990 resultados para Ethylenediammonium sulphate


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Fire has long been recognized as an agent of rock weathering. Our understanding of the impact of fire on stone comes either from early anecdotal evidence, or from more recent laboratory simulation studies, using furnaces to simulate the effects of fire. This paper suggests that knowledge derived from simulated heating experiments is based on the preconceptions of the experiment designer – when using a furnace to simulate fire, the operator decides on the maximum temperature and the duration of the experiment. These are key factors in determining the response of the stone to fire, and if these are removed from realworld observations then knowledge based on these simulations must be questioned. To explore the differences between heating sandstone in a furnace and a real fire, sample blocks of Peakmoor Sandstone were subjected to different stress histories in combination (lime rendering and removal, furnace heating or fire, frost and salt weathering). Block response to furnace heating and fire is discussed, with emphasis placed on the non-uniformity of the fire and of block response to fire in contrast to the uniform response to surface heating in a furnace. Subsequent response to salt weathering (by a 10% solution of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate) was then monitored by weight loss. Blocks that had experienced fire showed a more unpredictable response to salt weathering than those that had undergone furnace heating – spalling of corners and rapid catastrophic weight loss were evidenced in blocks that had been subjected to fire, after periods of relative quiescence. An important physical side-effect of the fire was soot accumulation, which created a waxy, relatively impermeable layer on some blocks. This layer repelled water and hindered salt ingress, but eventually detached when salt, able to enter the substrate through more permeable areas, concentrated and crystallized behind it, resulting in rapid weight loss and accelerated decay. Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This work aims to investigate and quantitatively measure “liquid marble” phenomena using hydrophobic powders (granules). The hydrophobic powders based on a copper substrate were prepared by a silver deposition technique of particle sizes 9 µm, 20 µm and 320 µm and of contact angle with water approaching 160°. The hydrophobic powder poly-methylmethacralate (PMMA) particle size 42 µm and contact angle of 120° was also used to determine the effect of powder density on liquid marble stability. The experimental investigations indicated that for successful formation of liquid marbles a number of variables in addition to hydrophobicity need to be considered, namely: powder density; powder particle size; powder shape; liquid marble formation technique. It was found that liquid marbles were formed using all four powders to varying extents, with a low powder particle size forming more stable liquid marbles. In a series of gravimetric tests, adhered powder mass on liquid marbles was found to be directly proportional to the water droplet surface area. A more complete coverage of the water drops were found with PMMA powder than the hydrophobic granules. Moreover, a further procedure was developed to increase the mechanical strength of the liquid marble, by polymerising methylmethacrylate (MMA) on the surface of a PMMA powder – liquid marble, with the aim of maintaining water within a more robust PMMA – liquid marble shell. This technique may prove to be a novel way of encapsulating drug compounds, such as gentamicin sulphate, for PMMA bone cement.


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Because of the different mix design in comparison with traditional concrete and the absence of vibration, different durability characteristics might be expected for self-compacting concrete. The stateof- the-art report, prepared by RILEM Technical Committee TC 205-DSC focuses on the Durability of SCC, by first gathering the available information concerning pore structure, air-void system and transport mechanisms. The available durability results are studied and summarised keeping in mind the fundamental mechanisms and driving forces. All relevant durability issues are considered, like carbonation, chloride penetration, frost resistance, ASR, sulphate attack, thaumasite formation, fire resistance, etc... It is not the intention to give a review on these durability aspects for concrete in general. The aim however is to point at the specifics related to the use of SCC, e.g. due to the addition of a large amount of limestone filler, etc... This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the State-of-the-Art Report.


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Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) is a residual produced from incinerating municipal solid waste. In the past, IBA presented a big waste disposal problem; however, various recycling approaches have been adopted in recent years to mitigate this problem, as well as to provide a useful alternative to using primary aggregate resources. The use of IBA as an alternative to conventional aggregates in different civil engineering construction applications helps to conserve premium grade aggregate supplies; however, when IBA is in contact with water in the field, as a consequence of precipitation events or changes in water table, elements, such as salts and heavy metals, may be released to the soil and ground water. In this work, IBA waste was mixed with limestone aggregate to produce a blend with acceptable mechanical properties and minimum environmental risks for use as road foundation. The study focused on evaluating potential environmental impacts of some constituents, including sulphate, chloride, sodium, copper, zinc and lead in IBA blends using a lysimeter as a large scale leaching tool. Moreover, a specific scenario simulating field conditions was adopted in the lysimeter to assess the potential impact of changing conditions, such as IBA content in the blend, liquid to solid ratio (L/S) and pH value, on long-term release of heavy metals and salts. Then, numerical modelling was used to predict the release of the aforementioned constituents from IBA based on initial measurement of intrinsic material properties and the kinetic desorption process concept. Experimental results showed that zinc and lead were released in very low concentrations but sodium and sulphate were in high concentrations. The control limestone only blend also demonstrated low release concentrations of constituents in comparison to IBA blends, where constituent concentrations increased with increase in IBA content. Experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained using a non-equilibrium desorption model. Good agreement was found between the two sets of data. 


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Colloidal gas aphrons (CGAs) are micron-sized gas bubbles of 25–30 µm in diameter produced by a high-speed stirrer in a vessel containing dilute surfactant solution. These bubbles, because of their small size, exhibit some colloidal properties. In this work, CGAs were used to separate fine fibres from a lean slurry of cellulosic pulp in a flotation column. The pulp fibres were recovered as foamate from the top. Sodium dodecyl sulphate at a concentration of 2.0 kg/m3 was used as a surfactant to generate the CGAs in a spinning disc apparatus. The results indicated that up to 70% flotation efficiency could be obtained within a short column height of 0.3–0.35 m. This technique can be applied to recover fine cellulosic pulp from paper-machine backwater.


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The possible use of wood ash as an adsorbent of nickel sulphate from dilute solutions and the effect of operating parameters were investigated in this study. The rate constants of adsorption were determined at different concentrations and temperatures. The applicability of the first-order reversible equation and an empirical kinetic model were tested to understand the kinetics of nickel sulphate removal at different concentrations. Pore diffusion was found as the rate-controlling step. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applied to find out the adsorption parameters. The activation energy of adsorption was -11.54 kJ mol-1. The value of the enthalpy change was ?H=-10.35 kcal mol-1.


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This research characterizes the weathering of natural building stone using an unsteady-state portable probe permeameter. Variations between the permeability properties of fresh rock and the same rocks after the early stages of a salt weathering simulation are used to examine the effects of salt accumulation on spatial variations in surface rock permeability properties in two limestones from Spain. The Fraga and Tudela limestones are from the Ebro basin and are of Miocene age. Both stone types figure largely in the architectural heritage of Spain and, in common with many other building limestones, they are prone to physical damage from salt crystallization in pore spaces. To examine feedbacks associated with salt accumulation during the early stages of this weathering process, samples of the two stone types were subjected to simulated salt weathering under laboratory conditions using magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride at concentrations of 5% and 15%. Permeability mapping and statistical analysis (aspatial statistics and spatial prediction) before and after salt accumulation are used to assess changes in the spatial variability of permeability and to correlate these changes with salt movement, porosity change, potential rock deterioration and textural characteristics. Statistical analyses of small-scale permeability measurements are used to evaluate the drivers for decay and hence aid the prediction of the weathering behaviour of the two limestones.


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We have developed a novel Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme (MLST) and database (http://pubmlst.org/pacnes/) for Propionibacterium acnes based on the analysis of seven core housekeeping genes. The scheme, which was validated against previously described antibody, single locus and Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) typing methods, displayed excellent resolution and differentiated 123 isolates into 37 sequence types (ST). An overall clonal population structure was detected with six eBURST groups representing the major clades I, II and III, along with two singletons. Two highly successful and global clonal lineages, ST6 (type IA) and ST10 (type IB1), representing 65% of this current MLST isolate collection were identified. The ST6 clone and closely related single locus variants (SLV), which comprise a large clonal complex CC6, dominated isolates from patients with acne, and were also significantly associated with ophthalmic infections. Our data therefore supports an association between acne and P. acnes strains from the type IA cluster and highlights the role of a widely disseminated clonal genotype in this condition. Characterisation of type I cell surface-associated antigens that are not detected in ST10 or strains of type II and III identified two dermatan-sulphate-binding proteins with putative phase/antigenic variation signatures. We propose that the expression of these proteins by type IA organisms contributes to their role in the pathophysiology of acne and helps explain the recurrent nature of the disease. The MLST scheme and database described in this study should provide a valuable platform for future epidemiological and evolutionary studies of P. acnes.


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The identification of the sensory cues and mechanisms by which migratory birds are able to reach the same breeding and wintering grounds year after year has eluded biologists despite more than 50 years of intensive study. While a number of environmental cues have been proposed to play a role in the navigation of birds, arguments still persist about which cues are essential for the experience based navigation shown by adult migrants. To date, few studies have tested the sensory basis of navigational cues used during actual migration in the wild: mainly laboratory based studies or homing during the non-migratory season have been used to investigate this behaviour. Here we tested the role of olfactory and magnetic cues in the migration of the catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) by radio tracking the migration of birds with sensory manipulations during their actual migratory flights. Our data suggest that adult birds treated with zinc sulphate to produce anosmia were unable to show the same orientation as control adults, and instead reverted to a direction similar to that shown by juveniles making their first migration. The magnetic manipulation had no effect on the orientation of either adults or juveniles. These results allow us to propose that the olfactory sense may play a role in experience based migration in adult catbirds. While the olfactory sense has been shown to play a role in the homing of pigeons and other birds, this is the first time it has been implicated in migratory orientation.


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Although the use of olfactory cues in pigeon navigation is well established, the generality of olfactory navigation remains uncertain because of apparent variability in results gained by different researchers in different regions. We report the results of the first experiments investigating the effect of anosmia on homing pigeons reared in a previously uninvestigated region, southern England. In series 1, experienced birds showed little effect of anosmia induced with zinc sulphate at unfamiliar sites 30 km and 39 km from the loft, but treated birds were significantly poorer than controls at homing from an unfamiliar site 66 km distant (and in pooled results). In series 2, naive (untrained) birds, both control and zinc-sulphate-treated, showed poor homing abilities and initial orientation from sites 25 km, 36 km and 39 km from the loft. Nevertheless, in pooled results, controls showed significantly better homeward orientation than anosmic birds and were significantly more likely to home on the day of release. The most likely explanation for our results is that pigeons are able to use olfactory navigation in southern England, but that for some reason the olfactory map is relatively weak.


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The natural zeolite obtained from the Sivas-Yavu region in Turkey and iron modified forms were studied for the decomposition of N2O and selective catalytic reduction of N2O with NH3. The natural and iron modified zeolites were characterised by XRD, SEM, H-2-TPR, NH3-TPD and low temperature nitrogen sorption. The effect iron loading, precursor and valency on the catalytic performance of catalysts were studied. The catalytic activity of the zeolites increased up to about 7.0 wt.% Fe. Above this value, the activity decreased as a result of a reduction in the surface area and pore volume of the zeolite. The highest catalytic activity was observed using catalysts prepared with FeCl2 due to the formation of more reducible iron species in the zeolites. When FeSO4 was used as the iron precursor, sulphate remained on the surface even after extensive washing resulting in a decrease in the N2O decomposition activity and a shift the N2O reduction temperature to higher values. Since the natural and iron exchanged natural zeolites prepared using FeCl2 have comparable activity with synthetic zeolites, the offer a promising alternative catalyst for the abatement of N2O, particularly for the selective reduction of N2O with NH3. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Marine pockmarks are a specific type of seabed geological setting resembling craters or pits and are considered seabed surface expressions of fluid flow in the subsurface. A large composite pockmark on the Malin Shelf, off the northern coast of Ireland was surveyed and ground truthed to assess its activity and investigate fluid related processes in the subsurface. Geophysical (including acoustic and electromagnetic) data confirmed the subsurface presence of signatures typical of fluids within the sediment. Shallow seismic profiling revealed a large shallow gas pocket and typical gas related indicators such as acoustic blanking and enhanced reflectors present underneath and around the large pockmark. Sulphate profiles indicate that gas from the shallow reservoir has been migrating upwards, at least recently. However, there are no chimney structures observed in the sub-bottom data and the migration pathways are not apparent. Electromagnetic data show slightly elevated electrical conductivity on the edges of the pockmarks and a drop below regional levels within the confines of the pockmark, suggesting changes in physical properties of the sediment. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments were employed to characterize the organic component of sediments from selected depths. Very strong microbial signatures were evident in all NMR spectra but microbes outside the pockmark appear to be much more active than inside. These observations coincide with spikes in conductivity and the lateral gas bearing body suggesting that there is an increase in microbial activity and biomass when gas is present.


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A simple, new method permitting the simultaneous determination and confirmation of trace residues of 24 different growth promoters and metabolites using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was developed and validated. The compounds were extracted from bovine tissue using acetonitrile; sodium sulphate was also added at this stage to aid with purification. The resulting mixture was then evaporated to approximately 1 ml and subsequently centrifuged at high speed and an aliquot injected onto the LC-MS/MS system. The calculated CC values ranged between 0.11 and 0.46 mu g kg-1; calculated CC were in the range 0.19-0.79 mu g kg-1. Accuracy, measurement of uncertainty, repeatability and linearity were also determined for each analyte. The analytical method was applied to a number of bovine tissue samples imported into Ireland from third countries. Levels of progesterone were found in a number of samples at concentrations ranging between 0.28 and 30.30 mu g kg-1. Levels of alpha- and beta-testosterone were also found in a number of samples at concentrations ranging between 0.22 and 8.63 mu g kg-1 and between 0.16 and 2.08 mu g kg-1 respectively.


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Bromate in drinking water, at a level of microgrammes/litre, is a problem in ozonated waters but can be adsorbed, to a certain extent, by granular activated carbon. The adsorption capacity of granular activated carbon for bromate is significantly lowered when there are high concentrations of other anions, most notably chloride and sulphate, present in the water.


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Adult and 3-week-old juvenile Fasciola hepatica were examined for the presence of the cytoskeletal protein actin. Techniques of direct fluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin and of indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-actin antibody (MAA) demonstrated actin in the testes, sub-tegumental and gut musculature, tegumental cell bodies and tegumental spines. In contrast, polyclonal anti-actin antibody (PAA) revealed immunostaining only in the vitellaria. Effective removal of the tegument with 1 % (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and this enabled immunoblotting of whole fluke and tegumental fractions with and without spines. Whole fluke fractions produced three bands corresponding to molecules exhibiting relative molecular weights of 43, 28 and 15 kDa, respectively, whereas the tegumental fraction with spines revealed a single band corresponding to 15 kDa in size. The fraction without spines displayed no bands. The present study localised actin in a number of different tissue types within the liver fluke. Using MAA, three forms of actin have been identified in the whole fluke and a single one in the tegumental spines.