosa serotype O11, by comparing a phase IIa trial with a standard care cohort trial both in hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) caused by P. aeruginosa O11. Methods: Demographics, outcome and survival of HAP including Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients either treated with standard antimicrobial therapy in a retrospective cohort trial (CT) or with adjunctive Panobacumab therapy during an open phase IIa trial were compared. Both trials applied the same inclusion exclusion criteria and the same trial period of 30 days. Results: 17 patients with VAP/HAP (14 / 3) caused by P. aeruginosa O11 were enrolled in a phase IIa trial (ITT population) and treated with Panobacumab, 13 of them received the full treatment course of 3 infusions (PP population, 12 VAP, 1 HAP) and 4 patients received only one infusion. In the cohort trial 14 patients (VAP/HAP: 12 / 2) treated with standard antibiotic therapy were included. The mean age and weight were 65.8 y (years) (SD 17.2) and 78.0 kg (SD 22.1) in the PP, 67.8 y (SD 15.4) and 77.1 kg (SD 20.2) in the ITT population and 51.8 y (SD 22.3) and 67.1 kg (SD 13.0) in the CT. At the time of suspicion of pneumonia a mean APACHE II and CPIS of 19.4 (13 - 33) and 8.7 (7 - 11) in the PP, 18.9 (13-33) and 8.5 (7 -11) in the ITT and 14.5 (2 - 24) and 7.5 (3 -12) in the CT population were observed. Tracheostomy was present in 53.8% and 52.9% in the PP and ITT populations and 38.4% in the CT. The pneumonia was polymicrobial in 69.2%, 70.6% and 85.7% in the PP, ITT and CT respectively. Stay at ICU and hospital before diagnosis of pneumonia were similar in the 3 groups. All 13 patients that received 3 doses of Panobacumab achieved resolution of pneumonia with only two relapsing during the study. Hence 85% achieved resolution and 15% recurrence at day 30. In the ITT group 64.7% of the pneumonia resolved 11.8% recurred and 23.5% continued while in the CT 57% resolved, 7% recurred and 34% continued. Resolution of pneumonia occurred markedly earlier in the Panobacumab trial (8.9 days, SD: 3.3) than in the cohort trial (15.3 days, SD: 9.5). The expected mortality derived from APACHE II score was 31% and 32% in the PP and ITT population and 22% in the cohort group. All patients who received 3 doses of Panobacumab survived, 18% died in the ITT group while in the CT 21% mortality matched the predicted mortality. Conclusions: Treatment of VAP/HAP caused by P. aeruginosa O11 with 3 doses of Panobacumab resulted in 100% survival, with highest pneumonia resolution (85%), and in a shorter time when compared with patients under standard therapy. The results indicate that Panobacumab may be effective in such life-threatening indication and warrants larger controlled trials.